New Year, New Life

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Dedicated to all the fans of Zain and Tara.


Cute News: I recently read in the local news here how doctors saved a premature newborn baby's life by placing it in a sandwich bag to keep it warm, shortly after birth. That was such a adorable story <3




The TV shows that I always used to make fun of, I now watch and cry. The last trimester of my pregnancy had turned me into a complete sap.

It was while I was cursing a girl for luring someone's husband away, while also cursing the husband for being a disloyal pr**k, I felt a weird feeling in my lower abdomen. It was a strange feeling, and it was intense.

I gasped out, putting a hand over my stomach. And that's when I remembered the midwife's words, and this feeling seemed to be exactly as she'd described it.

I'm having a baby. The baby's coming.

"Zoha!" I screamed out. 

Zain had gone out to fulfil my craving of a chocolate fudge cake, and my sister and brother-in-law were upstairs. 

"ZOHA, HELP!" I yelled out again, as I felt sudden, intense pain. "Mama..." I winced.

My sister and brother-in-law came downstairs, and while Bhai waited outside in the hall, politely, Zoha rushed in. "What's going on, Tara? Is it time?" 

I nodded. "I think so."

"Did your water break?" 

Before I could answer, a sudden jolt of pain made me scream out again. "Zain..."

"Okay, relax." Zoha was in her fifth-month and I knew that she was struggling, but unlike me, I'd rarely heard her complain. 

"How am I supposed to relax when the baby wants to kill me with the pain?" I had no idea what I was even saying because the pain was driving me insane. "Call Zain!"

"I'm calling him now." Bhai called out from the hallway.

"Zoha, I'm scared." I admitted, tears running down my cheeks. "I hope my baby comes into the world safely."

"In Sha Allah." She recited a dua and blew it over me. "Let's get you to a hospital, okay? Zain Bhai can meet us there." 

"My baby..."

"Stay strong and positive, Tara." She wrapped her arm around me and helped me up. "I'm with you. I'll call Mama as well on the way, and Mum as well." 

Irrelevant fact at this point, but Zoha and I had both started to refer to our parents-in-law as 'Mum and Dad', like our husbands did. It felt weird, because we preferred the desi names like 'Mama and Papa', but at least it helped differentiate between the two sets of parents, in order to avoid confusion.

Mum and Dad had flown in especially because my baby's due date was next week, and had just gone out for a drive to watch the New Years' fireworks around the city.

"The baby's coming." I said in disbelief.

"In Sha Allah." She smiled and kissed the side of my head. 

Zoha helped me into the backseat of Talha Bhai's car, and got in beside me. Bhai drove us to the hospital, as Zoha made the phone calls. 

"You've called Mama, right?" I asked.

"Of course. I literally just called her in front of you." 

"The pain is blocking all my senses." I groaned, leaning my head against her shoulder as she kept her arm around me. "Khalla needs your prayers, baby angel." I whispered to my nephew or niece.

I closed my eyes, and to keep my mind away from the pain, I remembered the day Zoha and Talha Bhai had announced Zoha's pregnancy.


We got both sets of our parents on a video call, while Zain and I sat with the couple in the living room.

"Zoha's pregnant, Ma Sha Allah and Alhumdulillah." Talha Bhai said, holding his wife's hand, as she blushed uncontrollably.

Although I already knew, and Zain more or less knew as well, when they announced it, we both were overexcited.

Zain jumped up and rushed to his brother, pulling him in for a hug. "Yes! That's brilliant news! Ma Sha Allah! Congratulations!" 

I hugged Zoha as well, because I was so, so excited about becoming a Khalla. But, most importantly, Zoha deserved this happiness. She'd seriously yearned for it, and had faced a lot because of this subject, but now she'd found her true happiness with Talha Bhai, Alhumdulillah.

"I'm warning you now," Zain said to the couple. "Tara and I will pamper the hell out of the kid, In Sha Allah."

"No doubt." I agreed.

Meanwhile, our mothers were crying with happiness, but sets of parents completely overjoyed by the news.

"Two grandchildren, Alhumdulillah!" Mum had said. "May Allah keep all our children- and grandchildren- safe, and protected from all evil eye and harm. Ameen." 

"Prepare to do your duties as Khalla, Misha." I told our youngest sister, who was also on the call. "Staying up nights, nappy changes, etc, etc."

"You wish." Misha had rolled her eyes, but her happiness and excitement was also obvious on her face.

It had been such an amazing, exciting day for the whole family, and I knew that every time I thought about it in the future, I would smile. 

May Allah bless our whole family with good health and happiness. Ameen.


Back in the present, the ride to the hospital seemed endless.

"Zoha..." I held her hand and squeezed it. 

"It's okay, Tara, we're almost there." She whispered repeatedly, in a reassuring tone.

The maternity ward at the hospital had a separate entrance, so Bhai pulled up in front of it. "Zoha, would you mind getting a nurse or someone to come and help her out? I'll go and park after that."

Zoha nodded and got it. My hand felt colder instantly and I missed her comfort. The chilly winter air blew in briefly through the open car door, making me shiver. 

It felt like ages before Zoha returned with a nurse, who was pushing a wheelchair. The two struggled to get me out and onto the wheelchair, as I cried out in pain again.

"It's okay, lovely, you'll be fine." The nurse, a woman around Mama's age, said in a gentle tone. "Do you have the details of your doctor and/or midwife?"

"I have all the details." Zoha said. We had formed a plan as a back up, and I had given her all the details of both my gynaecologist and midwife, in case Zain was at work or something when the baby decided to make an appearance. 

"Good, let's go." The nurse began to wheel me away.

"Talha, I'll let you know where we are." Zoha called out to her husband, before we headed inside.

"Mothers are legit heroes." I muttered, stifling another cry of pain. "Where's Zain?" I called out over my shoulder at Zoha, who was walking slowly. 

"He's on his way, don't worry." She reassured me, putting a hand on her back.

"He better come soon!" I was starting to get irritated.

I was feeling as terrified as if I was going to war. Ya Allah, help me.


I was in labour, but it wasn't time for the delivery yet. I was waiting in bed in the delivery room, taking shallow breaths to calm myself down. Although the room looked like a normal inpatient room, this was where I was going to give birth to my baby. By the wall opposite my bed was a crib, where the baby would be kept after birth. It all felt too unreal. Within hours, my baby would be in that crib, In Sha Allah.

Zain was pacing the room, looking as nervous as I felt. 

"Zain, sit down! You're driving me crazy!" I snapped at him.

"Sorry." He muttered, sitting down on a chair and burying his head in his hands.

I immediately felt guilty. "Sorry. I'm just terrified. I hope that this baby comes into this world safely, and is healthy." 

"I get it, it's fine." He turned his head and glanced at the rocking chair placed by the window. "Imagine sitting on this and rocking our baby, In Sha Allah." 

Mama arrived then, and Zain left the room to give us some privacy.

For the next few minutes, Mama just recited duas over me, and in the meantime, Zoha and Misha also entered the room. 

Misha automatically made her way to the crib at the side of the room. "Ooh, Zoha, check this house! There's a tiny hat in there, for the baby to wear when it comes, In Sha Allah." 

"Mama." I grabbed my mother's hand, staring up at her without another word. 

She noticed the fear in my eyes and she leaned down to kiss my forehead. "I know, meri jaan, but it will be worth it in the end, In Sha Allah. Aise hi nahin Khuda na maa ka rutba itna uncha rakha hua hai, Tara."

*"There's a reason why God has given such a high status to a mother."

"Misha, let's wait outside." Zoha must have realised that I just needed to talk to Mama right now, so she and Misha left.

"What if I die, Mama? Childbirth is dangerous, isn't it? It risks a mother's life. What if I never see my baby?" I was a mess now.

"May Allah bless you with a long and healthy life. Ameen." She whispered. "Yes, it's a hard task, but countless women go through it every day. You'll be fine, In Sha Allah, and you'll see the beautiful baby of yours, and you and Zain will raise it together." 

"In Sha Allah." 

"Keep reciting whatever duas you can think of, okay?" She said. 

There was a light knock on the door, and Mum entered. "Oh, my dear." She looked excited, but was trying to remain composed. Like Mama, she started reciting duas over me as well. I felt blessed to have to motherly figures by my side.

"Can you guys please send Zain in? I want to talk to him." I said after a short while.

The mothers walked out, and soon my husband entered the room.

"You okay, Trouble?" He came over to stand by my bed. 

"I don't know what's going to happen today..." 

"You're going to give birth to our child, most likely tomorrow, as we are edging closer to midnight. So most likely, our baby will be born on the first of January, In Sha Allah." 

"New Year, New Life." I nodded. "But, if I don't make it..." 

"Shut up." He leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine, putting his hands on my cheeks. "You will survive, In Sha Allah, and we will celebrate the arrival of our beautiful baby together."

"Zain, don't leave my side, please." I needed him more than ever right now.

"I will be with you throughout, I promise." He kissed my forehead and then my lips. "I love you, Trouble. I love you too ducking much." 

"I love you, too." 

There was a light knock on the door, and my midwife, Susan, entered.

*I randomly asked @ShabanaTheStar to name the midwife, and she came up with the name Susan. I'm sick of naming characters. *Laughing too hard*.

"How are you doing, Tara?" Susan asked me, with a kind smile. "I'm here to check up on you and see how you're doing." She looked at Zain, and then me. "Are you happy for your husband to stay during this check up?"

I nodded. "I mean, he is responsible for this." I put my hand over my stomach. 

She laughed and even Zain chuckled. There goes filter-less Tara again.

As she examined me, she began to explain the procedure. 

"Who will be present during the birth?" I was nervous.

"Your obstetrician, Dr Elizabeth, the anaesthetist, Dr Payal, and a paediatrician, Dr Jeffery, as well as me and a team of nurses." She smiled. 

"That's a lot of doctors and nurses." That made me feel anxious, for some reason.

"Well, we need the best care possible for the mummy-to-be and the new little one about to make their entrance. This is normal, don't worry." Susan said. "It's a good team, and you're in safe hands." 

Suddenly, I gasped loudly and I glanced at Susan, wide eyed. "I think the baby is eager to meet the team..." 

She examined me again and nodded. "Yep, it's time to bring the little angel into the world." 

I looked at Zain, who nodded at me, reassuringly.



I was pacing around the waiting area, with a tasbeeh (prayer beads) in my hand, as I recited supplications for the health and safety of my sister and her baby. 

Mama had to be seated because she almost fainted from anxiety. Mum was also making dua. The fathers were quietly talking, while Talha sat beside me, blankly staring up at the ceiling, his lips pursed. 

Misha was quietly messaging Rumaisa and Ashi, to update them. We were within our visitor limit, so the friends of the new parents had to wait a while to come and visit. 

"Meri bachi." Mama muttered. "Allah use aur uske bache ko sehat aur tandarusti ataa farmaye."

*"My daughter."
"May Allah bless her and her child with good health."

"Ameen." Mum said, from beside her. 

Feeling scared, I slid my hand through Talha's, who looked at me, a little surprised.

"They'll both be fine, In Sha Allah." He reassured me.

"Talha, beta, your Khalla said to keep her updated as well, okay?" Mum told my husband, who nodded.

We all sat in silence for a while.

"I wonder how Zain must be handling watching the birth." Mum broke the silence, thoughtfully. "I know what Tara must be experience, but how does a father feel in such a situation?" 

"It's nothing compared to what you ladies feel," Dad said. "But it's the toughest situation of our lives, I can say that from experience."



I was made to sanitise my hands properly, and put on scrubs and a surgical mask. Walking over to Tara, who was now wincing with pain, I grabbed her hand. "I love you, Trouble. I'm here with you, and I won't move, even if I want to faint." 

She laughed, despite the pain. "I'm sorry, Zain."

"For giving me a baby?" I joked.

"You don't have to be in here." She whispered, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"I want to be here." I said, determined, squeezing her hand. "It's my baby too, and why should I miss its entry into the world?" I leaned down and kissed her hand. "You're my strong girl, and I know that you'll get through this as bravely and confidently as anything else." 

"I have never been more terrified in my life." 

"Me too, and I'm not even the one about to give birth." I smiled. "But may Allah give you and our baby good health, and may you have a safe delivery. Ameen." 

"Ameen." She said, before she suddenly screamed out. "The baby's going to kill me!" 

"This baby really is Little Trouble, isn't it?" I chuckled.

And then Tara started seriously screaming, and I knew that it wasn't going to be long before our baby arrived, and I couldn't stop smiling at the thought.

Come on, baby. Mama and Papa are here to welcome you.

During the whole process, I kept my gaze averted from the 'birthing zone', but I felt nauseated seeing the pain on my wife's face. It made me wish that I could bear all the pain for her. 

I closed my eyes and began to recite duas.

The doctors were talking away in their medical lingo, and the nurses were preparing for the arrival of our baby. 

"Is that going to be an issue?" I heard Susan asked the obstetrician, Dr Elizabeth, who frowned thoughtfully before shaking her head.

"Nothing to worry about." The blonde doctor replied. She looked up and smiled at me. "The baby is showing a little attitude in regards to coming out, but it's absolutely nothing to worry about."

In other words, Tara's baby was showing nakhra. I wasn't even surprised.

"Like mother, like baby." I winked at my wife, and even through the childbirth, she somehow managed to roll her eyes at me.

I was trembling, because God, this was tough, and I was just a bloody witness, rather than the person actually giving birth. My poor Trouble.

I focused on my wife's face, ignoring all the hustle and bustle of the medical team around me. Our hands were locked together tightly and she was squeezing the life out of my hand, but it didn't matter. Tara 'Trouble' Zain was about to make me father, and there was not a better gift in the universe than that.

My hands were clammy and it was difficult to hold onto Tara's because of that, and my heart was pounding so hard that it drowned out the delivery room noises even further.

"Almost there, Tara, just a little bit more effort." Susan told my wife in a soothing voice. 

"Allah!" Tara screamed loudly as she made a final effort.

"Hi, there." Dr Elizabeth's soft voice was followed by the sound of the cries of our newborn baby.

"Aww, hello, little sunshine." Susan smiled down at the baby that I couldn't see from this angle.

My legs felt like they weren't strong enough to keep me upright. 

Tara lay back on the bed, exhausted. 

"Congratulations!" Susan looked up at us. "You are now proud parents to a beautiful little baby girl." 

My vision was blurred by tears of happiness and I heard Tara sob quietly.

"I-Is she okay?" My wife asked.

"She's just being examined by Dr Jefferey, the paediatrician, now, but from what we can tell, she seems okay." Susan smiled.

As the nurses cleaned up our baby girl, I bent down and kissed Tara's forehead. "Thank you for the best gift of my life." A tear drop landed from my cheek onto the side of her face. 

"She's perfectly healthy." Dr Jefferey announced, before handing the baby over to the nurse, who brought her over to me and Tara. I saw a small hand peek out of the white blanket that was wrapped around Miss Yet-to-be-named Zain Iftikhar. I laughed tearfully as I saw our literal bundle of joy.

"Let's have some skin to skin contact." The nurse said, gently, placing the baby against Tara's bare chest. 



My heart felt like it would explode from all the love that I was feeling at that moment. The feeling of having my daughter placed against my chest was an indescribable feeling. She was my baby girl. Mine and Zain's. Our daughter. Our love.

"Happy New Year, to this new life." Dr Elizabeth said, as the entire medical team wished the same. 

I couldn't see my daughter's face properly from this angel, but I saw the small hand that resembled a doll's hand. Well, she was my doll. My little baby girl, my angel, my fairy, my everything beautiful and precious. "Zain, hold her." 

His eyes still filled with tears, he lifted her up with the approval of the nurse and smiled at her. Before anything else, he leaned down and whispered the Adhaan in her ears, while I explained to the staff what he was doing. 

"We need to get you cleaned up, Tara." Susan said. "And then you can have your private family time. Mr Zain, would you like to go and announce this to the rest of the family, in the meantime?" 

Zain nodded, before looking at me. "I'll see you in a bit, okay?" He handed the baby back to the nurse before heading out of the room. 


All cleaned up, and in a new private room, I sat on the bed, holding my little girl.

It might be too early to tell, but I felt that he facial features already resembled her Papa. She had pinkish skin, which was also incredibly soft, and her cheeks were round and it was so tempting to just keep on kissing them. But too much kissing was not recommended as she was so new. She was sleeping in my arms, her hand curled up in a tiny fist, while the other hand lay across her little body. 

A rush of maternal love filled my body, and I knew without doubt that I'd never loved anyone as much as I loved this precious little human in my arms. My daughter, my heart.

The door opened and Zain came in. He had been to the multi-faith prayer room to recite some shukranay kay nafl, to thank Allah for the safe delivery, and for our beautiful daughter. "I didn't tell our families that we had a daughter. I just told them the you and the baby are safe, and that you and I will properly introduce the baby with its name, when they meet the baby."

"That sounds cute." I smiled. "So, now that we know it's a girl, we agree that it's the name that we both decided was the best option?" 

"Without a doubt. The moment you suggested that name, I knew that it was the one." He sat down beside me and pecked me on the lips.

There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." Zain called out, and the door opened, letting in our parents and siblings. 

"Allah!" Mum glanced down at the baby in arms  immediately. "Ma Sha Allah! Dado's jaan!" 

"Mama, Papa, Mum, Dad, Talha Bhai, Zoha and Misha," I said. "Please meet our daughter..." I looked at my husband to announce the name.

"Zara Zain." Zain lovingly handed our peacefully sleeping daughter towards his mother, who took her carefully. "Born at three in the morning on the first of January. Our New Years' baby." 

The happiness on our families' faces warmed my heart and I looked at Zain. "Zara is like a ship name for us." 

"Well, she is our daughter, a combination of you and me, so why not?" He kissed my cheek while the others were distracted. "Little Trouble Zara." 

I giggled. "Our duckling Zara." 

"Tara and Zara, my two loves." He kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Trouble."

From friend-husband, to true love and soulmate, to being the father of my baby girl. Zain really was my everything. 

And now we had this beautiful addition to our beautiful world.

Miss Zara Zain Iftikhar, the little girl who already seemed to have her grandparents, uncle and aunts wrapped around her tiny little finger. 

Ma Sha Allah.


Welcome, New Year Baby, Zara Zain!

Are you guys happy to meet their daughter?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote.

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