BlackGryph0n: Falling

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Requested by Shadowthehedgehog200

No summary but there will be a question at the end so read carefully ;)

Also warning: this is incredibly long.

(Your POV)

"(Y/N), can you restock that shelf? The box is behind you." My boss instructed.

"Yes, sir."

I turnes and opened the box, bringing it with me to the empty shelf. I worked as a cashier at a music store but on slow days like today, I did less checking costumers out and more of  whatever I was told to do.

As I started restocking, I noticed a guy walk up to the counter and set a microphone down. He had his back to me. "I'll be with you in a moment, sir." I called to him and went back to quickly restocking.

"That's alright, take you time." He replied.

I finished the shelf and quickly jogged back to the counter. As I rounded the corner, I got a good look at the guy's face. Time seemed to stop as I stood frozen in place. Wow! But I stopped my thoughts and shook myself back to reality. No, (Y/N). You're not gonna fall in love again.

"Hi, is this all for you today?" I asked him, regaining my composure.

"Yeah, just needed a new mic." He said. He reached up and awkwardly rubbed the back if his neck. "Got frustrated with my brother and broke my other one."

I smiled and finished ringing him up. "Okay, you're total is $85.49."

The guy handed me his card. "You have a pretty name." He said.

"Oh, thank you." I replied as I handed him back his card. I put his mic in a bag. "There you go. Have a good day!"

The guy took the bag and turned to leave. Just as I was about to return to restocking, I saw the guy stop and turn around.

"Look this might be straight forward but would you like to hang out sometime?" He asked walking back up to me.

I was caught off guard but the guy looked nice and seem like a good guy. "Sure." I replied.

"Cool. Do you have paper and a pen?"

I reached under the counter and pulled out a pen and a small pad of paper and handed them to him. He wrote his phone number down and handed it back to me.

"I'm Gabe by the way." He said.

"Nice to meet you." I pointed to my name tag. "I think you already know my name."

Gabe laughed and flashed me a brilliant smile. "Sure do. I'll call you sometime, (Y/N)."

"Cool. See you later."

And with that be left. As the rest of my shift went on, I continued thinking about Gabe and our small conversation and when he would call me. When the work day came to an end, it was late and I clocked out and drove home. I shared a four besroom home with my three best friends(A/N: your friends are made up. You can switch the names if you want), Rose, Taylor and Lilly. We all worked to help pau for everything. We had a system and it worked. When I opened the door, I found the three of them in the living room.

"Hey, how was work?" Rose asked.

"Good." I replied.

"Anything interesting happen?" Lilly inquired.

I hesitated to answer. When it came to my life, my friends were protective of me. I had been hurt before.

"Well, I met a guy." I finally answered.

All the girl looked at me. Taylor stood up from the couch, shaking her head with her arms crossed. "No, no, no. You are not getting into another relationship. You know what happens."

I nodded in agreement. "I know. But there was something different about him."

"That's what you said the last two times." Rose argued.

"But what if this time it's different?" I asked.

"It won't be. You're just gonna get hurt again." Taylor retorted.

I sighed and excused myself to go freshen up before bed. As I was changing into my pajamas, I heard my phone ring. The called id was a number I didn't recognize but I had a feeling of who it might be.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Told you I'd call you."

I smiled when I heard his voice. "I had no doubt you would."

"So, how was the rest of your day?"

"It was good. How's your new mic working out?"

"It sounds good." He paused. "I'm sorry if I'm rushing things but I really want to see you again. Would you wanna go out tomorrow night? If your free, of course."

I thought for a moment, turning to look at my door knowing what my friends would say if I consulted them. I felt something when I looked at him. I know I did.

"I am free and I'd love to go out with you." I answered.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven."

"Can't wait." I replied. "Goodnight, Gabe."

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

And with that I hung up and crawled into bed, sleeping the night away, dreaming about whay tomorrow would bring.

I spent the next day hanging with my friends until six. I had texted Gabe that morning asking how I shook dress and his response was to dress casually. So I put a black t shirt with a denim jacket, lighg blue ripped jeens, and some white tennis shoes. I fixed my hair and put on a little bit of make up. And soon it was seven.

"Where's are you going?" Taylor eyes my outfit  as I came downstairs.

"I'm going out."

"With who?" Lilly asked.

I fidgeted with my hand behind my back. "With Gabe."

Rose raised an eyebrow at me. "Who's Gabe?"

"He's the guy I met yesterday."

Taylor threw her head back against the couch and let out a sigh. "(Y/N), it's just gonna happen again."

"You don't know that." I argued. "What about third time's the charm?"


"Look, I'm going out with him tonight. I wanna give him a chance." And with that I turned and walked out the door. I do a light jog down the driveway and hop into Gabe's car.

He greets me with a smile. "Hey, ready to go?"

"Yep. Is this casual enough?" I respond.

"You look great."

As we drove through town, I soon started to realize where we were heading. We pulled into the parking lot of our town's local park. Gabe got out of the car and before I could open mu door, he stopped me with a small grunt. I took my hand off the handle and watched as he walked to mu side of the car and opened my door.

"Oh, thank you." I said, getting out.

"You're welcome." Gabe replied. "Now, I need you to close your eyes."

I eyed him, suspiciously. "What for?"

"Just trust me."

I let out a playful sigh and closed my eyes. I felt Gabe grab my hand and we began walking. After a couple of minutes, we came to a stop and I felt Gabe's hands fall in front of my eyes.

"Okay, open." He instructed.

At the same time, I opened my eyes as he removed his hands and I couldn't believe what I had been reveled. In between two trees was a white bed sheet. On the grass was a spread out blanket with a couple of more blankets,pillows and a small cooler. A small tabble sat in front of the blanket with a small projector on it.

I felt a smile creep onto my face. "You did all this?"

"My brother helped a little." Gabe replied as he took my hand.

He lead me to the blankets and we got comfortable and he started the movie. We stayed there for a couple of hours, even after tbe movie ended, sitting under the stars and talking. Every minute that went by was wonderful. Gabe was sweet and funny and I really enjoyed his company.

Eventually the night came to an end, and he drove me back home. He parked the car and walked my to the door.

"I had a really nice time." He said as we got to the door.

"Me too." I turned to face him. "Thank you for tonight."

"You're welcome."

A silnce settled between us. Gabe grabbed my hand and stepped closer to me. I looked into his eyes and saw what he wanted to do but I could tell he was hesitant. I took hold of his other hand and reached up, gently pressing my lips against his.

He pulled away first as sighed blissfully. "Does this mean there'll be a second date?"

I kissed his cheek. "Absolutely."

Over the next few weeks, Gabe and I continued to hand out and I was stadtyto fall for him, despite what my friends said. I tried to ignore them but it was hard. I know they didn't want me to fall for another guy but everyday I soent with Gabe was amazing and I couldn't help it.

One day, I had finally decided that I wanted to tell Gabe how I really felt, that I wanted to take things to the next level. I decided to go to his house for the first time. I had tried many other times but my friends kept me away.

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked as I headed to the door.

"You better not be trying to see Gabe." Rose interjected.

"Can't I go to his place one time?" I pleaded.

"No." Lilly replied. "You k ow what'll happen. He's luring you into a relationship and as soon as your in one, he's gonna change."

"You guys don't know him!" I shouted.

"We don't need to!" Rose yelled.

"You're not going." Taylor said. "We are not letting this happen again."

I felt my body begin to shudder as teears slipped down my face. I turned on ny heels and stormed out the door. I ran down the street, far from my house as my friends called out after me. I knew where I was going, who I ahd to see. I pulled out my phone and flund Gabe's adress in my notes.

I found his place and knocked on the door. The door opened and before me stood I guys I didn't recognize.

"Um...Hi." He said. He sounded concerned and confused.

"I need to see Gabe." I mumbled.

"Oh, you must be (Y/N). Hold on." I stuck his head around the corner if the entrh way. "Gabe, (Y/N)'s here! Might wanna hurry!"

After. Couple of seconds, Gabe came running around the corner. "(Y/N), what wrong?! Are you oaky?"

I didn't answer. More tears fell. Gabe pulled me inside and shut the door. "Nate, go get some tissues."

The guy who opened the door nodded and disappeared around the corner. Gabe lead me to the living room and and we sat on the couch. Nate came back and handed a box of tissues to Gabe before disappearing again.

"Who-who was that?" I stuttered.

"My brother Nate." He replied. He handed me the tissues and wrapped his arms around me. "What's going on? Why are you upset?"

I continued to cry, burying my face into his chest. "(Y/N) you can tell me. I wanna help." Gabe ushered me gently.

"It-it's my friends." I sobbed. "They-they don't like yoi. They don't want me to be with you."


"Cause I've been hurt before." I continued. "My last two exes didn't love me. I gave them all the love I could but I got nothing in return. My friends think you're the same and that I'll get hurt again."

Gabe was silent for a moment. He pushed me away from him so that he could look at me. "Do you think I'm the same?"

"No." I said in disbelief. Why would he think that?! "I love you. You're the most amazing guy I've ever met. I want to be with you."

Gabe smiled and gently kissed my forehead. "I love you too. You know I would never hurt you, right? I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure you get all the love you deserve. I'll make sure that everyday you smile. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I leaned forward and gently let our lips connect. I pulled away after a moment. "Yes."

Gabe smiled and reached forward, brushing my hair away from my face. We sat on the couch for a few more minutes, allowing me to calm down.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked.

"Of course." Gabe replied. He stood up and grabbed my hands and lead me upstairs.

We went to his room and he grabbed me a white shirt and a pair of black shorts. While I changed in the bathroom, he changed in his room. Once I knew he was done, I walked back in. The shirt and shorts were big on me but I didn't care. We crawled into his bed and I snuggled up against his chest and his arms snaked around my waist.

I felt his lips on my forehead. "Goodnight."

I looked up and lightly kissed his neck. "Goodnight."

The next morning, I wole up to an excessive amount of pings. I realized it was my phone. I felt Gabe stir and he reached over and grabbed it of the nightstand, then handed it to me. I had over thirty messages from Rose, Taylor, and Lilly.

"Are thoss your friends?" Gabe asked with a yawn.

"Yeah. They wanna talk." I replied. "Will you take me back to my place?"

"Gabe simply modded and we both rushed to get dressed. I was quiet the whole ride. When we arrived I almost didn't want to get out of the car.

"It'll be okay." Gabe said. "They're your friends. I'll call you later and check up on you."

I nodded and kissed his cheek before getting out. I walked through the door and my friends immediately rushed me.

"Where were you?" Taylor asked.

"I went to Gabe's."

"Are you okay?" Rose looked worried.

"I'm better."

"Will you please here us out?" Lilly pleaded.


"We're reallu sorry, (Y/N). You're right. We don't know Gabe. It isn't fair that we've been judging him before getting to know him." Lilly continued.

"Do you really think he's the one?" Taylor asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Then be with him." Taylor finished.

I smiled and pulled the three of them into a big group hug. "I have an idea. How about a movie night and you invte Gabe over so that way we can get to know him." Rose suggested.

We all agreed and I texted Gabe. He was over in a few minutes and he looked a little nervous.

"Guys, this is Gabe." I said, formally introducing him. "Gabe, this is Rose, Taylor and Lilly."

After a few waves, Rose stepped up. "Gabe, we owe you an apology. We've be judging you behind your back. We didn't even try to get to know you and we wanna fix that. We hope you can forgive us."

Gabe smiled. "It's alright. I just hope you three will think I'm a good guy for (Y/N)."

"You are if she says so." Taylor added. "She knows what's best for her."

I smiled. As the night went one Gabe and my friends got along well and we were all enjoying ourselves. I had a wonderful boyfriend, my best friends liked him, and this time,

I knew I wasn't going to get hurt.

Holly Crap, this imagine was long!!! This is my longest imagine!! 2,673 words!

Anway, I hope you guys liked it and now into the question!

The question is: What song inspired this imagine?


You may have to re-read and think about some of the details. I'll go ahead and give you a hint: it's sung by a female, it was released in 2007 and the title is two words.

I'll post the answers when someone gets it right.

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