Drama Class

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Once we all got to school, I stuck to the girls like glue! I wasn't going to talk to Cry. I didn't even want to see him! I just wasn't ready to cry yet. I then bumped into someone. I looked up to see Casper Lee. "S-Sorry!" I apologized backing away from him. "It's okay!" He said smiling. I smiled back and walked over to the girls. "You just talked to a rebel!" Twizzles said looking at me in awe. "It wasn't that hard" I told her. Broken shock her head. "It's not hard to talk to them. I do it all the time" Broken said crossing her arms. "Keep telling yourself that" FireBall said, patting Broken's shoulder. Broken shot a glare at her as she walked passed Broken. "Do you and FireBall not like each other?" I asked Broken. "No. We're the bests of friends! We just share a sister relationship sometimes" Broken told me. "Oh, ok. That makes more sense" I said as we started walking up to FireBall. "Are we just going to drop the whole thing about the rebels!?" Twizzles asked running up to us. Me and Broken laughed at Twizzles. "Hey, I actually have to meet up with Ivy and Sabrina! I'll talk to you guys later!" Broken said walking off and waving. We waved back and kept walking. "Who's Ivy?" I asked. "Some friend of Broken's. We don't even know her" FireBall told me. "Almost like Cry. Cry talks to her a lot but not us" Twizzles mentioned. My heart sank. "Hey, uh, why don't we actually go see the Minecrafters!?" FireBall asked, knowing what I was thinking. "Why don't we just go see the Gamers?" Twizzles asked. "Well, you can go see the gamers, me and Y/N are going to go see the Minecrafters! See ya!" FireBall said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the Minecrafters. Twizzles waved looking confused. She then turned around and started walking towards the Gamers. FireBall sat me down beside her and she started talking to Aphmau. "Well, this is random for you guys to join us!" Aphmau said smiling. "Don't think you guys are off the hook though. Ken told me that a few of you guys dared him to steal our phones" FireBall told them all. "But I didn't tell him to do it! I told him to not listen to these idiots!" Aphmau added. "Hey!" Mithzan said glaring at Aphmau.

Minutes went by, and eventually, the bell rang. I waved bye to all of them and walked into the school. I had Drama class first. Wasn't my best talent but I did enjoy Drama. I found a room that said Drama next to it. I wasn't expecting it to be a big room even though it was in-between the Gym and YouTube Class, I still didn't keep my hopes up. Who new that it was actually a big room? It was a huge classroom with a stage in it. I'd say it was a quarter of the gym. That's how big the space was. There were a bunch of chairs put out in front of the stage, so I was guessing we sat there. I mean, I did see Sabrina sitting in one of the seats. "Oh good! Someone I want to get to know......!" I thought walking over to her. "Hey Sabrina!" I said waving hi and, sitting down next to her. "Hey! You were my elbow buddy, right?" She asked. "Yup! It's Y/N, by the way. Just in case you forgot" I said smiling. "I didn't forget, I just think calling you my elbow buddy cute!" She said smiling back. "I guess it is cute, elbow buddy" I said with a smirk forming on my lips. Then, a bunch of students walked in. I saw Mark, Ken, Pewds, and I few other guys I've never seen before. They all sat in front of me and Sabrina. "Hey gurls!" Pewds said turning around to us. "Oh! Hey guys! Didn't see ya there!" Ken said turning around too. "Well, that proves that your blind" Mark commented. "Hey! We're done with that conversation!" Ken said elbowing Mark. "By the way, Y/N, these are two of my friends that we're on there extended vacation" Mark told me pointing towards the two guys. "That's Bob and, that's Wade" Mark also told me. Bob and Wade then waved and smiled. I smiled and waved too. All of the seats were filled up except for two. The two seats were right beside Pewds and beside me. "Hey, Pewds?" Ken asked looking at Pewds. "Yeah bro?" Pewds asked. "Where's Cry?" Ken asked, "Great......." I thought leaning back in my seat. "He said that the teacher asked him to grab a few things for the teacher" Pewds answered Ken. Just then, the doors opened. There at the door stood Broken holding the door open for someone. Then, Cry walks in with a big blue bin. I could faintly hear Broken say, "Talk to ya later!". I say Cry nod his head at her. She then closed the door and left. Cry brought the bin up to the stage and the teacher came out. The teacher wore a white t-shirt with blue jeans. On his feet were black sneakers. He also had a little bit of hair on his face but, not much. He looked really nice to be honest. Cry then hoped off the stage and walked towards us. "Sup, guys?" He asked. I didn't answer. I felt to awkward. Everyone else said nothing. But Pewds said the sky. Oh, the cringe. "Take a seat bro!" Pewds told Cry. Sadly enough, that seat was in front of me. My heart raced a mile a second. "Just remember what Broken said......." I thought looking away from everyone. Someone then sat next to me. She had blue and purple hair. She wore a shirt that said "Cupquak!" on it. She also had navy jean shorts. "Quak! Your back from vacation too?" I heard a voice ask behind her. She turned around to talk to the person. I didn't even bother know who it was. "Quak...... Cupquak........ IHasCupQuak.......!?" You thought looking at the stage. IHasCupQuak is one of my favourite YouTubers. I turned to look at her to see a smile looking back. She was looking at me too. "Hi! I'm IHasCupQuak! But you can call me Quak!" She told me extending her hand out for me to shake. "I-I'm Y/N" I said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N!" She said as you stopped shaking her hand. The teacher then came on to the stage and everyone turned to him. "Hello class! I'm your new Drama teacher. My name is Mr. Mc Turner. You can all call me Mc Turner though" he introduced himself. "So, today, we're going to be acting out....." He said looking through the bin. "Weddings!" He finished pulling out a white dress. "Now, you'll be working in groups so, go ahead and get into them!" He told us with a big smile on his face. I tried hiding myself in my hoodie but, that didn't work. "Come on Y/N! Wanna be in out group?" Pewds asked or told me. "O-Okay, I'll be right there!" I told him. I was just sitting there in my seat, 'crying'. When I looked out of my hoodie, I saw the scariest thing on Earth! There stood in front of me was Pewds. That wasn't the scary part. The scary part was that he was wearing a white dress and, had his hair in two pigtails. "I need you to play as my mother. Can you do that?" He asked me. I slowly nodded my head, not really thinking what I was getting into. "Great! Can you also do my makeup?" He asked. "Isn't this a bit.... to much for Drama class?" I asked. "No. At YouTube High, we always go a bit over board in our classes" Pewds explained to me. "Okay then, who else is in our group?" I asked. "Well, there's Mark, Ken, Cry, Bob, Wade, me, and you!" Pewds told me. "Okay, fine. I'll do everyone's makeup. Well, who ever needs it" I said looking at the group. The sight was one of the most scariest things on Earth. Ken was in a tuxedo, Mark was in priest cloths or, whatever it was, Cry was in a pink dress, Wade had a tuxedo on too, and Bob was wearing a bright pink dress that had a toto like skirt around it. Me and Pewds walked over to the group. "Here you go, Y/N!" Ken said handing me a dress. "Um, thank you?" I asked feeling as uncomfortable as ever. "Trust me, I'm uncomfortable too....." Mark whispered in my ear. I giggled and slipped on the dress. Luckily there was a change room so it wasn't awkward for me. I walked out of the change room and looked at the group. They were already practicing. I didn't think I took that long. "Oh! Y/N! Your out! Here, we need you to do our makeup" Pewds said handing me a makeup kit. "Why me?" I asked. "Well, first off, you said that you would and, your the only one here who actually knows how to put makeup on" Pewds said shrugging as you took the makeup kit from him. "Okay then, well, ladies! Take a seat!" I said sitting in one of the seats. Pewds turned the seat in front of me, around and sat down. "I'm ready!" He said smiling. "Now stay still...."
I did Pewds and Bobs makeup which, took forever! They kept on messing it up! "I feel like we're missing something....." Pewds said looking at the group. "Oh! Cry! You need to get your makeup done!" Pewds said running over to Cry. "I put the dress on for you, I'm not putting on makeup on though!" Cry said crossing his arms. "Awwww! Come on Cry! It's my wedding! Please!~" Pewds pleaded. It took a while until Cry finally gave up. "Fine" Cry said walking over to me. He sat down in front of me. "One thing though" Cry said. "And what's that?" Pewds asked. "I don't take the mask off" Cry told Pewds looking at him. "FFFFFiiiiiiinnnnneeee!" Pewds extended. Cry then looked back at me. I took out a lipstick and drew a heart in the middle of the line. I then took out a pencil and, drew eyelashes on. The last thing I did was blush. "And.... Done!" I said pulling out a small mirror. "Thanks" he said getting up and walking over to the group. I followed him over to the group. "Okay, Y/N, your the mother so, you can just sit here and act like your eyes are tearing up. That's what mothers normally do on weddings, right?" Pewds asked. "I've watched enough movies to know what they do. Trust me" I told him. He smiled and walked over to the 'priest'.
After we rehearsed a thousand times, Mr. Mc Turner yelled out "Okay everyone! I've given all of you enough time to rehearse so, let's start!". I group then walked up to the stage. Everyone sat in the seats they were originally in. I looked over at Sabrina to see, she was wearing an outfit like mine. "Mother....?" I whisper asked. "Mother....." She whisper answered. "Mother.....!" I whispered pointing at myself. We both giggled and watch the group.
We went through every single group but not ours. Mr. Mc Turner then called our group to the stage. We all got positioned and ready. I sat down in my seat and, started acting my part. The wedding started and, Pewds walked down the aisle. There was a bit of comedy and, em prove included which made everyone laugh. I was dying in my seat, trying not to laugh. I had to stay in character. They finally ended the wedding after, Ken found his long lost brother, Cry told everyone he was a man, Bob, the flower girl, burned there hand off, Wade died in the middle of the wedding and the priest, Mark, wouldn't stop farting! The wedding even ended with this scene:
"You may, *fart sound* kiss *fart sound* the bride!" Mark told them. As funny as it sounds for them to actually kiss, I knew it wouldn't happen because, we didn't rehears it! Who would have known that they would actually kiss. I stood up and started clapping. Everyone then joined me. Even Mr. Mc Turner started clapping. We all lined up on the stage and took a bow.
Me and Sabrina walked out of the classroom laughing like crazy! "That was priceless!!! I can't believe that was all em prove!!!" Sabrina told me. "I know! I can't believe it either!" I told her. Both of our phones buzzed and we checked them. It was Broken. She texted,

Broken: Have u guys heard about wats happening at lunch?

I looked at my phone confused. I looked up to see that Sabrina was confused too.

Sabrina: no wats going on?
Broken: the dudes r having a challenge that a girl like me could die for!
FireBall: that doesn't sound good
Sabrina: wats the challenge?
Broken: u guys now the game How Hot right?
Y/N: ya
Sabrina: ya
FireBall: ya
Twizzels: ya
Broken: 😏
FireBall: oh no
Twizzles: really!?
Sabrina: omg
Y/N: it's not the challenge im thinking of is it?
Broken: 😏
Sabrina: no no no no no no no no no no and NO!!!!
Twizzles: who's doing the challenge?
Broken: Pewds
Broken: Ken
Broken: Jack
Broken: Cry
Broken: Mark
Broken: that's it
Twizzles: ill check it out.....
Sabrina: sure.... ill go.....
FireBall: well if everyone's going then ill go too
Y/N: im sighing in rl
Broken: 😂
Y/N: i guess ill come too
Broken: see ya guys then!

I turned my phone off and shook my head. I looked at Sabrina who looked like she wanted to fangirl but she kept her cool. I then looked at the time.

"I have a bit of time before the torture or, challenge begins......" I thought as me and Sabrina separated.

What's the challenge about? Find out in the next chapter!
Does anyone actually know the game, How Hot. I'm pretty sure, Jack played it once. It doesn't matter if you do or not. It just might help with the whole challenge thing. I'm actually really excited for all the boyfriend drama to happen. I guess all the drama is exciting! Plus, I don't actually think Bob and Wade are in the picture at the top but I don't care. I don't even know three of the people in the picture! Don't judge! Anyways, if you liked then, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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