Nash x Reader

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You and Nash are the best of friends. You could say you're more.

But Dumon is getting worried. Nash is spending so much time with you, that he doesn't do enough ruling. This is making Dumon angry.

So he sets out to set Nash right.


Nash is looking for you. He hasn't seen you all day and is starting to worry. He's looked everywhere. Asked everybody, but no one has seen you. But he hasn't seen Dumon.

"Dumon, have you seen Y/n anytime today?" He asks.

"No." He lied.

"Really?" Nash raised an eyebrow.

Nash could tell he was lying.

"Where is she Dumon?" He raised his voice.

"Fine. I have her."

"Excuse me!?"

"You haven't been ruling. All you have been doing is hanging out with Y/n. It stops today."

"I don't have to rule every second."

"You haven't been ruling at all."

Nash clenched his fists.

"Give her back." He demanded.

"Duel me and win and I'll give her back." Dumon said.

Nash didn't have to think.


"But if I win you must give up Y/n and start ruling."


The two of them started their duel.

Meanwhile, in a secret location, you are locked away.

You slowly start to wake up, as you are your head throbs. It feels like you were hit in the hair with something. You touch your head, and when you do, you realize there were chains around your wrists.

"W-What is this!?"

You look around.

"This must be the dungeons or something."

Then you wonder how you got there. You try to remember what happened. But you can't.

"How did I get here?" You say as I'd you were about to cry.

Normally you're tough. But this has gotten you down.

Back to the duel. Nash is winning. But Dumon isn't giving up.

"We need a leader." Dumon said.

"I need my space." Nash said.

They continue. It's Dumon's turn and he's duelling Nash into a corner.

Back with you, you're there with you knees in your chest and your head in your knees.

Out of nowhere hear whistling. But you recognized it. You got up and starting yelling.

"Vector! Vector is that you!?"

A figure moves into your sight but you couldn't see the face.

"Well well. What has the prison dropped in today?" They say.

"Come on. Vector, I know that's you."

He steps closer and you see his face. He had a big smile on.

"Y/n. How come you're in there? Break a law with Nash?" He laughed.

"Stop it Vector, it's not funny. I don't know why I'm in here."

"Sure you do. You can tell me." He winked.

"I didn't do anything with Nash."

"Okay okay. Don't need you to snap at me."

"Can you get me out?"

"I could..."

"Will you get me out?"

He thought about for a couple minutes. You got impatient.

"Will you get me out or not!?" You snap.

"Holy shit! You can't let a guy think!" He snapped back.

"No. Because you are taking forever on purpose! I know how you work."

"Cheeky." He grinned.

"No!! Just get me out!"


He reached into his pockets and pulled out some keys. He unlocked the door and the chains.

"Thanks." You say.

"Ohh, I get a thanks too. I'm lucky."

"Shut up."

You run out with Vector behind you.

Back at the duel, Dumon has started gaining to upper hand. Nash is panting, and so is Dumon.

"Just tell me were she is Dumon!! I thought we were friends!?"

"We are. But not right now. I end my turn."

Nash was about to draw but he hear a voice yelling his name.

He turns around and sees you.

"Y/n! You're okay!"

"Yeah I am!"

Then he sees Vector.

"Why is Vector with you?" He asks.

You stop so you can watch at the sidelines.

"He helped me."

"How did you get him to help you?"

"I asked."

"He always has a catch."

"Well, I amused him."

Nash's eyes widen.

"Wait, no!! Not like that!!"

"Okay, good. I don't want to be the second one that does it with you."

You blush.

"Can we continue the duel or not?" Dumon interpreted.

"Yeah! You got this Nash!" You shout.

"Woo hoo." Vector said with no enthusiasm.

"Alright. I draw!"

He beats Dumon a couple cards later.

Dumon was thrown to the ground by wind and is laying on the ground.

"Yeah! He did it! Even though I don't know why." You say.

Nash walks over to Dumon and holds out his hand. Dumon looks at him, then to his hand. He takes it and Nash helps him up. You and Vector walk over to them.

"Dumon, you're right. I haven't been doing as much as I should. I promise I will start."

He nods in agreement.

"And Y/n. Where were you?" Nash asked you.

"In the dungeons." You say.

"You put her in the dungeons?"

"I was in a rush." Dumon says.

"Wait! Dumon kidnapped me!?" You exclaim.

"I'm sorry Y/n. You were the only thing that Nash really cared about." He said.

"You hit me in the head." You said.

"Dumon!" Nash yelled.

"For shame." Vector teased.

"I said I was sorry!"

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