(21) The Ships

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Your manager Des is here to bring you The Ships♡ for this month!

Now the original Yugioh will always be my fave, alongside YGOTAS - which sparked my interest in Yugioh anew.

The pairing for this month is one I read fics of every now and then years ago. It wasn't until recently while writing my own fic that I've grown so fond of these two together - at least in the universe in my head. And who knows, they could work out as one of the better canon couples out there!

Which ship am I talking about? Angstshipping


Yes, my favorite little maniacal one to write about and the sweet bun-bun! They are so cute ohmygosh!

They're one of those pairings that just really fit each other and kinda complete each other. With the more YGOTAS-version of them I've got going on, Ryou is the one able to calm Malik better than anyone. They do everything together like true best friends and have that unbreakable bond. Even if we talk canon with them, they would be a couple that could understand each other best - having gone through their fair share of bad alter-egos.

It just screams to make so many good fanfics.

They're just so cute, and even cuter together. It's seriously an underappreciated couple darn it! And they could have such a right and healthy relationship!

Just picture Malik having to stay with Ryou (for whatever reason) after all the drama that was the Egyptian God Cards. Ryou is such a sweetie pie that he would forgive and forget and help make him feel at home. Malik would feel obligated to the kindness shown, and gradually start to open up to the whitenette.

Then BOOM! Next thing you know there's tears while up late one night and lots of hugging ensues and gentle, understanding pats. They could help heal each other, mend what was broken in both their lives and slowly form an attachment for each other.

And then we'll have beautiful, sweet, cuddly boys on the couch watching Netflix.

I'm such a sucker for cuteness, okay. Minx is the sucker for hot sexiness, but I want all the cavities!

I cannot ignore the cute ones. And Malik and Ryou would be such a cute, healthy couple, mkay?

I can't stress this enough. I can't even stop talking about it. Someone please write a fic of these beloved bishies so that I may bask in the cute glow that will waft from its pages.

I need this in my life. You can even use the Malik and Ryou from my TFAS universe. Go for it, it's there.

(Well that is if you're a fan...)

But, yeah... Angstshipping is a top fave. What's some of your under-appreciated Gen 1 ships? Comment them below! =D

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