April: Happy Birthday To-

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Broken: Guess whose a year closer to death now!?

Sinnamon: Your grandpa?

FireBall: Your grandma?

Twizzles: Why r we guessing?

Y/N: Cuz she told us to guess

Twizzles: Oh, ya

Broken: No! No! And no!

Broken: I'm sorta sad that FireBall especially doesn't know........

FireBall: Oh wait! It's you!

Twizzles: WHAT!?!?

Sinnamon: Um.......

Y/N: I get it! It's her birthday!

Broken: Yup! I'm now an adult! (A/N: Don't ask if it's true or not!)

FireBall: I'm still 16.......

Broken: My baby! 😊

FireBall: 😊

Twizzles: U probably still have he mind of a five year old

Sinnamon: A dirty five year old

Broken: Oh shut up!

Sinnamon: It's the truth!

Broken: Whatever!

FireBall: Guys! We need to buy her stuff

Broken: U haven't already...... T-T

Broken: Did you guys forget....... T-T

Sinnamon: No.........

Twizzles: We haven't bought ur birthday decorations!

FireBall: It's a code word!

Broken: U guys forgot........ T-T

Broken: It's ok....... everyone forgets........ T-T

FireBall: I didn't forget!

Twizzles: I knew it was ur birthday but I

Twizzles: I wanted to surprise u!

Sinnamon: Same!

Y/N: Ya.......

FireBall: Broken?

Twizzles: Broken? Hello?

Sinnamon: She's probably upset now

Y/N: Who wouldn't be

Twizzles: Everyone meet me at my house

Sinnamon: Including Broken?

Twizzles: No

Twizzles: Sorry

I turned off my phone and ran straight out the door. I already knew her plan. Twizzles and FireBall were the type of people who feel bad easily. Twizzles was obviously going to plan something for Broken's birthday. Knowing these girls, it should be great.

~Time Skip~
"How? How did you get all this in five minutes!?" Sinnamon admired the hotel room covered in decorations. We were in a hotel that was in the town Broken lived in when she was in grade 3, or grade 5. She apparently loves this hotel. I mean, who wouldn't? There's a flippen water slide at the pool! But it was crazy how Twizzles and FireBall did all this. "We didn't do it in five minutes! We've been working on this all morning! It's one in the afternoon now!" Twizzles laughed. "Anywho! You guess need to pick out a gift to give her!" FireBall pointed at a table with gifts all over it. It wasn't that big of a table though. "I already got her a gift which took forever to get! I was just going to randomly give it to her but, now that I know that it's her birthday, I can give it to her now" Sinnamon pulled out her phone. "What is it?" I asked. "Check it" Sinnamon stuck her phone in my face. I looked at what she had on her screen. It was an app form the App Store that was made by, Shall We Date. I looked at what it was based around this time. I couldn't even believe it though. It was based around the Male Rivals form Yandere Simulator! And I thought it was just a joke! "How!?" I asked. "Easy, I mentioned it to Yandere Dev and I have a connection with Shall We Date. They both thought it was perfect" Sinnamon smiled and showed FireBall and Twizzles. "She's going to absolutely die, when she sees that!" Twizzles laughed. "I know she'll love my present!" FireBall walked over to the table and grabbed a body sized pillow. She then turned it around to reveal a body pillow with Jumin Han, form Mystic Messenger on it. "Oh my God! She'll die with that one too! But I think she'll love mine too!" Twizzles walked over to the table and grabbed a onesie package. She showed it to us. It was a unicorn onesie. "She keeps talking about being the Mother Of Unicorns so, I thought I'd grant her wish!" Twizzles smiled. I laughed. Mother Of Unicorns? What is that even? "So, Y/N. Do you want to pick a gift form the table?" FireBall asked me. I nodded my head. "Just don't pick the ones that have a tag on them that says someone's name on it. Those are form the other guests" Twizzles told me. I walked over to the table and started looking. "So, are we going to wrap the presents?" Sinnamon asked. I then noticed a cute kimono jacket that had an Alice In Wonderland design on it. It had a black and white Disney princess dress inside of it. I thought it would be perfect! "Yup! We have bags and wrapping paper for this!" FireBall smiled. "But we have to wait for everyone else to come!" Twizzles put her gift down. Something then came to mind. "Hey, uh, how is Broken doing after the whole suicidal thing?" I turned around, holding the kimono jacket and dress. "Suicide!? What are you talking about!?" FireBall freaked out. She looked super worried. I seemed a bit surprised. She knew about it. "Y/N, if that's a joke, it's really not funny" Sinnamon looked serious. "Wait, so I dreamed that too!?" I looked at them surprised. "Probably!" Twizzles tried claiming everyone down. "She did apparently say something depressing but, she knows people care about her- wait, are you referring to when she completely stopped hanging out with us for two months?" Sinnamon asked me. I nodded my head slowly. "Well, nothing happened to her. Let's continue with the party!" FireBall tried to change the topic. Twizzles and Sinnamon shrugged and helped FireBall. How much of this did I dream?

~Time Skip~
~Broken's POV~
I walked into the hotel form one of my favourite places in the world. My heart ached as I remembered the great times of had in this town. All the drama and friendship that happened here, it was like a movie. Me, the stubborn 4th grader and all the goofballs I hung out with. We were on top of the world. But things started changing and hearts were broken. Even mine. Mine has been a million times. But I don't care. I've learned to ignore it until I can break down. And even thought the changes were hard, I then moved after that. I even had a crush on B/B then. And stupid Brandon wouldn't tell him. I laughed as tears threaten my eyes. I walked around to find the room I was told to go to by Brandon. I was terrified to see what he was going to say or do. "We can hold hands on the trampoline~" I remembered what he said to me from the summer before we went into grade 7. Even when he didn't like me, he still "flirted" with me. More tears threaten my eyes. It didn't help that Brandon might be the only one who actually remembered my birthday. I found he elevator and got in it to the second floor. He told me to bring a suitcase with some of my stuff in it. So I was lugging that around with me too. It was mostly all the keychains that made it tiring. The elevator opened and I walked out. I walked all the way to the suets with the balcony that looked over the pool. The best rooms. I found the room number and knocked on the door. Someone slipped the keycard under the door. I bent over and picked it up. I put it in the handle and opened the door. The lights were surprisingly off. I flicked them on. "SURPRISE!!!!!" My eyes widened as I saw all my friends in the room with Birthday hats and decorations everywhere. Everyone was here. My friends form this town, my YouTube High friends, everyone. I covered my mouth as this overwhelmed me. I almost started crying. Everyone came in and gave me a huge group hug. "Hey! We have the whole pool to ourselves! Let's go have some fun!" Twizzles yelled out. Everyone then got into there bathing suits and there was a swarm of teenagers in the hallway.

"Come on Broken!" Y/N yelled out to me as we ran up to the water slide.

(A/N: Y/N's prom date! Choice one now! There's already a vote for Ryan/Cry and I might just stick with him if nobody puts in a vote! But hey, if your a reader bit also a character, can you tell me about something dramatic that you what to happen in the next book? I'm not afraid to even say that since nobody ever reads these little notes! Or do they.......?)

Broken: Me!
Twizzles: Twisty-Twizzles
FireBall: FireBall296
Sinnamon: SinnamonBunn
Ivy: IvyWeaver
Chexter: oOCanicOverlord
Foi: Foii__
Cupcake: Cupcake_lover123M
BattleGem: Some guy in my class
Broken's Boyfriend: ????

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