(10) Rapid Rant

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June Rant by: -_YunaRox_-

8th rant! Wow, I can't believe I've ranting on this magazine for so long! I'm still as happy to be here now, as I was happy to be here when I first joined!

Alright, this one is more of a ramble then a rant, and some things probably won't make sense, but I really want to scream about this, so let's do this thing!


So how's everyone's Summer Break going?

If you haven't started yet, then how's school going for you?

Mine is going pretty well.

Even though it's kind of boring.

Okay, scratch the kind of. It's REALLY boring. Nothing is happening, but even then, I still really love not having to go to school.

Then, I start to remember that for me, school starts in about a month and half, and then I get really sad.

Okay, the thing about me is, I honestly don't like going to school. I DO like the fact that I'm learning things and getting ready for college and a job and getting an education and all that. What I don't like is waking up , and sitting through 5 hours of stuff that I really don't care about.

The other 3 hours is stuff that I do actually care about, but that's not the point of this pointless ramble.

And then I realize that most of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters are also still and school and then I start wondering:

How do they put up with all the things that they have to do?

I'm pretty sure that the Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists are WAY more busy then I am (you know, saving the world and all.)

Yuusei is an adult, so I get it, but how do the others deal with it!?

I mean, dang, Yuugi is suppossed to go to school almost every day, but of course, that got postponed because of a card game tournament. If that kind of stuff was real, and schools were nicer, I would totally send them a message that says:

"Yuna Ashimoda was not be able to attend school for the next month, as she is busy playing a children's card game. Thank you for your time."

Jeez, I would never get away with that in real life.

Yu-Gi-Oh GX is surrounded on the fact that they're at a school that ACTUALLY TEACHES THEM HOW TO DUEL!!

Why doesn't my school do that... (insert tears)

But honestly, what job could you get if you submit a resume and then wrote:

"My major in college was a children's card game called Yu-Gi-Oh!"

Yup, I would get into the, like, top position.

All the promotions.

Juudai is a lucky bastard. If I fell asleep in class, I'm pretty sure that I'd be sent to the principals office, or I'd get suspended, or worse, expelled! Juudai has it easy tbh.

ZEXAL also has it about school, and Yuuma basically sleeps through all his classes except for duel time. He's basically like Juudai, except he can go places other than school, and he's (probably) younger too.

Also, why are kids allowed to be at the school really late into the evening? It's usually sunset when this happens, and my school's gates close at around , unless there's a special event that the school it putting on, which there nEVER IS IN YU-GI-OH!

In ARC-V, Yuuya has to go to TWO schools. TWO. Even though he actually likes attending the second one, I would NEVER be able to make it through two schools every school day.

How do these people even deal with it?

At my school, I basically had the same schedule everyday.

First, I'm in homeroom, where I do the language arts and history. I care for language arts, but not so much for history.

Then, I go to science, which I care for, and actually try to get good grades in.

Next it's lunch time. I don't know about you guys, but by this time, I'm usually really hungry, so lunch hour is like my saving grace.

I'm in my school's choir so, yay, more things to do, including concerts, after-school practices, before-school practices, and such. I also play the piano, so I play at the concerts sometimes.

Then math.

Oh, math.

How I hate you so.

Honestly, I'm good at math, and I know that if I am, then I can do a lot of things. I just think it's really boring. For me, math homework can take anywhere between 1 and 5 hours, just because I can't pay attention to it for that long. One of my many weaknesses is that I get distracted easily.

I know that Yuuya's also hate's math. Yay, math twins.

After math is P.E., and I have to say, I'm not the most athletic person in the world.

Running the mile is a pain, and I never pass that. I can barely do the push-ups, and don't get me started on the sit-ups. I can pass the long jump (though just barely), and the shuttle run.

Do Yu-Gi-Oh characters do P.E.? I've seen it in GX, and Jaden seems pretty athletic.

I wonder how they survive school...

How do you guys make it through school?


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