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"That's your wish ?? A album??"

V asked Y/n in disbelief.

She nod .

"Jimin Park is my favorite singer,  but previously I wasn't able to buy an album, so that's my wish "

Y/n replied cupping his cheeks .

"Fine , I'll buy you that !! Anything else ??"

V asked. Y/n shook her head as no .

"But you didn't left yet ?? It's morning! You usually leaves me at dawn "

Y/n asked with a pout .

V chuckle.

"I'm not going anywhere today,  I'll enjoy my day with you "

V replied pulling Y/n a little more closer.


She got excited like a kid .

"Kiddo !"

V uttered caressing her hair .




"Check every car perfectly "

Yoongi instructed his sub inspector.

They're checking Big tempo and trucks along with other cars .

Namjoon was inside a truck , and noticed it .

"Shall we took a u turn and flee ??"

The driver asked Namjoon,  he first bit his nails .

"No , They'll chase us only then!! Don't worry even if they try they won't find anything "

Namjoon uttered and get off the car ,

Someone bumped on Yoongi causing his wallet fall on the ground, he didn't cared that,

Namjoon ran towards it And picked it up from the ground

But before returning it a picture inside the wallet caught his eyes.

A smirk appears on Namjoon's lips .

Then he moved towards Yoongi.

"Officer!! You dropped this there !!"

Namjoon extended his hand .

Yoongi took it back .

"Oh no !! Mr. Min , how you dropped it anywhere!! It has the picture of your precious sister!!"

Mr. Han mock from side .Yoongi only glared at Him.

"Thanks for returning!! "

Yoongi thanks , RM returns to the car and it's now time to check their car .

Yoongi noticed RM moving towards the tempo .

"No need to check ! The guy is good, let them go "

Yoongi instructed the officers.

RM eyed his driver and facing towards Yoongi he thanked him .

Getting inside the car RM , ask the driver to drive as fast as he could and dialled someone's no.



"Can you believe it !!"
Luzy mumbled staring at the Kitchen.

Where Y/n and V are trying their best to cook something,  but rather they're just destroying everything.

"I pity the kitchen right now !! They can't cook "

A main cook sighed .

"Keep your mouth shut , what if they heard us ??"

Other one whisper, 

Y/n laughed , V wipe off the flour from his face .

"Don't make fun of me "

V respond.

"But you're looking funny !!"

Y/n laughed again,  V pour the whole basket of flour over Y/n

"You're looking like a ghost now!!"

V mock.

Y/n wipe off the flour and get down from the kitchen counter.


Y/n pout and started coughing

V grabbed a bottle and hold before her ,

Y/n looked at him .

"Drink it , or I'll pour it over you as well"

V threatened.

Y/n took sip like a obedient kid .

Suddenly his phone buzz .

Wiping off his hands he picked up.

"Can you come ?? It's an emergency "

RM's was heard from the other side.

"No , I told you I'm not going anywhere,  handle everything in my be half "

V replied in a annoyed tone

"......(silence)..... it's about the share we receives , I can't say anything before him you know ....-"

RM stated

"Our share !! What's the issue!! Did he --"

V before finishing look around and found each pair of eyes are on him .

"Fine , I'm coming, "

V replied

"Don't take your car , use a public transport,  officer are checking cars at the signals , and your car is already identified before"

Namjoon finish and V ended the call .

V exit from the kitchen,  Y/n followed him behind.

Soon he came out , dressing casual

"You're going somewhere??"

Y/n asked,  V nod

"Is it because you're mad at me for laughing at you ??"

Y/n asked fidgeting her fingers lowering her head .

"No , I got an emergency,  I know I told you I'll stay but I can't,  but don't worry I'll return with your album "

V replied and ruffled Y/n's hair

She looked up

"Be safe "

Y/n finished and V kissed her and move towards the exit . Y/n stare at the way he left.



V using a bus , reached before a alley  .

His phone buzz again.

"What ??"

He asked

"You didn't get caught right !!"

RM's words reflected concern

"No , I'm on the way "

V finished and ended the call Suddenly two tiny arms grabbed his leg .

Being super irritated he turn backwards and found a little girl around 7 or 8 years is clutching his leg .

"Hey kiddo ! I don't have money, now leave !!"

V replied annoyingly.

"P-please  - s-save- m-me"

The tiny thing replied,  tightening her grip .

"I told you na !! That I don't have money leave me !!"

V tried to move backwards but the kid is not leaving.

"Hey you little piece of shit return here !!"

A high pitch male voice gathered his attention.

The little girl tightened her grip even more and started to shiver .

The man is coming towards them with a stick .

"Pl- please- Hy-hyung- save me"

The girl cried out .

V noticed just now that the girl has bruises all over her body .

The man approached

"Hey man,  give that kid to me "

The man uttered, it's clear that the man is drunk.

V grabbed the wrist of the girl and hide her behind him .

"Who are you ??"

V asked Being damn serious.

"I'm that girls Father, now give her back , she left the household works"

The man replied trying to grab the girl.

V punch him hard .

"Keep your filthy hands away from her "

V growled.

"What's your problem!!"

The man got up and was about to punch but V dodge and kicked him

The man fell on the ground groaning in pain

"Did he tortured you ??"

V asked the little girl , she nod .

"She's my daughter damn it !! I can do whatever I want "

The man shout from the ground.

"You people!! Just because she's your daughter, you think she's a property!! Or a object huh !!"

V tilt his head ,

"Kiddo , close your eyes and cover your ears "

V instructed and the little kid obeyed.

V kneel to that man , and pulled out a gun
The Man's eyes widened and he started trembling in fear

"You don't have reason to live "

V  chuckle seeing that man trembling in fear .

V shot his knees and hand .

"Enough to make you regret you shouldn't raise your hand on your kids "

V uttered getting up .

"GO now !! He won't chase you "

V finished the girl opened her eyes and ran towards V and hug him

"Thanks a lot Hyung!! You're cool"

The tiny thing uttered her face beamed.

V was quite.

"Whatever now go "

V replied pushing the tiny girl .

"GO!! Wherever you want !! Go "

V finished and turning other side He started walking 

"I took this way too personal "

V mumbled scratching his neck .



"You lowered our share to 40%??? Why Man !!! It wasn't the oath !!"

V growled before the man .

RM is standing in a corner of the room .

The man got up .

"I gave you a reward remember!! You're Still asking questions Taehyung!! How bad !!"

The man uttered with a dirty smirk while rubbing V's lips by his thumb.

V yank the hand .

"But that was reward,  you never mentioned you will lower the share Jungkook  sshi !!"

V replied gritting his teeth.

Jungkook's eyes darkened. He returned to his seat

"I didn't?? Oh but I thought you will understand this , as you're serving me for a while , is it too much to think that a dog will understand their master's wishes pretty well "

Jungkook mock with a grin .
V's fist tightened.

"Oh you're getting angry I see !! If you want the previous share,  I have an offer for that "

Jungkook uttered with a chuckle.

"What's that !! "

V questioned raising his one eyebrow.

"Return the Girl ,to her place and get the share !! I heard she's damn attractive, won't you allow me to have a night with her "

Jungkook finished and V got up and grabbed Jungkook's collar .

"Don't ever think about that !! I am never returning her , neither I will allow her to sleep with you , "

V respond aggressively.

RM tried to remove him from Jungkook, yet Jungkook seem to enjoy the rage .

V finally return to his seat.

"Look at you !! Getting so angry!! Who's she ?? Huh ?? You're being silly my boy "

Jungkook mock again leaning towards V's face .

"It's interesting!! A girl captivating attention of a Handsome male like you ! Quite interesting "

Jungkook uttered trailing his fingers on V's face .

V yank the hand

"Are you Gay ??"

V asked with disgust.

Jungkook laughed loud .

"I'm not sure , but your presence makes me forget the fact that I'm straight "

Jungkook replied returning to his chair .

"So what you've decided??"

Jungkook asked.

"I'm not returning the woman "

V finished and got up .

"Silly boy !! "

Jungkook scoff .



At Taehyung's Mansion

Y/n is roaming the Mansion,  checking each room and objects , a wooden door caught her attention,  inside it it's pitch dark .

She entered Inside and search for switch of light , finding the lights she turned them on and the room become visible,  a room to practice shooting.

There are boards with target,  and aside numerous guns with various sizes .

Y/n's lips curl into a cruel smile .

She closed the door behind.

Getting closer to the Gun shelf. She picked one and stood before the range ,

First shot, at the middle of the target.
She retreat herself to check if anyone heard it or not , but coming outside she found no chaos , she returned and stood before the range and shot the target perfectly.

Seeing her achievement,  she smile .

She again picked another gun , and as she was about to shot her bracelet came to her sight .


"It's for you !"

V respond showing a bracelet

Y/n's face beamed

"For me ?? But why ??"

Y/n asked wearing that immediately.

"For loving me , I guess,  I feel at ease when I'm around you , it could be for that "

V respond.
Y/n giggle.

End of Flashback

Y/n's jaw clenched

She snapped the thoughts and aimed her target and it missed,  she tried again but missed.

She got angry.


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