_Opponent _

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Y/n was following a corridor, crossing it she reached before a room
A guard standing outside stopped her

"What's your emergency ma'am ,a meeting was going inside "

Guard uttered.

"I'm a member of the conference, now excuse me"

Y/n replied and entered Inside,  old aged men were present inside, seeing her entering every one's eyes twitch in curiosity

"Who are you ??"

A aged man who looked like their leader asked in annoyance.

"Who's Mr. Kim Hyunseok ??"

Y/n asked nervously eyeing everyone in the Conference room
The aged old man who asked the question stood up and furrowed his eyebrows further.

"I'm Kim Hyunseok ,who are you ?? What you need and how dare you enter in a conference like this "

Mr. Kim scold sternly

Y/n took a deep breath.

"I'm here to inform you something "

Y/n uttered.

"What's that ??"

Mr. Kim question raising his one eyebrow

"I'm here to inform you that I'm your granddaughter "

Y/n stated to which everyone present there stood up in shock

Y/n bite her lips nervously.


"So what you want us to do ??"
Y/n asked

Taehyung tilt his head in amusement

"I want you to join the opposition team , and lead the team to stand fiercely against Solomon's party , I know Solomon's party is the most powerful and other opponents are nothing but One of the party is capable of becoming a threat ,and you have to join that "

Taehyung uttered.

"What good will be by that ??"

Jimin asked narrowing his eyes

Taehyung chuckle

"If Y/n lead the team in such way that  public want her to become the President not Cristina?? That's the thing I'm saying your sister will be free if the team collapse but for that Y/n have to fight for it , you have to make the team the best"

Taehyung finished the sentence reaching near Y/n and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Everything is OK Taehyung but , why would they let me join in their team ?? I mean I know nothing and I was involved into a scandal recently as well"

Y/n uttered fidgeting her fingers

"Politics is not education that you have to learn to make a move and secondly why I'm asking you to join specifically you is cause I have a valid reason for it"

Taehyung uttered

Y/n looked clueless

"A valid reason for it ?? What's it ??"

Y/n asked

"You know the most capable opposition party is Kim's "

Taehyung uttered.

Y/n nod

"Then you also know who's the leader??"

Taehyung asked dancing his eyebrows

Y/n frown

"Yeah I know,  Kim Hyunseok, I've seen many interviews of thar old man , he's a grumpy oldey ,"

Y/n replied rolling her eyes 

"Do you know Who Kim Hyunseok is ??"

Taehyung asked leaning closer.
Y/n gulp and shook her head as no

"Seems like you seriously Don't know anything about your family "

Taehyung uttered.
Y/n tilt hee head in confusion.

"Fine let me tell you a story , once Kim Hyunseok used to have a beautiful daughter, whom he loved and cherished, but one day he found his 17 year old Daughter is pregnant, He was a leader, a respected figure, so due to embarrassment he kicked his daughter out of his house without knowing who's baby she was carrying,  later he realised and regretted for this , later he tried to find his daughter but he couldn't "

Taehyung stopped,

Everyone present there were staring at him to spill more

Taehyung chuckle and back off

"Do you know who was the Unfortunate Daughter??"

Taehyung asked with a playful smirk.

Y/n shook her head as no .

"Kim Annie "

Taehyung replied

Y/n gasp and covered her mouth

Then mumbled

"M-mom !!"

Taehyung nod .

"So Kim Hyunseok is your Grandfather, so it's your chance y/n ,give your best"

Taehyung replied with a wink.

Flashback end     

Hyunseok was a little taken aback then looked mad

",what nonsense!! My granddaughter!! Who the hell are you !!"

Hyunseok growled.

To prevent more misconceptions Y/n pulled out a ring

"Here , it's my mother's last memory, she used to say it was a gift from her father"

Y/n replied extending the ring

Hyunseok grabbed it and got emotional

"Annie!! My dear Annie!!"

Hyunseok whisper and shed tears .

Y/n doesn't know what to do as she never knew this man , he's still unknown to her .

Hyunseok got up and looked straight into Y/n's eyes,

Y/n's pov   

I bite my lips in nervousness, his eyes are deep and dangerous as if it can read my soul , I gulp hard but instead of saying more hurtful words ,he extended his arms

"Come here !"

He uttered for a hug , I  hesitate but embrace him

Hugging him I genuinely felt warmth, he has a smell like mom , I can't stop myself from crying. His embrace is really comforting.

He pulled out

"What's your name ??"

Grandpa asked.

I sniff before replying

"Mish / Y/n "

I replied.

"Two names ??"

He asked.

"Actually one is given by mom and another is given by my adopted parents"

I replied wiping tears

"Awww !! So Annie is no more !! I'm sorry kid I failed to search for you too"

He uttered lowering his eyes.

"No ,it's Alright, I'm happy I've found you , you feel like Mom !! I miss her a lot"

I uttered,

Grandpa Hugged me , and pet my head .

The other people present there were stunned by this ,
Later as Grandpa pulled out ,I stepped aside

"Congratulations Kim !!"

"Congratulations Kim "

The members Congratulate him , I watched that .

Then decided to inform this so I came aside and dialled Taehyung's number.

"What's the news Darling "

He asked after receiving.
I still feel warm inside my heart whenever I hear him .

"I got the entry "

I replied

"Brilliant!! You're awesome Darling, that's why I love you this much "

Taehyung uttered

My cheeks turned red ..

"OK  I'll work according to your instructions, bye then"

I ended the call as soon as He hummed in response

I will surely loose myself at this rate for sure


Taehyung ended the call and bounce the phone towards Namjoon,
And returned to the business he started

"Most loyal one ?? To the most corrupt person??"

Taehyung mumbled before he stabbed a man to death ,

Getting up he wipd his blood

"Not so fun !!"

Taehyung uttered.

His guards took the towel from him .

"What I'm missing Now??"

Taehyung uttered tilting his head

"The woman Susan ?? Who supplies information about weapons??"

RM uttered.

"You're right !!"

Taehyung uttered with a creepy smirk.


"What the hell is wrong with you !! You can't catch a silly man !!"

Jungkook scold Jin .

To which Jin frown

"Mind your words , I'm trying but he almost exchanged each informer and killers !! He's playing with full force ,it's difficult to defeat him , but I'm still trying here you're blaming me!!"

Jin defend 

Jungkook scoff

"Who can say Jinnie, you hadn't shook hands With Taehyung and that's why you're not doing anything!!"

Jungkook mock

"Kook !!"

Jin gasp

"Or else  what Jinnie!! You're clearly not doing anything!! Why he's still not dead !! Do something as early as possible!! I want his dead body before me ,don't just sit and wait do something!!"

Jungkook growled 

Jin got up with a irritation written on his face

"I'm not your Servant Kook !! You can't order me like this!!"

Jin shout and went outside the cabin with anger.

Jungkook bite his lips

"But I need him !! It won't benefit pushing Jin so he can get a chance to deceive me"

Jungkook mumbled gazing blankly.

He got up and returned to his house,  entering his house he found Cristina sitting on bed with a box looking down

"What's that ??"

Jungkook asked.

Cristina startled.

"Oh !! This ! I've brought chocolates as a sorry , I've made mistake earlier "

Cristina replied.

Jungkook tilt his head , then Cristina got up

"But I don't think Chocolate can ease your anger "

Cristina replied and returned the chocolate box on table .

Jungkook's pov    

I laugh innerly, just how much she's swayed by me,  yet I believed Cristina has changed Nope, she's still the girl who does everything to get my attention, what else she can do as she has no one ,she on her own rejected her brother,

But I can't help but to feel happy when I see this side of her , so innocent so pure and submissive,

"It's Alright!! I'll take the chocolates as an apology "

I replied.

Cristina beamed

"Really?? You're not mad then ??"

Cristina asked with her doe eyes

Aish !! I can't ignore her this self, 

"Nope "

I replied and picked one chocolate from the box , I pour the sweet inside my mouth .

"It's tasty!! "

I mumbled, Cristina looked happy ,

"You were  this much desperate for my forgiveness??"

I asked caressing her cheeks .

She closed her eyes then open again.
She hold my hands

"I love you Kook , so when you gets mad I feel hurt !! I'm sorry Kook , "

Cristina uttered.

Fool , such a fool yet useful,
She's the best creation of God, which I admit so it's impossible for me to stay mad at her .

After all when I will rule she will my queen ,my Goddess, my ina .

I believed our relationship ended but by her words it's clear she's still like her previous self , she didn't changed.

I caressed her once , and was about to pick another chocolate but Cristina pulled off the box with a jolt

"One for each day !! You has very low sugar tolerance "

Cristina replied.

I chuckle,  She's cute isn't she ??

"I love you  a lot "

I uttered and headed towards the washroom.

End of Jungkook's pov  

Cristina looked at the box of Chocolate

"If you had consumed just  one more you could have recognised it Kook , how can I let you get a hint what I'm about to do"

Cristina mumbled gazing the way Jungkook left .

She returned the box to the kitchen.


Few days later

Taehyung examined the penthouse before him


Taehyung mumbled

"So you're buying this ??"

Namjoon asked

Taehyung nod

"It's for my Princess,  look isn't it like a castle??"

Taehyung asked pointing at The building before him 

Namjoon nod

"So your ultimate love is Cristina??"

Namjoon asked 

"Ofc , didn't I told you that my sole goal is snatching her !!"

Taehyung replied examining the building.

Namjoon hesitate

"Then why you said you love Y/n ??"

RM asked and Taehyung halt and smirk

"Do you think people forget betrayal this easily??"

Taehyung asked raising his one eyebrow 

RM gulped and lowered his gaze.

Taehyung chuckle.

"I gave you shelter again because you needed one not because I was desperate to take you in"

Taehyung replied and headed inside, his guards followed him .


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