Markiplier: Friendly Wager

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Requested by: To_Escape_Reality


(Your PoV)

"Stop cheating!" Mark shouted at me.

"I'm not." I argued with a chuckle.

We we playing a fighting game that normally Mark would beat ne at but right now. i was kicking his butt. We went a couple more rounds and Mark ended up coming back and defeating me.

"I win again." Mark gloated. "You can't beat me."

"Wanna bet?" I challenged. I studied his playing style and I had a plan.

Mark raised an eyebrow. "What kinda bet?"

"We play one more round," I explained. "If I win, you have to kiss me. If you win I have to kiss you."

Mark's face flushed up as he considered it. "Deal." He nodded.

We shook hands, and I started a new round of the game. We were both concentrating at the same level and both of at some point called out about no cheating to make it fair. But it was like cheating would matter. The outcome of the bet would be the same.

On the screen, I watched carefully at what Mark's characters was doing. I knew Mark was better at the game than I was but I had watched him olay enough time to know how he plays. I was looking for the ways I could take advantage of his 'weakness' and keep him on edge. And make him over-think and then at some point change tactics and I could take advantage of the lack of time to recalibrate. And then I'd move into the move and take the game in a different direction.

I saw the move on the screen and decided I'd go through my moves slowly. I wanted him to be ready. Mark stepped back into the mix, and then he noticed the move I made on his character. His response was immediate.

"Wha'd you just do to me?" he asked in a squeaky voice.

I glanced at him through the corner of my eyes and when I saw the hurt in his face I smiled a little. "I kicked your butt" I said.

"Wha'd you mean?" he asked.

"I got you. I know you're better at this game than I am."

"And that's a bad thing?" he asked.

"I don't know. It was fun anyway. And you liked it."

Mark smiled. "How come?" he asked.

"I like you," I said.

Mark blushed and it quickly turned to anger. "You're a jerk. I wanna kick your butt."

I laughed at his anger and continued to win the game. We kept playing in silence until we both ran out of characters and only I was left.

"Looks like I won." I beamed.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked, stunned.

"Ready pay your end of the bet?" I asked. "You owe me a kiss."

He stared at me, his cheeks slightly red. Then his eyes softened. "Was this just your way off getting me to kiss you?"

"Maybe." I smirked. I tapped my foot. "You still haven't kissed me yet."

Mark gulped and took a step closer to me. He looked me in the eye and said, "Wanna bet again?"

"How about if I kiss you now?" I suggested. "I'll pay your debt for you."

"No, no." Mark objected. "I'm a man of my word. I can pay my own debt."

Mark reached out and olaced his hands on my arms, pinning them to my side then leaned forward until his lips connected with mine. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned in to kiss him again. He met my lips with his and it was gentle and slow.

"You know, you could've just asked for a kiss." Mark took my hand in his. "Anyway, Let's keep this game up. You ready?" he asked.

I nodded and we kept playing until we both fell asleep, worn out from playing but happy that the bet ended exactly how we both wanted.

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