Pretty Girls

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(A/N: Basically, Heathers and Mean Girls)

The bell rang, but I was in the washroom. I walked in and saw, Britney, Rachel and Alexis. They were all putting makeup on in the washroom. I played cool and walked into a stall. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I started to text in the group chat.

Y/N: There in the washroom
Twizzles: Who?
Broken: Oh no, not them!
Twizzles: Who!?
Broken: Y/N, ur dead!
Twizzles: WHO!?!?
Broken: I'm only joking! Idk who.......
Twizzles: Lol
Y/N: Guys! It's Britney & her gang!
Broken: & her b*tches, that's wat she calls them
FireBall: I don't like that......
Broken: Cuz ur an innocent child, it's ok
FireBall: I'm not a child!
Broken: Calm down, Yoosung
Broken: 😏
FireBall: I hate u
Broken: U now u love me
Y/N: Ugh! I'll take care of it myself then!

I turned off my phone in frustration and stuffed it back into my pocket. I then sat up and opened the stall. I walked over to an open sink and washed my hands. "Hey, Y/N" I heard her voice greet me. I turned my head to her. It was Britney. "Hey" I responded, strongly. "Oh? This is a new Y/N....... you want something?" She asked me with a smirk. "To not be picked on by you" I looked her straight in the eyes. "Y/N, I've always liked you. So why not, something like, let me be apart of your group?" Alexis took a step forward. "No one will pick on you, guys will fall for you! You'll be invincible!" She smiled. I don't know what kind of lie there stirring up. Everyone's afraid of them and, I don't see any guys tripping over there feet for them. But the word "invincible" was what won me over. "Invincible?" I asked, looking into the sink. My hands dripped water. "Totally! Do you see anyone lash at us? -Well, aside form that one time with Broken......." Rachel trailed off. "Whatever, but how about it? Wanna be invincible?" Britney smirked. I smirked. "Sure, I'll give it a go" the words came out of my mouth without me noticing. "Yes! Now, let's fix you" they all gathered around me.

~Time Skip~
"Is that Y/N?" "Why is she with them?" "What's happening?" Everyone was whispering as we walked down the hallway. I felt invincible. I'd look at people, and they'd practically bow down to me. "Hey Y/N- Y/N?" FireBall and Sinnamon came running up to me. "What are you doing with these d*cks?" Sinnamon asked me. "Excuse me, but your in my way" I pushed them off to the side. "What's wrong with Y/N?" I heard FireBall ask. I ignored them and kept walking with Britney and her gang. I was part of her gang now. "Uh, Y/N? What are you doing with these jerks?" Broken walked up to me. "Bugger off! There my friends NOW" my words came off harsh. Broken then backed off. I smiled as I felt powerful. "Hey, Y/N, we're going to do something fun tonight, you in?" Rachel asked me. I smirked and nodded. We then continued our way to class.

~Time Skip After School~
I stepped into Britney's room. It was huge! She lived in a mansion almost. But her room was filled with pink. It didn't surprise me though. Britney was standing in front of a mirror, adjusting her earrings. Alexis was lying on Britney's bed and Rachel was sitting on the floor, on her phone. "Oh! Y/N's here!" Alexis pointed at me. They all turned and looked at me. "Great, Y/N, come sit on my bed. The funs about to begin" Britney smirked. I walked over and sat on her king sized bed. Britney then crawled onto the bed. Everyone gathered around her. "Have you noticed that I've stopped doing the lists?" She asked me, pulling out her phone. "Yeah, I actually have" I answered, watching her. "Well, that's cause I've been attacking certain people. Sinnamon was the last victim. Apparently her parents found out about her self harm and she now sees someone for it. So she's no fun anymore" Britney opened up the school website. She scrolled through all her messages and stopped on top of Twizzles. "We tried doing it to FireBall and Twizzles but there too strong. They stood up for themselves, pretty easily" Britney kept scrolling. "Hey, Y/N. Want a drink?" Rachel asked, holding a can of beer out to me. "Um-" I tried to answer but I couldn't. "Come on, you don't actually think it's that bad! So what if we're not the legal age yet, take a drink!" She shoved the can in my face. I took it and opened it up. It smelt spicy. But I still took a sip. It stung as it trailed down my throat. But I keep it cool and held in the tears. "Here we go! Today's victim is: Broken!" Everyone smirked and leaned in. "Let's texted this b*tch" Britney started texting her.

Britney: Hey, Broken~
Broken: Wat do u want?
Britney: Oh nothing~
Britney: I heard ur bf is joining the school
Broken: So? Why do u care?
Britney: I've heard he's hot
Broken: You better not f*cken touch him
Britney: There she goes again! The b*tch thinks all the guys r hers!
Broken: I don't think that! I'm not a whore like u!
Britney: Oh really? How much d*ck do you suck a day?
Broken: Will u f*cken stop
Britney: Trying to avoid my question? Wow
Broken: Stop
Britney: Idek how u have a bf
Britney: Ur ugly
Broken: Please stop
Britney: Ur fat
Broken: Stop
Britney: Ur selfish
Broken: STOP
Britney: Ur USELESS
Britney: Nobody really likes u
Britney: They only want to play w/ u
Britney: Cuz ur fun to play w/
Britney: Oh, looks like the whore left

Britney then turned off her phone. My eyes widened. How could she!? "And that's how you do it!" Her and the girls laughed. I think I'm going to regret joining them.

~Broken's POV~
I was shaking. Tears started to fall. I couldn't take this anymore! People always treat me like sh*t! Why am I even living!? I walked over to my desk and grabbed my scissors. I put my arm on my blue desk. My hand was shaky but I've wanted to do this since forever. I started to cut my arm. The red blood poured out and onto my desk. Tears started to fall into my cut and it stung. But I smiled and laughed. "I- need- to be- PERFECT" I kept cutting myself until I couldn't even feel the pain. I breathed in and went downstairs to my washroom. I tried patching up all the cuts so they wouldn't be noticed. But this wasn't enough. I walked out of my house and over to the bridge that we had around my house. "Dead people always look so peaceful....... so if I'm dead, will I be peaceful? Only one way to find out" I stood onto the bridges rail. My fear of heights started to kick in. But it didn't matter anymore. I started to lean forward but, someone caught me and pulled me onto the wooden bridge. I fell onto there lap. They hugged me tightly. They put there face behind my head. I was in so much shock I couldn't move. "Don't ever try doing that again........" I felt tears start to flow as I realized who it was. I couldn't die if he is here with me.

~Your POV~
The next day was terrible. I was still stuck with Britney but I couldn't bare to look at Broken. She completely changed. All of her hair was on one side, on her shoulder. It wasn't dyed at all. She wore a big black jacket over her uniform. But she looked so sad. And she had patches on her arms. "Did you guys hear what happened to that little brat over there?" Rachel pointed at Broken. "Yeah! Apparently, last night, she cut herself and tried committing suicide!" Alexis bursted out. "She's that fragile? Then what would she do if I take her boyfriend?" Britney smirked. "Don't you dare" I snapped. They all looked at me. Then they started laughing. "Your funny, you know that?" Britney laughed. I sighed and laughed a fake laugh. I looked over at Broken. She wasn't hanging out with the Outsiders or Gamers or Minecrafters. She was hanging out with a bunch of other people. They waved to her and walked off. Then, the guy from the park, came up to her and hugged her. She hugged him back. I then looked at the Outsiders. They all seemed sad. But, there was something different. Twizzles wasn't there. She was nowhere to be found.

"And that's how it all began: Broken never hanging out with them and the disappearance of Twizty-Twizzles......" I thought as we walked into the school.

Broken: Me!
Twizzles: Twisty-Twizzles
FireBall: FireBall296
Sinnamon: SinnamonBunn
Ivy: IvyWeaver
Chexter: oOCanicOverlord
Foi: Foii__
Cupcake: Cupcake_lover123M
BattleGem: Some guy in my class
Mystery Guy: ????

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