(3) Favorite Fanfiction ♢

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Hey guys! Daughter-OfAres is back with your newest Favourite Fanfiction article! Now, I couldn't actually find many stories based around new beginnings so forgive me if this one is a bit off-target.

This month's Favourite Fanfiction is... Drumroll please. *waits patiently until I hear the drumroll*

Changing Worlds by InuVampireChan

In this Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh! crossover, Heba and Yugi are drawn into the animated world of Naruto, where things aren't exactly as they were shown in the show.

For one, there are characters such as Yami and Atem Sennen that they hadn't seen before. Of course, they are placed on this team along with Joey. It isn't typical to find five characters on a team, but it is an alternate universe and it does play to the favour of the story.

At first, Atem and Yami seem to hate Heba and Yugi. Or rather, Atem seems to hate Heba and Yugi because they're able to show the prodigy Sennen children up with their skills and knowledge.

Now, the fanfiction hasn't been finished but the latest chapter is with the chunin exams where the characters face off against one another. Yugi has to fight against Malik, who can see the future and claims that Yugi will lose to him. Heba must defeat the first ninja-slut Tea, and Ryou has to fight someone who hates the fact that their names mirror each other because he finds Ryou weak. Matches are mixed up and tensions run high.

And then it ends. Yeah. I was annoyed as well.

But I believe that this deserves to be this month's Favourite Fanfiction because it is about how Heba and Yugi affect everyone in the Naruto universe and manage to draw several of them out of their shells and get them to start again.

Something I think we all wish would happen to us at times.

So, yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed this month's Favourite Fanfiction article. If any of you have fanfictions that you wrote or like that you would like to appear, send them to me in the comments down below or via private messaging and I will read through them and you might see them in one of the future Favourite Fanfiction articles.

Enjoy the rest of the magazine and happy new year!

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