Game Theory: Broken(pt. 1)

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No summary of this one cause it's long. Requested by SuperGirlyGamer125

(Your POV)

I can't believe I'm actually here! I'm actually at VidCon! My dad trudged behind me, hands shoved into his pockets. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want me to be here. He never takes me anywhere and he never wants to go anywhere. He just wants to seem like a "good dad" to people. But he wasn't. He was insulting, abusive. He treated me like I was a burden to him. But it's okay. I can handle it.

I walked around the venue, looking for my favorite youtubers. I turned around, no longer feeling my father's presence behind me. He was gone. I didn't do really well in crowded places but I took deep breathes. I'll be okay.

Suddenly, a huge crowd gathers around me. I was being pushed and shoved around as people tried to get a glimps of someone I couldn't see. I felt my breath quicken and my body start to shake. I was having a panic attack. I wanted to get out of there but I couldn't. I felt my blood rush to my ears, my heart was pounding. My body was starting to hurt, my head started spinning. I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay, I repeated to myself.

"Hey." I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Stephanie from Game Theory. She grabbed my hand a hengle lead me out and away from the crowd. Once we away, she pulled a water bottle from her bag and handed it to me. "Have some water. Just tey to calm down." She said.

I took the water and took a couple of sips and let my breathing slow down. "Thank you." I mumbled.

"You're welcome." Steph said. "How—"


I turned around to see my dad storming up to us. His fists were clenched at his sides and his eyes glowed with rage.

"This shit again, (Y/N)!" He roared. "You and your god damn panic attacks. This is why I don't fucking take you anywhere!"

I flicnched at my dad words, each one of them a bullet that hit every square inch of my heart. I felt twars begin to well up in my eye but before I or my dad could fo anything, I felt Steph grab my wrist and run to the nearest restroom. Once we were i side, I crumbled. I slid back against the wall as the tears fell from my eyes. I felt Steph sit down next to me.

"It's okay." She whispered. "What was that all about?"

I didn't answer. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I felt my body shudder with every new wave of tears. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, before we heard a male voice calling for Steph.

"Come on." She said, helping me up.

I followed her out of the bathroom and outside waiting for us was Mat. His face grew concerned when he saw me.

"Hi." He said softly. "Steph told me everything. Are you okay?"

I wiped my eyes. "I'm a little better now."

"Can we talk to you for a moment?" Mat asked. "We wanna ask you a few questions."

I nodded and followed them to a small room where we could talk in private. The both sat down across from me. "Okay, what's your name?" Mat asked.


"How old are you?"

"I'm 17."

"Is your dad the only person with you?"

"Yes." I answered. "I don't wanna live with him. I've been looking for a job so thag way I could get my own place and get away from hi but I've had no luck."

Mat and Steph looked at each other for a moment. "How good are you with computers?" Steph asked me.

"Pretty good." I answered. "I've been taking classes for a while now."

"What about editing software?"

"I'd say I'm really good." I replied. "Why?"

"We've been looking for a new editor for Game Theory." Mat explained. "What do you say? You come work as an editor and we'll let you stay with us."

I brought my hands to my mouth. I couldn't believe it. Was I finally getting freed from my dad? Out of the prison he's trapped me in?

"Okay." I said. "I'd love to work as your editor."

Mat and Steph smiled at me a skook my hand. "Welcome to Game Theory, (Y/N)."

Hey guys!!! Sorry I've been gone for a while. I've been a little busy with school and work. Part 1 of this was like an intro chapter so part 2 will be longer, I promise. So I hope you enjoyed this. Keep a look out for part 2!

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