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Seo [y/n] licks her dry, chapped lips. It was approximately 2;30 in the morning, and she was trying to not let her thoughts invade her head. She chews and pulls the soft skin off her bottom lip, beginning to taste iron.

She taps her fingers on her leg. Caving, she grabs her phone, dialing a number.

Walking silently to her closet as she lets the phone ring on speaker. The person on the other line picks up.

"[y/n] what the hell? It's almost three!" The feminine voice says, but [y/n] continues to pack clothes.

"I'm coming over."

"Okay, but why? What's up?" The girl on the other side asks.

"I'll tell you when I get there." And then she hangs up.

She jogs down up the stairs as quiet as possible, and slips on her black and [favored/color] converse.

Unlocking the front door, she grabs her keys, and runs out the door.

It wasn't as cold as she had expected, just a slight chill. Keeping her pace, she runs another six minutes, making it to her friends house with a slight pant.

[y/n] opens the door without hesitation, closing it lightly, to be engulfed in a tight hug.

"God you worry me sometimes, [y/n]. Now why are you here this late? Or... Early I guess."

The girl pulls away, her black hair a mess and slight bags were forming under her grey eyes.

"I'm sorry, Hyunjae. I can't stop thinking about something and it... It's driving me insane." [y/n] drops her bag on the floor, before falling to the couch, legs weak.

"Bitch, spill." Hyunjae says, sprawling herself across [y/n]'s lap.

[y/n] sighs, "I'm thinking about running away. Making my way to Busan, or Daegu." She says, a light in her eyes.

Hyunjae hums, taking in the new information.

"Would you have enough money for that? I mean, hell ya, I'll help, even come with you if I could, but you know I won't just leave Nana like that."

[y/n] nods. "I've been working enough that I have enough for a small apartment, a train or plane ticket, and some food to last me a week or so, until I got a job." She starts playing with Hyunjae's hair.

"Jae," [y/n] starts, "should I go through with this?"

Hyunjae clicks her tongue, "well, weigh the pros and cons. You'd be out of that hellhole you call home, but you could get caught. It'd be a fresh start, but difficult to maintain on your own."

"What are you going to tell the boys? You know they'll either want to come with or want to talk you out of it."

"Out of what?" Someone yawns from the doorway that lead to the bedrooms.

"Jaemin this doesn't involve you." Hyunjae says sternly.

"But noona," he whines, "if [y/n] is involved then I am." He says without hesitation.

[y/n] sighs. "Jaemin, come here. This is very important and you can not freak out. Got it?" Jaemin nods, and sits next to her and Hyunjae, who was currently sitting on her lap.

"Jaemin, I might leave."

Jaemin's brows furrow in confusion, then hurt. "You're leaving us?!" He shouts, louder than he should've.

[y/n] puts a finger to her lips, shushing him, before sighing.

"I might. Nothing official yet."

She can see the glisten in Jaemin's eyes as the moon reflects off them. "Oh Nana, come here." Pushing Hyunjae off her lap, [y/n] pulls Jaemin into a hug.

"But... W-why would you w-want to leave?" He hiccups, burying his face in her hair.

'Poor, sweet Jaemin... If only you understood.'

She rubs light circles in his back, trying to calm him down.

The three ended up cuddling on the sofa, and the only reason they woke was [y/n]'s phone ringing. Jaemin woke first, taking her phone from her hoodie pocket. He stares at the contact.

"Seo Joonseok"  it was [y/n]'s father.

He shakes her awake, and the phone stops ringing. She stares at the missed call for a long moment, before putting her phone on silent and tossing it to the floor.

"[y/n]? Why didn't you answer it?" Jaemin asks as Hyunjae yawns, beginning to wake up.

"It wasn't important." She says simply.

"But it was your dad's n-" [y/n] cuts him off with a small glare.

"I said it wasn't important."

Jaemin looks down, embarrassed. "Sorry Nana, don't worry about it, okay?" [y/n] apologizes, and Jaemin just nods.

Hyunjae touches her arm, and [y/n] looks at her with a questioning expression. Hyunjae nods towards the door, and [y/n] nods silently.

"Hey Nana, we'll be back. We're going to get snacks. We're having a movie marathon, feel free to invite the boys." Hyunjae says as she stands.

[y/n] uses the bathroom and brushes her hair, as well as her teeth with the extra toothbrush she leaves at Hyunjae's house.

Grabbing her phone from the floor, she puts on her shoes. Hyunjae kisses Jaemin's forehead, grabs her phone and jacket, and the two girls leave.

The silence was heavy at first, but [y/n] breaks it. "Jae, I'm scared."

Hyunjae looks at her with sad eyes.

"What if he finds me, Jae. I will be in so much trouble this time..."

Hyunjae stops walking, grabbing [y/n]'s shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes. "[y/n], listen to me, very closely. They will not find you. I won't let them take you this time. I made that mistake once, I won't make it again," she says firmly, "do you understand me?"

[y/n]'s lip quivers, tears burning her eyes. She nods lightly, not letting them fall. "Good." Hyunjae says, taking [y/n]'s hand in her own.

They reach a small corner store, and have some fun picking out snacks for them and the boys.

"Isn't this the one thing Chenle said he likes?" Hyunjae says, pointing out a small bag of gummy candy.

"I think so... Should we get it?" [y/n] questions, raising an eyebrow.

Hyunjae hums, "sure, why not." She grabs the candy, tossing into the small basket.

The two split the pay, and each hold a paper bag of snacks and drinks as they walk out the door, still hand in hand.

"Soo," Hyunjae starts, "you and Mark huh?" A red color flashes across [y/n]'s cheeks.

"No! Just because we went to the movies, doesn't mean it was a date. And what about you and Haechan?" Hyunjae giggles, not saying anything.

They talk about little random things as they walk home, and Jaemin can hear them before they even walk inside.

As they walk in the door, they are greeted with a chorus of "hi noona"s and "hi [y/n]"s.

They smile at the boys, going to the kitchen as they finally let go of each other's hands.

Setting out the snacks while [y/n] sets up the drinks, Hyunjae remembers [y/n]'s words.

"Jae, I'm scared." It hurts her that her best friend, who she was practically sisters with, was scared- terrified of her own blood family.

"Unni, can you get some milk boiling please." [y/n] snaps Hyunjae out of her thoughts, and she nods, grabbing a pot.

As she brings the milk to a small simmer, she calls in her brother.

Jaemin walks into the kitchen. "Yes noona?"

"Grab the popcorn and get it started please." Jaemin nods.

[y/n] makes the hot chocolate, and puts the warm liquid in mugs.

"Do you still have some marshmallows, Jae?" Hyunjae nods.

"Top shelf."

"BOYS!" [y/n] shouts as she gets the marshmallows down.

"Marshmallows or no marshmallows? One at a time. Starting with Jisung."

The youngest smiles. "Marshmallows, four please." He grins with his teeth.

She hands him the mug, "careful, it's hot."

"Thanks noona!" Jisung goes back to the living room.

Chenle says no marshmallows, and kisses [y/n] and Hyunjae's cheeks. "Thanks [y/n], thanks Jae noona." He says as he leaves.

The rest follow suit, following Chenle's actions.

Soon, it was just Hyunjae and [y/n] again. Hyunjae giggles. "They're lovey today."

"Yeah no kidding." [y/n] laughs. She pauses.

"Do you think, maybe, Jaemin told them?" She asks, voice lowered.

Hyunjae sighs, "unlikely, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He's a blabber mouth."

[y/n] chuckles, "yeah."

After a few minutes, they go into the front room with their hot cocoa, Hyunjae sitting next to Donghyuk and Jisung on the couch, and [y/n] sitting on Mark's lap, with Chenle and Jeno to the sides of her. Jaemin and Renjun were sharing the one person seat.

The boys had already started a movie, The Lion King, and were immersed in the animated film.

[y/n] shivers as the room seems to drop in temperature. Mark wraps his arms around her middle.

"Cold?" He whispers, and she nods lightly, and he pulls her closer, hands on her arms, his thumb rubbing her arm gently.

What they didn't know, was Chenle was watching with a sad look present in his eyes. He shakes his head lightly, before trying to focus back on the movie.

"You know, [y/n]," Mark whispers, only audible for her to hear, "you don't have to leave."

So Jaemin is a taddletail.

[y/n] tenses, resting her head under Mark's chin.

He doesn't say anything throughout the rest of the movie.

When the movie ends, Chenle yawns. "[y/n]," he whines, "cuddle with meee."

She giggles slowly standing, getting off Mark's lap, and goes to get a blanket. She comes back with a lilac blanket, and sits down next to Chenle, huddling up to him.

[y/n] tucks the blanket under the two, before putting her head on Chenle's shoulder, both leaned against the couch.

The next movie, Mulan, was one of [y/n]'s favorite Disney movies, so she ended up so invested in it that she didn't notice Chenle's arm wrapping around her and pulling her closer.

Hyunjae, Donghyuk, and Jisung all cuddled up on each other, as well Jaemin and Renjun, Mark and Jeno leaning on each other.

Around half way through the movie, Chenle had fallen asleep. Only about 15 minutes later, [y/n] had fallen asleep as well.

The rest of the group giggled as they noticed, taking multiple photos of the two cuddling.

After two more Disney movies, everyone had fallen asleep, Mark moved up to the couch, and spooned Jisung. Jaemin and Renjun fell asleep in a similar position as Chenle and [y/n]. Hyunjae had fallen asleep half laying on Donghyuk.

Then there was poor Jeno.

Eventually, Jaemin woke up and made him cuddle with him and Renjun.

With that, everyone took a midday nap.

Three hours into the nap, Chenle wakes up to shivers and shaking. [y/n] had moved to lay her head on his chest while they were sleeping.

Now she shivering and crying. Although still asleep.

It took Chenle a couple moments to register what was happening, but when his mind finally wakes up like the rest of his body, he wraps his arms around [y/n]'s small body, starting to rock back and forth.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. I'm here. He can't get you here."


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