Don't Blame me ❗️

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Cristina was munching her favourite cookies while checking some documents
That's when some TV news came to her ear .

"The Monster!! Yes that's what people called him , is finally dead !! Our brave inspectors were able to free our citizens from fear !! Finally the Chapter V ended .... now we're just outside the office,  wait here's Mr. Min who caught him ...."



Cristina turned off the TV .

She took a deep breath and rubbed her temple

"If you hadn't came to me  yesterday,  I should have felt immense happiness seeing your death news !! V !!"

Cristina mumbled watching her wrist watch.

"Funny !! May be you pre predicted your death as well !! "

Cristina told herself and she got up

"Carla !!"

Cristina called ,Carla came running.

"Did you checked the old lady I asked you ??"

Cristina asked.

"Yes , ma'am , she's currently staying in our home , do you want to meet her ??"

Carla asked.

Cristina remain silent.

"Not now , but I would like to meet her soon , she's a special one OK!! Treat her very dearly , make sure she doesn't get to see the news"

Cristina instructed

"And ! Prepare some White flowers too"

Cristina added before leaving her cabin

and came outside .


"It's so quiet!! I thought people would throw parties!!"

Jungkook uttered gulping his drink .

"I fear something else kook , why you asked the girl you will give her the seat of V !! You won't be needing the seat anyway in future! "

Jin uttered

"Years ago,  when I had thrown a rifle before Taehyung?? He was so desperate to escape from his life he quickly caught it , Y/n did that too ...
She killed her lover in greed of power , but these people never understands every single shining things aren't diamonds .... the happy life they excepts they never gets that , V realized it too early and started to challenge me , but Y/n is a mere girl Jinnie!! A girl !! And women are made to please men !! I will have her till she will be useful enough to please me"

Jungkook uttered this in one go .

Jin remained quite.

"You want that girl ??"

Jin asked suddenly.

"Shouldn't I?? After all Taehyung hid her for this long !! I crave her , "

Jungkook replied Licking his lips .

Jin sigh .

At Taehyung's Mansion

Y/n is talking in phone

"Thanks a lot Hy-ri ,without you and Hyung I will not be able to do anything "

Y/n uttered

"It's alright,  I understands sweety, I'm always with you "

Hy-ri respond

"Do you think Hyung is still mad at me??"

Y/n asked

Suddenly it felt as if the other person's phone was snatched

"Mad at you !! You know how freaking scared I was!! Seeing you before the sharp dagger!! Y/n I swear if you want to die !! Please die after me !! Don't leave me behind to shed tears !!"

Yoongi scold 

And Y/n chuckle slightly.

"Thanks  a lot Hyung,  even if we're not blood related, you really loves me as your own sister, I know how much you try to show you're mad at me I know You're not"

Y/n replied and Yoongi went silent.

Y/n chuckle.

"Fine then , I'll call you again when things will move more"

Y/n replied and ended the call .

She got up and slow steps she entered Inside Taehyung's bedroom.

RM came out from that room

But Y/n stopped him

"How's he ?? He's fine right??"

Y/n asked looking hopeless.

Then she ran towards the bed where Taehyung's unconscious body is lying.

She examined the body and hugged it .

"Hyung!! It's still cold ! It's not warm Hyung!! You Said the antidote will cure the affect of the poison!! Then why he's not awakened Yet !! "

Y/n cried over Taehyung's body .

"It will take time to recover I guess,  I am not sure if the antidote can cure completely or not , Jin just gave it to me , so if Taehyung is in condition to die I must ask him to choose Jin in Order to survive "

RM uttered.

"Jungkook just added a number to the list of people I've lost "

Y/n uttered blankly.

RM sigh and moved outside.

"You're mad at me!! Don't you ?? That's why you're desperate to die !! So you can leave me guilty "

Y/n uttered staring at Taehyung's body .

"I'm sorry !! Believe me I never wanted to ruin our love !! But the hunger of revenge made me do it , I know I never came to you with a motive to love you !! Rather it was to get close to Jungkook, but your love and touches always pushed me from my real motive , I get to know slowly that in your embrace I'll be happy and secure forever,I became greedy and really wished for happiness but then should I forgive the man who destroyed my sweet family?? What answer will I be able to give my mom?? And Dad ??"

Y/n uttered and sob .

"You might think it's confusing,
Actually it is , when I was a kid i used live with my mom , she was my everything,  she used to tell me stories about my Dad,  that's where I knew my Dad will come to my mom one Day , and He did , he did came to take us under his shelter, can you guess who he was ?? He was Jeon Sunghoon!! My  biological Dad , but one day in his Mansion turned three of our life upside down .

My Dad's previous Child Jeon Jungkook couldn't bear the share between the properties so he Killed my Dad , and framed  my mom for everything,  no one protested him !! Jungkook was mere a 17 year boy but he planned such conspiracy!! Can you imagine, he appointed someone to kill my mom in jail , but why ! What was our fault that my mom and Dad had to die !! Now when I think about this my heart desires that I should rip his skin from him but that won't satisfy me , I want him to feel pain and agony!! I want him to feel the lose "

Y/n stopped and glance at V again,  he's still like previous.

"And to make Jungkook's feel the agony and pain , I need you !! I had  found you while helping my Yoongi Hyung, your and Jungkook's thoughts , words are very similar,  I catch it ,I got to  know you work for him , so I came to you to get closer to Jungkook , but the more I get closer to you , the more I get to know you two are Really not alike  , that's when I decided I'll stand you against him , but if I had asked you , you surely rejected, but never thought Jungkook would poison you !! Ugh !! Please just Don't die !!"

Y/n cried again and again sitting beside V ,

Soon she got up and Kissed Taehyung's forhead.

"Recover early!!"

Y/n finished and turning off the lights she left the room.

As soon as the door shut ,Taehyung opened his eyes , his eyes are blank.

His whole body is still aching.

He glanced at the door which closed just now .

And scoff .

"A confession?"

V mutter

Y/n came outside the room to the living room , RM was present there

"So ? What's next ?? "

RM asked

"I need to get closer to him but first I Need to gain trust!! He just accepted me ,but I need him to rely on me ,I must do something "

Y/n uttered Biting her lips .

RM waited

"Was there anything?? That was needed to be done?? Any unfinished work recently??"

Y/n asked.

"No , there's no unfinished work , V usually finish what he starts  , uh !! Today's the delivery of money!! The foreign currency!"

RM almost whisper the last lines

"Foreign currency? Delivery??"

Y/n asked

"Yes , Each time the Huge amount of money I mean the return of the supplies, reaches to Jungkook's secret place from port "

RM replied.

"How much is this time ?? And where is his secret Place??"

Y/n asked

"Do you plan to steal it ?? Or deliver it ??"

RM asked in wonder

"None of those I plan to do something different! What about shock him a little "

Y/n wink

RM looked dumbfounded.

Inside Jungkook's Study

"Kookie!! Pope got caught at the port !! Police is searching the containers "

Jin uttered announcing his presence.
Jungkook grabbed his hair

"Not a single day of happiness!! Ugh how did they got to know!!"

Jungkook growled in frustration.

"I don't know,  Pope said he had kept  the money safe ,  but I don't trust the police, you know "

Jin uttered.

"I neither,  but what now Hyung!! Only if I had Killed Taehyung a little later, no matter how much I hate to admit it but he used to manage these things smooth like butter"

Jungkook kicked his chair in frustration.

Suddenly Jin's phone buzz .

He received it before Jungkook.

But the other person's words made Jin turned white !!

"T-the Currency are gone??"

Jin uttered after ending the call .

Jungkook looked furious.

"What do you mean by gone !!"

Jungkook shout .

"One of informer just informed me ,that the place where Pope hid the money is empty, they only had seen a truck going away and the money is gone"

Jin murmur and Jungkook felt he will collapse.

"Just don't stand there !! Do something!! The truck's number plate !! Find out the truck !and how it happened!!"

Jungkook growled and slammed his hand on the desk .

"One day without him , I'm being like this!!"

Jungkook grit .

"I should praise you !! You're a genius,  sending your Hyung to examine so you can steal the money,  now we're heading to him to return the money!! To gain his trust "

RM compliment sitting beside Y/n ,

Y/n is currently driving  , wearing a tight ripped black jeans black tank top and a white shirt , hair is half in a bun and rest is left hanging.

A heart shape red lollipop is inside her mouth,  lips are hidden behind the coat of red lipstick,

Soon the truck reached before a farmhouse.

"Should I pull it inside??"

Y/n asked

"No guards will be there "

RM prevent

"Let them be , I'm desperate to see my long lost brother dear"

Y/n uttered.

RM sigh

"Hyung,  you should return,  I will handle from here"

Y/n uttered.

"But - leaving you -"

RM tried to say

"GO,  check if He has awakened or not !"

Y/n replied.

RM nod and get off the car .

Breaking the grill gate Y/n took the truck inside and stopped just before the entrance.


Hearing some Loud noises Jungkook got startled.
That's when his servants came running

"Master, someone forcefully entered Inside our Mansion "

Jungkook felt irritated and came outside, jin too came behind them .

At the entrance his eyes  widened a Big Truck is just before the doorsteps.

"Who's inside!! Who's pulling such nasty pranks "

Jin yell .

Y/n came down with the key , her hair is completely hanging loose .

Jungkook's eyes trailed on her body as she walked towards them .

Standing just before Jungkook she smiled

"It's so nice to see you Mr. Jungkook, please ignore my rudeness actually I didn't knew where I should keep the money!! That's a pretty much amount you know "

Y/n uttered with a grin .

Jungkook stared at her for few seconds then laugh.

Jin and Y/n both are confused.

"Silly girl !!! You came to my place to deliver it !! I'm quite impressed by you ! Yet here I was thinking I lost my money cause Taehyung is nowhere "

Jungkook uttered,  Y/n smile .

"Thanks a lot Y/n , you look so tired,  why Don't you have some tea with me ,"

Jungkook uttered caressing Y/n's cheeks,  she startled by such sudden skinship and Jungkook laugh more .

Jin only stared at them .

"Jinnie,  ask them to prepare some tea for my Beautiful guest,  I must accompany her to my room "

Jungkook instructed to Jin and without waiting for second he dragged Y/n somewhere.

For some reason Y/n felt scared.


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