It Hurts.

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Aabia's POV.

I was looking around at every face which was drenched in tears. Dadu left. On this Dadi sahib's tears were hurting me more. I could see my Dad and mom crying and my siblings. But what was hurting me more was my brother Aarham who didn't cried. Not a single tear he shed.

The funeral was done and we all were seated on our places. On one side,the sorrow of losing our Dadu was hurting us and on other side Dadi sahib who was not well.

We all were silent on our places. I saw Aarham coming in with Sameer and Shazam.

"Taayi g please take bade papa to his room. His health is not good." I heard Aarham who was talking to Madiha Taayi g.

Nodding she left with Hammad uncle. Soon all the elders went to their room. Aarham turned to us. I saw him looking at us all.

"Zarnish,Zara,Maliha Api go to your rooms and have rest." Aarham send them to their rooms while Shams,Haseeb and Aarib bhai also went to their rooms.

Now inky we siblings with bhabhi and mom ,dad were left in the talk. I could see my parents fully in grief but I couldn't do anything.

"Mehak." I looked at Aarham who called bhabhi.

"Take mom inside and also Dad. Make them sleep okay." He said and Bhabhi gave a nod with making Papa stand and held his hand.

"Carefully." Bhabhi held papa who was about to fall and I got up from my place.

"Dad you okay?" Aarham ran to dad and held him.

"I'm broken Aarham." Said papa and hugged Aarham and my own tears left my eyes when i saw my Dad crying.

"Dad I'm here. I won't let you break down. Dadu is here. Don't cry." Aarham said and we all siblings walked toward Dad,gathered around him.

"Listen okay." Making papa sit,Aarham said and I keep looking at him who was consoling us all,hiding his own pain.

"You are our strength. I know we lost our life today but now we have to live for the memories of Dadu which are so beautiful that on every second, they awaken life in us. And Dadu never liked to see you crying." Wiping Papa's tears, Aarham hugged Dad.

"He'll hurt to see you like this and see you are making your Zeeniya cry." Aarham said and Dad looked at mom who was crying badly.

"Here drink this water." Taking the glass of water from bhabhi, he made Dad drink it.

"Now both of you go and sleep. I know its not easy but still try." He said and went to drop them in their room.

After a while, he came back and looked at us.

"Roshaane Guriya come here." Calling Roshaane, Aarham said and she hugged her him as she came to him and cried silently.

"Scared?" Asked Aarham and she nodded.

"Don't be. Dadu is watching you. He loves you. Everything will be okay." He said and I couldn't hold myself.

I walked to him with tears I was trying to stop. I hugged him too and soon Sameer and Shazam hugged us. We all hugged each other crying silently.

"I'm here. You don't need to be scared. I know we are missing our Dadu but he's alive in our hearts and that's more important." Aarham said and kissed our foreheads.

"Now go to your rooms. Tomorrow is going to be busy day as all friends and relatives are coming for condolence and also there is Quran Khuwani in the house. So for now take rest." He said and we all nodded.

Walking toward the stairs, I stopped to see my brother who was hurt. I wanted to console him but there I saw his companion standing next to him. Smiling,I walked up to my room leaving my bhai to my bhabhi. I knew she would never leave him alone with his tears and pain.

Zarnish's POV.

It was Quran Khuwani going on for the leave if Dadu's soul peace. I was seated lost in my Dadu's memories. Mahnoor and Zara were serving water and other refreshments with the help of the servants. I saw bhabhi going up to her following Aarham bhai and at the sane time,Shams entered. I looked at him who was looking so disturbed. I could see all faces of my family members were sad and full of grief. Eyes were not getting dry of tears as we lost our precious person. Our Dadu. He talked something to the maids and walked out.

I saw male servants were going out with some refreshments and I knew there must be some guests who visit Aarham bhai and Jahan papa for condolence. I saw Zara going out in her own thoughts. I was not not understanding where was she going.

I keep seated there but when I didn't saw her coming back,I went out and saw Shams scolding her for coning out. Going closer to her,I held her wrist And dragged her with me inside

"Are you insane?" What were you doing there?" I asked looking at her who's breaths were heavy,dry lips and lost minded.

"He..he was here." She said and looked up at me with hope.

"Who?" I asked looking at him.

"Who lives here." She said pointing toward her heart.

"Come to your senses. Have you lost your mind? Thinking about a man who is a stranger." I said but she was not listening to me.

Like an obsessed and crazy person she keep walked to the stairs and I could see her lost condition. I was just watching her and there was nothing I could do for her.

Shahmir's POV.

"Damn it." Cursing,I punched the punching bag as her sad face was not leaving my eyes.

A week ago,she lost her Dadu and there I saw her crying. Crying badly. And since that day to now my heart was not at rest. I wanted to take her kain but I knew she wouldn't let me. I didn't know shy but I just wanted to bring a smile in her lips. I wanted to wipe her tears.

"What the he'll is happening to me?" I said while punching harder on the punching bag.

"Thinking about me?" I startled on the voice and turned to see.

As I turned,I saw her standing in yellow dress with her ponytail.

"You're not real right?" I said going closer to her.

"Is it important?" She asked and a tear slipped on her cheek making my heart hurt.

"Why? Why can't I see tears in your eyes? Why I feel everyday empty without you? Why I want to see you smiling all the time? And why the hell that I think only about you in every passing second?" I asked looking at her who smiled on my words.

"Am I looking yellow tulip?" She asked and I took a step back.

"You're my hallucination. I'm going crazy." Saying I again start punching the punching bag.

"No you're in love with me." My hands stopped and I turned to see her.

"You don't like to see tears in my eyes. You want to see me happy. You think of nothing but me all the day because Mr Shahmir is in love with me. Shahmir is in love with Aabia Jahan Ahmad." She said coming closer to me and I was getting shock on her words.

"Its..its..not true. It can't happen. I can never be in love." I said looking away from her.

"If its not love then how can you see me or hear me everywhere. Why I'm here in front of you then!?" She asked and I looked away.

"Stay away from me." Pushing the bag,I walked out if the gym and ran to my room escaping from her who was disturbing me.

"I won't think of her." Saying to myself, I went to take a bath but somewhere on my left side it hurt.

Aabia's POV.

Two week passed and all went back to their home. We were now Aline with each other. I could see my bhai Aarham was trying to keep us happy but from inside he was not. He was hurting himself. He didn't cried not a single tear and it was causing him pain I knew but he was not showing his pain. He was hiding his pain,his grief and that's what hurting us more.

My Mobile rang and I took the call.

"Hello." I said as I received the call.

"Hello were you sleeping?" On Shams's question I gave a negative nod.

"I was not. How are you?" I asked while walking in the lawn.

"I'm fine. What are you doing?" I smiled on his questions which were not ending.

"I'm missing my best friend." I said and took a seat on the swing.

"Really! Should I come then!" I smiled more on his words.

"Your Zee Maa was also complaining that you didn't come to see her." I said and heard his sigh.

"I will soon visit you both my beautiful ladies. You okay na?" He asked and I liked his concern.

"I'm fine. You take care too." I said.

"I will. Good night and love you." I startled on his words and then smiled.

"Good night." I said and cut the call.

Even it hurts to see my beloved relations in pain. Even it hurts more on the lode of my Dadu but still there is someone who was making me smile. And I knew he was the one who will love me throughout his life.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all?

I'm sorry I couldn't write more and couldn't update earlier. I know its a short chapter buy I tried to give you one chapter of yours too.

And specially this chapter is dedicated to one if my reader who requested yesterday yo update even its s short chapter. I don't remember her name but it's for her. Hey dear hope you enjoyed the short chapter of yours.

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