Chapter 9

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I woke up shouting and drenched in cold water.

"Hey!! Who did this?" I shouted trying to get the water out of my face.

"I did." It was Hope with a big red bucket in her hand, which was apparently filled with cold water.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, whining.

"We don't tolerate snoring in here." She said, dumping the empty bucket somewhere behind her.

I looked back and all the agents including my teacher were sleeping, most of them snoring loudly. Some agents were even snoring with duck noises coming out of them.

"Yeah, I can see how much you hate snoring." I replied sarcastically.

"They don't count, they are under the influence of that duck serum." she replied, flicking her hair and walking out. Fiesty, just my type.

There was another bucket of cold water in the corner, and the opportunity was just too good to miss. So I picked it up, bought it near my teacher, and dumped the whole thing on him. 

He woke up screaming too, it was too funny. Unfortunately, his screaming woke up the duck agents, but it's not really my problem.

When the in-charge superheroes rushed looking like they had just been woken up. It was my little villain moment there, which I absolutely loved.

I went back to Mr. Octy's room, just to check up on it, I found the room empty, which was odd as Maxwell was practically living there, maybe he went to sleep or something. Mr. Octy looked way more comfortable in his living tube, he was even smiling in his sleep. 

This really tempts me into being a villain, a tube in which all you have to do is sleep, and people are feeding and cleaning your waste, tempting life to be honest.

I checked on everyone, and all of them were on their correct stations, although some were asleep but it's alright, I am a chill leader.

I peeked in the training room and thankfully no one was there. As I was coming back, I walked by the weapon storage room. But unlike yesterday there was something odd with the door today. I could not pinpoint what was so odd but it looked a little different.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Maxwell said, behind me when I was just about to reach for the door.

"Oh, I was looking for you, where have you been?" I asked him in return.

"Just got bored of being in that room so was strolling around." he answered, rubbing his nape awkwardly.

"Oh, I can understand. Say, Maxwell, do you find anything off with this door?" I asked him.

"Odd? Like what?" 

"Just something odd, I don't know? It just looked a little different from yesterday."

"Oh, I could not see anything odd. Maybe you are just tired, sleep a bit." 

"Oh I wish, you see these wet clothes, it's hard to sleep around here." I answered chucking.

He led me back to Mr. Octy who was now making a very constipated face. They don't pay me enough for this, actually, they don't pay me at all.


"No more please!!!" I pleaded with my teacher but he strictly instructed me to keep going.

I was once chilling in a random office from where Hope was visible, but he came and pulled me from my collar to the training room, and now here I am with some other superheroes, trying to survive.

Some of the superheroes were trying to jump over big hurdles, some trying to dodge big rocks thrown by a machine, and some were even trying to dodge fire and lasers, at least I was just running.

Maxwell was in the corner lifting weights, I joined him collapsing on the next bench. 

"Wow, that's a lot of weight you are lifting there." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it's nothing from what I used to lift with my powers." he answered putting the wights away. 

I started lifting from ten kgs, that looks just enough right now. Maxwell went on to do pull-ups too, I need to step up my game

So I did just that, I added five kgs to my wights, I mean fifteen is also good I even did two pull-ups, yeah I feel really ready to crush that green monster right now. The only thing that can stop me would be my lack of sleep, and maybe cramps.

But all that worry is of the future me, the current me has a bigger issue, with figuring out how to get out of this training room without my sir noticing.


Yeah looks like training is over.


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