Chapter 6: Sayer Saved My Life

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I woke up at night. The view from the window was absolutely beautiful; I could see so many illuminated buildings from where I was. I couldn't exactly remember how I'd arrived in that room, but I felt really happy. My arm was stinging and burning to no end, and it was bandaged, and I was pretty sure it was bleeding, but that was fine. It'd be healed soon. I had no need to worry about anything.

"Oh, Sleeping Beauty's finally woken up!" a young voice exclaimed beside my bed. "Rise and shine, roommate."

"Liquid, give her a chance to breathe, would you?"

I stretched, but the scars on my arm were hurting again. Oh well. It didn't really matter, anyway, now that I was here. Although, I didn't quite know why it didn't matter. Nevertheless, it felt good not to worry about it.

"She can breathe just fine, Okita."

"I don't want you overwhelming her when she's only just waking up. Remember, she was put through a lot of testing, so she must be exhausted."

"Yeah, yeah..."

The two boys chatting in front of me looked to be around my age. One of them had a pair of small glasses with smooth, brown hair that was neatly brushed and carefully styled, while the other boy had blonde, somewhat spiked hair that was well-brushed. Both of them wore the same uniform. I had to admit, it looked very nice. Something about it brought a smile to my face.

"Hello," I said, accidentally yawning. "Whoops. Um, nice to meet you."

The blonde boy smiled at me. "Nice to meet you too," he told me. "My name's Liquid. The nerd's Okita. We're your roommates. Welcome to the Arcadia Movement!"

Okita, who was standing up straight with a sort of polite poise, nodded to me politely, a small smile on his own face as well. "Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." I hadn't noticed before, but he has a slight British... no, not British. It was more specific than that. Some kind of United Kingdom accent, but I couldn't place my finger on which one.

"Um... Arcadia Movement?" I crossed my legs and sat up on the bed I'd been laying in, tilting my head at Liquid.

"Correct," Okita spoke up. "A movement of people gathered to help hone their psychic abilities in duels."

"...psychic abilities?"

"Yeah," Liquid took over with a grin. "Everyone in the Arcadia Movement has psychic abilities. If you're here, Sayer must've sensed some strong powers in you that he felt you'd need to hone to help yourself grow stronger."

I sat up a bit straighter, taking in the new information. "So... I'm strong? I'm... a psychic duelist?"

"Yep! Welcome aboard!"

Okita chuckled as I examined my hands, expecting something to happen when I extended them in front of me. "You must not have been aware of your powers up until now. That's quite alright. We'll help you as you go along," he told me. "We can start with a duel, if you'd like."

I winced. The idea of a duel scared me, for some reason. My hands, which I'd reached out before, instinctively moved to hug my arms. "I... I can't duel..." I muttered. "I'm a bad duelist..."

That's right... I remembered. Ironically, I remembered that I was an amnesiac, and that someone found me out in the street somewhere. I was all beaten up, but I had a few important things on me, like a Duel Disk. There were some gaps in my memory, but from what I understood, I'd gotten involved in some kind of... was it a crash? There were some strangers involved, and it was a dangerous situation...

...I had little bits and pieces of my memory, though, from before I was rescued. The voices of people telling me I was a bad duelist, the understanding that I don't deserve to live because I'm bad at dueling...

I could hear my own voice echoing as I screamed in the far back of my mind, excruciating and painful in detail. I think something was happening to me that I really didn't want to happen.

Liquid looked confused as to why I suddenly clammed up, and he even pulled out a chair from the nearby desk and sat on it backwards, resting his chin on the back of it. "Why's that?" he asked simply. "Who told you?"

I shrugged. "...dunno. Just a memory..."

Okita stroked his chin absently with his fingers. " 'Just a memory?' That's a rather odd thing to say."

"...I don't have a lot of 'em," I explained to them. "I'm... I have amnesia."

Okita's hand pulled away from his face in a mild show of surprise, and Liquid straightened his back. "Whoa, really?" he asked.

I nodded. "I don't remember who, but... someone saved me. But I can't remember before then. I got no memories of my life before waking up."

Liquid beamed. "Sayer probably saved you! That must be how you got to the Arcadia Movement! He must've sensed some kind of power in you. Maybe it was your own psychic powers that made you forget yourself!"

Okita smiled, nodding. "That's a good point. If that's the case, it stands to reason that Sayer found it crucial to bring you to the Arcadia Movement to get full control over your abilities and remember who you are. Yes, it all makes sense now."

Sayer did? Something about that thought made me smile. "Wow... that sounds incredible!" I straightened up and sat on my knees, leaning forward toward my new friends with interest. "You really think Sayer did all that?"

Liquid nodded with a confident smile. "No doubt about it!" he exclaimed, giving me a thumbs-up. "Sayer's saved lots of lost psychics around. You wouldn't be here otherwise if he didn't think you were worth saving, you know?"

I was worth saving? The thought of being useful to someone made a warm feeling swell up in my heart. A big grin made its way to my face. "I... I'm happy to hear that," I said. "I was afraid... I'd be useless..."

If Sayer saved my life, I had a debt to repay to him.

So it was my overwhelming psychic power that made me forget who I am? If that was the case, then I needed to get to training and fast!

As though on cue--or maybe it was?--the door opened to reveal a well-dressed man with auburn hair and an overwhelming aura of authority about him.

"Good," he told us. "You're awake. I need you to start your training tomorrow."

Liquid and Okita stood up straight and faced him with perfect posture. I was confused, so I stood from my bed and tried to imitate them.



"I expect you to be ready bright and early tomorrow. Show your new roommate around the rooms she'll need to know, then immediately continue your training," he went on. His gaze lingered on me a bit before he turned around, preparing to leave.

I couldn't let him leave yet. I had to express my gratitude!

"S-sir! Um...!"

He stopped, not turning completely to face me. "Yes, Sylvia? What is it?"

This was Sayer, right? Something in me told me it was. I bowed to him, as deeply as I could. "Um... T-thank you... f-for rescuing me. A-and for admitting me into the Arcadia Movement. It was... really kind of you." I was afraid of his response to my gratitude, but that's alright. That's how it was supposed to be.

Everything was in order. Everything was how it was supposed to be.

The man--no, I'm certain it's Sayer--smiled. "Of course. Show me your gratitude by performing well in your training."

I straightened myself up. "Of course, Sayer."

"Good. I'll leave you to it, then."

With that, Sayer left the room.


"Over there's the training room," Liquid told me, pointing to a large room with several arenas. Students all had devices on their heads as they summoned cards, training their minds and focusing their powers on the battlefield. "This is where we'll be doing our work today."

The next day had come around, and Liquid and Okita had just finished showing me around the parts of the building new people such as myself were allowed to go to.

"You have to keep training to hone your skills as a Psychic Duelist," Okita encouraged me with a smile. "That way, you're sure to get your memories back."

I nodded and equipped the Duel Disk I was provided earlier that morning. "I understand."

"And remember, make use of your new Deck as much as you possibly can," Okita reminded me. "Your old one was most likely lost, so Sayer provided you with a new one built by the Arcadia Movement."

Right. These new cards provided to me... I needed to make good use of them to prove my gratitude to the Arcadia Movement.

I hadn't mentioned this before, but when I woke up the night before, I was also wearing an Arcadia uniform, just like Liquid and Okita. Mine, however, wasn't quite the same style as theirs. Where they had long cloths hanging down over their uniform pants, mine had taken the shape of a short skirt. I didn't know if it was because my size was much smaller compared to everyone else's, but the design made me feel happy. I liked my Arcadia uniform.

There wasn't anything overly significant to note during my time in the Arcadia Movement. Liquid and Okita accompanied me to oversee my training, but in the end, we were all paired against another opponent, taking up the first three dueling fields that had opened up to us.

The device they strapped to my head made it hard to think, to be honest, and it interfered with my mind's voice. I couldn't concentrate enough to get a good duel in. I lost all of the duels I had taken part in that day as part of my training, and I was starting to feel depressed and lost confidence in my skill. Liquid and Okita had won most of their duels, so I was embarrassed to keep losing when they eventually came over to my field and watch how I did.

My opponents didn't say anything to me. They didn't tell me I did a good job, nor that I did a bad one. They didn't tell me to "get better," but they didn't tell me that it was okay to mess up. I didn't know what to think, so I was left to stew in my own thoughts.

Night fell too quickly, and I didn't feel like I'd grown at all. Even if I'd gotten close to beating some people, they still won in the end. There were times I didn't even put up a good fight, and I hadn't dealt a single point of damage to my opponent.

It was official: I really was a loser.

"Lighten up, Sylvia," Liquid tried to encourage me. "It was only the first day. I'm sure you'll get better over time."

"Yes. Perhaps it's a difference in atmosphere that is surprising you," Okita suggested. "After all, it's said that the environment has a great effect on one's mind."

I shook my head. "It's just like they said... I really am worthless if I can't duel," I sighed dejectedly. "I'm a loser. I can't win a single duel. If it were the location, you'd have thought I'd get used to it at some point. We were there almost the whole day!" Save for lunch breaks, perhaps...

"You'll get the hang of it," Liquid told me, patting me on the back. "Maybe clear your mind. We'll have a duel in our room, okay? Just no psychics."

That was another thing. They were all testing me, pushing me to my very limit to try and get some kind of psychic power to come out of me, but... nothing.

Every duel, I'd tried as hard as I could to manifest my monsters to make them become real, but nothing worked. Meanwhile, I'd gotten more than a little injured in each of the duels, with only support from Okita's healing Spells to keep me going.

I laughed bitterly. "I couldn't summon a monster if I tried," I told Liquid. "That head device only gave me a huge headache."

"It would be dangerous to duel in our room," Okita told Liquid. "Although it doesn't look like it, we can't underestimate Sylvia's hidden power. Unlike us, she can't control whether or not she uses her psychic abilities. We know how to sense it, but she does not. It's imperative that anytime she duels, she uses the psychic control device to keep her thoughts in order."

"Pfft. What thoughts? My mind was static that entire time." The comment was meant to be a little bit spiteful, but it surprised the boys. They went quiet for a bit, so I straightened from my slouch and turned to them. "What?"

"Static? It's supposed to make your thoughts more clear," Okita said.

"Yeah, like, my attention goes crazy, right? But the control device keeps my head on right. I can think straight with it for once," Liquid explained. "Maybe you're wearing it wrong?"

I doubted it. Other people had put the device on me, and they would've known if I was wearing it wrong. I simply shrugged and walked a little bit ahead of them as we returned to our dorm.

"Ohhh, I knew we'd forgotten something!" Liquid exclaimed just as I reached out to turn our doorknob, slapping his forehead with the ball of his hand.

Okita turned to Liquid, confused. "What did we forget, Liquid?"

"Sylv's bandages! I'd forgotten since she wears long sleeves..."

My bandages? I rolled up my left sleeve. Come to think of it, at one point I felt something wet and sticky leak onto my arm. I'd waited so long to check on my bandages that I totally forgot about them.

"Oh yeah..." I muttered. "But I don't wanna go all the way back..."

Okita sighed. "We're going to have to, Sylvia. If you don't want to bleed out, that is."

I groaned. "Fiiiine... But I'm not gonna like it..."

Okita smiled, probably a bit amused. "No one says you have to."

On our way to the entirely opposite direction of our dorm, my arm began to throb and the bleeding got worse. The burning sensation was so bad I hadn't even noticed a woman passing me by, hugging her arm to the side and power-walking as fast as she possibly could away from us.

She was quite beautiful, and I barely got a chance to sneak a good look at her, but I felt an air of hostility from her, like she was angry at someone or something and she'd barrel through anyone who got in the way to get what she needed.

"Excuse me!" she huffed as she passed, and I practically shoved myself to Liquid's side.

Liquid sent her a glare and helped me stand up straight again. I was still wincing with the pain in my arm. "You okay?" he asked me.

I bit my lip and nodded. "Y-yeah... let's go..."

I held my arm close to my body the rest of the way to the infirmary.


The following days looked almost the same. Not once did I win a duel while wearing that head-muffler. They even tried pairing me in Tag Duels with Liquid and Okita and facing each other, thinking I'd feel more comfortable if I dueled them. All I found, however, was just how badly I could mess up.

Lunch had arrived too quickly, but I didn't feel deserving enough to eat. While the other psychic duelists left to have their fill, I removed my deck from my Duel Disk, left it to rot on the spot I was standing in on the field, removed that damned head device, and tucked myself in a corner to cry.

Why couldn't I win? Why couldn't I prove myself? Was this really the best I could do? If it was, then I hated myself for it. I wanted to bash my head against the wall, bash my fists, do something to change the fact I'm complete trash.

As though hurting myself would cause the answer for any of that. If I actually did severely injure myself, I would just be forsaking the second chance Sayer gave me in rescuing me. He had to have saved me for a reason.

If I just held on to that thought... the thought that I could be useful to someone, then maybe. Maybe I could make it through this and find my thoughts in that stupid brain-scrambler.

My stomach was aching for something to eat, but I didn't deserve it. Not yet. I had to prove to myself that I was at least capable of doing something right.

I shuffled the deck I was given, then drew a hand of five cards.

"My turn," I mumbled to my invisible enemy. "I draw."

"I set a card in Defense Mode and set two cards face-down."

"Flip effect."

"I activate Threatening Roar."

"I Synchro Summon Magical Android."

"I attack."

I kept dueling until I had no cards left to use. Then, I shuffled everything in and played again. I had to get this right. I had to. If I couldn't duel for the Arcadia Movement, what point was there in living?

"I activate Psychic Wheeleder's effect."

"I pay 2000 Life Points."

"Thanks to my card's effect, I gain 1200 Life Points."

"I pay 800 Life Points to activate Krebons' effect."


"I Synchro Summon Magical Android."

Students began to file into the training room again, and I collected my cards and walked back to my spot. I couldn't tell if the training I'd done paid off at all. I couldn't tell if my movements were any different from what they would've been with the head device on. I re-inserted it into the deck slot of my given Duel Disk and put the head device back on. Maybe it'd work.


"Ah, you're here early. Good. You can continue with your training."

I nodded and activated my Duel Disk. "I'm ready."

I didn't eat that day.


In the end, I didn't win. Not once. Liquid and Okita had wondered where I disappeared to, but I told them I'd been in the same spot that whole time. They were both worried about me, but Okita in particular began to rant to me how I should've been keeping an eye on my nutrition, and how I wouldn't be useful to the Arcadia Movement if I wasn't healthy.

He did have a point about that. I needed to be useful to the Arcadia Movement.

Liquid seemed pretty worried too. He tried to suggest again that we duel in the dorm--and this time we didn't forget to change my bandages before going back--but Okita shot him down again.

"I didn't summon anything when I practiced," I told them. "Without the Duel Disk, I mean. We could have the boring kind of duel, y'know?"

Okita pondered for a bit. "But what if you do end up using your powers? The Duel Disk merely expedites the process, but it's still your powers working. You lost all of your memories, after all. You have to have some kind of latent ability you have no control over."

"Okita, what's the harm?" Liquid shrugged. "We can ask to rent out a field without the control device, and see how it goes. There'll be other psychics there in case things get overwhelming, y'know."

Okita shook his head. "Two days isn't enough time to compile data. Sylvia needs to keep trying harder."

Try harder... I had to try harder. I thought I was doing my best, but was there more of me to give?

Each passing day was worse and worse. Eventually, a whole week flew by and I'd accomplished zilch. In fact, my dueling might've even gotten worse, somehow.

I kept making misplays, I let everyone around me down, and I was even starting to catch Sayer's attention with just how badly I was doing.

The woman who had passed us by on the first day, I learned, was Akiza Izinski, the Black Rose. She was known as the most powerful psychic duelist in the Movement, and everyone strived to be as strong as her. But she didn't look happy with her title.

I was so disappointing that I actually garnered a reputation myself. The polar opposite of Akiza: The worst duelist in the Movement. Some psychics pointed at me and laughed. I was pathetic. Even Liquid and Okita, who were in the higher ranks of the psychic duelists, were looked down on for being my roommates and friends.

They took it all in stride, though, reminding me to keep my back straight, look ahead, and know where I was going. Since that second day that I hadn't eaten anything, Okita snuck out of the cafeteria to bring me some food while I practiced in my usual corner. Liquid was working on getting me some kind of support from the other psychics, but was denied every time by his higher-ups. Not Sayer, but our superiors nonetheless.

Anytime I accidentally passed Akiza in the hallway on my way to change my bandages, she gave me scary glares. Once, she even spat the word "cursed" on me, and I never knew what to do since then.

I'd tried my best. I gave dueling everything I had and more, but every single time, I lost. I had no worth. I had no right to stand beside Liquid and Okita.

One night, we were in the infirmary as the resident nurse changed my bandages. Okita was standing up straight, watching the nurse do his work, while Liquid was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

I... I had to ask them.

"...why are you still associating with me?"

It was the millionth time I'd asked, and Okita was starting to get sick of it. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How many times must we answer with the same thing?"

"But I'm useless."

"I still don't think so," Liquid argued. "They just haven't been approaching you the right way. Not every psychic duelist is the same, after all."

Okita nodded in agreement. "That's very possible. However, it is safest to continue working with the control devices."

"But I'm sure they'll make more progress if they just don't!" Liquid protested, yet again. "I've been saying this for a while. You think Sylvia using the control device might get better over time, but it's insanity to keep trying something that's repeatedly failed! Can you think of one time Sylvia has won a duel with that thing on?"

Okita didn't answer his question. "It's not only safer for us, Liquid, it's safer for her. Don't forget, her psychic powers were so damaging that she lost her own memories. She needs proper supervision and regulation."

"I'm not saying she goes unsupervised! Are you nuts?!"

"Quiet!" The nurse said, glaring at the boys whose voices grew louder. "There are other patients here. If you can't be civil, I will have to ask you to wait outside."

The boys stopped talking.

Every time I asked them that, they argued about whether or not I should have the device. I was starting to be on Liquid's side, though. At first, Okita's points seemed to make sense to me--and they still do. But at this point, I don't care if something happens to me. I just want to make something happen.

I just want to be useful to the Movement.

"You're done. Come back tomorrow."

"Thank you very much."

After standing up, I bowed and left the room, hanging my head low so that my bangs covered my eyes from any people passing me by.

But that night, we were caught in the middle of the hallway. One of my instructors called my name.


I flinched and stood up straight, although I kept my arm to my chest because of the throbbing pain the nurse left after touching my scars too much. "Y-yes, sir?"

"Sayer has requested a private meeting with you."

I felt my heart drop. Liquid and Okita were silent as my instructor passed me, bowing politely before leaving, now that he'd passed the message on.

I could not possibly ignore a summoning from Sayer. To do so would be sin itself.

But I was terrified that he would be unpleased with my lack of progress over the course of the week. I was the newest member of the Movement, was I not? As such, wouldn't he expect results right away?

Liquid and Okita led me to Sayer's room, but they weren't able to walk in with me. He did ask for a "private" meeting...

I hesitated long enough that Liquid rested his hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. "Hey, when you come back, we'll be waiting for you, okay?"

He didn't tell me not to worry. He didn't know, after all, if Sayer was pleased or not. Most likely not. It was a reassurance that he and Okita would be present for company in case I needed it.

I nodded and inhaled a shaky breath before knocking on the door. Okita and Liquid left my side, and Sayer's voice spoke from behind the grand doors.

"Come in."

I pushed the doors open to a beautiful office. The view of the city, especially at this time of night, was breathtaking. Sayer was sitting at his desk, taking care of some paperwork and recording information onto an electronic device.

He looked up at me just as I stopped several feet away from his desk and smiled. "Sylvia Reviar. How are you?"

Reviar? Was that my name? Sylvia Reviar?

"Um... g-g-good..."

"I can tell otherwise," Sayer said, frowning. He put down his device and stood from his office chair, smoothing the wrinkles in his perfect vest. "You haven't been doing a good job in these test duels, have you?"

I hung my head, trying as hard as I could not to cry. "I... I'm sorry. I-I know I failed you... I-I thought I could do it, b-but..."

"Now now, I just want to ensure that you're happy here," Sayer said, his voice dipping gently. He bent to one knee and held my chin with his gloved hands, forcing me to look in his eyes. I hated that I started crying then. His smile was so kind, his hands careful, and everything he said was perfect. "Don't cry, little one. I know you've been struggling. It hurts you too, doesn't it?"

I nodded, trying to will my whimpers to die down. It didn't work.

Sayer brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear, where it didn't belong. "Are you trying your best?" he asked me. "Does this feel right to you?"

I was trying my best. I was, I really was. Or rather, I thought I was.

I shook my head. Something didn't feel right.

Sayer frowned. "Can you try harder?"

I felt obligated to nod, but I kept still. Now was my chance to bring up Liquid's concerns with my dueling. The control device was only making it worse for me. I could barely think.

I tried to open my mouth, but no sound came out. I was scared. I searched for something on my person to make me feel more comfortable, and the first thing I found that I could fiddle with was the deck he gave me.

Sayer must've interpreted what I was doing differently, because he smiled and stood up, then walked to his desk, where his Duel Disk was resting. "Is it a duel you want? You can tell me."

I listened. The harsh voices of the cards kept stabbing at me like knives. I could hear them, but I couldn't grab what they were saying, only that it was hurtful. I didn't get words from their messages, but I understood their intent nonetheless.

"...I... I'm sorry..." I finally whimpered. "...for being useless..."

Sayer's smile never faltered. "You're far from useless, my little protege. In fact, you've provided me with some valuable data over the course of this past week."

Valuable data? I turned my head to look up at him, bewildered. "R... r-really?"

"Yes," Sayer said, opening his arms. "You've been very useful to me. In fact, you're so useful, that I came here to ask if you'd like a new deck. A better deck. One that fits your playing style a little better."

I cast my eyes to the ground, disbelieving. "...I don't deserve it. If I can't duel, what's the point in living? What's the point if I can't match the rest of the Arcadia Movement?"

"But you can!" Sayer exclaimed, and somehow I became more convinced. I could? "You have a potential within you unlike anyone else in this Movement. If you were to quit now, it would only harm us."

Harm the Movement? That was the last thing I wanted!

I took a brave step forward and wiped my tears. "How can I... How can I help the Arcadia Movement, Sayer?! I've tried dueling the way everyone else does, but those brain scramblers only make it harder for me to concentrate! All I hear is static! The cards don't listen to me, the other psychics despise me... A-and..." I cast my eyes to the carpet again. " memories. And my scars... I'm just not a good duelist..."

I was dejected again. Sayer stepped forward and placed a hand on my left shoulder, opposite of where Liquid had assured me before. "You're a wonderful duelist. You simply haven't met your conditions yet," he assured me. "I'll tell you what; I have a powerful deck you can use. A deck that I created especially for you."

For me? Sayer would do that?! But...

Well, he said I deserved it, right? Whatever Sayer said, it must've been true. Sayer was my savior, after all. Sayer saved my life. Sayer was the most important thing in the world to me.

"However, you can only use it here."

Sayer walked over to his device, where he inputted a code and a hidden compartment in his desk opened up to reveal a deck of cards. Somehow, that deck was much warmer than the cold one in my hands.

"Sayer, may I come in?"

That was Akiza's voice!

I whirled around, gasping. "A-Akiza...?!"

"Come in, Akiza."

The door opened and the Black Rose herself walked into the room, a Duel Disk equipped on her arm. "You requested me, sir?"

Sayer nodded and handed me the deck, holding out his other hand so that I could exchange mine. "Yes. I'd like you to duel this young girl."

Akiza was surprised to see me, it seemed, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "Her? With all due respect, Sayer, she's no match for my power."

"I think you'll find her potential interesting," Sayer told her, putting my deck in the slot where the old deck had been. "Besides, I can't think of a better match for your training."

I had to duel Akiza? But...

Sayer handed me the Duel Disk he had grabbed earlier. "Use this. If you can lower Akiza down to 1000 Life Points or lower, you pass the test.

1000 Life Points?! Was he joking?! No, of course not. This is Sayer. He's very serious, and everything he says goes.

I inserted the new provided deck into the Duel Disk and activated it, preparing to duel. Akiza stood opposite of me and did the same with her own Duel Disk and deck.

"I hope you're prepared!" Akiza warned me. "You won't be walking back to your dorm the right way once I'm done with you!"

I pursed my lips and sighed. "I hope I'm not too disappointing for you, Miss Akiza."


Akiza: 4000
Sylvia: 4000

"I'll give you the first move, newbie."

It was kind of Akiza to do so. I bowed and drew a card. The monsters I'd drawn were rather strange in nature.

They looked familiar. Maybe I'd seen them before? There was an air of confusion around them, though. Like I couldn't recognize them if I tried, and yet I had that nagging feeling in my mind that I was supposed to know what they were. I had to squint at the cards, to see if I was taking them in right.

"What're you waiting for? Make your move!" Akiza snapped at me.

I flinched. "R-right... Um... I activate the effect of Hecatrice in my hand. By discarding it, I can add a 'Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen' from my Deck to my hand." I discarded the necessary monster and added the Continuous Spell to my hand, then activated it way in the corner of my field. "Now, I activate it. Once per turn, when I have no monsters on my side of the field, I can Special Summon a Fairy-type Monster from my hand without consequence."

After a moment of deliberation, I chose the card from my hand I wanted to summon.

"I Special Summon The Weather Painter Sun from my hand!"

I won't get into detail describing him again, but he appeared on the field with an enormous paintbrush. Something about that brought a nostalgic smile to my face.

Sun: 1600 ATK


Akiza seemed surprised to see my monster, but she didn't say anything about it, instead letting me get on with my turn. "Now I Normal Summon The Weather Painter Snow in Attack Mode."

Again, in a familiar whirlwind, Snow appeared on the field, looking as innocent and unassuming as ever.

Snow: 0 ATK

"When Snow is Normal Summoned, her effect activates, which allows me to place any 'Canvas' card from my Deck onto the field anywhere I want."

I searched through my deck for the most appropriate card. I supposed that for now I could focus on swarming Akiza, creating a chain of effects that would set up my field and cover it in Canvases.

How did I know all of this?

"I choose The Weather Rainbowed Canvas," I declared, setting it right in the center of my field. Sun and Snow, who were right next to each other, were both bathed in the rainbow light emitting from my beautiful Canvas.

I was awed by my own cards, although at the time, I didn't recognize them. To be honest, thinking back, Sayer must've been testing me in more ways than just one, to see how I would react to using my own cards again while in the Arcadia Movement.

Akiza looked surprised to see such beautiful cards, and to be honest, I couldn't blame her. I was surprised, myself.


Y'know, I'm starting to see a kind of pattern here... What with my memories constantly being spontaneously missing or tampered with...

Anyway, I continued with my turn. "Rainbowed Canvas gives both Sun and Snow an extra ability when they're within the range of Rainbow's weather effect," I explained to Akiza. "Now, Sun's going to make use of Rainbowed Canvas's effect by banishing himself in order to Special Summon a Weather Painter from my Deck."

Akiza seemed to be getting annoyed with my long first turn. I couldn't help it, though. That's just how these cards worked.

"I banish Sun in order to Special Summon The Weather Painter Rain!"

I could've Summoned Aurora right away, so that I could protect my Canvas cards, but I liked making use of Rain's effect. Besides, by doing this, I could set up a trap for Akiza to fall into.

Rain: 1200 ATK

"Next, when Rain is Special Summoned onto the field, I can place a Canvas card from my hand face-up on the field. I choose The Weather Snowy Canvas."

I had Snowy Canvas right in my hand, so all I needed to do was to put it face-up on the field behind Rain, who was on Snow's other side. Now they were both bathed in rainbow light and snowy weather.

"Finally, I banish Rain to make use of Snowy Canvas's effect!" There was something invigorating about chaining my own effects like this. I could feel my depression slipping away as some kind of bouncy energy made its way back into my heart. "With this, I can add any 'The Weather' card from my deck to my hand!"

My deck helpfully supplied me with the perfect Trap card, and Rain left the field. "I set two cards face-down and end my turn."

By now, the only monster on my side of the field was Snow. Akiza sighed. "Finally... I draw!"

"And now my Weather Painters' effects all activate!"


"They can all return from banishment on the next Standby Phase of the turn they banished themselves."

Sun and Rain each reappeared on my side of the field. Rain was in Defense Position, while Sun was in Attack Position, and I had the two switch places for different effects of the Weather Canvases.

"So your deck is a swarming deck, is it? Well, prepare to be amazed by my monsters' sheer power!" Akiza's glare was palpable, and I could feel her hostility towards me growing more and more.

A feeling of pure joy began to quickly well up in my body. I felt a giddy grin make its way to my face. I didn't know why I was so happy. I had no real reason to be. Maybe I was just excited to duel someone as prestigious as Akiza.

Nevertheless, I beamed at her. "Please go ahead, Akiza! Show me everything you have!"

Akiza grumbled. "I will! I Summon Witch of the Black Rose in Attack Position!"

A pretty, magenta-haired pixie wearing black lacy clothing was summoned to the field, and I could feel her power from where I stood.

"When my Witch is Summoned in this way while I control no cards, I can draw a card," Akiza explained to me, swiping another card from her deck. She revealed it to me: A Botanical Lion. "Since it's a monster card, my Witch can stay on the field."

Witch of the Black Rose: 1700 ATK

"Next, I activate the Spell Lightning Vortex!"

My excitement drained immediately. These monsters had no counter for being destroyed. Well, none except Sun.

"By the look on your face, I'd assume you know the effect Lightning Vortex has."

I nodded grimly. "You can discard a card and destroy all of my monsters."

Akiza discarded a card from her hand. "Precisely."

I could've saved them with their Quick Effects by banishing them, but then I'd be left wide open for an attack. Actually, I would've been left wide open either way.

I hadn't thought that second Trap card I had in my hand would come in handy until now, but I secretly thanked the cards that it ended up in my opening hand.

Having run through the options in my head, I made my choice before the lightning could hit me. "I banish Snow to add a card from my deck to my hand, and Rain to Summon another Weather Painter onto the field!"

Akiza's eyes widened. "You can do that on my turn, too?!"

Snow and Rain disappeared into the Snowy and Rainbowed Canvases respectively, and Aurora took Rain's place. After adding Thunder to my hand, I had to take cover as lightning covered the field. It was loud, brutal, and absolutely terrifying.

In my small moment of joy, I'd let my guard down. Akiza is a psychic duelist--the most powerful in the Movement save for Sayer himself--and I couldn't let myself get beaten by her. Not yet.

"Your monsters are still destroyed!" Akiza declared. "And now that your field is wide open, Witch of the Black Rose can attack you directly!"

That meant it was now the Battle Phase. I couldn't use the trap I'd set for Akiza with Snow no longer on the field. Witch of the Black Rose flew up to me with her staff in hand and waved it around, summoning thorny black roses from the ground to sprout and painfully wrap around my body.

The thorns dug deep, and I could even feel my very life force being drained away. But I wouldn't falter just yet. Not even as my Life Points dropped.

I had a counter ready. I just had to survive until the next turn.

Sylvia: 2300

"And with that, my turn is over," Akiza declared. "You should learn to get straight to the point instead of jumping around. You'll only waste people's time that way."

The vines didn't let up completely, but they were eased enough that I could interact with my Duel Disk again. "D... during the End Phase of the turn that Monsters were destroyed... I can activate the Trap Card Return Soul!" I pressed the button on my Duel Disk to activate my Trap. "Now... Now I can return up to three monsters who were destroyed by battle this turn back to my Deck. And of course, I'm rescuing Sun and Aurora!"

Akiza clicked her tongue in annoyance as I shuffled Sun and Aurora back into the deck. "So you even had a plan for that, did you?"

"Now I draw! And during my Standby Phase, I can bring back my banished monsters! I hope you missed Snow and Rain."

The thorns were digging into my arm painfully, and it was getting harder and harder to move it. But this was all part of the duel. I had to lower Akiza's Life Points down to 1000 or lower to appease Sayer, and I was determined to do so.

Snow and Rain reappeared on my side of the field, both in Attack Mode, and my next turn had to be carefully planned.

I had Thunder in my hand, and by now Valhalla was only taking up precious Canvas space. So the best thing I could do now was Normal Summon her and use her effect. "I Summon Thunder to the field in Attack Mode!"

Thunder: 1700 ATK

"And I can activate her effect, too. By sending a Continuous Spell or Trap on my side of the field to the Graveyard, I can activate another 'Canvas' card from my Deck," I informed Akiza. Maybe she was getting annoyed with my turns already, but that's alright. "I send Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen to the Graveyard to activate..." What card would be useful now? I already had Rainbowed, Snowy, and Thundery Canvas on the field, albeit Thundery was face-down. "Um... Let's go with Auroral Canvas."

So I activated Auroral Canvas face-up in the same spot where Valhalla used to be. Maybe it'd come in handy at some point.

Hm... Actually, I had a good way I could fulfill Sayer's criteria right now! "I activate The Weather Thundery Canvas!"

Thundery Canvas was now face-up on the field, and I had the strangest array of weather situations on my side of the field. An aurora to my left, followed by intense thunder, a magical rainbow, and suddenly snow. Seems legit.

"And... I banish Rain to activate Rainbow's effect!" As Rain disappeared into the Rainbowed Canvas, I chose Aurora from my deck again. "I can Special Summon The Weather Painter Aurora to my side of the field now!"

Aurora appeared in an elegant veil of green light, to the opposite side of Snow where Rain was. Now I only had three monsters on my side of the field.

Aurora: 2200 ATK

"Okay... I think I'm all set now!" I glanced at Sayer for assurance, and Sayer gave me the most pleased smile I'd ever seen. My heart fluttered. That meant I was doing good!

"Battle! The Weather Painter Snow attacks your Witch of the Black Rose!" I called, swinging forth an arm to emphasize my newfound vigor.

"What?!" Akiza was shocked. "But Snow has no Attack Points!"

"That's fine!" I beamed. "See, with Thundery Canvas's effect, Snow can banish herself to return Witch of the Black Rose back to your hand. And that leaves you wide open for two powerful attacks from my monsters!"

Akiza begrudgingly took back Witch of the Black Rose and Snow disappeared from the battlefield in a flash of light. Thanks to Witch of the Black Rose no longer being present on the field, the vines that were trapping me before let me down, and I felt immediately relieved that I no longer had any thorns breaking my skin.

"Now, Aurora! Attack Akiza directly! Viridian Veil!" I commanded.

Aurora swept forward with her paint roller, painting a veil around Akiza and draining her Life Points down.

Akiza: 1800

"Now Thunder can go in for the direct attack too!" I gestured to Thunder on the left of my field. "Let's go! Lightning Tracks!"

Thunder shot forward on her golden crayon and drew a big, fat, golden and magically charged X on Akiza as the attack, lowering her Life Points even further.

Akiza: 100

Thunder and Aurora returned to my side of the field, and I beamed at Sayer. "I did it, Sayer! I passed the test!"

Sayer clapped. "You certainly did. But the duel isn't over yet. Akiza, what is your response to this?"

Akiza didn't look pleased at all. In fact, she looked very upset. I was starting to get a little bit afraid.

"Um... I-I end my turn..."

Akiza swiped a card from her deck. "Draw."


"I know! Your monsters come back. Get on with it!"

Snow and Rain returned to the field, and I started shivering. Akiza's power was growing exponentially. Her frustration with me was getting worse and worse.

There was a tense silence in which she contemplated her next move.

No, she wasn't contemplating. She was imagining her victory. She'd already drawn the card she needed to win the duel. Her deck was responding to her wishes.

"This is the end for you," Akiza declared. "You fought well, but you will bow to the cursed witch you face today!"

There was something nearly maniacal about the way she said that. Even Sayer began to stand up straighter and watch her more carefully, a frown forming on his face.

"I Summon Twilight Rose Knight from my hand! And once Twilight Rose Knight is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or below Plant-type Monster from my hand as well!"

Twilight Rose Knight was a blue-haired young warrior whom I remembered distinctly to be a Tuner monster. If she was using that, then that meant she was going to Synchro Summon.

Twilight Rose Knight: 1000 ATK

"Using Twilight Rose Knight's effect, I Special Summon Botanical Lion from my hand onto the field in Attack Mode!"

A lion with a floral mane and roots for feet was summoned right beside Twilight Rose Knight, and by now...

Botanical Lion: 1600 ATK

"Now!" Akiza swiped a card from her Extra Deck and a powerful wind overtook the office. "I tune my Botanical Lion with Twilight Rose Knight in order to Synchro Summon!"

Botanical Lion turned into a silhouette of itself, its four levels turning into stars surrounded by Twilight Rose Knight's three level rings. A Level 7 Monster.

"As a cold flame envelops the world, a black flower blooms in its blinding light!" Akiza chanted, and that brilliant light blocked my view of her. Her monster was appearing, and it was absolutely gargantuan. "I Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon!"

A storm of crimson petals, and the office was no longer safe. Items were flying, Akiza was frustrated, and I heard that static in my mind again.

Nothing made sense anymore. What was I doing here? Who was Akiza? Who was Sayer? What was I wearing?

"Black Rose Dragon's effect activates! When Black Rose Dragon is Synchro Summoned onto the field, every other card on the field is destroyed!"

The room erupted into chaos. Black Rose Dragon spread her wings, flapped only a couple of times, and powerful gusts destroyed every card on my field. All of my Canvases, all of my Weather Painters...

"My" Canvases and Weather Painters? No, they were Sayer's. I had to remember that I was just borrowing this deck.

Everything was destroyed. Wind whipped and slashed at us both, and I was pushed back against the wall to Sayer's left. It didn't hurt too bad, except for a bump on the back of my head.

"I'll show you that I'm the true victor! I can win even against your happy little pixies!" Akiza spat, blinded by her own rage.

Why was she angry?

Despite the wind, I stood back up. Akiza didn't like that.

"What're you doing?! Stay on your knees!"

I had to look into Black Rose Dragon's eyes... The destruction all around didn't matter. The pain I felt as I tried to walk didn't matter. All of it was only surface level. Only physical.

I tried to take a step forward, but the wind was only stronger, forcing me to stumble. I tried again.

Sayer didn't make any moves to stop me or Akiza. It was almost as though he was interested to see how this would go.

I was interested, too. I tried to smile for Black Rose Dragon. Black Rose Dragon didn't reciprocate my friendly gesture, flapping her wings in an attempt to keep me away.

I slowly made my way closer and closer to her. The stinging winds actually died down a little bit, although I must've felt the ghost of something slicing past my face several times over as I came nearer and nearer to Black Rose Dragon.

I raised my hand to her, offering it. Akiza stepped back. "What... What're you doing to my dragon?! Stay away!"

I rested my hand on Black Rose Dragon's snout. Her skin was smooth and silky, just like a flower petal. An eerie stillness overtook the room and I closed my eyes, listening to Black Rose Dragon's steady breath.

It was heightened. I didn't know what dragons were normally supposed to breathe like, but this was a familiar speed of breath for me. It was the kind of hyperactive breath that could overtake one's entire being when they were anxious.

Black Rose Dragon was anxious.

"...are you nervous?" I asked. I didn't know if I was asking Black Rose Dragon or Akiza. Probably both. I just... knew I had to ask.

Akiza didn't answer. Black Rose Dragon gave me a mild huff through her nostrils and shook my hand off. I lowered it.

"You know," I continued, hoping my smile was unassuming enough. "You and Akiza are a lot alike, Black Rose Dragon. Both beautiful, both very powerful..." Come to think of it, Black Rose Dragon must've chosen Akiza, not the other way around. "You must've been happy to choose Akiza as your duelist."

Akiza took another step back behind her dragon. I could hear the clicking of her heels as she did so. "What... what're you talking about?!"

All this time, I'd been burdened over how I didn't have the same psychic powers as everyone else, and how I was a lot weaker than anyone. But if the alternative was to live like Akiza...

"...Y'know, I think something a lot of people forget," I mused, walking back to my spot in the duel, "is that even Black Rose Witches are people. And if you're here in the Arcadia Movement, that means you're here to learn, right? You don't have full control over your powers, so of course you're still training and practicing."

I turned back around, and Black Rose Dragon looked terrifying again. But... maybe that was okay.

I'd gone through a lot of emotions in this entire day. I was about ready to fall asleep with how exhausted I was. "...You're too strong, I'm not strong enough... Haha... funny how life works, isn't it?"

Akiza heard enough. "Black Rose Dragon, end this duel! Black Rose Gale!"

Black Rose Dragon swept up a whirlwind of rose petals again, and my Life Points were reduced to zero just like that. The duel was over.

I was knocked onto the wall again and down on the ground. Exhausted from everything, and despite the dull pains in my body, I fell asleep right then and there.

The last things I heard that night were the faint voices of Akiza and Sayer worriedly rushing to my side.

How kind of them to care.


(Okay so I've kinda been messing up Rainbowed Canvas's effect but that's fine we're gonna use anime rules and pretend that's actually how it's supposed to be. Also, sorry the story's progressing like really fast, and the reason Sylvia was even given the Weather Painter deck to duel Akiza with is because I'm absolutely awful with literally any other cards.

Things will only get worse from here, such as Sayer marinating Sylvia and Akiza, more manipulation, mental health trauma, pain, etc. If you can't take those, then I strongly apologize but please stop reading for your own sake(s) :(

Also also I know I'm bad at writing duels and most of the stuff I imagined in my head didn't go the way I wanted on paper. I just got too tired while writing so Sylvia and I pretty much shut down at the same time. And YES IT'S REALLY CRINGEY AND FANFIC-EY I GET IT ;A; AND YES IT'S VERY VERY CHEESY BUT YUGIOH IS CHEESY BY DEFAULT SO YOU CAN'T FAULT ME ON THIS

anyway byeee)

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