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Third person's POV.

"Accept me." His voice rang in the huge room.

She look at him in shock. His steps moved toward her. His eyes resist to move from her. She was standing in front of him in yellow dress,flower garlands in her arms,braid was also looking beautiful with flowers on it which was hanging on her shoulder. A yellow dupatta was pinned on her head. Wearing the jewellery of flowers she was looking a queen of flowers. The combination of yellow and white flowers were making her more attractive.

He keep moving toward her in a trance while she was taking steps back in fear. For the first time, her eyes were filled with fear. He saw for the first time a wave of fear on her face. For the first time she was looking so pale

" go." She manage to say but keep moving.

He finish the distance between them in a step and hold her shoulders to pull her to him. She yelled with close eyes but his gaze never leaved her.

"Leave me Shah." She said as she opened her eyes.

The fragrance of flowers and turmeric coming from her was making him crazy. After all she was a bride who was going to marry tomorrow. He was not in his senses. All he could see was her.

"I told you to never call me shah. For you I'm Mir. Only Mir." He said while touching her pink cheeks.

"Don't touch me. What you think of yourself.?" She yelled while pushing his hand away.

"Your Mir and you are mine. I told you,you are mine Aabia." He said crazily.

"I'm not yours. I will never be yours." She said and pushed him back and freed herself.

"Listen let me go. My mom,my dad everyone would be worried. Its my wedding." She said and took a step to reach the door but he grabbed her hand and pulled her in his arms.

"Of course its your wedding but with me." He said and she look at him hatefully.

"That will never happen shah." She shouted and again tried to free herself.

"Oh so you want to stay with me without marriage. I don't mind because you are not going anywhere now. I can't live without you. I can't lose you." He said and start taking steps back with her in his arms.

"What are you doing?? Lea....leave me." Her protest was not helping her.

He just smiled and keep moving. With a flick both fall on bed Shahmir on top of her.

"Move. Let me go." Her eyes filled with water as she find herself helpless.

His hand reached her face to wipe her tears which were making her face wet.

"Don't cry. You know it hurts when you cry. Please be mine. Please or else I won't stop making you mine. I'm going crazy.crazy for you. Don't let me do something which you regret." He whispered in her ear sending chills to her spine.

"You decide now what you want. A legal relation or??" He paused and her eyes go wide.

He placed a kiss on her cheek making her shudder and he moved back. But she was still laying on bed motionless. Fear was running in her body. His words scared her. He look at him who was looking at her crazily.

"Qazi must be coming soon with few witnesses for our Nikah. I hope till than you would be ready." He said and walk toward the door.

He look back to her who just covered herself with her dupatta and hugged her knees. What was not there in her eyes he can see. Fear,tears making him feel guilty but he has no other way he thought.

He turn to the door again and put his hand on knob.

"I'm sorry for everything but you didn't left any choice for me." He whispered to himself and walk out of the room.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Its Aabia's story.

The prologue!

How you find it??

Curious to know the rest of the story!!???

Its coming. Just please please do comment to tell me know how you find the prologue.

Do vote.

Stay bless.

Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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