An unexpected tag duel! Enter Celestial Duelist Leah Todoroki! Part 1

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As PDB and his sibling made their way to the gym to orientation they were talking to most of the other students that were either new students or have been here for months. So PDB started talking to a kid that had the famed Elemental hero deck he heard so much about as a kid.

PDB: So you're the user of the Elemental Hero deck?

???: Yep I'm actually been using the Elemental Heroes for a while now, they're kinda useful when it comes to duels. Looks at PDB's deck So what's the story on your deck?

PDB: Well it's my favorite deck, the Babylon Rogues. It's actually a deck I've created when I was just little. It even got me into the finals of a duelist tournament when I was learning from my mother and this heart of the cards sthick I've learned from an old teacher.

???: Well that sounds like a challenge when if we ever dueled against each other. Oh yeah. Extends his hand out to PDB The name's Jaden Yuki.

PDB then smiled and shook Jaden's hand

PDB: PDB Ferox's the name. And yeah, maybe one day it would be nice to have a dream match between the Babylon Rogues and the Elemental Heroes. Yet, I'll see you after orientation Jaden.

Jaden: Same with you PDB.

Both Jaden and PDB then walked away from each other, which also meant trouble for him because Blair and Aces were kept waiting at the entrance of the gym where the orientation was being held.

Blair: Runs up to PDB and hits him on the chest repeatedly Big Brother where were you! You had me worried sick about you! BAKA!

PDB: Hey, hey! I just talking to another student cut me some slack baby sis.

Blair: That's not an excuse you big jerk!

Aces: Alright you two that's enough, lets hurry and find our seats before they start without us.

Blair: Pouts Fine....Hhmp! Walks into the gym

PDB and Aces both chuckled at Blair and followed her to sit in the bleachers with the other students listening to the headmaster's speech which was about 5 minutes long anyway. But before the Ferox Kids can leave they both walked into one of the staff members that work here, and having to sign something to make it official.

Staff member: So you three are PDB, Aces, and Blair Ferox? The obelisk blue dorms are separated into 2 dorms for girls and boys, but your orientation will continue in class.

The Ferox kids then nodded and started walking to the front of the school, and as they were going up the stairs that lead to the doors of the school, Blair was bearly keeping her excitement contained.

Blair: Can you believe they assigned us to the Obelisk Blue dorms?! This school is already awesome!

PDB: Yes Blair, you've asked us that about 6 times already.

Aces: And that's the sixth time one of us had to say yes when we left the gym.

As they were walking through the halls of the school PDB and Aces bumped into four other students that were also obelisk blue students and one of them were just glaring at PDB

Ob Student #1: Hey! Kid watch where you're going!

PDB: Jeez, sorry. We're just looking for this classroom where the rest of the Obelisk blue orientation is going to be.

Ob Student #2: Started laughing at PDB and his siblings Yeah, like we're going to tell some newbies on where to go. If you want to get through then you're gonna have to duel us all first

Ob Students #3: Start with that first kid, move on with the other two after.

Ob Students #4: Takes out a camera and points it at them This is totally going to be on the internet.

Both of the 2 obelisk blue students activated their duel this and as they looked at PDB they both realized that PDB was wearing the millennium ring which had the first obelisk blue student glares at PDB as he did something to her.

Ob student #1: You...I remember you! You're that kid that screwed up my chances of winning that duelist tournament 10 years ago!

PDB: Uh-oh...I didn't know you were a student here Amy... Nervously chuckles

Amy: You're damn right, "Uh-Oh." I'm going to enjoy having me and my friend having to beat you in a duel.

Both of the obelisk blue activated their duel disks and glared at PDB, making PDB activate his duel disk as well as Aces and Blair, but he tells them to stand down.

PDB: Whatever if you both want a duel.

As PDB said that, his millennium ring started to glow surrounding him in a huge beam of light. The light then disappears revealing his yami form.

Yami PDB: Then you've got one! As he spoke, his voice sounded exactly like Bakura

???: Sounds like you're gonna need a partner in this duel.

A figure of a girl started to walk up to PDB and looked at him with a look of confidence on her face

PDB's thoughts: Another student?

PDB: Alright then. If you want to duel that's fine kid.

Leah: My name is Leah Todorki. She then activates her duel disk.

All 4: Lets duel!

Amy: I'll start this one out. He draws Hand:6 I summon the Baby dragon in defense mode.

[Baby Dragon Lv 3 Atk 1200 Def 700]

Amy: I set 2 cards faced down and I end my turn. Hand 3

Team 1: Field 1, GY 0, FD 2

PDB: It's my turn. He draws Hand:6 I activate heavy storm right of the bat to destroy those 2 faced down cards of yours.

A huge storm comes in and destroys the Amy's faced down cards making him growl.

PDB: Now I activate cup of ace. If the coin lands on heads, then both me and Leah, will draw 2 cards, if it lands on tails, then you both can draw 2 cards.

PDB takes out a coin from his pocket and tossed it letting it land on the ground, he then looked at it to see what it landed on.

PDB: Head, not so bad of a card after all.

Both PDB and Lead drew 2 cards from their deck

PDB: Now, I activate double summon with this I can summon 2 monsters to the field. For my first monster, I summon Shantae of the pirate's curse in attack mode!

PDB: Next, I summon the Obnoxious Celtic Guard in attack mode as well.

[Obnoxious Celtic Guard Lv4 Atk 1400/Def 1200]

PDB: Now I enter the battle phase and I'll start with this. Obnoxious Celtic Guard attack the Baby Dragon!

The obnoxious guard lunges at the baby dragon and slashed at it cutting it in half.

Amy: My baby dragon!

PDB: Now, Shantae attack Amy with Hair whip strike!

Shantae runs up to Amy and hits her in the cheek

Amy: Ow! Growled

Amy & OB Student #2: 6200 LP

PDB: I set 2 cards faced down and end my turn.

Team 2: Field 2, Gy 1, FD 2

OB Student #2: It's my turn. Draws Hand:6 Hmm...I summon the Destroyersaurus in attack mode.

Destroyersaurus Lv4 Atk:1800/Def:1100

PDB: I don't think so. I activate my faced down Trap card, Trap Hole! Destroying that Destroyersaurus.

As the trap hole activates the Destroyersaurus roars as it falls and gets destroyed.

OB Student #2: My Destroyersaurus! Damn it! I'll end my turn then.

Team 1: Field 0, GY 4, FD 0

Leah: Finally. It's my turn! Draws Hand:6 I summon the Celestial LightDancer in attack mode!

PDB started to look at the Celestial Lightdancer and then looked back at Leah waiting for her to make her next move.

Leah: I'll give you both a chance to catch up in this duel. I end my turn.

Team 2: Field 3, GY 2, FD 1

Amy: Fine then. It's my turn. Draws Hand:4 I summon the Eclipse Wyvern in attack mode!

[Eclipse Wyvern Lv4 Atk/1600 Def/1000]

Amy: Now I activate my spell card the Black Pendant and I equip to my Wyvern raising his attack points to 2100. Which is enough to destroy either your Lightdancer or Shantae. But since you've destroyed my baby dragon, Shantae is gonna to the graveyard.

PDB: Go ahead. I dare you. Smirks

Amy: Fine then. Eclipse Wyvern, attack Shantae of the pirate's curse with Eclipse Blast!

The Eclipse Wyvern started to make a dark ball of fire and shot it at Shantae.

PDB: Dumb move, I activate my trap card Mirror wall!

Amy: No! Not again!

PDB: After all these years you still manage to fall for this trick.

A huge crystal like mirror started to form and had the Eclipse Wyvern's reflection on it as the dark ball of fire hits it.

PDB: Now your Wyvern's attack gets cut in half, from 2100 to 1050.

Amy started to growl at PDB.

PDB: It's not too late to give this battle up Amy. You've lost to me once when we were young and I'm not afraid to kick your butt a second time.

Amy: Shut up! Fine then. I set one card faced down and I end my turn.

Team one: Field 1, GY 2, FD 1

PDB: Now it's about time we end this team duel. Cause you two duel worst then Blair at trying to dance on a boat to music.


PDB: Now, I draw. Hand: 2 Smirks Perfect timing. I activate pot of greed, gaining 2 more cards. Hand: 3 Now I activate this card, known as the Book of Spells. By giving up 2000 of my team's life points, I can bring 2 spell cards from either my deck or my graveyard to my hand.

Team 2: 6000 LP

PDB then choose his two spell cards and then smirked

PDB: Now, I activate double summon once again. To summon 2 monsters this turn again. And I first summon one of my newer monsters Merry Nightmare.

PDB: For my second monster, I sacrifice my Obnoxious Celtic Guard to summon the Dark Magician girl!

Dark Magician Girl LV6 Atk/2000 Def/1700

OB Student# 2: Is this supposed to be an XYZ summon?!

PDB: You'll find out soon enough, and since I know Amy has a trap card just waiting to be used, I'll skip the battle phase and end my turn.

OB Student# 2: Hmm...I'm eger to find out as well. Draws Hand:6 I'll set one card faced down and end my turn.

Team 1: Field 1, GY 2, FD 2

Leah: Well that was fast. Draws Hand:6 I activate my spell card Mystical space typhoon getting rid of the faced down card to the right.

As the first faced down card was destroyed Amy growled at Leah.

Leah: And since I know this duel will be over in a sec, I'll just go straight to the battle phase. Celestial LightDancer attack the Eclipse Wyvern!

The Lightdancer pointed her hand at the Eclipse Wyvern and shoots a lightning orb at it sending it to the graveyard destroying the black pendant as well.

Amy: My Wyvern! No matter, I still gain a few life points.

Team 1: 6600

Leah: I end my turn.

Team 2: Field 4, Gy 2, FD 0

Amy: It's my turn. Draws Hand:2 Damn it! I end my turn.

PDB: Now it's time to end this. Draws Hand: 2 Now I activate my polymerization to fuse Shantae, Merry Nightmare, and Dark Magician girl to create the Dreamspell Princess!

Leah's eyes shined as she looked at PDB's monster

Leah: Woah!

PDB: Now, this time there's gonna be nothing to save ya Amy.

To be continued...

Next Chapter Preview

Blair: Heya! It's the adorable Blair Ferox! With my co-host, and my big brother's partner in this chapter, Leah Todorken!

Leah: It's Leah Todorki, you dolt!

Blair: Sorry. Anywho, you and my big brother are really doing a number on Amy and her partner, in this duel.

Leah: Yes. But Blair we're supposed to be doing a chapter preview, not an interview.

Blair: Oh yeah. Anyway, what kinda tricks will Leah and PDB will have up their sleeves in their duel? What are they going to do to Amy and her partner? Sooo many questions that needs to be answered!

Leah: Again, it's a chapter preview, and we're not getting paid to do an interview. But Blair, if you want to know what happened in the duel, you're gonna have to wait like all of the others reading this.

Blair: Oh right.

Both: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh GX: A little comeback to the ending of a tag duel! Enter Celestial Duelist Leah Todorki! Part 2!

Blair: Wait...We're not getting paid at all Leah.

Leah: Facepalm

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