Not Again.

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Third person's POV.
All return from marriage hall very late. All elders went to their rooms while Jahan and his family were waiting for Aarham and Mehak. Aabia was so tired and her mood was spoiled badly because of Shahmir. Shams was also laying on a couch with closed eyes. Zarnish's eyes were fixed on him who was massaging his temples with his fingers.

"Shams son what happened?" Zeeniya asked as she went closer to him.

"Nothing Zee Maa. Just a little headache." Shams said and zeeniya start running her fingers in his hair.

"Son you should sleep. Aarham would be late I think." Zeeniya said and Shams nodded.

He walked out of hall and Zarnish's face fall sadly. She too walked away from there in her room. At 2 of the night Aarham and Mehak returned completely wet. All smiled looking at them and were happy that they were coming closer. Soon all left to their room and so did Aabia.

Aabia's POV.
As I entered my room.I closed the door and locked it. I took my dress from my wardrobe and went to change. But in front of my eyes all the moments that worse moments with Shahmir start flashing.

I came out and stood in front of the mirror. I looked down at my wrist where his finger prints were visible.

"Jerk." I said with anger and went to my bed.

"Allah(SWT) Please never bring him in front of me again and save me from him." I prayed and closed my eyes to sleep.


I got up on the alarm ring.  It was 15 past 8. Yawning I went out of bed and took my new dress out because today I was going to my office as my leaves were over. I missed my Fajar prayer again and truly I was not punctual in offering prayer. So many time I was being scolded by mom on this but still I didn't get punctual. I took a long shower to relax my tired nerve and changed into my beautiful dress of blue colour. I got ready and walked out of my room.

Bhai and bhabhi were still in their room. All were on breakfast table. I took seat next to Shams.

"Good morning." I greeted him and he smiled looking at me.

"Where were you last night?" I asked as I start having the juice.

"I..I was there in hall." He answered looking down at his plate.

"You arrived late. That's why I'm asking." I asked but he didn't answered me.

"Zarnish you tell me where you both were?" I asked looking at her who startled on my call.

"Our car got some problem." Before Zarnish could answer Shams said and I nodded.

I had my breakfast. We all went to call bhai and Bhabhi. Both were looking so happy and perfect. As they depart to Bhabhi's home I went in my room and took my laptop with my mobile along with car keys. Going down I saw my mom dad with my grandparents in hall seated. They all were smiling.

"Is everything okay? I asked and they nodded.

"Okay. I'm going to office. I'm already late." I said and ran out.

I drove to my office and was so in hurry. I was a hour late. As I reached in office I took a breath of relieve when I saw my boss didn't reached yet.

"Thank God I made it." I said as I sat down on my chair.

"Hey how are you?" I looked up and saw my colleagues entering my cabin.

"I'm good. Is boss arrived?" I asked and they nodded.

"Yes and he's calling us all in meeting room." Sonia said and I nodded.

I took a deep breath and walked out with them toward the meeting room. I entered and we all settle down on our chairs. Our boss entered and we all stood up.

"Assalam-o-alikum how are you all?" Sir Siddiqui said.

"Wasalam..we are fine sir." We all said.

"So this meeting is about to introduce someone." He said creating suspense.

"My son." He said and I kept looking at him.

"Shahmir." He said and my head turned to the door.

"No please please." I closed my eyes and prayed that this Shahmir wouldn't be him.

I opened my eyes and saw  that jerk entering the meeting room. He gracefully entered with a girl in the room and my jaw dropped.

"This is my son Shahmir. Shahmir siddiqui." Sir introduced him.

And I held my head in my hands. No not again. Allah g not again.

"Hello sir." All employees greeted him.

"Hello." He said but I was trying to hide my face.

I didn't want him to see me. But it was so difficult because he was standing in just front of me.

"I want to tell you something." Sir started but I took a file and opened it in front of my face to hide myself.

"I'm going to London for a month so in my absence my son Shahmir will look after this company." Sir Siddiqui blast a bomb on my head.

"What??" I yelled removing my file from my face.

My eyes fall on him who was already looking at me. He smirked looking at me as he already knew I was there seated.  The girl next to him held his arm and I turned away.

"Wow Shahmir sir you will be with us for a month." One of the girl employee said and I made a bad face as I have tasted some bitter thing.

"Call me Shah. For everyone I'm shah." He said and I turned my face to other side.

"I'm Shah." I acted slowly like he said.

"I'll be here with you for a month or maybe for more. That depends on my mood but I think we'll enjoy working together." He said and I was understanding his meaning.

"Very good. It seems that for the first time my son is getting interested in something." Sir said and now it was getting hard for me to sit in front of him.

"You can all go now." Sir said and I was the first to leave from there.

As I reached in my cabin I start roaming here and there restless. I was so worried. That jerk as my boss.

"This can't be happened! Where I'm stuck." I was muttering to myself.

A knock I heard on my door and then someone stepped in. My eyes narrowed when he entered my room with that devilish smile on his face which I hated the most. His that green eyes were on me and I felt myself burning.

"Well miss Aabia Jahan Ahmad you didn't welcome me yet." He said taking a step closer.

I took a step back and adjust my dupatta on my shoulders correctly.

"Welcome sir." I faked the smile.

"Is it okay?" I said and tried to be polite.

"Hey beautiful I'm missing your anger." He said while taking a step closer.

"Don't. You.." I was about to say something when someone entered.

"Shah what are you doing here?" The same girl entered who he brought with him.

"Aalia baby." He said as he turned to her.

She held his arm again and glued to him. My expressions changed into a bad one.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with her poppy eyes and I hardly stopped myself from laughing.

"I was just here to meet miss Aabia.. She's sister of my friend." He said and I turned my face to other side.

"Oh jaanu you know na I can't spend a minute without you." She said and a giggle realized from my lips.

"Why are you laughing?" She turned to me and I faced her.

"Me? No I'm not laughing." I said with a serious face.

"Shah baby come outside." She said and pulled him out.

I burst out in a laughter as they left from my cabin and i Fall on my chair.



I acted and laughed again.

"This is going to be very interesting Shah." I said to myself and smiled.

Zarnish's POV.
I was laying on my bed while my eyes were fixed on the roof of the room. Lights were off and so were curtains hiding the light from me. My room was dipped in dark and I was lost in those moments I spent with shams last night. A smile touched my lips as I was reliving my all those moments with him.


The night of Aarham and Mehak's Vallima.

Third person's POV.
Shams came with Aarham to parlour to pick Mehak. As Mehak came out he send Aarham and Mehak together to the hall where the function was held.  As he turned to see Aabia he saw Zarnish standing alone.

"Where's Aabia?" Shams asked and Zarnish felt nervous in front of him.

"She's gone with Shazam." Zarnish informed and he nodded.

Taking car keys from Zarnish he start it and Zarnish sat in next to him. Her heart was fluttering because he was the one looking at her. She got ready only for him and her wished fulfilled as she wanted him to see her first. Shams drove to the hall and she was looking outside at the passing views.

"Stop." Suddenly she yelled and shams pulled the breakers.

"What happened?" Shams asked looking at her.

"That." She said while pointing toward the shop on the other side of road.

"What? You stopped for them?" He asked and she nodded happily.

"I want those rose garlands please." She insisted and he narrowed her eyes at her.

"We are already late and you are asking for those stupid garlands." He shouted and she got scared.

"They are not stupid." She said innocently.

"Not stupid then what? Waste of time." He said and started the car.

"They are beautiful." She slowly said and he looked at her once.

He didn't know what was happening to him. Why he was frustrating. Why he was running away from her who was seated next to him. He looked at her again and stopped the car.

"Go and buy them." He said while passing some money to her.

"No its okay." She said and he turned to her.

"I'm saying na go." He said and she took the money.

Both stepped out of the car and she took a step to go but he pulled her back to save her from a car.

"Careful." He said and held her hand.

Both start crossing the road but Zarnish's heart was fluttering with happiness. Her eyes were fixed on their hand glued together. As they reached near the shop,Shams leaved her hand.

"Take whatever you want." He said and she nodded.

Zarnish took two garlands and wore them in her hands. Smile touched her lips as she saw those beautiful rose garlands in her wrists.

"Thank you." She said and he nodded.

Both took a step to cross the road and again Zarnish was lost in watching the garlands she was wearing when she was about to hit by a car but Shams pulled her back to him. She collided with his chest and their eyes met. Both lost in each other's eyes for a second but shams was the first to come to his senses.

"Where were you looking at?" He yelled throwing his anger on her.

"I was..." She stuttered.

"What I was.. Can't you see the coming car.?" He said and grabbed her wrist.

A tear slipped on her cheek but he just pulled her with him to cross the road. He sat in car and she too silently took seat next to him.  He start driving and she was shedding silently tears.

"Stop crying now." He said as he turned to see her.

"I'm not crying." She replied while wiping her tears.

"Yes I can see that." He said and stopped the car.

Turning to her he looked at her red nose. His eyes stuck on it. Her pink cheeks,her moving earring,her red nose,her lower lashes he was stuck on it. His eyes again moved to her crystalline neck which was looking so beauty with that thin gold chain on it. He again felt the urge to touch it which made him to turn away.

"I'm sorry." He said as he looked away.

"Sorry for everything." He said as he was amazed on the feelings rising in him.

He never felt like this. Never even for Aabia. Then what was it?? He was not understanding. His mind and heart fight continued and this was making him more disturb.

But on other side Zarnish was happy. Smiling on these moments they spent with each other.

End of flashback.
Zarnish's POV.
"Shams." I said as I took the chain out of my shirt in which his name was hanging.

I kissed it as I saw it.

"I love you Shams." I said looking at those rose garlands.

I inhaled their fragrance and smiled more. I got up and ran out of the room to see him. My heart wanted to see him. But I didn't forgot to hide my Shams in my heart. Putting my dupatta on my shoulders I went out. As I reached in hall I saw Zeeniya aunty and Jahan papa in hall while Dadi Sahib and Dadu were also there.

"What's happening?" I asked as I reached near them.

I saw my parents were also there with Shams's parents. I sat next to Robi Maa and placed my head in her lap.

"Planning." Robi Maa said and I looked at her.

"What planning?" I asked looking at all of them but my heart beat in fear.

"Promise you won't tell anyone." Mom asked and I nodded while getting up.

"Your Dadu decided that before Aarham and Mehak's honeymoon trip,we should do the ceremony of Shams and Aabia's engagement." Mom blasted a bomb on my head and I was looking at their face waiting for anyone to tell me that its a lie.

"See her expressions." Mom said and all laughed.

"I know all will be shock like her." Dadu said but I was shocked on my place.

"Beta you okay?" Zeeniya aunty called and I came to my senses.

"I'm okay." I said and looked down to hide my pain.

"What day you suggested?" Robi Maa asked while cupping my face.

"Whatever you like." I said.

They were asking the day of my death. How I will tolerate him going far from me. I knew I always knew that he's doesn't belong to me. He's Aabia's. But I did the mistake of loving him but now my all way are blocked. I can't go back.

"I think this coming Sunday will be perfect because on Monday Aarham and Mehak's tickets are confirmed." Dadi sahib said and all nodded.

"I think that's perfect." Jahan uncle said and now it was getting hard for me to sit among them.

I excused myself and rushed to my room. I closed the door and ran to bed. I hide my face in pillow and cried. Cried harder,louder throwing my all pain out but pain was not ending but increasing. Increasing that I felt difficulty to even take breath.

"Shams." I called his name and cried again.

Shams's POV.
As I entered in mom dad's room I saw them smiling. They stood up as they saw me.

"What happened?" I asked going closer to them.

I saw mom closing the door and I sat next to dad on bed. Mom nodded her head and dad held my hand..

"Is everything okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes. Everything is okay." Dad said and I waiter for him to say further.

"We want to tell you something." Mom said and I nodded.

"On coming Sunday you are getting engaged." Mom said and my eyes widened.

"I'm getting engaged?" I asked shocked.

"With Aabia." Dad completed.

And I turned to dad shocked. A second later my lips form into a smile.

"With Aabia?" I asked again to confirm.

Dad nodded and I hugged him with happiness.  My heart jumped with happiness. Finally I was going to engage with my love. My Aabia. I smilingly moved back and hugged my mom.

"Thank you." I said and she laughed

"I didn't knew my son is so crazy for Aabia." Mom said and I moved back.

"Yeah right! You knew. You all knew." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Did you tell her? I mean Aabia does she know?" I asked

"No. But tonight zeeniya will talk to her. I hope she'll also agree on this engagement." Mom said and i nodded.

"Inshahallah." I said and went out.

I was so happy. So much happy. I felt myself flying on cloud nine. I was walking in my own thoughts when I bumped with someone and fall on the ground with someone. I opened my eyes and looked at her who's eyes were on me.

"Not again Zarnish." I said as I saw her laying beneath me.

"Where were you lost?." I asked looking at her who was still lost

"Zarnish." I called and she came to her senses.

"Get up please." She said and I realized that I was still on top of her close to her.

I don't understand why I always bumped into her and after bumping into her why I forgot everything. I was thinking and moved back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize." I said looking down.

"Its okay. Congratulations I heard you are getting engaged." She said and I looked up at her.

"Thank you. I'm so happy about it." I said and she smiled looking at me.

"Can you give me favour?" I asked as I got an idea.

"Can you ask Aabia what she think about me? I mean she loves me or not? Can you?" I asked and she nodded.

"Oh thank you so much. You are a true friend." I said and passed to my room leaving her there.

I was so happy. Now I just wanted to know her will. What she wanted. I was hoping that Aabia will also happy like me.

Shahmir's POV.

I was so happy. Finally she was in front of me and now she couldn't run from me.  I entered this office with full plan. I knew she worked in my dad's office so I planned to be Here where I could see her all the time. Today she was looking more beautiful in her blue shirt and churi pajama. I never liked girls in these dresses but she was he first pulling me to her with her attitude. Her pony tail, her attitude, her personality everything was pulling me to her and when she laughed on Aalia I smiled too on her laugh.

"Call miss Aabia in my office." I said and put the receiver down again.

"Let's enjoy this." I said and waited for her to come.

My room door knocked and I sat properly.

"Come in." I said while leaning back on my chair.

"Yes sir you called." She said as she stood in front of me full of confidence.

"No sir. Mir its Mir." I said looking at her beautiful face.

"But you said to call you shah." She said and I smiled on her cuteness.

"For you I'm mir. Only Mir." I said and she frowned her eyebrows.

"Excuse me sir I don't like such things. I hope we work here professionally and nothing else." She said and walked out while slamming the door harder.

"Wow why I like her so much God.?" I said and laughed.

"Arrange a meeting." I said to my secretary.

"This will be fun Aabia." I said and walked toward the meeting room.

Dad was already left. So now I was the only one to be their boss. And being boss I was going to do something that she can't resist. All employees entered and I saw her coming with same attitude and anger on her nose which turned her beautiful nose into red.

"I want you all to listen to me carefully." I said and I saw every eye on me but she was busy in herself.

"I want to launch games. And I want your ideas about the gaming so I can work on it.." I said as I planned.

"Sir Aabia,Imraan and Zohaib knows something about this gaming software. Even they are more expert in it." One of the  employee said as I smiled because I knew she was the one who can do this. Dad told me and I'm going to use it.

"That's great. Aabia will assist me in doing that. I'm also a software engineer studied from London and also worked there. But i like making games so now on miss Aabia will help me. I hope me and miss Aabia will give the best game you have seen. What say miss Aabia?"  I asked looking at her and she was just waiting to answer.

"Sorry sir I'm already doing a project and this gaming stuff I don't like. You can take imraan or Zohaib with you." She said and I fisted my hand as anger increased.

What she think of herself? "

"Your project will transferred to Zohaib but you will work with me from tomorrow." I said and walked out of the cabin..

I smiled on my victory. I knew she had no other option than to work with me. I was moving my chair here and there when my cabin room opened and I turned to see. Miss Aabia was standing with red face,breath ragged because of anger.

"You forgot to knock?" I asked but intentionally I was teasing her.

"What you want? Why are you doing this?" She asked and I stood in front of her.

"What I'm doing?" I asked innocently.

"Stop chasing me or try to." She said and I laughed.

"Listen Mr Shahmir enjoy your life with those who are your baby and jaanu but I won't let you to play with me. Do whatever you want but stay away from me." She said and turned to go.

"You know I'll get what I want." I said and she turned.

"But I'm not the one you'll get." She said and walked out of the room.

I laughed and sat again with a thought.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you???

I'm so sorry for bring late in updating yours.

I hope you like the chapter. Shahmir and his wicked mind. What he's going to do next??

And please what you think about Zarnish? What will she do?? Will she do something to save her love or will keep quite??

And about Shams does he really love Aabia???

And Aabia what will be her answer when she'll come to know about her engagement??

Do vote and comment.

I'll update soon.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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