Chapter 8: Fortunate Souls

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"Duelists young and old, professional and amateur alike! Welcome to the Fortune Cup!" the MC declared, his voice booming across the stadium.

The audience roared in excitement, the cheerleaders cheered, and the energy in the whole stadium was palpable.

The Duel Stadium... I remembered being there, but for what reason I couldn't quite recall.

I was in the waiting room with the other duelists. Sayer had allowed me to use the hybrid Duel Disk that came with the Duel Runner he gave me, as well as the deck I used to practice. It was far kinder to me than the other one, so I was grateful. Liquid and Okita had snuck inside to cheer me on from the lobby, and were giving me a pep talk.

"Remember to keep your cool, and don't worry about what the other duelist is thinking," Liquid coached me. "Keep your eyes on the prize, cover your bases, and win the duels with flair."

"Make sure you eat and drink water, as well," Okita reminded me. "I don't want another Day Two Incident. And this is all for the Arcadia Movement."

I nodded and took in yet another deep breath. "I hope I make Sayer proud..."

Liquid gave me a bright grin. "Of course you will!" he exclaimed. "You haven't disappointed him so far!"

It was such a relief that I hadn't disappointed him yet, too. I had thought for sure that I had upset him with my lack of progress during that first week. Thankfully, Sayer let me learn at my own pace, and I was prepared in time for the Fortune Cup.

Okita called my attention again. "We'll be waiting here when you're done with the introduction ceremony. Stay calm, okay? And make sure you behave on stage. Back straight, head high, and keep a straight face."

"Right. I'll be back soon, then," I told them, waving them off with a kind smile before collecting myself and walking beside the other duelists.

The raven-haired man from a week ago was staring at me, but I ignored him. That man was a stranger to me. If I dueled against him, I'd give it everything I had, just like any other duelists.

On the big screen, Red Dragon Archfiend flew over the stage, and Jack Atlas drove out from his garage, used the curved glass to leap onto the stage, and landed right in front of his dragon. He pointed his finger to the sky and, for the millionth time, announced that he was the only King of Turbo Duels, challenging the contestants--us--to duel him.

There were eight Duelists chosen for the Fortune Cup. Akiza, some guy in armor, me, a guy who looks like he could snap me in half and probably would, a professor, some hooded man, a literal child, and the raven-haired man from before.

What a colorful lineup they chose.

"Now let's hear it for the always-mysterious Shira! The great Greiger! The Professor! The radiant but tiny Sylvia Reviar! Miss Akiza Izinski! Sir Randsborg! The lovely Miss Luna! And Yusei Fudo!"

I recognized that last name. So his name was Yusei? For some reason, I felt like I already knew that.

Yusei's face was shown on the screens, and people began to whisper about his criminal mark. To be honest, I had even noticed it when I saw him last time. For some reason, I thought he didn't have one. Or rather, that he wasn't supposed to have had one.

People began chanting in the crowd after murmuring about his criminal mark. Their disdain quickly climbed into something horrendous, and they began to chant and boo. "Who's the loser? Who's the loser? Who's the loser?"

I thought I'd at least feel bad or something, but... nothing. Eventually, Greiger stole the MC's mic and began to talk to the crowd.

"My name is Greiger. I know things are different in this city, but where I come from, you judge a guy on his spirit. Yusei Fudo was chosen for the Fortune Cup as a duelist just like the rest of us were. If you're going to stare at him through stupid rose-colored glasses, then your words do nothing but incite violence!"

With a swift turn, he handed the MC his mic back and returned to his spot. Rex Goodwin, sitting atop his little "throne," began to clap, slowly at first, and slowly picking up momentum as he encouraged the rest of the stadium to applaud with him.

It was interesting how just a single man could start clapping, and then an entire audience of tens of thousands of people would follow.

Goodwin stood from his seat and began to speak into the microphone attached to the podium before him. "Thank you for your heartfelt words, Greiger. In our worlds, social status draw a line between ourselves and our fellow man. But I had a vision of a dueling tournament that would, if only for a fleeting moment, remove that line. A tournament separate from the competition of life, where the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' could meet each other on a level playing field, and prove themselves to each other and to the world. Fellow duelists, welcome to the Fortune Cup!"

Everyone cheered, but the MC didn't wait for the audience to quiet down. Instead, he proceeded with the event.

"And now, let's turn to the bracket shuffler! These are the matchups for the contestants!"

The screen had everyone's faces flashing in certain orders. Yusei Fudo was matched with the mysterious caped man--Shira, was it? Greiger was faced against the little girl--wasn't her name Luna?

I could hear her crying excitedly about dueling Greiger over from the other side. Greiger simply looked over at her for a second before turning his attention back to the brackets.

I was matched up against the Professor, with Akiza facing Sir Randsborg in his medieval cosplay. I had no doubts about Akiza winning her match, but...

...the look the Professor was giving me sent chills down my spine. "So that's my opponent..." I muttered.

Greiger seemed to notice my discomfort. "Something wrong?"

You can't show signs of weakness. This is for the Movement! Remember that!

"...No. Everything's in order," I told him, straightening my back. "I wish you the best of luck. I don't know who Luna is, but she sounds confident."

Greiger nodded, turning to look at his opponent on the other side. "That's true. She may be a child, but she was chosen for this tournament the same as anyone else was. I will not let my guard down, even against the youngest of opponents."

"That's for the best." As for me, I had to prepare as much as I could. I had a bad feeling about the Professor.

An intermission began, and Greiger and Luna prepared for their duel, the first in the brackets. Akiza and I sat together, practicing dueling without our Duel Disks as we hoped for the best.

I noted that Luna sat across from Yusei at the couches in the corner of the waiting lounge, chatting away with him. They must've been good friends.

Stop thinking about Yusei Fudo. He's cursed. At the very least, Akiza cares. Akiza is more valuable to you than Yusei.

"It's your move, Sylvia," Akiza murmured to me. "You've been taking your time."

"Sorry," I sighed. "That Yusei guy is really distracting me..." Honestly, who did he think he was, calling me by name like that? And what's wrong with his hair?!

"Don't think about him," Akiza simply advised. "We need to hone our skills as much as possible for the tournament."

I breathed deeply through my nose and drew from my deck. "Fine, then... Um, my Weather Painters come back from banishment..."

In the end, we never finished our practice duel. Akiza was close to winning, but I could've drawn just one card and turned it all around, so it was a close duel. I was tempted to draw it anyway when we were interrupted by the first duel starting, but opted against it, instead shuffling my deck and saving it for another time.

I could feel the dull pain of my arm returning, so I stood from my seat and thanked Akiza for the duel.

"Where are you going?" she asked me.

"I need to change my bandages," I informed her. "My scars might be getting a bit worse right now."

Akiza quietly nodded, a somber guilt filling her eyes. "I... see. The curse must be affecting you quite a bit, then."

I nodded back, but shrugged. "It hurts, but I can still duel. There's no reason for me not to."

With a final nod, Akiza and I parted ways and I left her be at the table so that I could leave the room.

I met up with Liquid and Okita, and Okita led the way to a quiet, private room he had found where I could change my bandages in peace. It was a little ways away, but not too long. If I really wanted to, I could easily run the distance in case I was late, but I wouldn't be.

Okita locked the door behind us and I sat down in a nearby chair. "Well, this is proving to be quite interesting, wouldn't you say?" he asked me, pulling out a roll of bandages from within his sleeve. "Roll up your sleeve, would you please?"

I obliged, carefully climbing the sleeve up my arm to reveal my left forearm, entirely bandaged from my elbow to my wrist. Some trickles of red began seeping out again.

Liquid sighed. "What I don't understand is why your scars haven't closed up yet. Didn't you get them, like, forever ago? It's already been two weeks!"

That was true. But if it really was a curse, like Akiza said, then it made sense. It wouldn't close on its own. Still, I remained silent about the whole thing.

Okita bent down over me and began to unwrap the bandages. "Come now, Liquid, we don't need to bother her over the scars. Instead, Sylvia, why don't you tell us about your opponent? What do you know of him?"

"...nothing," I sighed. "I just... have a really bad feeling about him."

Liquid nodded. "I get whatcha mean. He looks like an intelligent man. Don't let him get to you, okay? Remember to focus only on the duel and nothing but the duel."

"Right," Okita agreed. "And, don't forget that this is for the Arcadia Movement, as well. You needn't worry about what doesn't concern you. Just focus on looking straight ahead, defeating your opponents, and making a lasting impression on the competition and the audience."

At least I had that covered. My monsters--no, the monsters I was supplied--were as unique as they came. A smile made its way to my face. "I think that's the easy part. I don't have to go out of my way to do that."

Liquid grinned. "Yeah, see? That's the spirit!"

My arm was naked without its bandages, exposed to the world to see the grisly marks on it. Come to think of it, how'd I even get some of those? They looked like a mixture of several different kinds of injuries. Some were knife marks, some burns, and I could swear I even had a claw gash mixed in there somewhere. Most of it--or all of it?--was surface level. None of it reached my muscles or bones, but it still hurt to move around. I still hadn't gotten used to seeing my own arm like this. The bandages often covered it up.

Now that I looked at it closely, the mark was dark, as though it was charred into my skin permanently. I could see it a bit clearer now, tracing across it in the air with my finger.

A jagged double hook with three spine-like protrusions... It looked strange, without a doubt, but it was there. I couldn't tell what it was supposed to be beyond that.

Did I want to know?

All it was was a curse. Perhaps this was the best way to harm me, while it couldn't harm the others with this mark in the same way. Akiza certainly didn't have such grisly scars on her arm.

I couldn't bear to look at it anymore, turning to Liquid and extending my hand. Liquid knew exactly what to do and placed his hand in mine, allowing me to hold on to it and stare in his general direction while I waited for Okita to re-bandage my arm with fresh ones.

It took too long to finish, but finally, when he did, Okita pulled away and stored the bandage roll in his sleeve again. "Can you move your arm alright?" he asked.

I moved it around a little, slowly at first, but then slowly gaining speed to test my limits. I couldn't go too fast, I found, but it'd be perfectly normal to duel with.

"...I'm alright now," I told him, smiling. "Thank you, Okita."

Okita smiled kindly at me. "Of course, Sylvia. Make sure you tell me when you need something again. I am here for you."

"Wha--hey, don't forget about me!" Liquid protested, gesturing to himself. "I'm here to help too!"

I giggled and let go of Liquid's hand. "Of course! Thank you too, Liquid. As usual, you helped me feel better about all of this."

Liquid smiled proudly. "Of course I did! It's what I do best! Now you go out there and take on your next opponent! Well, when the time comes, anyway."

I nodded, and Okita unlocked the door. As we left the room together, though, someone who was leaning against the wall stood to block our way.

Yusei Fudo.

He stared at me with an intense gaze, wary but confident.

Liquid and Okita stood on either side of me, watching him in suspicious confusion. "Hey, you're one of the contestants, right?" Liquid asked. "What're you doing here? Were you eavesdropping?"

Yusei waited to answer, evaluating my companions with his eyes. "...I couldn't hear anything through the wall. I was waiting."

Okita stepped forward. "I apologize, but you're getting in our way. We'd like to escort our friend back to where she belongs."

"...I just want to talk to Sylvia."

Don't think about him. Just focus on getting past to get on with the plan. For the Arcadia Movement.

I narrowed my eyes at him. If I obliged, perhaps he'd let me through faster. "...How can I help you, sir?"

Yusei looked startled to hear me say that. " 'Sir'...? Sylvia, don't you remember me?"

Liquid and Okita shared surprised looks. I dutifully shook my head. "...I remember you from... another time," I said carefully. " finding out that you're cursed. But if you're asking about my past, I'm afraid I have no memories."

Yusei pursed his lips. "But we're friends! I saved you! You saved me! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it out of the Satellite!"

My head was starting to hurt. I didn't like listening to Yusei's voice. "...I'm sorry, but I have no recollection of helping someone break the law for their personal benefit. If you'll excuse me--"

"What happened to you? Did you lose your memory again? I thought you were missing! The last time I'd seen you was here, at the Duel Stadium, just before I was caught. Why weren't you taken to the Facility too? Where did you go?!"

Liquid was about to step in between the two of us, but I held him back. Yusei's voice had raised and become louder and louder as he got more frustrated with me. To be honest, his yelling scared me.

But I wasn't going to let him keep talking and making my head hurt. Even as I began to cry, and even as it hurt my heart to be yelled at--why?--I had to put my foot down.

"...I don't know who you have me mixed up with," I told him, taking a shaky breath. "...But I want you to leave me out of your illegal, n-nonsense business. I don't know who you think you are, that you can find out my name and immediately assume you know everything about me. But if you yell at me, try to discuss personal business, butt into MY business, and expect me to continue to respect you as a duelist, then you are sorely mistaken." A solemn pause.

The look on his face was heartbreaking to see. I hated that I was the one who caused it, but even as my voice cracked and I started to cry, I kept going.

"Right now, Mr. Fudo, we are opponents. We are competitors on opposite sides of the dueling field. If you want to talk to me so bad, you'll have to wait until we can meet face to face in a match." Although, given my skill level, I doubt it'll come to that.

Yusei struggled to find a response to me, but as I walked away, he spoke up again. "But Sylvia, we have a bond! If you could just try and remember--"

I squeezed Liquid's arm, a signal, in a way, to ask him to step in for me. I couldn't face Yusei anymore.

Liquid placed a hand on my shoulder and turned to Yusei with a cold glare. "I'm sorry, but can you please leave? I think you're bothering my friend."

Yusei tried to push it further. "I'm not done talking--"

"Please. Please, just leave me alone..."

After further glaring from Liquid and Okita, it was only my small voice that got Yusei to stop again. He turned and walked in a different direction to where the lobby was. I didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do from that point, but in my whirlwind of emotions, I didn't care.

I think we were both hurt through that entire exchange.

Liquid and Okita weren't allowed in the waiting room for the other contestants, so after some encouraging pats on the shoulder and silent exchanges, I broke away from them to rejoin Akiza, who stared expectantly at the door.

She stood up and strode to me as soon as she saw me wiping at my eyes. None of the other duelists paid me any mind. Yusei, I noticed, hadn't returned. He must've wanted some alone time after our exchange.

I couldn't relate.

Akiza draped an arm over me and led me back to our table. She didn't ask questions, and we didn't speak until we had sat down. Mostly everyone's attention was on the duel, and the noise in the background, distracting as it was, interrupted my thoughts enough that I didn't feel the need to think as hard.

"I saw Yusei Fudo leave after you," Akiza whispered to me. "Don't tell me he confronted you?"

I nodded softly. "...he makes my head hurt. I hate him."

It wasn't like me to say something like that so easily. Even Akiza was surprised. But there was this strong feeling in my gut. Either he made my blood boil, or he made me very, very afraid of him. I wanted to turn that fear into something that could be used for the Movement.

If I convinced myself I hated him, maybe soon enough, I would.

Akiza glanced at the door, waiting to see if it'd open again. "...he hasn't returned."

"...he went in a different direction than me."

She forgot about you. She hates you now.

Do I? Do I really hate him?

It hasn't been that long. You shouldn't have gotten attached to her so quickly.

Why do I feel so hurt? I did the right thing, didn't I?

If there's really a bond between the two of you, you have to prove it to her.

Did Yusei Fudo have something to do with my past?

Everything about what was going on made my head hurt even more. I didn't want to think about it anymore. I just wanted it all to be over.

My duel was to be the third one. Akiza's was the second and Yusei's was the last. I was up against the Professor. Just focus on the opponent. Win, and everything will work out. Make certain that you shine bright enough to represent the Arcadia Movement.

The intention Sayer had in allowing me to enter the tournament was to show me off as a Turbo Duelist, but even if I won against the Professor, Akiza and Sir Randsborg weren't Turbo Duelists, the latter of whom likely being unable to do so in his overly complicated golden armor. It was much more likely that Akiza would win against Sir Randsborg, and I wouldn't be able to win against Akiza in my upcoming match even if I did win against the Professor. I wouldn't have a chance to show off my skills as a Turbo Duelist anyway.

I sighed, disappointed. "I won't even be able to Turbo Duel," I moaned to Akiza. "The reason I'm even in here is because Sayer wanted a standing duelist and a Turbo Duelist to represent the Movement. I won't be Turbo Dueling this entire tournament."

Akiza's expression shifted into one of genuine confusion. "Why's that?"

I gestured at the Professor. "Look at my opponent. He's no Turbo Duelist. And you or Sir Randsborg, should I win, would be my next opponent. Neither one of you are Turbo Duelists. And, let's be real here, Randsborg doesn't have a chance against you, and I don't have a chance against you, either. I can't duel the way you can." I slumped in my seat. "I have no good reason to be here."

Akiza carefully laid a hand over my elbow as I leaned onto the table. "Even if you can't show off as a Turbo Duelist, Sylvia, you should still give it your all in standing duels. With your unique playing style, I'm certain you'll still catch the public's attention and fulfill Sayer's wish."

I glanced up at her hopefully. "You think?"

Akiza smiled reassuringly. "Yes, I do. You're a wonderful duelist, Sylvia. You simply don't trust yourself enough."

Staring at my cards... No, the cards Sayer gave me... Akiza must've been right. I didn't trust myself. Or, rather, I didn't trust my cards enough.

But... they didn't give me a reason to trust them. I couldn't very well put all of my faith in them. I just... couldn't.

Something about the duel going on onscreen made my head hurt an insane amount. I felt sick. Everything was just out to get me, wasn't it?

Akiza noticed my struggle, but she didn't seem to know what to do. I stood up, assuring her I probably needed to walk around a bit more, and went back to the door to leave the lobby again.

Yusei passed me by as he finally re-entered the room. He barely spared me a glance before hurriedly walking back to catch up on the duel being shown on the television on the far wall. I took my chance to leave.

Liquid and Okita weren't there when I walked out this time. They must've gotten an assignment from Sayer, who called them back. That was fine. This time, I actually did want to be alone. I tried humming to myself, but it only made my head hurt more. I hated everything. Why did everything go wrong?

This was supposed to be a good tournament. It was supposed to be exciting and fun, and I was supposed to prove my worth to Sayer. I hadn't even dueled yet and I was already starting to feel weak and disgusted at myself. Again.

What is this pain?

Don't think about it. Just don't think.

That's for the best. For everyone's sakes.

Eventually, when the duel was over, the pain stopped, and I almost ran into Greiger because I was having a hard time focusing on where I was supposed to go. Greiger greeted me politely and walked past as I headed in the opposite direction, eager to watch Akiza's duel.

I simply hoped that her opponent was a respectable one. You could never trust someone based on their status as a duelist alone.

I wasn't stupid. I'd heard the rumors. Even before I went out with Akiza a week ago, people called her a witch within the Arcadia Movement. It wasn't as bad as when we went outside, of course, but still... the fact that people would still talk about her even when they had powers like hers. I don't care that they're not as powerful as Akiza, they don't deserve to run their mouths.

Given the knightly attire, I wouldn't be surprised if Sir Randsborg had dressed that way just so that he could "vanquish the evil witch."

Akiza and I met just as I arrived at the door and she was about to leave. She nearly turned on her heel before she recognized me and relaxed a little bit.

I offered her a gentle smile. "Should I walk you to the stage, partner?"

Akiza only nodded and strode past me. I hurried to keep up at her side. We didn't walk for long, but as we approached the area where she would exit to the dueling field, we passed them by again.

Three children, two of whom looked like siblings, and Yusei, leaning on the wall. My head and heart began to pound again.

What is going on? Why do I feel like this every time I pass him by?!

I hate this. I hate this! It's so frustrating!

Akiza only spared half a second to glare at Yusei before walking off, but I couldn't help stopping just as we'd passed them.

"Hey, Yusei, didn't you say you and that pink-haired girl were friends?" the teal-haired boy asked behind me.

"Leo!" his sister hissed. "Can't you read the room?"

Yusei and I didn't say anything. The blood rushing in my ears only got worse the longer I stayed there. Ugh!

I whirled around on Yusei, giving him the hardest glare I could muster. "Stop making my head hurt! I don't care about you!"

It felt more like I was trying to convince myself of that. Yusei didn't allow any emotion to show on his face anymore. If he was hurt, I didn't see it, as I turned on my heel and ran to catch up with Akiza.

But I never was that good at lying.

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