| Illusion |

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Jimin was working in is His studio ,late at night,  suddenly he got a call from a unknown number.

"Hello ??"

Jimin asked receiving the call

"Mr. Jimin Park??"

A female voice spoke

Jimin check the phone and number again

"Yes,  who's this ??"

Jimin asked with a displeased tone

"Can you spare some time it's urgent"

The female spoke

"Do you have an appointment?? And who are you ?? How did you get my number??"

Jimin asked Being slightly angry.

"That's not important,  what I have to say is Related to your family "

The female spoke again

"You might be crazy I Don't have a family.  Wrong number "

Jimin replied and about to end his call

"Your sister's life is in Danger,  Cristina can die at any moment "

This words shocked Jimin and he got up

"Who the fuck are you !! How dare speak ill about my sister! Moreover how you know my sister??"

Jimin freaked out .

"I'll tell you everything  , first spare me 5 minutes,  I won't harm you "

The female replied.

Hearing Jimin's yell his manager entered in the recording room hurriedly.

"What happened Sir ??"

His manager asked.

Jimin didn't respond and concentrated on The call

"Fine I'll spend my 5 minutes,  but you have to come here "

Jimin uttered

"Sure , I'm just before your studio building "

The female spoke

Jimin sigh

And ended the call

And turned towards his manager and explain everything to him

"You're not going to meet that crazy woman , !! It would be Risky "

Manager warn

"You all stay alert, but I want to listen what she has to say about my sister "

Jimin replied

"Escort her inside "

Jimin instructed his manager. Manager nod a left .

Y/n entered few moments later ,
Jimin noticed her casual yet elegant attire which is looking like a daughter from a elite family.

"Sit "

Jimin point a couch. Y/n sat

"Now tell me why my sister is in Danger? But first who are you ??"

Jimin asked glaring at her .

Y/n didn't looked scared she expected such behaviour.

"Hi , I'm Y/n ,I work with Jeon Jungkook,  with whom your sister got married "

Y/n uttered. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed

"So ?? "

Jimin asked

"So  , I get to know Jungkook is planning to kill Cristina and your dad "

Y/n uttered

Jimin got up

"Stop saying nonsense,  What he will gain killing my dad and my sister?? And moreover he's a reputed person "

Jimin uttered showing his displeasure

"Ofc he's reputed person,  but I can prove he's cheating on your sister and your dad is ill and he kept him somewhere hidden "

Y/n replied showing some photos and documents.

Jimin is stunned by the pictures

"That scumbag.... I'll inform this to Cristina right now "

Jimin uttered with rage

"No ! Wait ,there's more .... Jungkook's planning something big tomorrow,  we have to rescue your sister as well as save her from Jungkook's grip"

Y/n uttered

Jimin's eyes narrowed

"You said you work with Jungkook! How can I believe you in the first place "

Jimin uttered glaring at Y/n

He suddenly got up

"You seem suspicious,  either you're trying to manipulate me against my brother in law or your double faced "

Jimin stated and his eyes darkened

Y/n chuckle,
"Fine , I take back my wordsI work under Jungkook but we're not in good terms , moreover I have some previous issues with him "

Y/n replied, Jimin didn't seem to be satisfied Enough

"You don't have to trust me , you trust your sister, you know she doesn't want to get involved into political matters ... but tomorrow Jungkook will definitely submit her sign accepting the offer "

Y/n replied

Jimin's bows twitch

"He's using your sister and is planning to use her in future as well , cause officially Cristina will be under his guidance, so main thing he will be the one who hold the power, I've shown medical reports of your Dad as well he get sick very strangely.  You can assume what he can do to your sister to make her sign some documents"

Y/n finished her sentence

"I understand. "

Jimin replied nodding still gazing Y/n

"So ,I'm here to ask you Please go to the conference tomorrow, offer your hand to the party , then they will definitely let go Cristina and she will be free from Jungkook's grip "

Y/n uttered

"I can make them do divorce, why plan such things ,moreover I never liked politics as well , importantly you know it too that I can handle this using my way ...but you're suggesting a plan ,to make Jungkook's plan go vain at the moment why ??"

Jimin asked the last sentence in a husky tone .

Y/n bite her lips

"I - I just thought it will be easier and all-"

Y/n couldn't finish her sentence Jimin slammed his hand on the table

"I'm much older than you , so don't try to fool me with such stupid explanation "

Jimin replied still glaring at  Y/n .

She took a deep sigh

"See ,your sister is my nothing and neither I'm concerned about the country, I'm trying to take revenge that's all , if you don't want it, better! do it how you like it "

Y/n replied and got up but Jimin reached before her . He stopped just before her making her loose her balance and sit again. Jimin trapped her between his arms .

"I liked it very much , but your truth made it more interesting,  I won't let that scumbag go easily either after all he thought of hurting my sister, but I'd like to know your story "

Jimin whisper with a smirk.
Y/n's heart skips a drop by the closeness.

End of Flashback

Jungkook is fuming still unable to figure out how everything turned out like this he had cut down the first tree but then suddenly a plant arrived.
Minister's starts their discussion.
Jimin spare last glance on Jungkook and walked straight to the chair reserves for the President.

Jimin sat

"I'd like to inform you all one thing, my sister will come for sure to apologize in person so don't think bad about her"

Jimin uttered and glance at Jungkook who's looking pissed, Jimin smirk

"No ,no we never thought any bad about her"

"Ofc , Cristina is like our daughter "

"She's a good person we know "

Other Minister defend and again engage themselves.

Jungkook was left out .


With shaking legs Cristina is standing leaving her weight on the person before her who claim to protect her ,
Blood is still flowing down through her knee

The masked guy pulled out his gun , the men who were chasing Cristina stopped before them ,

"Who are you ??"

They asked pointing their gun

"Does that matter?? I can give you 10 seconds run of you have to say goodbye this earth "

Masked guy uttered, Cristina clutch his attire, her tears soaked cheeks are red now , her eyes reflected her fear

Hearing the masked guy the men laugh

"You think you one can kill us ??"

One uttered and laugh

A sudden sound made everyone stop , Cristina as well flinch

One of the men fell on ground.
Smell of fresh bullet roam in air .

"Y-you killed him "

Cristina asked shaking in fear

"You still caring about someone who's here to kill you !! Think about yourself, "

The masked guy warn .
Cristina let go the guy's attire and started take backsteps slowly.

But the masked guy grabbed her wrist.

"I'm all way here to protect you to stay quite and in a place "

Masked guy threatened.

But didn't let go her Hand ,
In between the men chasing Cristina shot two times, the guy dodge them

"Enough "

The masked guy uttered in irritation

And shot them without giving any chance.

Cristina gasp .

"You didn't had to kill them , you could have injured them "

Cristina uttered 

"They came here to kill you , stop behaving such way , would you have let them kill you ??"

Masked guy asked.
Cristina remained silent .

"Or you really thought of dying ?? Because it's your husband who planned it ?? You wanted to fulfill his wish ??"

The masked guy mocked but Cristina's eyes filled with tears,  She started crying silently.

"See, Don't you feel rage ?? "

Masked guy asked.

"I l-love him , more than I ever loved anyone, the moment he held my hand he became my whole world,  how can I feel rage !!! My heart is aching. I'm burning from inside "

Cristina sob

"Where was my fault?? Why he wants me to be dead ?? Is it because of he loves someone else ?? He could have said that to me "

Cristina sat on the road crying.

The masked guy knelt as well immediately seeing her like that but this uncovered his hood and his eyes exposed.

Cristina's eyes widened.

"Y-you !! You're alive!!"

Cristina gasp.

Taehyung nod .

Cristina sigh

"Seems like You're reviled to see me alive?? You're the first one "

Taehyung joke .

Cristina pass a side eye

"Why you saved me ??"

Cristina asked.

"Y/n asked me to , she met you that day to warn you but you didn't listened "

Taehyung replied.
Cristina got angry and grabbed his collar.

"That girl ruined my relationship!! Now she's trying to save me !! Who the fuck she thinks herself "

Cristina exclaimed.

Taehyung chuckle.

"Your relationship?? Don't stick to your delusion, the relationship you're talking about with Jungkook is nothing but a sweet illusion, he never ever loved you ,and Y/n is not only one there are many woman he fucked"

Taehyung spit the truth.

Cristina's grip loosened. She looked like a lost child.

"Come out from the illusion and face Him , the real him , you don't have any  idea what he had done , "

Taehyung mock .

"Stop I don't want to listen "

Cristina replied wiping her tears

"Really?? You don't want to know How your unborn child died ?? How and Why your ex boyfriend failed to reach at the wedding?? Why your dad fallen ill suddenly-"

Taehyung has to stop ,Cristina looked pale with shock .

She shed silent tears without any expression.

Taehyung felt sorry for her

"You don't deserve tears , you deserve all the happiness "

Taehyung uttered and wipe her tears , Cristina held his hand

"How men lies like this ?? I love him !! I still do "

Cristina cried more

Taehyung pulled her into his embrace and she drenched his attire with her tears .

"We tend to fall for the person who can't love us the same as we do"

Taehyung console her ,

After a while she pulled out

"Let's go , you have to reach the conference I'll explain you everything later but ,you have to do what I'll tell you for now on"

Taehyung uttered,  Cristina is still in grief.

"You have to be strong, only then you can defeat him , pay him back now "

Taehyung encouraged.

Cristina nod slightly and tried to get up

"Ah !"

She groan and fell again.

Taehyung examined the wound

And he tied his handkerchief covering the wound, 

His handkerchief has a embroidery
Which has his pen name

"It will help to stop the blood "

Taehyung replied and help her to stand.
Then he stood before her

"I'll give you a Piggy back ride to my car "

Taehyung uttered.
Cristina agreed.


At Conference room   

Discussion came to end that's when Jimin's manager entered the room in hurry

"Sir , Cristina ma'am has reached!! But she's visibly injured, press is asking many questions her downstairs "

Manager spoke,  Jimin and Jungkook both widened their eyes and quickly getting up from their Chair both ran downstairs, other Ministers followed them .

Coming downstairs they found Cristina looking all  devastated is sitting on a couch while someone is dressing her wound.
"This can't happen!! She's not supposed to be here "
Jungkook mumbled seeing her

Jimin ran towards her and hugged her

"What happened Tina?? How you get injured!!"

Jimin asked in teary eyes checking Cristina if there's more wound left or not .

"I'm alright now Hyung "
Cristina replied forcing herself to smile.

Press was present there

"See it's the famous singer Jimin Park !! He's Miss Cristina's brother!!"

"Woah ! Look he's concerned, "

"But how she get injured!"

Press people started gossiping.

"Ina !!"

Jungkook tried reached towards her but before he could say or do Jimin blocked the way by his hand

"Stop right there !!how my sister get injured!! Aren't you supposed to be with her !!"

Jimin asked looking mad ,
Jungkook glance at Cristina but she looked away, it's the first time she did this . Jungkook felt an emptiness inside

"I- I  , I had work beforeI had no  idea how this happened "

Jungkook replied .

"Tina ! Tell me how you get injured??"

Jimin asked again turning towards Cristina.

"Hyung,  the Guards Jungkook send with me took me to the woods and tried to kill me !! I got really scared "

Cristina uttered but this turned Jungkook pale

"Tried to kill you "

Jungkook mumbled clenching his fist

But Jimin looked furious. He grabbed Jungkook's collar,  Cristina's this sentence created a chaos in press and Minister council as well .

"You rascal!! You tried to kill my sister !"

Jimin shout .

Jungkook yank his hand

"I can never do that !! She's my life ! It must be some misunderstanding "

Jungkook defend himself.

Cristina stared at him

"But Kookie,  when I tried to run away they panicked and said they'll be in Danger if you found out"

Cristina uttered. To which everyone gasp .Jungkook bite his lips

But he managed

"It's surely some conspiracy, Ina , you know how much I love you right ! "

Jungkook uttered kneeling before Cristina.

Jimin sigh in frustration.

"How did you escape from there Ina??"

Jimin asked.

"Someone came to help me Hyung,  "

Cristina replied

"Who ??"

Both Jungkook and Jimin questioned

"V "

Cristina's statement again create chaos among everyone but Jungkook turned white .

"It's impossible "

Jungkook mumbled.

"But he's dead isn't he ??"

One interviewer asked

"I don't know, I've Clearly seen him , he even tied his handkerchief to prevent blood shedding "

Cristina replied.

"V is alive??"

"But even if he's alive why he saved Miss Cristina??"

"He's a bad person, why he saved her?"

Press gossip ,

Jungkook is puzzled right now,he knows V's dead then how .how!! Something is wrong,  something is very very wrong.

Everything can't slip out of his hand like this ,

Cristina apologise to the Minister council and decides to return home .

"Let's go Ina "

Jungkook uttered stretching his hand towards her .

Jimin shoved it

"Tina will stay with me , I can't trust you , who knows you really planned my sister's death or not "

Jimin uttered glaring at Jungkook.

"But -"

Jungkook tried to stop them .but Cristina's look gave him shiver .

They left .

Press attack Jungkook with numerous questions ,
He's still staring at the way Cristina left .

Suddenly his phone buzz .

"Hello Jinnie "

Jungkook replied answering it

" a big crisis has came "
Jin replied.

"Ugh !! Today's my unlucky day I assume "

Jungkook replied and ignoring the media he headed towards his car .


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