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Next morning

Three news created storm.


*The Jeon's previous temporary CEO is released as per a confession from the real culprit, from the sources we get to know that Mr. JEON JUNGKOOK'S secretary confessed he was the one who framed miss Jeon Mish, not only that ,with the written confession letters The secretary Mr. Shin committed suicide the early morning, police Has released miss Mish respectively *


*The girls who put the allegations of molestation against The respected idol Park Jimin were exposed, the three girls committed suicide last night  and through their phone chats  police get to know it was a conspiracy, the three planned to do it so drag Park Jimin's career,its a shame that people do such nasty thing to someone respected in high society,  Park Jimin deserves a great apology from the netizins *

News- 3

*few respected candidates from high society were found dead in the early morning, according to the sources they were somehow related to some illegal works but who killed them is still unknown to everyone,  many are suspecting that it's V , inspite of being dead V still stayed in people's heart like a fear , and the recent murder technique are same as V's so police can't completely wipe off the chances*

Cristina turned off the TV , she sigh and mumbled ,

"Now the real game is started,  "

Returning to her room ,she discovered sleeping figure of Jungkook, and on the side table, Jungkook's phone was constantly ringing,  she peeked at the screen and found Jin

Cristina smirk

"To defeat Jungkook, we have to kick you out of Frame Jin Hyung!! But how is that gonna happen??"

Cristina mumbled as she silent the phone before reaching near Jungkook.

"Who will be able to predict,  this innocent sleepy man had killed numerous people!! "

Cristina uttered caressing Jungkook's hair

He moved slightly and opened his eyes .

Cristina stare

"G-good morning my Fairy!!"

Jungkook uttered in his sleepy husky voice while trying to reach near her face .
Cristina back off

"Your Jinnie was calling you since morning!!"

Cristina uttered and Jungkook got up with  a jolt , but then grabbed his head .

"What happened??"

Cristina asked looking clueless.

"N-nothing I felt a little dizzy , "

Jungkook replied and got up quickly to  pick his phone.

Cristina tilt her head innocently.

When the call received the other person's yell could be heard clearly. But words are vague. Cristina didn't tried to hear though.

But Jungkook's pale and blank face cleared he got the news.
Jungkook dropped his phone and headed towards the washroom without saying anything.

Soon he get dressed yet he's still thinking something.

Cristina went near him and fix his tie.

"You - you hadn't done anything right ??"

Jungkook asked suddenly grabbing hee throat ,

Cristina still looked clueless and asked

"Did what ??"

Cristina asked

Jungkook let go with a groan in frustration.

"Never mind !!"

Jungkook finished and left the room .

Cristina cross her arms with a smirk

Then sigh and mutter

"When did I turned into a tricky person??"


Jungkook get downstairs and headed to the Exit, but when the door opened his mouth gaped wide ,

"Y-you !!"

Jungkook mumbled seeing Jimin with blood red angry eyes .

He pushed Jungkook inside

"Shocked!! Anyway tell me Where's my Tina !! How you manipulated her into accepting such shit !!"

Jimin growled grabbing Jungkook's collar.

Jungkook handled himself and yank Jimin's hands

"Woo !! Dear brother in law !! What's this behaviour!! And I didn't manipulated Ina in any way , she's my dear wife she's doing everything for her love "

Jungkook replied with a smirk.

"I don't believe it , it's crystal clear you're using my sister, and I want my sister back right now !! I can forget for a moment what you have done with me but I won't let you do anything to my sister , I'm taking her with me"

Jimin uttered with a glare ,which darkened Jungkook's eyes

"Take her ?? Ina is going nowhere!! She will stay with me !! And don't try to force me you're currently in my residence "

Jungkook threatened 

"You --"

Jimin went to punch hard .

But Cristina jumped between them with a worried expression and wide eyes defending Jungkook.


Cristina yell.

Jimin back off with a stunned look

"Tina!! "

Jimin uttered waiting for a explanation from his sister who just protected her shitty husband.

"What was you're up up to Hyung!! You can't hit him !!"

Cristina replied eyeing Jimin .

Jimin looked confused.

"Why are you defending him Tina !! You know he's a murderer, a shitty person a criminal , a -"

Cristina cut Jimin's words

"Stop !! I won't bear another single word against My husband, "

Cristina replied.

Which shocked Jimin even more

"What !! Husband?? Have you gone mad ?? After what he has done?? Listen Tina you don't have to be worried for anything, just come with me ,Hyung will keep you protected away from this scumbag, you don't have to follow his orders "

Jimin uttered calmly holding Cristina's shoulder.

Cristina stepped back

"I'm not going anywhere Hyung ,and I'm not worried of anything, Jungkook is my husband and like a obedient wife I'll do everything to fulfill his desires ,and it makes me happy Hyung, let me live my happy marriage life "

Cristina replied.

To Which Jungkook is stunned as well as impressed, he believed He finally got the control over Cristina and he successfully manipulated her .

But Jimin freaked out

"Get away from your delusion!! There's nothing happy !! He's using you nothing more !! You're becoming puppet of him , Come to Hyung!!"

Jimin uttered being desperate.

Cristina's eyes twitch

"It's my life Hyung, so better if you stop interrupting more !! I'm happy that you're out from the custody but you can't cling around my life"

Cristina spit the words .

Jimin got hurt by Cristina's such behaviour,  he looked at his sister's,  eyes

That's when he noticed her eyes were filled with grief, she's not fully under manipulation.

"May be she wants me to go away because there's something cause of which she can't leave "

Jimin mumbled underneath.

Cristina eyed him the door

"GO now "

Then she shout .

Jimin walked away.

Cristina sigh in relief.

But as soon as Jimin left she heard Jungkook's clap

"I'm so proud of you Ina !! You behaved just like a perfect wife who protects her husband from every obstacles, I'm glad you're in my team "

Jungkook uttered holding her shoulder.

"In your team ?? Or in your palm?? I'm nothing but a puppet! What will I be able to do other than follow you, "

Cristina replied lowering her eyes 

Jungkook felt victory,  He defeated her ,she believes she's weak and when people believe they're weak they fail in everything.

"Love me ina , follow my orders,  love me , fulfill my desires , that's the things you can do "

Jungkook replied kissing Cristina's lips and headed outside.

Cristina stood for a moment and tilt her head.

"Really?? I Can't do anything else ??"

Cristina mumbled Then sneer inaudibly.


At Night

Y/n was heading in a direction while covering herself in a hood , she's not sure why mr. Shin took the blame , who help her to get Released,  or if its Jungkook's any plan to kill her outside .
She can't think of anything unless she reached to the destination, which was handled to her by a warden in the jail
Saying she will find her answer in the place .

Y/n's steps halt before a construction site, she found few abandoned buildings

She took steps inside in fear as she doesn't know if death is waiting inside or not

But inside it was dark, still she managed to see two figures

"Who's there ??"

One asked, the voice is familiar. Suddenly torchlight fell on her by which Y/n covered herself

"Y/n !!"

Y/n heard Yoongi's voice and she looked and found a shocked Yoongi and Jimin .

Jimin ran and hugged Y/n

"I was desperately missing you !!"

Jimin whisper.
Y/n hugged back tightly

Then they pulled out .
Yoongi was about to ask something but Y/n questioned

"Was that you?? Who asked to meet in this place??"

Y/n asked.

Yoongi and Jimin shook their head as no

"Seems like you also came here because of a note ?? We received that too so we came ,  hiding "

Jimin uttered.

"Then who asked us to meet here ??"

Y/n asked,

Three of them looked around searching for someone.


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