0 (Prologue)

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A green hand hovered over the red button, waiting and waiting. The owner of the hand seemed patient as he waited for the last of the people to enter the office. His monitors showed the live footage of the uniformed people getting their offices ready for yet another tiring day ahead of them. 

He circled the deep red button with his index finger, his pointy nail scratching the glass button. The green liquid he hid earlier in the office of those agents was directly connected to the small red button in front of him, just waiting to be pressed and kill all the tiny agents who have been giving him trouble.

All he wanted was just the small, insignificant planet Earth, but they have been like lice in his head, making him scratch his head all the time trying to find ways to eliminate them. Now his efforts are finally coming to give him victory.

He lifted his big hand and hit the button with force, ready to see these humans wither to their deaths.






Why, why is no one dying? He rechecked all monitors and looked at his green liquid supply. He had definitely planted that in their office, his best creation to kill humans. Then why isn't it working?

He heard some laughter from the monitors, did they catch his setup? He rushed to find out.

He saw two humans walking strangely but nothing looked out of the ordinary. On other monitors too, just them walking and acting strange. Wait, why are they crying, laughing, and walking strangely? 

He saw as one by one all the agents started acting like one of the Earth's birds, which also swims. Earth's birds are indeed strange. Wait!

I looked in my Earth cupboard and just as I suspected, that bird's feathers were gone! Oh no! He knew he screwed up, he added the bird's DNA now instead of dying, people are acting like birds!!!




I am editing this book to make it a little less ridiculous, I don't know what I was on when I wrote this but yeah I will be correcting that now.

To everyone who has already read some chapters, thank you.

I hope you all enjoy this slightly refined version of this book, but it will still be a crack book, so be aware.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT what you think.

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