What Amazing Things Your Period Can Do!

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I tried to avoid anyone. I wanted to go to my home room teacher and tell her. I always felt comfortable having a teacher know. I walked into the class. No one was there since the second bell hasn't rung yet. I saw my teacher standing at the front of the class. She was writing something down on the board. I knocked on the door, trying to get her attention. She stopped writing in the board. She then turned around and noticed me. "Oh! Y/N! What are you here for?" She asked me. "Mrs. Backer, I need to tell you something" I told her. "Oh, of course, you can tell me anything" Mrs. Backer told me. "It's sorta personal and, I feel comfortable having a teacher know" I also told her. "I understand, come in and close the door then" she told me. I then turned around and, closed the door as I walked in. I walked over to my desk and sat down. "So what's up?" She asked while, walking over to my desk. She sat down on my desk and, I sighed. "Well, um, I'm on my first day of my three day cycle of, my period" I told her. She then looked at me with, caring eyes. "Awww, my little girls all grown up!" She joked. I laughed a little. "I understand, if you need any help, just tell me" she told me. I nodded my head. The second bell then rang. Class started.

~Time Skips Are Back!~
It was now lunch. I ran to my locker and, right to the bathrooms. I went into a stall and, closed the door. I sat down on the toilet and, changed my pad. I got out of the stole to be, greeted by a smile with braces plastered on them. "Hey, Broken" I said. "Hi!" She said still smiling. "You need something?" I asked. "Oh! Right! Um, everyone was hoping that you could help us with something?" Broken asked. "Are the guys involved?" I asked hoping they weren't. When ever I have my period, I always go boy crazy. The tip of boy crazy that Broken has. Sometimes worse. "Totally! Why? Do ya like one of them?" Broken asked nudging my shoulder. "No! I don't! Why do you care about my love life anyways?" I snapped. "Sorry, don't need to get so defensive. I just like helping or lessoning to the people that have love lives" she told me. Her smile turned to a bit of a frown. I then felt anger fill up. "Do you even have a love life?" I snapped again. "You know what, if your going to be a jerk, just forget that I asked" she said, now with a bit of an angry and sad expression on her face. She turned away from me and, walked out of the washroom. I then felt guilty. I made the wrong move. I'm letting the stupid period hormones take over. I then washed my hands and, left.
I tried finding them all. I then heard things going on in the Drama room. I opened the door to see, everyone working on something. There were the Gammers, Rebels, Minecrafters and, The Outsiders. Aphmau noticed me and, walked up to me. "Yay! Your here! Sorry about Broken, she's going through an emotional stage" Aphmau apologized. "Don't worry about it. I think I hurt her feelings anyways" I told her with a bit of a frown. "So, what are you guys working on?" I asked, now smiling. "Oh! Right! Well, it is the beginning of October soooo..... We all asked if we could do the Halloween dance!" She told me with, a big smile. My eyes lit up. "Halloween dance? Already?" I asked. "Yup! You've been at this school for five weeks you know?" She told me. "Am I aloud to help?" I asked. "Of course! You are one of our friends!" She told me. "By the way, if you need costume ideas or even have one made, go see Broken and Fireball. They always have great costume ideas and, they both love making costumes!" She add with a big smile. "Okay then, um, what can I help with?" I asked. "You can help the Gamers with, the lay out or, you can help the so called, Rebels with the decorations!" She told me, pointing to the group of Gamers and then, at the group of Rebels. I decided to help the Rebels. "Okay, thanks!" I said, walking over to the group. "Um, hey! Can I help?" I asked. They then all darted there attention towards me. "Sure you can!" Said, Joe Sugg. I smiled and started helping them.
It was a little while after I started helping them. I got to know a few of them. It was nice. Zoe and Marzia have become my two gals. They seem to be the kind of people who would always be there for me. We were right now, putting up a few things on the walls, laughing. "So, do you guys always have your dances in the drama room?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess we do? I mean, our gym doesn't have a stage in it and, the stage really makes a difference for the dance" Zoe explained to me. I nodded my head. "Hey! Y/N! Could ya help us with something?" I asked an Irish man. I then turned around to see Jack and Mark both holding, both ends of a table. Ken, Cry and, Pewds were doing the same. I looked at Zoe and Marzia. They both nodded there heads. I was confused why I even looked at them. I then started walking over to them. I felt my face heat up, every second. Stupid hormones. I walked over to the right side of the table. "Can you help us carry, this over to that one spot?" Mark asked, nodding his head towards a corner area of the gym. I nodded my head and, held onto the right end. I then felt most of the weight of the table drop on me. I tried holding it up to the best of my ability. We made it over to the area and, I installed dropped the table. I looked at my hands. They were mostly pink and red. "Oh, sorry about that. Do you need ice?" Mark asked. I looked up at him. Face, heated up. I know I sound like a broken record but, THESE SHITTY HORMONES!!!! I shook my head no. "I'm good, thanks" I told him. I then turned around and, instantly bumped into someone. I looked up to see Ken. My face was red, again. "Sorry!" I apologized, backing up. "No need to apologize!" Ken said with a smile. I smiled back. I then bumped into someone else, from the back. I turned around to see Cry. "S-Sorry!" I stuttered. "It's okay" Cry told me. I then felt a wave of emotions hit me. I'm pretty sure I was about to cry. I then quickly ran off to the girls washroom.

(Broken's POV)
(I'm trying to start drama! I'm not focusing on me! I'm trying!)
I noticed Y/N run off. She looked like she was going to cry. I think I knew what was then happening with her. "Broken? Broken!?" I heard FireBall call for me. "BROKEN!!!" Twizzles yelled in my ear. "Ow! What was that for!?" I asked. "Did you even hear what I said?" FireBall asked me. "She's probably fantasizing again" Simmon said. I then darted my attention towards her. "I'm just joking! Geez! Who popped in your corn flakes?" She asked. "Sorry, I've been going through an emotional roller coaster right now" I told her. "Well, why don't we get back to work!" Twizzles commented. "Sure" Sinnamon said. I noticed that FireBall was looking at me concerned. I smiled at her and, she smiled back. She knows what goes through my head. If anything, she knew, I had a problem. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri would be great right now! To be honest though, I don't feel bad about calling Y/N a jerk.

I stay in the stall trying not to cry. I didn't understand why this happens! Why do your emotions go crazy when ever you have your period!? I just want it to go away.

"I just want every thing to be good......." I thought as I sat in the stale.

Ello Fwends!
Okay so, I've messed up a bit in the other chapters...... After reading fanfics a lot, it sorta messed my knowledge up on the YouTubers! One of the things that was really bothering me was, Cry's brother, Nathan, isn't the age I made him. In the fanfics I've read, he's 12. Well that was in 2012! I well fix that at the best of my ability and, also for in the Cry X Reader story short that I have been writing. I know that some of you don't care about that but, I do care about it so, if anything confuses you, that's because I'm trying to fix my mistakes!
I have just noticed how cheesy I've made this story! Drama should be coming soon! I'll try to make it not so cheesy! Unless, you want me to keep making it cheesy! God, I also just noticed how annoying I was in this story. I'm pretty sure that, the reader, aka you, had there face red through the whole thing! I am so, a broken record! Ha, broken record, BrokenSong. No? Also fun fact about me, if I call someone a jerk, I truly mean it. Now, if it's idiot, moron, dumby or anything else, I don't mean it. Hopefully this might make some drama!
Anyways, yeah! Halloween! Coming soon! If you liked then, vote, comment or, follow!

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