Matpat: Join me

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Imagine being a Zelda theorist and Matpat asking you to join his channel and Mat eventually falling for you.
Requested by:Shadowthehedgehog200

(I Freaking Love this gif😍)

(Your POV)

I finished editing my latest Legend of Zelda video and proceded to upload it. Like fate, as soon as I was told it was uploaded, I got a notification.

Game Theory has uploaded a new video.

Game Theory. Another theory channel except they covered more than I did. Or should I say him. Matpat. I had never met him before but our fans had often wanted us to collab on a theory which I was down to do. Was Mat onboard? I honestly don't know. He never contacted me saying he wanted to callab. I'm sure he's seen the comments. I watch his videos and they're everywhere.

Would we collab one day? Maybe. But for now, I was on my own.

(Mat's POV)

"And hey, right or wrong, it's only a theroy."

I sighed and closed my laptop. (Y/N)'s latest Zelda theory was amazing as always. I had to give them credit. They didn't have as many subscribers as I did which honestly surprised me. The way they did their theories weren't all that different from mine.

People wanted us to collab which I wanted to do but I came up with something better. I'll asked them to join the channel. We could be co-theorists.

All I have to do is email them and wait for a response.

(Your POV)

I sat at my desk doing research for my next video. Deciding to take a break, I opened a new tab and went to my emails. All of them were typical but one caught my eye. It was from Matpat. He- he wanted me to join his channel?

I sat back in my chair. Me becoming a part of Game Theory? I guess it would be cool. Mat and I did have a lot in common. It would make the fans happy. I sat for a little while longer, thinking it over, and once I was sure of my decision, I emailed Mat back.

(Mat's POV)

It didn't take long for (Y/N) to respond. I was so nervous. I opened the email and was prepared to accept whatever their decision was.

Dear Mat,

I've thought it over and I would love to join your channel. I know this will our fans happy and I have a feeling working with you will be quite exciting.
See you soon, co-theorists.

- (Y/N) (L/N)

What?! They wanted to do it! I quickly emailed them back setting up arrangements and agreements.
I couldn't believe it!

-short time skip-

A coulle of weeks had gone by since (Y/N) had joined the channel. So far everything was going well and the fans were loving it. (Y/N) had moved in with me to make working together easier which I thought would be fine at first but then it became a problem.

(Y/N) was distracting me. Why? Because I liked them. They were sweet and kind, nerdy in a good way, and cute. I had to tell them. It was eating me up.

(Your POV)

Living and working with Mat was better than I thought. They fans loved it amd even though I didn't post to my own channel as often as I used to, my subscriber count had boosted. And Mat was cool.

Actually he was more than cool. He was sweet and funny, smart, and pretty adorable. I knew I was starting to like him. I couldn't help it. He was perfect. I just have to tell him.

(Mat's POV for like the third time XD)

I was gonna do it. I was gonna tell (Y/N) how I felt about them. I walked around the house until I found them in the living room.

"Hey!" They greeted me.

"Hey," I said. "Can I talke to you?"

"Sure." They replied. "Everything okay?"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. "It's just that. I l-like you. Like more than friends. I just think I'm cute- I mean- I mean I think you're cute! And sweet and I just want you to like me back and that's why I asked you to join the channel but it's okay if you don't, I just-"

Before I could ramble on anymore, (Y/N) quickly stood up and pressed their lips against mine. I let my body relax and I places my hands on the small of their back while (Y/N)'s hand rest gently on the back of my neck.  The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity but after several seconds, they pulled away. They laughed and playfully tousled my hair.

"You're adorable." They said with a small laugh. "And I like you too."

I smiled and once again pressed my lips to theirs. I felt (YN) smiled into the kiss. They were happy. We both were. We were co-theorists and now we were a couple.

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