[ Silence before the Storm ]

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"From today , she's going to finalize everything "

Jin announce pointing towards Y/n ,

The higher ranked employees only glance at each other

"But why ?? And Where's Mr. Jeon??"

One asked

"He left , and from now on , She's the new CEO of Jeon enterprise "

Jin uttered

"What nonsense!!, Mr . Kim , who is she ?? And Mr  Jeon left us ?? Why ??"

Another asked glaring at Y/n , she squealed.

"She's Jeon Mish,  Jungkook's sister and He has given her the rightful authority, so don't hustle much , guys she will be able to handle it , so it's better if you all help her "

Jin assured tapping Y/n's shoulder.

"Sister!! Well I never heard he had any sister!! How suddenly she appeared "

One throw a comment.

"I, I mean she's his step sister, now you all show your usual respect to her as well "

Jin uttered turning his voice cold

"Step sister!! So it's definitely she shamelessly snatched her brother's everything "

One whisper.

"Quiet possible "

Other respond.

Y/n was listening this felt a little nervous, as she never ever thought of handling a company.
Not gonna lie , Jungkook surely maintained and even surpassed His dad's business but She ?? She knows nothing.

"Don't gossip , now leave "

Jin command

They left while laughing mentioning Y/n

"I feel  nervous, will I be able to handle this !! I'm scared ,here nobody likes me "

Y/n uttered.

Jin placed his arm on her shoulders

"Calm down Y/n , don't forget it's your Dad's, and it doesn't matter if they likes you or not , you're the power of control,
And lastly don't worry I'll help you get adjust and I'll also teach you basics "
Jin uttered.

And retreat his hand then took Y/n towards Jungkook's desk and made her sit on the chair of Jungkook's.

"From today ,you're the CEO ,  just follow my instructions and you'll able to handle everything,  don't stress much I'll stay by your side , you didn't disclosed Jungkook's evil works listening my request, so I'll do my best so that you do well "

Jin uttered with a warm smile.

Y/n felt as if she has found a guardian .

"Thanks Jinnie "

Y/n uttered.
Jin's smile dropped.

He stepped back

"Ah ! Y/n , don't- I mean Don't call Jinnie, it will make me a laughing stock "

Jin uttered fidgeting his fingers

"Oh , alright  , I'll call you Mr . Jin , but Doesn't Jungkook used to call you it too??"

Y/n asked.

Jin bit his lips

"Yes , he used to call me it since childhood,  so I was used of it"

Jin replied averting his gaze

Y/n didn't felt sad instead she smile

"It's alright I'll call you Mr. Kim , thank you for everything "

Y/n replied

Jin smile .

Suddenly Someone interrupt. It's Jungkook's secretary who's going to be Y/n's secretary from today.

"Miss , Mr. Park has came to meet you"

Secretary uttered.

"Oh , sure ask him to enter,  and Mr . Shin !! You don't feel offended by me ??right ??"

Y/n asked getting up

Secretary shin was about to leave but hearing her words He turned and shook his head with a smile and left in hurry

Jin turn towards Y/n

"Here are few files , see them by yourself for today and enjoy your talk I'll be back "

Jin excuse himself.

Y/n nod .

Jin left immediately Jimin entered.

Jin walked towards the conference room but in the middle of way he found Employees gossiping

"Yes she's the stepsister "

"But my question is where is Mr. Jeon?? She must had done something to get his chair "

"You're right , such a gold digger bitch"

"Not only that , She might had threatened mr. Kim to follow her "

"I feel irritated,  How we're gonna work under her , what if she reduces share ?? Or changes something??"

"I miss Mr.Jeon,  he was so friendly and approachable , who knows where he is"

"I wish he returns early and takes what's his "

Jin heard the gossip while staying other side of wall but a smirk appeared on his lips .he scoff and walk away.



Jimin exclaimed while entering.

Y/n smile .
Jimin gave her a bouquet of red roses

"Finally,  you're where you deserve "

Jimin uttered standing before her desk

"I guess no , I was checking some documents of taxes and it sucks "

Y/n whine.

Jimin laugh at her cuteness.

"Let me help you then , I studied about those "

Jimin uttered reaching behind her chair and snaking his hands around her arms he reached the laptop.

And rest his face just beside Y/n's

He told her the basics

Y/n understand  and she got excited seeing she will be able to handle these
Y/n turned towards Jimin but the closeness made her breath heavy and heart skip a beat immediately.

Jimin also looked at her feeling her gaze,  but the little closeness made his heart go crazy , his grip tightened on the chair .

They stare at each ,not being aware that someone has captured the closeness of them into a camera.

Jimin backed off

Y/n also avert her gaze while blushing hard .

"How's your Dad ??"

Y/n asked

"He's great , returned to his place ,and as you and Tina requested he didn't bring anything about Jungkook "

Jimin replied

Jimin examined the office then suddenly asked
"Where's Taehyung??"

Y/n lowered her gaze

"He asked me to leave , that Day , as our contract has ended,  so I came back ,from now his and my paths are different "

Y/n replied fidgeting her fingers
Jimin's heart sunk seeing Y/n's awful expression

"What about love then ??"

Jimin asked,
Y/n looked at him with a jolt,  but Jimin's eyes stopped her eyes from moving
Soon Y/n avert her eyes .

"Where's Cristina??"

Y/n asked changing the topic

"Ummm, uh in the graveyard,  to place flowers on Jungkook's grave and Her mom's "

Jimin replied.

"Her mom ?? Not yours ??"

Jimin shook his head

"After my mom's death Dad has brought a woman , I never liked that , Cristina is that woman's daughter "

Jimin uttered.

"But your affection towards Cristina can never tell you two are step siblings "

Y/n uttered.

"I love Cristina,  When Dad had brought that woman,  I went to my Grandparents, but after 5 years Dad called me to return to see my sister,  though I didn't liked the woman as soon as I saw the one year old baby ,with blonde hair blue eyes , tiny fingers, my hatred washed off, a deep connection created, I felt I need to protect this little kid from every evil eyes,  "

Jimin replied

"One year kid ?? You didn't went to see her when she was born ??"

Y/n asked

"Dad ,didn't called me that time,  he asked me to meet when she was already one year old , and you know what I named her Cristina,  as they didn't thought  a name before,  "

Jimin uttered

"Oh , wait if Cristina is this beautiful that means her mother was above this ?? I mean As your Dad Don't has blue eyes and Blonde hair , her mother must be like that  "

Y/n asked

"No , Cristina's mom was a mere woman,  she wasn't that  beautiful like Cristina, funny part her mom wasn't Blondie , even no one in any side of family was naturally blonde, thats why when i first embraced Cristina i thought she's God's blessings "
Jimin uttered

Y/n's eyebrows twitch.

Suddenly her own mother's face flash before her ,as her mother used to have a beautiful charm with blue eyes and blonde hair .

She immediately snapped it out ,

"Anyway,  Cristina's birthday is coming,
6th June , I'm thinking of throwing a surprise birthday!! You know my Tina loves surprises , she's the most jolly and bubbly one which reminds me my own mom , that's why I love her this much"

Jimin uttered..

But Y/n's eyes widened

"6th June?? Same as mine??"

Y/n asked

"Yours also in 6th June?? May be you two are soul sister as you used be a blonde too "

Jimin joke but Y/n drift into her thoughts

"Why it's-- no nothing by the way how old Cristina will become this year??"

Y/n asked

",23 why ?? Same as yours ??

Jimin again joke

Y/n bite her lips .

She was trying to sit on her chair still being in her thoughts , the wheel of the chair move and Y/n was about to fall when Jimin hold her .

Y/n's wave of thoughts broke and , she stare at Jimin's eyes .


"Is there any need to show such affection after all he had done to you ??"
Taehyung asked

Cristina eyed him

"He has already reached the door of Heavens don't say bad things now"

Cristina replied.

"Heavens!! I bet he will rot in hell"

Taehyung uttered rolling his eyes .

Cristina chuckle and placed a bunch of White lily at Jungkook's grave.
And got up.

ristina sigh gazing the grave and moved to her mother's grave

She placed a bouquet there

"Mom , I miss your presence a lot "
Cristina whisper. And remain silent for a moment.

And walk away

"Hell or Heaven who cares !! People leave memories Stays"

Cristina uttered sparing glance at the grave

Her eyes glistered

Taehyung grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his embrace

Cristina was a little startled by it
Taehyung stare at her beautiful face , and caressed her

"Release yourself from memories, Jungkook Has gone, you're free ,so...."

Taehyung couldn't finish.
Cristina separate herself with a smile

"I understand what you're meaning "

Cristina uttered

Taehyung chuckle

", i want to confess it i love you a lot ,from the day i first laid my eyes on you , You deserve love and affection Don't push yourself from it "

Taehyung uttered.

Cristina smile

"I know, I know your love and affection, but I can guarantee someone will love you this same too, "

Cristina replied

Taehyung shook his head

"I'm not begging you to love me , neither I'm forcing you ,I know you never loved me"

Taehyung uttered
Cristina bite her lips

"Yet I've prepared a present for you "

Taehyung uttered,  Cristina looked confused
Taehyung then point outside, and Cristina moved her eyes towards that way

And seeing the person her eyes widened and her lips curve into a big smile

"Jung Hoseok,  your first love , Jungkook hadn't killed him , so I brought him here"

Taehyung uttered

Cristina hugged him immediately being overjoyed.

She's about to pull out , Taehyung hold her into his embrace and stare at her eyes

"He's your first love , but I want us to be the endgame "

Taehyung uttered.

Cristina smile

"You're getting is wrong way , you made me happy by bringing him back , I'm happy to see him alive , but the feelings are no more inside me , so as I became widowed don't mean I'll go back to him ,
I still love Jungkook,  and the effect Jungkook has left hadn't diminished a little "

Cristina replied.

Taehyung sigh but smile .

And let her go

"Let me greet him !!"

Cristina uttered

Taehyung nod , and leaving Taehyung's hand Cristina ran towards the street ,
As she left Taehyung stared his palm where just a moment ago Cristina's hand was present.

He tightened his fist , and chuckle

"You and Me ,Princess!! We will be the endgame "

Taehyung uttered.

He found Cristina waving at him ,so he reached towards him

"You two might have met each other but let me introduce again, V this is Hobi , and Hobi this is V my friend "

Cristina uttered.

Taehyung smile fail to move his eyes from her face

"I'm asking for a favor, can you take Hobi to your house!! I'll arrange his previous home within two days "

Cristina uttered

Taehyung nod

"But ,I don't know what I should do now , I have no work now "

Taehyung uttered crossing his hands behind his head

"Join me !! You can work in my  NGO !! "

Cristina suggest immediately

Taehyung widened his eyes and frown

"Me ?? NGO ?? "

Taehyung asked.

Cristina nod rapidly like a kid
Taehyung couldn't help but to smile and blush at her cuteness

"OK only if you stop calling me V instead call me Taehyung!"

Taehyung uttered leaning on her face

Cristina giggle

"OK,  Taehyunggiee!!"

Cristina chuckle,

Taehyung's heart skip  a beat he immediately retreat him

"Oh !! I'm running late !! You two meet me tomorrow in my office  OK!! And you don't fight with others"

.Cristina instructed Taehyung and headed towards her car ,
Taehyung watch her leaving

"It's hard not to fall for her isn't it ??"

Hoseok's voice gathered his attention,

Taehyung's smile dropped

"I - I mean "

Taehyung tried to utter

"You're sulking boy !! Stop it it's ok to fall in love, specially when you're loving an angel like Cristina, "

.Hoseok uttered.

Taehyung avert his eyes

"Don't think we're competing against each other , cause we're not , I feel love and happiness just by seeing her smiling face , and thing left is my art but if you keep her happy I'll support you "

Hoseok uttered.

Taehyung is stunned

"Don't love means making the person yours ??"

Taehyung asked.
Hobi shook head

"Love means , watching them smile laugh stay happy,  even if you're not with them , love is a connection which doesn't need any physical contact "

Hobi replied

"Your words are heavy "

Taehyung replied

Hobi chuckle

"May be, don't mind me"

Hobi replied

Taehyung nod.



it's almost midnight, people are drift into sleep.
But one person was awake, he's running his car moving somewhere away from the town .
It's non other than Jin

He stopped his car before a Abandoned building
Few people who were there for security.

Bow at him
Jin entered Inside, walking down towards the Basement he stopped before a door

The door has a small window.

"You're Still mad at me ??"

Jin asked staying other side of the door
Finding no response he added

"Y/n has became the CEO ,but don't worry nobody wants her, situation is still under our control, , important Taehyung and Y/n has separated,  and I guess her feeling has grown for Jimin , everything  is in my control trust me "

A chuckle was heard from inside.

"How's  Ina ?? "
A husky deep voice spoke

"In grief , I don't know much about her but she goes daily to the graveyard to place flowers, and she also goes to the church to prayer as well , oh one thing Hoseok was released as well but , Cristina didn't went back to him,  "

Jin uttered

Again a chuckle

"It's as predicted , she will love Jungkook no matter if he is a monster or a her loving husband "

Jin uttered Again

"Just one month, then everything will be alright "
Jin added

"Please don't stay mad at me "

Jin pleaded but no response.

Jin came back .


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