Bonds Beyond Time

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Synchro Dimension

Y/N Fudo is having a nightmare.


Y/N Fudo is standing in front of Zarc and his other counterparts are on the ground completely knocked out. The bracelet girls have fused. The Signers are also knocked out and he stands alone and in the middle of a duel. He has no monsters on his field and only 100 LP left. Zarc has his ultimate dragon on the field.

Zarc: You've done well surviving but this is where it ends. You failed. None of your signers remain and you lost the girls. Your counterparts were no match for me. It's over. My monster attacks you directly!

Y/N: Ahh!

[End of nightmare]

Y/N snaps awake and realizes that it's only a dream. He tries to get up but feels something heavy on top of him. He removes his covers and sees his girlfriends: Rin, Akiza, Luna, Misty, Carly, and Sherry.

Y/N: How did all of you get in my bed? How did I not notice?

Rin: Five more minutes, Y/N.

Y/N: No. Everyone, up now!

Y/N is working on his duel runner when his girlfriends walk over to him.

Rin: You okay, Y/N? You seem kind of out of it.

Akiza: Anything we can do to help?

Y/N: Not really. I just feel like something bad is going to happen.

Yusei, Jack, Crow, and Yugo walk over.

Yugo: We know what will make you feel better. How about a turbo duel? You always feel better after a duel.

Y/N: Sounds cool. Who am I dueling?

Yusei: Jack won the most rounds of rock, paper, scissors. So he's your opponent.

Jack: I've been looking forward to this. I have a new deck so this will be fun.

Y/N: I guess so.

Rin: Then I'll ride on the back of his duel runner.

Akiza: Hey! No fair! It's my turn!

Luna/Carly/Misty/Sherry: No it's not!

Crow: I'm jealous he has a harem but at the same time I'm not.

Yusei: Girls, you need to sit this one out. This is "guy time."

Misty: If you say so. Come on, girls. Lets make a surprise for Y/N for when he comes back.

Y/N, Yusei, Jack, and Crow are riding on their duel runners as Y/N and Jack get set to duel. As they are riding, a rider with a mask challenges Y/N to a duel.

Jack: How dare he interrupt our duel.

Y/N: We'll have to put our duel on hold, Jack. I want to see what this guy's got.

Y/N activates his duel mode and the duel begins.

Turn 1- Y/N

Y/N: 4000 LP/ Masked Man: 4000 LP

Y/N: I'll start. My turn. I summon Goblindbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblindbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N: Goblindbergh effect activates. When it's summoned, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower monster from my hand. I choose Flamvell Magician!

Flamvell Magician: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 200 DEF

Crow: That's right, Y/N! Show him who's the best!

Y/N: Level 4 Flamvell Magician tunes Level 4 Goblindbergh! Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon!


Y/N: I Synchro Summon! Soar, Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon: Level 8- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N: Turn end.

Y/N ends his turn but the masked rider pulls out a blank card.

Jack: A blank card? What's that for?

The masked rider eveals a blank card and launches a beam at "Stardust Dragon", absorbing it and creating a blackened corrupt card of it into the blank card. Y/N confronts Paradox, who shows him the corrupt card, before vanishing through time again. Y/N, Yusei, Jack and Crow halt their Duel Runners and look in bewilderment at the original "Stardust Dragon" card, whose illustration has just been blanked. Back at the garage...Y/N, Yusei, Jack, Crow, and Yugo talk among themselves.

Y/N: I can't believe I lost my Stardust. Do you have yours, Yusei?

Yusei: I checked my deck. Mine is gone well.

Y/N: Damn.

Y/N's girlfriends run in.

Rin: Are you okay, Y/N? We heard that something happened.

Y/N: I lost my Stardust. So did Yusei.

Akiza: That's terrible. I'm always willing to give you my dragon.

Rin: He already has a copy of your dragon.

Akiza: Well now he can have two.

Jack: All of us Signers feel the same way, Y/N.

Luna: Y/N, look what I found!

Luna hands Y/N a news article and sees his Standard Counterpart smiling with Pegasus. The article said that Stardust Dragon killed a bunch of people.

Y/N: That's impossible. Synchro summons didn't exist in the Standard Dimension.

The group looks outside and sees that New Domino City is starting to turn to dust.

Rin: What's going on?

Jack: Something changed the past so now it's effecting us!

Suddenly, all the marks on the signers appeared and the whole Crimson Dragon appears on Y/N's back.

Y/N: The Crimson Dragon. It's calling to me.

Y/N sees that his duel runner is glowing and prepares to get on it. Rin runs over to him.

Rin: Off to save the world again?

Y/N: Looks like it.

Y/N places a kiss on Y/N's lips which makes the other girls jealous.

Rin: Come back to me. You hear?

Akiza: We're here too. You know?

Carly: I want to give him a kiss.

Rin: He can't. Doesn't have time. He needs to go.

Y/N gets on his duel runner and the Crimson Dragon takes off transporting him to the past.

Fusion Dimension

Y/N is in Venice trying to escape Rainbow Dragon and Cyber End Dragon from destroying him. The city of Venice is empty so no one is getting hurt.

Y/N: Come on! This isn't what I wanted to happen today!

Y/N sees the masked rider and he summons Stardust Dragon.

Y/N: That's my Synchro counterpart's ace! What's it doing here?

Stardust Dragon appears. Y/N summons Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon to defend him. His monster is destroyed and he's sent back to a wall.

Y/N: Damn. That didn't work. I need to get out here and survive. I got my girlfriends to get back to.

Y/N reveals a locket and he opens it. It has a picture of Celina, Alexis, the Tyler Sisters, and Blair.

Y/N: I will survive!

Stardust Dragon prepares to attack again.

Y/N: Well, at least I hoped I would. I'm sorry, girls. Looks like I'm not taking you to that dance.

Stardust Dragon attacks but the Crimson Dragon appears blocking the attack. The masked rider disappears again along with his monsters. After all the smoke dies down and the sun reappears...

Y/N (Fusion): Boy am I glad to see you. Also, how are you here?

Y/N (Synchro): The Crimson Dragon.

Y/N (Fusion): Makes sense. More importantly, how do I remember you? This is supposed to be the past.

Y/N (Synchro): I can't answer that either. Also, why are you breaking the fourth wall?

Y/N (Fusion): Well the author wanted to give this ability to our XYZ counterpart but since he isn't in this story we're all going to do it.

Y/N (Synchro): Sounds legit. Now what are you doing here in Venice? Also, I didn't know the Fusion Dimension had Venice.

Y/N (Fusion): There are major plot holes in this story. Anyway, back on topic. Why are you here?

Y/N (Synchro): That masked man stole my Stardust Dragon. He's heading to the past to destroy the future. My dimension has been effected.

Y/N (Fusion): That's crazy.

Y/N (Synchro): No it isn't. We've dealt with way worse than this. Does Zarc ring a bell?

Y/N (Fusion): I know but it's what I supposed to say. Let's open my laptop to see if it's true.

Y/N (Fusion) opens his laptop and sees what Y/N (Synchro) said was true. The past had been changed.

Y/N (Fusion): Still don't know how this is possible but you're telling the truth.

Y/N (Synchro): Whenever have I been wrong?

Y/N (Fusion): Does your Orichalcos version ring a bell? You joined the Dark Signers.

Y/N (Synchro): Stop spoiling my story since it's not even close to being finished.

Y/N (Fusion): Well I have Yubel and I become the true Supreme King.

Y/N (Synchro): How?

Y/N (Fusion): We're not close to that in my story yet either. Seriously, it's like the author is taking his precious time and decided to write this story before we're even close to having our stories finished.

Y/N (Synchro): He is busy. He has like 42 stories he's working on and he hasn't even started on Volume 4 and 5 yet.

Y/N (Fusion): He's doing VRAINS? Does that mean we fuse together?

Y/N (Synchro): I don't think he's decided yet. Anyway...who are those two ghosts behind you?

Y/N (Fusion): You can see them?

Y/N (Synchro): If I can see Atem and Yuto then I can see them. Also I'm friends with Luna.

Y/N (Fusion): Aren't you her boyfriend?

Y/N (Synchro): Shut up before the FBI comes.

Y/N (Fusion): Anyway, what do we do now?

Y/N (Synchro): Maybe you should check your deck to see if anything is missing.

Y/N (Fusion): I'm sure I'm fine. I'm not prone to losing my monsters like you.

Y/N (Fusion) checks his deck and sees that Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon is missing.

Y/N (Fusion): Oh come on!

Y/N (Synchro): You were saying?

Suddenly, Venice starts to turn to dust just like the Synchro Dimension.

Y/N (Fusion): Well, we're screwed.

Y/N's (Synchro) duel runner glows again and the two hop on. They get transported farther into the past.

Standard Dimension

Y/N and Zuzu are walking around waiting for the tournament set up by Pegasus to begin.

Zuzu: You nervous?

Y/N: I'm always nervous but as long as I have Atem and you I'll be fine.

???: You're forgetting some people!

Y/N and Zuzu turn to see Julia and Aura standing nearby.

Zuzu: Right. I forgot about you two.

Julia: That isn't funny! I hope we face each other in this tournament, Zuzu. I'll be glad to break our tie.

Pegasus arrives in a helicopter and announces the beginning of the tournament.

Y/N: Alright! It's time to duel!

Suddenly Stardust Dragon, Cyber End Dragon, and Rainbow Dragon appear in the sky. The masked man then attacks the crowd with Cyber End Dragon and Stardust Dragon, killing almost everyone, including Pegasus and Y/N's girlfriends. Amongst the ruins, Y/N is the only survivor against the masked man's attack. He stands up and searches for other survivors. Y/N sees the objects that Zuzu wears in her hair.

Y/N: No...No...NO!

Y/N's aura picks up and the three Egyptian Gods appear behind him. Y/N turns to Berserk Mode. Suddenly the Crimson Dragon appears and swallows Y/N. Later it spits him out along with Y/N (Synchro) and Y/N (Fusion).

Y/N (Standard): Ow. My head.

Y/N (Standard) looks up to see his counterparts.

Y/N (Standard): What the hell are you guys doing here?

Y/N (Synchro): Nice to see you too.

Y/N (Fusion): You're probably wondering how we're here and what's going on.

Y/N (Standard): I don't need to know. I already read the beginning of this story. I'm still confused on how this is the past though. Makes no sense.

Y/N (Fusion): Mystery of the universe.

Y/N (Standard): Anyway, Yubel, Yuki, Fudo, nice to see you again.

Y/N (Fusion): Why did you mention Yubel first?

Y/N (Standard): Umm...

Y/N (Fusion): Yubel, are you cheating on me?

Yubel: If you think about it I'm really not. You're all the same person.

Y/N (Fusion): We're not fused yet!

Yubel: The author still needs to decide.

Y/N (Synchro): So, Muto, will you help us stop that masked man...

Y/N (Standard): Can we just call him Paradox? Him being called the masked man is insulting to me.

Y/N (Fusion): You never wore a mask.

Y/N (Standard): Doesn't mean I won't! My XYZ counterpart did! Why isn't he here?

Y/N (Synchro): His story doesn't exist yet and this story is based off a movie and he wasn't in it.

Y/N (Standard): That sucks. We could use him during our duel.

Y/N (Fusion): What duel?

Y/N (Standard): Obviously Paradox will show up at anytime and we'll duel him to save the world. We should the know the routine by now.

Y/N (Standard)/ Y/N (Fusion)/ Y/N (Synchro): Does Zarc ring a bell?

Y/N (Standard): No! We're not doing that! Anyway, Paradox should be arriving in 3...2...1...

Paradox appears on his duel runner and faces the three heroes.

Y/N (Fusion): I got my dragon back! How? Who cares!

Paradox: Hello, my name is...

Y/N (Standard): We already know who you are and what's going on. Can we just cut to the duel? This is supposed to be a one-shot but now it's a long story.

Y/N (Fusion): Dude, you are having no mercy on the fourth wall.

Y/N (Standard): I'm the King of Games. I can do that. Deal with it.

Paradox: Fine then. If it's a duel you want then it's a duel you'll get! But to be fair I get 12,000 LP since there is three of you and one of me.

Y/N (Fusion): How is that fair?

Paradox: Because with the monster's you'll summon it is necessary.

Y/N (Standard): Okay. It's time for catchphrases!

All three heroes activate their duel disks.

Y/N (Fusion): Get set to get your game on!

Y/N (Synchro): Let's rev it up!

Y/N (Standard): I have only one thing to say to you, Paradox. It's time to duel!

Y/N (Standard)/ Y/N (Fusion)/ Y/N (Synchro): Duel!

Closeby, the spirit Professer Banner and his spirit cat Pharaoh watch close by.

Banner: Wish them luck, Pharaoh. The fate of the world rests on these three. Also I'm upset for not being introduced so my money is on Paradox.

Turn 1- Paradox

Heroes: 4000 LP/ Paradox: 12000 LP

Paradox: I'll start. My turn. I'll start by activating the field spell: Malefic World! I'm using the anime version of this card. It lets me add one Malefic monster from my deck to my hand instead of using my normal draw. Now I send Cyber End Dragon to the Graveyard so I can summon Malefic Cyber End Dragon!

Malefic Cyber End Dragon: Level 10- 4000 ATK/ 2800 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): How did you get my deck?

Paradox: Because trigger!

Y/N (Synchro): Oh! That makes sense!

Paradox: No it doesn't.

Y/N (Synchro): No it doesn't.

Paradox: I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Turn 2- Y/N (Synchro)

Heroes: 4000 LP/ Paradox: 12000 LP

Y/N (Synchro): My turn! Draw! I summon Goblindbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblindbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N: Its special ability allows to special summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my hand. I choose Junk Synchron!

Junk Synchron: Level 3- 1300 ATK/ 500 DEF

Y/N: Level 3 Junk Synchron tunes Level 4 Goblindbergh! Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction!


Y/N (Synchro): I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): You may have taken my Stardust but you didn't take my Dimension Dragon! But I'm not done! Magic card: One for One, activate! By sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, I can special summon one Level 1 monster from my hand or deck. From my deck, say hello to Flamvell Guard!

Flamvell Guard: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Level 1 Flamvell Guard tunes Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that Monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power!


Y/N (Synchro): I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon: Level 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 ATK

Y/N (Synchro): Battle! Crystal Wing, attack Malefic Cyber End Dragon!

Paradox: Why would you attack a monster with higher ATK?

Y/N (Synchro): Since you're from the future, I guess you don't remember what this card does! Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon's effect activates! When it attacks a Level 5 or higher monster, it gains your monsters ATK until the end of my turn!

Paradox: What!

Y/N (Synchro): Crystal Wing, attack! Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon- 3000 ATK - - -> 7000 ATK

Paradox: Ahh!

Paradox: 12000 ATK - - -> 9000 ATK

Paradox: Urk! I activate my trap: Malefic Tune! Since a Malefic monster was destroyed, I can draw two cards!

Y/N (Synchro): I place a card face down. Turn end.

Turn 3- Paradox

Heroes: 4000 LP/ Paradox: 9000 LP

Paradox: It's my turn! I activate the effect of my field spell to add a random Malefic monster to my hand! Excellent! My victory is assured! I send Stardust Dragon to the Graveyard so I can summon Malefic Stardust Dragon!

Y/N (Synchro): Hey!

Malefic Stardust Dragon: Level 8- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Paradox: Now I summon Malefic Parallel Gear in ATK Mode!

Malefic Parallel Gear: Level 2- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): Why did he summon a monster with 0 ATK?

Y/N (Synchro): You know why!

Y/N (Fusion): I was just joking!

Paradox: Level 2 Malefic Parallel Gear tunes Level 8 Malefic Stardust Dragon!


Paradox: I Synchro Summon! Appear, Malefic Paradox Dragon!

Malefic Paradox Dragon: Level 10- 4000 ATK/ 4000 DEF

Paradox: When it's successfully summoned, I can special summon a Synchro monster from my Graveyard. Rise up, Stardust Dragon!

Y/N (Synchro): This guy doesn't know the effect of my monster. Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon's effect activates! When a monster activate its special ability, I can destroy that monster!

Paradox: What! Urk! I place two cards face down and end my turn.

Turn 4: Y/N (Fusion)

Heroes: 4000 LP/ Paradox: 9000 LP

Y/N (Fusion): I guess it's my turn! Draw!

Paradox: I activate my quick play spell: Malefic Divide! I can bring back one Malefic monster from my Graveyard. Rise up once more, Malefic Paradox Dragon!

Y/N (Fusion): Like that will stop me! Magic card: Red Eyes Fusion, activate! I fuse Red Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull that are in my deck! Oh great demon of lighting, merge with the dragon of scorching red eyes and create the ultimate despair! I Fusion Summon! Come forth raging dragon of hell! Level 9! Archfiend Black Skull Dragon!

Archfiend Black Skull Dragon: Level 9- 3200 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Paradox: I don't think so! I activate my trap: Malefic Claw Stream! Since I control a Malefic Monster, I can destroy one monster you control! Say goodbye to your dragon!

Y/N (Fusion): Urk. Doesn't matter! Battle! Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon, attack Malefic Paradox Dragon! Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!

Paradox: Ahh!

Paradox: 9000 LP - - -> 6000 LP

Paradox: You may have destroyed my dragon but now I can summon my ultimate beast! By paying half of my LP, I can special summon Malefic Truth Dragon!

Paradox: 6000 LP - - -> 3000 LP

Malefic Truth Dragon: Level 12- 5000 ATK/ 5000 DEF

Paradox: This your doing, you Fusion Scum! I hope you're pleased with yourself!

Y/N (Fusion): Shut up!

Y/N's (Fusion) aura picks up.

Y/N (Standard): Yuki, you need to calm down!

Y/N (Fusion): Thanks, Moto. I almost lost it for a second. I place a card face down. Turn end.

Turn 5: Paradox

Heroes: 4000 LP/ Paradox: 3000 LP

Paradox: Moving on. My turn. I send Blue Eyes White Dragon and Red Eyes Black Dragon from my hand to the Graveyard, which then summons Malefic Blue Eyes White Dragon and Malefic Red Eyes Black Dragon!

Malefic Blue Eyes White Dragon: Level 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Malefic Red Eyes Black Dragon: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): This is so against the rules!

Y/N (Standard): The anime can be a bitch like that.

Y/N (Synchro): But doesn't he realize that if he attacks my dragon then he'll just lose?

Paradox: Do you really think so? Then guess again! I activate the spell: Dark Hole, this destroys all monsters on the field!

Y/N (Standard): Damn!

Paradox: Now I activate the spell: Monster Reborn to bring back my Malefic Truth Dragon!

Y/N (Synchro): Oh no!

Paradox: Malefic Truth Dragon, attack directly!

Y/N (Fusion): Trap card, open: Call of the Haunted! This lets me bring back Archfiend Black Skull Dragon from the Graveyard in ATK mode. So now you can't attack us directly!

Heroes: Ahh!

Heroes: 4000 LP - - -> 2200 LP

Paradox: You got lucky. I place a card facedown and end my turn.

Y/N (Synchro): Why didn't you use my Crystal Wing?

Y/N (Fusion): I didn't know we were sharing graveyards.

Y/N (Synchro): Idiot.

Y/N (Fusion): Shut up! You didn't say anything!

Y/N (Standard): Enough. It's my turn!

Turn 6- Y/N (Standard)

Heroes: 2200 LP/ Paradox: 3000 LP

Y/N (Standard): My turn. Draw! Magic card: Dark Magic Curtain, activate! By paying half our LP, I can special summon my most faithful servant! Come forth, Dark Magician!

Heroes: 2200 LP - - -> 1100 LP

Dark Magician: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Y/N (Fusion): Dumb move, King of Games. We needed those LP!

Y/N (Standard): Well, let me show you why it was okay! Magic card: Thousand Knives! Since I control Dark Magician, I can destroy your monster!

Paradox: I don't think so! By banishing Malefic Cyber End Dragon from my Graveyard, Truth Dragon is saved!

Y/N (Standard): Urk. That monster doesn't even have that effect!

Paradox: Your effort was for nothing! Now I activate my trap: Malefic Claw Stream! And like before, I can destroy one monster! I choose Dark Magician!

Y/N (Standard): Urk!

Paradox: Now end your turn!

Y/N (Standard): Turn end.

Turn 7: Paradox

Heroes: 1100 LP/ Paradox: 3000 LP

Paradox: My turn. I draw! This duel is over! Prepare to die!

Y/N (Synchro): Die?

Paradox: That's right because in a Malefic duel you don't just lose the duel you also lose your soul! Malefic Truth Dragon, attack directly and end this duel!

Y/N (Synchro): This is the end. We failed.

???: I don't think so!

The Crimson Dragon appears and then disappears and Y/N (XYZ) appears.

Y/N (XYZ): Gagaga Gardna's effect activates! When you attack directly, I can special summon him from my hand in DEF Mode!

Paradox: That doesn't matter! I can still destroy your monster!

Y/N (XYZ): You're wrong! By sending one card from my hand to the Graveyard, my monster survives!

Paradox: Urk! I end my turn. I'll make you pay for your stunt! I've heard of you, Barian! You have nothing in your deck that can defeat my monster!

Y/N (XYZ): Fudo, I heard you lost Stardust Dragon.

Y/N (Synchro): How are you here and how do you know that I lost Stardust?

Y/N (XYZ): Because trigger!

Y/N (Synchro): Oh! That makes sense.

Y/N (XYZ): No it doesn't.

Y/N (Synchro): No it doesn't.

Y/N (Standard): Well it is good to see you again.

Y/N (XYZ): Right back at you, Muto. You can be my wing man anytime.

Y/N (Standard): No, Tsukumo, you can be mine.

Y/N (XYZ): No homo! We got girlfriends!

Y/N (Standard): True.

Y/N (XYZ): I guess it's my turn to clean up this mess. Astral, you ready?

Astral: Of course!

Y/N (XYZ): I build the Overlay Network with myself and Astral!

Astral: When two souls become one the power of Zexal is revealed!

Zexal appears.

Zexal: It's over, Paradox. Time to feel the flow!

Turn 8: Zexal

Heroes: 1100 LP/ Paradox: 3000 LP

Astral: We need to draw the right card now, Y/N (XYZ)!

Zexal: Of course!

Astral: A truly powerful duelist can shape the outcome of a duel. He can even generate the very card that he needs to draw!

Zexal: Go Shining Draw! Time to end this. First, magic card: Monster Reborn, activate! This lets me bring back Stardust Dragon back from your Graveyard to our side of the field!

Paradox: No way!

Zexal: Second, I summon Gagaga Magician in ATK Mode!

Gagaga Magician: Level 4- 1500 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Zexal: I overlay my Level 4 Gagaga Gardna and Gagaga Magician to build the Overlay Network! I am feeling the flow like you would not believe! I'm high-fiving the sky baby! I'm not just in the zone, there's like, another zone inside the zone and that's the zone I'm in! Now check me out as I XYZ Summon Number 39: Utopia!

Number 39: Utopia: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Paradox: You accomplished nothing!

Zexal: I wasn't finished! I can now turn Utopia into a Chaos XYZ Monster! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Utopia! Go Chaos XYZ Evolution! Get ready for Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Paradox: I knew you were bluffing!

Zexal: I'm not done. I equip ZW- Unicorn Spear to Utopia! This raises Utopia's ATK by 1900.

Chaos Number 39: Utopia- 2500 ATK - - -> 4400 ATK

Paradox: Even after all that it's still weaker than my monster! Stop wasting my time.

Zexal: This final card will seal your fate. I equip DZW- Chimera Clad to Utopia! Now my monster can't be destroyed in battle!

Paradox: You are nothing but talk. End your turn!

Zexal: No. I'll end you! Battle! Utopia Ray, attack Malefic Truth Dragon! Unicorn Strike!

Paradox: Your monster is weaker than mine!

Heroes: 1100 LP - - -> 500 LP

Zexal: Unicorn Spear's effect activates. When Utopia is equipped with it, your monster's special ability is negated!

Paradox: Still doesn't make a difference!

Zexal: Chimera Clad's effect activates! When it attacks a monster and the attacked monster isn't destroyed, your monster's ATK goes to Zero!

Paradox: What!

Malefic Truth Dragon: 5000 ATK - - -> 0 ATK

Zexal: Now we can end you. We have two monsters on the field. I could end this now but I believe a certain monster deserves the spotlight! Fudo, may you do the honors?

Y/N (Synchro): Stardust Dragon, attack! Shooting Sonic!

Paradox: Ahh!

Paradox: 3000 LP - - -> 500 LP

Zexal: Time to end this! Utopia Ray, attack directly and end this duel! Unicorn Strike!

Paradox: Ahh!

Paradox: 500 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Heroes

Y/N (Standard): Huh. I think that we just killed a man.

Y/N (Synchro): If anyone asks, Yuki did it!

Y/N (Fusion): That's right! Wait...what?

Later...the four gather together.

Y/N (Standard): It was great to see you again. Thanks for showing up, Tsukomo.

Y/N (XYZ): No problem. Trying to get the author to start my book in the series. Then the power to break the fourth wall will be mine!

Y/N (Fusion): I will miss this power.

Y/N (Synchro): You don't have it because you're too happy. Muto doesn't have it because he'll destroy the fourth wall. I don't have it because I'm too serious. And I'm sure Playmaker won't either because he's basically a robot. Tsukomo is the right choice.

Y/N (XYZ): Anyway, it was great to unite again. Let's do this again sometime.

Y/N (Standard): Only if Konami allows it.

Y/N (XYZ): Well it's time to go because we got girlfriends to get back to.

The four share a handshake and the prepare to go their separate ways when suddenly a portal opens and Playmaker walks through.

Y/N (Standard): Who are you?

Y/N (Synchro): What is wrong with his hair?

Playmaker doesn't say anything but just stares. Suddenly monsters appear behind him: Decode Talker, Encode Talker, Powercode Talker, Transcode Talker, Cyberse Clock Dragon, Firewall Dragon, Cyberse Quantum Dragon, Firewall eXceed Dragon, and Firewall Dragon Darkfluid. The four just stare in awe.

Playmaker: Prepare for a sequel!

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