||Let's dig into His story ~☆

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RM noticed Taehyung sneer while standing outside Y/n's room

"You're smiling ??"

RM asked, Taehyung shift his eyes to RM

"Do I have to explain you why I was smiling?? Do your new master ordered you to trail behind me??"

Taehyung mock .

RM grit ,

"That's not it , I was just asking "

RM replied

"Don't! Just don't RM You're not someone worthy whom I'll give a response "

Taehyung uttered while glaring at RM

RM felt as if he squeezed himself.

Y/n opened the door of her room and came out

"You two here ??"

Y/n asked.

"Uh ! I actually came to inform you a new car has arrived at the doorsteps, I guess Jungkook send it , a bouquet and few boxes arrived as well "

RM informed

Y/n's brows furrowed

"Why ??"

Y/n asked

"Congratulations!! Seems like you passed the exam of impressing Jungkook!! He usually sends Car as a gift when he gets happy by someone's works "

Taehyung uttered lazily placing hands behind his head with a yawn .

Y/n still looked confused.

Until her phone buzz

"See he called you to inform you how much he's pleased by you "

Taehyung mock and left them

Y/n received the call still looking at the hall Taehyung went away

"Darling!! You received my present??"

Jungkook asked in a husky voice.

"Huh !! Yes but a car ,? "

Y/n asked.

"Ofc , as your works pleased me a lot , I hope in future you will continue to please me "

Jungkook uttered with a grin

Y/n rolled her eyes .

"Ofc it will be my pleasure, "

Y/n replied gritting her teeth

"See you soon then , bye darling "

Jungkook replied and ended the call .

Y/n rolled her eyes .

"Ugh !! "

Y/n entered Inside and closed her door .



"You should return now !! Cristina might be waiting for you ! Stop drinking further "

Jin scold Jungkook. Jungkook dropped the glass back to the table

"I was such a good mood that I don't want to go , "

Jungkook replied leaning his head backwards

Jin smirk

"Really?? There's nothing that pulls you back to your house?? "

Jin asked though he knows the answer

"Ofc there is , but today I had a beautiful feeling while having Y/n into my embrace, and I don't want to diminish it "

Jungkook replied grabbing his glass again.

Jin stopped him

"Don't forget Y/n isn't important than Cristina, go back ,Mr. Cha is asking me a lot when Cristina is going to sign up . So return and influence her"

Jin uttered.

Jungkook got up with a annoyed face .

He returned to his penthouse

"I'm so freaking tired , but we only spends time at night , it will offend Cristina a little "

Jungkook mumbled and entered his room

"Ina ,I'm quite tired should we-"

Jungkook stopped in the middle, hearing his call Cristina lift her face from her laptop and stared at her husband for a explanation.
She's currently wearing a violet silk nightsuit, from which her perfect hourglass figure is visible , hair is loose hanging down her shoulder, few hair strands are playing on her face , with her blue doe eyes she's staring at Jungkook,

Jungkook's pov

There she goes , looking all beautiful without even trying, she's the reason of my returning home every night even if I don't want to . The milky skin rosy cheeks , pink lips ,most importantly the look in her eyes , The innocent submissive look

"Fuck" I curse underneath, I was thinking about Taehyung's lover and how we fucked until I saw Cristina,
How can she be so beautiful , but it's so satisfying I have her .

"We ??"

Cristina's words bring me back to reality.

"Forget it , "

I uttered going near her sat beside her and cupped her cheeks, her eyes glistered with my touch as if she just bloomed ,

I pulled her into my embrace,
But a moment later she pulled out

"You're drunk??"

She asked ,

Fuck , now I have to find a perfect excuse

"Ah ! Actually some of my workers asked me to join a dinner with them , and I accompany them , they drank and I got drunk too ,I'm sorry I know you don't like it"

I replied kissing her hand .

She believed me , she always does

"It's alright, even if being the CEO you spent a dinner with your workers ! They might felt overjoyed, you did well"

Cristina replied, there she goes again.
I smile

Suddenly she noticed something

"It looks like a lipstick stain !"

Cristina uttered pointing my collar

Oh shit !! I forgotten to check before coming home , it might be Y/n's

But what should I say !! Think Jungkook

"Someone might have bumped on you !"

Cristina uttered with a chuckle

I sigh , it's right I was overthinking, this girl won't suspect me ever , she trusts me blindly.

"I didn't noticed earlier, maybe someone bumped at the dinner, "

I replied

"But it's your favorite Yellow shirt , it's stained though, anyway go change yourself "

Cristina uttered

I nod

"But I don't want to go , I want to love you "

I uttered caressing her cheeks which turned red as soon as I touched it .

"N-no , first you go and change!! The smell of whiskey is bothering me"

Cristina uttered, but I know what she meant, I got up and entered Inside the washroom.

End of Jungkook's pov

As soon as Jungkook got up and went to the washroom, Cristina only stared at the Washroom door .

"Someone might have bumped!! It's just I'm overthinking!"

Cristina remind herself while biting her nails .

Then she took a deep breath. And return her eyes to her laptop.

At Taehyung's Mansion

"So what's your plan?? You're not planning of becoming his mistress right??"

Taehyung joke lying beside Y/n ,
Y/n hit him playfully

"I am planning to create a double trouble, so he won't be able to Find a way of escape "

Y/n uttered, Taehyung got up

"Double Trouble?? How ?"

Taehyung asked.

"I'll end his all illegal works , everything will get exposed "

Y/n uttered

"But ,it won't drag him down, as only my name will come out "

Taehyung replied again lying

"I know, but Jungkook would be furious!! His all deals and m0ney supply will stop ! The dark world will go out of his hand "

Y/n uttered, Taehyung nod

"Then remaining is the fake reputation he has in public, I will ruin it too , I will expose his true self to his wife! Only she can drag him down"

Y/n finished

"Idea is good ,but it won't be easy , as you came under his shelter his eyes will be on you 24 /7 and his wife Cristina loves her husband blindly so it will be too difficult to convince her"

Taehyung warn .

"I won't do everything , You and Yoongi Hyung, they both will do those works , as according to everyone you're dead and Yoongi Hyung and Hye- ri Unnie has the media support so it won't be that hard to disclose everything!! But it would be Risky "

Y/n uttered Biting her nails

"Fine I'm in , but can you tell me one thing?? How you met your Yoongi Hyung??"

Taehyung asked.

"Huh ! Oh it's when Jungkook killed my Dad and framed my mother, I ran behind the police, seeing me like that the Jeep stopped and Yoongi Hyung's dad , officer Min felt sorry for me , he brought me to his house,
Through his investigation he understood all things, but in between Jungkook has send someone to kill my mom in jail , I broke down , officer Min then officially adopted me ,I became their daughter, though Yoongi Hyung wasn't my anyone , he adored me the most even after the death of Mr. Min and Mrs.min , Hyung never abandoned me , he loves me and he acknowledge me as his real sister, he wants me to take revenge more than I ever wanted "

Y/n replied with a sad smile .

Taehyung nod.

"I would like to help only if your Hyung and I Don't have to work together "

Taehyung replied.

Y/n chuckle

"Fine , oh now can you tell me about Cristina!! "

Y/n uttered

"Can I get my phone back ??"

Taehyung asked. Y/n got up from a drawer she pulled out his phone

"Do you have her pictures in your phone??"

Y/n asked biting her lips

"Everyone has , as Google is present in everyone's phone "

Taehyung replied, Y/n smile

Taehyung handle his phone showing a picture of a blonde girl

"She's so pretty!! And looks elegant as well , her blonde hair , blue eyes ,she's really looking like a Goddess "

Y/n uttered, Taehyung nod

Y/n checked few more pictures of Cristina

Suddenly her eyes stuck in one photo

"Isn't it our Country's President Park Solomon ?? What is she doing with him ?? Are they close ??"

Y/n asked Being surprised

"Close ?? She's the sole Daughter of Park Solomon's , no wait he has a son too , but son left house at a young age after that he only has Cristina "

Taehyung replied

"Cristina is President's Daughter?? , "

Y/n gasp ,

"There are rumours that Cristina will be selected as the next President after Solomon, because of her goodwill "

Taehyung uttered Taking his phone back

Y/n got up

"But she's too young to become President!"

Y/n uttered

"I Don't know that ,I heard it so I shared, people wants her , "

Taehyung replied shaking his Shoulders

Y/n stayed silent then suddenly got up

"I get it now !! If Cristina become President by the people's support as she's too young they might ask someone to be stay as her guardian , and Jungkook being 10 years older than her will be the perfect candidate won't he ??"

Y/n uttered

Taehyung looked confused. Y/n sat beside him

"Jungkook didn't only married Cristina to gain reputation!! He's planning to make Cristina the next President, his wife whom he will be use however he wants !! People wants Cristina as she's a good person ministercouncil will also want Her to be in their party "

Y/n mumbled


Taehyung asked.

"Meaning is that !! He wants to rule while sitting behind some puppets , Cristina and you both were the puppets and if something happens nobody will suspect him , he can do whatever he wants and if his wife become President then ..... can you imagine what he can do there will be no one who can stop him!!"

Y/n gasp

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed.

"We have to spoil his all these evil intentions "
Y/n uttered

"I'm still a little confused "

Taehyung uttered

"See , You said earlier Jungkook desire power , so imagine if he become the President how much power will be in his hand !! As Cristina is nothing but his puppet so she will follow everything her husband will say , Jungkook will pull a good person's disguise in front of people but behind it he will do whatever he wants "

Y/n replied

Taehyung nod.



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