Michelle Creber: Sleepover

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Requested by Shadowthehedgehog200


(Your POV)

I bounced happily on my feet as I walked up to Michelle's door, a small duffel bag in my hand and a sleeping bag by my side. I had been looking forward to our sleepover all week and finally it was here. I knocked on the door and waited. Michelle opened the door and immediately flung her arms around me.

"You're here!"

I wrapped my arms around her. "I wouldn't miss this for the world!"

Michelle pulled me inside. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight!" Her eyes were beaming. "I have so much planned."

"I can't wait." I say my stuff down in the living room. "What should we do first?"

"Well, I have ingredients for cupcakes." Michelle walked us to the kitchen. "Wanna join me for some baking?"


We found the recipe and started gathering all the ingredients and kitchen tools we would need. We preheated the oven and got to work. We started measuring and adding ingredients to the bow and us, being us, were just a tad bit messy.

Every now and then as we baked, I would catch Michelle sneaking glances at me. Just to mess with her and because she looked good, I started doing it back to her.

Once everything was mixed and the oven was ready, we popped the cupcakes in and set the timer.

We moved into the living room, and rolled out our sleeping bags. We then freshened up and went to separate rooms to changed into our pajamas then met back up in the living room.

"So what should we do to pass the last three minutes by?" I asked.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Michelle suggested.

"Okay. You go first."

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to prank text Gabe." Michelle challenged.

I laughed and pulled my phone out, and sent a fake and silly text to Gabe. "My turn. Truth or dare?"


I have a feeling those glances meant something. Now was my chance to find out. "Do you like anyone?"

"Um..." Michelle started to answer but was cut of by the times going off. "Cupcakes are done."

She got up rather quickly and rushed to the kitchen. I got up and followed her. We sat in awkward silence while we waited for the cupcakes to cool before we started decorating them.

"You never answered." I said.

"Oh, right." Michelle replied. "Um, yeah. I like someone."

I nodded and grabbed another cupcake. "Do I know them?"

"Yep." Michelle looked over at me. "Do you like anyone?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Do I know them?"

"You know them better than anyone." I replied.

"Who is it?"

I pass her the cupcake I had been decorating. It pink frosting with a heart and the leter U wrtten with red writting icing. She took it and looked up at me with a look of surprise but joy as well.


"Yes. I have for a while now." I said.

"Well, I like you too."

We both turned away with light chuckles and blush dusting out cheeks. "So now what?" I asked.

"How about we make a pillow fort?" Michelle suggested. "Roll out our sleeping bags, cuddles, cupcakes and a disney movie marathon?"

"That sounds nice." I agreed.

We finished decorating the rest of the cupcakes then ran around the house, gathering all the pillows and blankets and assembled our pillow fort. We rolled our sleeping bags out close and nestled in next to each other. We loaded up Disney plus and started our marathon.

"You were right." Michelle commented as I snuggled up against her. "This is nice."

She then placed a light kiss against my forehead and before we both knew it, we were sound asleep in each others arms.

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