_《 Monster 》_

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Y/n and Jimin were waiting in tension, when Y/n's Phone buzz

Seeing Taehyung's id she immediately picked it

"Come to Jungkook's House, early "

Taehyung uttered as soon as she received

"His house?? What happened??"

Y/n asked panicking

"Come early, don't worry he's not here and not his guards "

Taehyung finished and ended the call

His tone was rough representing he's mad

"What happened??"
Jimin asked seeing Y/n

"I need to go to Jungkook's House, something might had happened "

Y/n replied and about to go when Jimin held her wrist

"Wait ,I'll come with you "

Jimin suggest

"But - your dad !-"

Y/n couldn't finish her sentence

"Don't worry, he's safe and secure here and people here are my trusted "
Jimin uttered.

Y/n nod and they went out wearing cape


Y/n reached The house no guards are there ,and  the Entrance is wide open,  as she arrived she encountered Taehyung sitting in the living room .

He's looking dead mad , before him was a maid pleading to let her go

"What happened??"

Y/n asked observing the House,  she also found dead bodies of Maids and guards there ,

Jimin is stunned

"What happened??"

Jimin yell

Taehyung got up and harshly grabbed Marie's face

"Tell them !! What your master did !"

Taehyung uttered gritting his teeth.

Marie groan in pain

"Ma-master, h-had f-figured out Ma-ma'am has shook hands w-with h-his enemy! S-so (Marie gulp )
He tortured her and then making her unconscious he left s-somewhere "

Marie uttered

Y/n gasp and covered her mouth

Jimin panicked

"Where !! Where he took her !!"

Jimin asked

Taehyung let go Marie's mouth

"Nobody knows,  Jungkook didn't took any of his guards with him ,"

Taehyung uttered getting up

"What now !!"

Y/n asked biting her nails

"What do you mean by what now ! We need to search her "

Taehyung replied

"But , did you killed them ??"

Jimin asked pointing the dead bodies

Taehyung nod

"Why ??"

Jimin asked

"So what am I supposed to do ?? When I reached here ,I couldn't found Cristina,  I needed to know where is she , so i had to torture them ,when i got what i wanted i killed them so they won't inform anything to Jungkook..."

Taehyung uttered shaking his Shoulders

"You're a fucking murderer!!"
Jimin freaked out

"So ?? I had killed a lot of people,  adding them in the list won't rise my sin and moreover, I had killed less people than your brother in law "

Taehyung mock

"Stop it !! We should not fight here !! Who knows in what condom is Cristina right now ! Think about that , it's not time to fight with each other"

Y/n shouted.

Taehyung rolled his eyes

"I'm talking about it as well , we need to find out her , "

Taehyung replied

"Sorry Y/n , lets talk about how we can search my sister "

Jimin apologise

Y/n sigh


Cristina gain her senses and tried to open her eyes but failed  ,she's blindfolded

She got up and realized she's on something soft like a bed

But another realization hit immediately as she tried to use her hand to free the blindfold

Her right hand is chained

Cristina recall the incident before being black out

"Where am I!"

She mutter

"You're in my bed , with me your dear Husband "

Jungkook's whisper just behind her ear gave her chills ,

She almost jumped off

Using her hands she removed her blindfold, and found herself inside a unfamiliar room , Jungkook was in bed with her and seeing her he chuckle

Cristina discovered her left ankle is chained as well

"Why ! Why you chained me like this !!"

Cristina whisper

"Oh , sweety you were talking nonsense about breaking up our relationship or something, but being a good husband how can I let you do that , we're destined with each other honey, so I caged you here , even if you try no you can't escape "

Jungkook uttered reaching near her And Caressed her cheeks

Cristina's face turned pale hearing his words

"You're talking nonsense!! Caged me !! What the hell is wrong with you !! Are you a human Jungkook!! "

Cristina shout out of her lungs

"Ouch !! You can scream as much you want my Fairy but nobody's gonna hear it , and Human!! No I'm not Human, I'm a demon or a monster "

Jungkook replied kissing her lips forcefully

Cristina tried to push him off but failed
Jungkook is strong and forced himself on her causing her lips to bleed ,

Soon he pulled out and lick the blood from her lips

"You're really a monster!!"

Cristina yell in teary eyes

Jungkook laugh

"I know,  I know,  but as you already know my real self , I can assure you I'll introduce you what a monster is capable of doing "

Jungkook replied squeezing her cheeks harshly.

Cristina shed tears

"I never did anything wrong to you , then why you're doing such things,  let me go please "

Cristina pleaded

Jungkook chuckle

"My Goodness,  you look fucking sexy when you beg !! You certainly turned me on right now !!"

Jungkook replied kissing her neck

"Jungkook stop , please, I said let me go !!" Cristina uttered pushing him

But he tightened his grip and dig his teeth deep to make a wound

"Aah !!" Cristina moan.

Then scream and shoved him

"GO away!!" Cristina uttered and got off the bed caressing her neck

Jungkook chuckle

"Leave you ?? You're my golden goose Ina!! Caging you will automatically bring me everything I thought I had lost"

Jungkook uttered with a smirk , he got off the bed and walked towards her .
Cristina looked the Chain , and stood at the place.

"And don't worry,  I won't kill you after that , I'm not  a fool , I'll keep you caged like this forever  , "
Jungkook uttered in a creepy way pulling her into his embrace.

Cristina found herself helpless.

"Everyone will be in trouble because of me !"
Cristina mumbled lowering her eyes .

"Stop caring about others , I'm your Husband , you should please me like a obedient wife "

Jungkook uttered

Cristina tried to free from his grip

"Please you !! In your dream !!"

Cristina spit the words

Jungkook got pissed

And threw her over the bed harshly.

Cristina was surprised by this and tried to sit on bed

"I know how to get things done "

Jungkook bark unbuckling his belt

Cristina's eyes widened


"Not in the Farmhouse,  not in other house!! Where he had kept her !!"
Y/n mumbled marching in room .

"Somewhere, only he knows, now it's getting scary ,whole day has passed "

Taehyung uttered.

"But why he took her with him !!"
Jimin asked

"Crystal clear , keeping Cristina in his hostage, he can ask anything from us In return of her safety "

Taehyung replied before Y/n

"Will he ask for Dad ??"

Jimin asked

"May be not , but surely a written apology from President declaring that Jungkook was never involved in anything that happened with him , and it can be the papers Y/n Has "

Taehyung uttered chewing his nails

"What !! This implies we will loose the battle we had almost achieved "

Jimin state

"But I fear if Jungkook's didn't ask for anything?? "

Y/n uttered.

"He will for sure , or else what he needs from her "

Taehyung asked.

"May be he will convince Cristina to be his obedient puppet , and in order to that he can trigger her fear or can torture her "
Y/n uttered Panicking.

Jimin and Taehyung looked visibly pale

"What if he does the two !!"

Jimin stated freaking out

"Quiet possible!! "

Both Y/n and Taehyung replied.


Jungkook was thrusting inside Cristina harshly, pushing himself deep ,his grip is tightened on her hair ,  Cristina whimper each time while screaming in pain , she had clutched the bedsheets tightly

"Aah !!" Cristina scream as Jungkook thrust last and fell over her back
Tears flow down through her cheeks.
Jungkook got up and caressed the marks on her back he created just a while ago

"Why don't you listens to me Ina!! I just want you to listen to me only me  if you listens to me then i won't have to go harsh on you " Jungkook uttered near her ear  kissing her back

Cristina whimper

Jungkook got up and turned off the lights and left the room , Cristina remain lying in bed

Her whole body is aching.

"Why don't I die !!"

Cristina mumbled staring the door.


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