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Title: Dance With Me
Written by KenaShadows
Zexal; Keyshipping


"Yuma?" The voice asks from the other side of the door. Ruby eyes flick away from the mirror to focus on the door for a moment, and the spirit that he knew so well was waiting for him. Yuma grins and finishes tying the strings of his cape, nodding happily and spinning on his heel; he opens the door and winks at the spirit that blinks slowly, a look of confusion clearly visible on his face.

"Done! Now we can head out Astral!" Yuma cheers as he makes his way to his room, entering it and plopping down on his bed. Ruby eyes watches as mismatched silver-gold eyes scans his face before lowering to scan the clothes he now wore, a pale-blue hand reaches out and pokes the red tie that matched the owner's eyes.

"Where are we going to Yuma?" Astral asks curiously as he hovers closer just as Yuma rose up onto his elbows and reached for one of the spirit's cool hands; the feel of long fingers intertwining with his own had a shiver running down the boy's back. Shifting until he was sitting at the edge of his bed, Yuma tugs Astral with him as his free hand works to slip his black boots on. Raising to his feet, the boy leads the spirit out of his room and down the stairs, reluctantly releasing Astral's cool hand when they reach the last step. Smiling over his shoulder, Yuma makes his way to the front door, pausing when a familiar warm-wrinkled hand grabs his elbow. He turns and instinctively lowers to a crouch just as Grandma Haru offers him a smile and a tilt of her head.

"You'll be back before late?" She asks softly which causes Yuma to reach forward and envelop his Grandmother in a hug. Smiling when her arms wrap around his shoulders and squeeze, he pulls back and presses a kiss to her cheek. Yuma then swiftly rises to his feet and offers a salute.

"You bet Grandma! I'll see you!" Yuma bolts for the door just as the familiar sounds of his sister's footsteps echo down the stairs. With Astral following just behind him, they reach the street before the sound of the front door opens and Kari's voice fills the streets.

"You better get back here before eleven Yuma! Or so help me!" Yuma laughs as he bolts down the street, cape whipping freely behind him as he takes a left and then a right - Astral's comfortable presence draws closer as they near the center of town.

"Yuma, where are we going?" Astral asks once more as Yuma pauses at an intersection, making the boy blink and glance up at the spirit hovering just a few inches away from him. He grins and spreads his arms wide under the thin material of his cape.

"I'm dressed up for a special event. Do you remember what Tori and Cat were talking about earlier in class?" Yuma watches as confusion flashes across Astral's face, and when the light turned green they both move forward with the rest of the crowd. The spirit's head tilts and his eyes blink twice just as Yuma hums softly as they take a right down the crowded streets.

"That today was something called 'Halloween' and that everyone was invited to a party?" Astral states with a frown. Yuma grins happily at the spirit and offers a nod, and then they reach another intersection and wait for the light to turn green.

"Right, so now we're going to the party mentioned earlier. I think it's being held at Shark's house." Yuma informs his friend under his breath; Astral tilts his head in interest and offers a nod as the light flashes green.

"So what happens at this party Yuma? And why dress up?" Yuma shakes his head fondly at the questions, just like Astral to ask them; then again it was just like the spirit, he did like knowledge after all.

"Simply put, at a Halloween party, everyone dresses up as anything they want. I chose a vampire 'cause it looks totally awesome and I like it. We get to hang out with our friends and eats lots of junk food and get hyper on soda!" Yuma states proudly, spinning on his heel and Astral continues to give him curious looks. They reach the familiar streets that normally take them to Yuma's school, taking a right and then left, the sounds of cars and people begin to dull until they fade completely into silence.

"That sounds rather...boring, Yuma. How is it fun?" The spirit asks in a petulant tone as the familiar houses begin to line the quiet road on either side of them. Yuma takes a moment to respond, ruby eyes scanning the houses until they spot the correct one. The normally blank front lawn was packed with different decorations; Shark's motorcycle proudly parked in the open garage, and the two reach the front fence where Yuma pushes the small door open that leads to the stone path to the front steps of the two-story home. Moving to hover before the different glowing decorations, Astral misses the shadow that creeps quietly just behind Yuma who has stopped to watch the carvings made in the center of a large pumpkin. Feeling eyes on him, Astral spins around and opens his mouth to warn his companion--

--Only to pause when familiar dark-pink eyes catch the light from one of the decorations. Astral watches as Rio's arms wrap around Yuma's shoulders and squeeze, the blue entity's head tilts when Yuma splutters and falls a couple steps backward - managing to hold them both upright just as the front door opens and bathes the front yard in light.

"I know he should be here--" The voice pauses mid-sentence and Yuma blinks as Rio's happy giggles fill his ears. He glances up to find Shark with a raised brow and Ray hanging off his arm, the moment violet eyes meet Yuma's ruby, the orange-haired boy is lunging towards him. Yuma yelps when Rio's weight suddenly leaves his back and Vector slams into him. They fall in a tangle of limbs and laughter - on Vector's part, Yuma was wincing in pain - as Astral hovered closer and reached for his partner, Yuma gives his friend a grateful smile and reaches forward. The weight of something rubbing against his stomach draws his attention from the spirit's mesmerizing gaze, and he glances down only to yelp once more as Vector grins up at him, violet eyes sparkling with mirth and mischievousness.

"Yuma!~" He chirps with a grin, and Yuma winces as the boy shifts and presses his face more firmly into his abdomen. Jerking his gaze up and to the door, the boy silently pleads with his eyes for help - to which Shark rolls his own navy-blue eyes and moves to rescue him.

"Stop molesting him Vector. Welcome Yuma, Astral, glad you could make it." He offers with a small smile as he reaches them. Bending down and reaching for Vector's arms, he tugs and easily pulls the boy off of Yuma. Astral offers his hand again and smiles when his partner takes it and gets his feet under him.

"No Nash! Let me cuddle with Yuma!" Vector shouts as he fights the grip Shark has on him, and Yuma ducks away from the pair and bolts inside, Astral right behind him.

"Damn it, Vector! Stop flailing or I'll--" The hiss and curse that fell from Shark's lips had Yuma pausing. Half-turning, he swallowed at the sight that met his gaze. Shark had Vector off the ground and was glaring at him, Vector had the decency to look sheepish as Shark's left arm rose and his elbow slammed down on the boy's head.

"OW!~" Yuma flinches and turns, moving to the living room with his companion by his side, the sound of music fills his ears and soon the boy finds himself surrounded by his friends and classmates. Tori and Cat are dancing on the far right of the room, Bronk is standing on the sidelines with a nervous-looking Caswell. Yuma makes his way to them and smiles gratefully at the cup of punch his blue-haired friend offers him. Taking a sip and glancing around, he blinks in astonishment at the mass of students dancing to the beat of the music. Yuma watches as everyone changes partners every few minutes, turning to face his friends he finds them both frowning.

"What's up guys?" He asks over the beat of the music. Bronk rolls his eyes and gestures him to follow, which makes Yuma arch a brow in confusion. He follows after the larger boy and soon they're standing in the kitchen, the music muted slightly with a wall dividing them from the rest of the party.

"Rio keeps switching with the Barians and I wanna dance with her!" Yuma blinks and mentally rolls his eyes at his friend's annoyed look. Finishing his drink before answering, he places it down on the counter before focusing his gaze on his friend.

"So? You go over there and ask her to dance. Simple as that, now let's get back to the par--" Yuma squawks as Bronk's larger hand falls on his shoulder and tugs him backwards. Twisting out of his grip and managing to right himself, Yuma sends a half-hearted glare at his friend.

"Sorry, uh I just- I don't think I--" Bronk closes his mouth and crosses his arms, looking nervous all over again. Yuma groans softly and takes a step back to exit the kitchen, managing three and a half steps before his friend notices. "Yuma!" Said boy stills and glances over his shoulder, a pout tugging his lips downwards. Sighing softly, he shakes his head, silently wishing someone would save him.

"I meant it Bronk, go up to her and just ask for a dance. Shark is busy with Vector anyway so now's the best chance you have. Now if you don't mind--" Yuma's words fade as a familiar blue light catches his attention from the corner of his eye. He grins happily when Astral comes into view and silently thanks all the Duel Monsters for this lucky break and moves to his companion's side.

"There you are, Yuma. Why did you leave the party?" Astral asks softly, his form glowing brightly for a few seconds before dimming, a sign Yuma found out meant that the spirit was relaxed and content. Offering him a sheepish grin, he reaches for a cool pale-blue hand and turns to head into the living room once more.

"Yuma wait! I can't just!" Bronk protests as Yuma all but bolts; he pauses long enough to shout over his shoulder.

"Yes you can! Bye!" Ignoring his friend's shout of his name, he guides his partner back towards the living room, the music filling his ears once more. He turns to face the spirit only to find a look of uncertainty on Astral's face. Ruby eyes focused on mis-matched silver-gold for a moment before a small hand was tugging on his own. Blinking and jerking his gaze away, Yuma found Tori's smiling face focused on him.

"Dance with me Yuma?" She asks as she tugs on his hand once more, Yuma glances from her topaz eyes to Astral's mis-matched eyes, the look of uncertainty has faded and a small smile pulls one side of his lips up. Narrowing his own, he shifts his gaze form the spirit and offers a small smile at his friend.

"Sure, Tori." He offers with a shrug, allowing the girl to tug him forward while he uses the other method of communication with his beloved partner. His free hand rose to grip at the Emperor's key hidden under the tie of his costume.

What's wrong Astral? He asks softly, knowing that the spirit would hear him. The jolt he feels in his chest tells him of the spirit's shock - it'd been awhile since they'd talked like this. Coming to a stop, he begins to move his body to the beat of the music.

Nothing is wrong, Yuma, I just-- Yuma cuts off Astral's excuse with a flare of annoyance, their bond surges slightly with a cool comforting warmth that has the boy relaxing slightly.

Tell me Astral, do you want to leave? Yuma found the rest of his friends dancing around him, which made him particularly happy and giddy until he spots familiar blonde hair from the corner of his eyes. He stills for a moment when he spots Kite in the corner of the room, the soft smile on his lips taking Yuma by surprise. Astral must been hovering overhead, because his answer is amused and a burst of fondness filters across their bond. Yuma blinks and glances up and sure enough, the spirit is hovering just above his head.

No we can stay, Hart is with Kite. Seems Shark invited them, I'll let you know when it is time to go. Astral whispers softly into his mind. Blinking as the spirit begins to fade and merge with the key, Yuma forces himself to focus on the party. Somehow it doesn't seem too fun anymore... Mentally reminding himself to talk to Astral later, Yuma takes a deep breath and clears all thoughts of the spirit from his mind.

Wow, time sure flies by when you're dancing! Yuma was shocked when he saw the time. He swallows down his fifth cup of punch as he moves towards the door, Astral hovering behind him as the rest of the party continues. He pauses when he spots Shark leaning against the wall, his gaze lowers and he has to bite his lower lip to keep from bursting into laughter.

"This was the only way to settle him down; he had an entire tub of ice-cream earlier. To say that the others were sure he'd have a sugar crash before the party failed miserably, I had to bring out the big guns. Leaving already?" Yuma moves forward and pats Vector's head, focusing on Shark when he steps away from the glaring orange-haired Barian.

"Yeah, Kari wants me home before eleven." He offers with a shrug, grinning when Shark rolls his eyes and moves to open the front door. Saluting the Barian leader, Yuma takes off with a cheery wave and shouts over his shoulder. "Thanks Shark! Hope we do this again, it was fun!" He focuses forward and laughs happily when Astral races past him.

It was a race then.

Rolling his shoulders, he takes a deep breath and takes off after his partner. Managing to get back before eleven - Yuma had frantically checked his D-gazer while they'd waited for a red-light to change - both boy and spirit quietly made their way up to Yuma's room. Lilybot was thankfully asleep so getting from the first floor to the second was easier. Once the door closed, Yuma flops heavily onto his bed, a long sigh escaping his lips as silence fills his ears. He slips out of his boots and socks on instinct, wanting to be comfortable.

Blinking ruby eyes open, he finds Astral's mis-matched pair gazing into his own mere inches from his face. Remaining completely still even as a flush creeps up his cheeks, Yuma relaxes when a soft smile tugs Astral's lips up.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" The spirit asks softly, a pale-blue hand reaching out to press into the center of Yuma's chest, over the Emperor's key. Yuma could only offer a nod as he slowly rose to his elbows as Astral's other hand tugged him up to his feet once more.

Before he could realize it, they're both standing in the center of his room, and Yuma blinks and glances up from his floor; Astral has his head tilted slightly and a warm smile stretches his lips upward.

"Astral...?" Yuma asks, his voice coming out in a whisper. He watches as the spirit lowers himself until his feet touch the floor. His eyes widen as Astral's hands reach up and hover above him as if hesitant to touch him.

"I wanted to try something Yuma....if that is alright with you that is..." The uncertainty from before at the party flickers across his face and his eyes shift away from his own and focus on the window. Yuma frowns and reaches for Astral, causing the spirit to still when Yuma's arms wrap around his shoulders.

He relaxes with a exhale of breath and his own arms lift and settle on Yuma's shoulders, the next words that come from Astral has Yuma's head jerking up and surprise filling him to the core. "Will you dance with me?" Yuma nods instantly and Astral relaxes further.

They both begin to sway in motion, and soon Astral is once again hovering a few inches from the floor; his arms moving to encircle Yuma's neck as Yuma's shift to encircle his waist. There isn't a beat, there isn't even a song playing, they just sway slowly to their own hearts and soon Yuma finds his cheek pressed comfortably into Astral's chest. The spirit's arms tighten around his neck in a comforting squeeze as their pace begins to slow further, Yuma was starting to fall asleep swaying like this.

"No...don't wanna..." Yuma tries to protest as Astral begins to slowly push him towards his bed. When his bare feet hit the edge, he falls onto his sheets and a wide yawn interrupts his next words of protest. Astral hovers closer and gently shoves Yuma until he's against the wall.

"It is time for bed Yuma." Astral scolds softly, and Yuma blinks his eyes open and smiles sleepily as the spirit lowers himself until he's resting on his sheets. Tan hands reach out to tug the first blanket over himself as another yawn escapes his lips. Astral's cool fingers touches his cheek and Yuma sighs tiredly, relaxing into the touch as he feels the spirit shift closer to him.

Opening his eyes, he finds mis-matched silver-gold eyes mere inches from his face once more. They stare at one another before as one they close the few inches separating them. Cool lips meeting warm ones has a gasp escaping from Yuma's lips as Astral's fingers cup the side of his neck and stroke slow circles into the edge of his jaw. Pulling away, both settle as Astral encircles his arms around Yuma's neck and head while Yuma's arms circle Astral's waist.

"Happy Halloween, Astral..." Yuma murmurs softly into the coolness of Astral's skin. Astral curls himself around Yuma and presses a kiss to the boy's temple, relaxing as silence fills the air.

"Happy Halloween. Yuma" Astral whispers softly, pressing another kiss to his partner's temple, smiling when Yuma's arms tighten around his waist before going limp as sleep claims him.

This was a Halloween neither Astral or Yuma would never forget.

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