Brother! Yugioh Protagonists x Little Sister! Reader

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It was a nice day, somewhere in the town, there was a house with a family of 8. There were seven brothers; Yugi, Yami, Jaden, Yusei, Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku. And of course, the eight member was the one and only sister in the family, Y/n who's no more than five.

Even though she's the only girl in the family, she loves her brothers and they love her more. As a matter of fact, they're most likely doting brothers.

One day, Y/n was watching tv while sitting on Jaden's legs, along with Yuya and Yuma as they were watching her favorite movie. "The kitty cat-bus is so cute!" Exclaims Y/n as the boys were laughing happily to her reaction. "Jaden! Yuya! Yuma! Would I'll get to ride on the kitty cat-bus someday?" "Sure, if you're a good girl, I'm sure you'll get a chance to ride on it." Answers Yuya as he happily pats her in the head.

"Am I a bad girl?" "You're a really good girl!" Exclaimed Jaden as he happily snuggles on Y/n's cheek. "The bus should be here any seconds!" The boys continued to fan girl about Y/n until the door bell rang, "That might be the kitty cat-bus!" Exclaimed Y/n as she happily ran to the front door.

"She's so cute!" "I know!" Replies Yuma as the trio started to fan girl about her while Yusaku watched them. "I don't know why you three go doting on our own sister" "You do that too anyways, Yusaku" Replies Yusei which cause Yusaku to blush in embarrassment, "N-No, I don't! I-I mean, true that she's cute, small and adorable... but I don't go doting on her! You do that as well!" "We'll see about that" Replies Yusei.

~With Y/n~

She arrived at the front door to see the kitty cat-bus but turns out, it was Yugi and Yami at the front door. "Y/n! We're home!" "Did you come out to greet us?" Asked a happy Yugi while Yami bend on his knees, "That's so thoughtful of you! Come and give your big brother Yami a hug!" But all Y/n did was stand there with a disappointment look on her face, "Oh, Yugi.. Yami. Welcome home." "Huh?"

~A minute later~

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT FELT LIKE TO BE GREETED WITH HER DISAPPOINTMENT FACE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU GUYS DID?!" Yells out an angry, teared up Yami as he strangles Jaden and Yuya while Yusei, Yuma and Yusaku tried to calm him down and while Yugi was playing patty cake with Y/n until she heard the door bell ring and runs to the door. "You're making it sound like if it was our fault!" "It is!"

With Y/n, she went to the door only to find the newspaper, "Evening paper!" Y/n slowly walks back to the room while her brothers are still trying to calm Yami down, "What are you going to do? She's totally waiting for it!" Yami continues to yell at them. "What are we suppose to do?" "Are you done with us?" Asked Yuya until the door bell rang and Y/n ran back happily, "Kitty cat-bus!" "Oh, for crying out loud!" Yells out Yami as he continued to strangle Jaden and Yuya, "Yami, stop it! Stop it, Yami!"

With Y/n, she went back only to find a box, "Package delivery!" Y/n walked back to the room as her brothers still argued, "You shoudn't have just told her it was coming!" "She was so cute we got carried away!" Replies Jaden as the doorbell rang and Y/n ran back happily only to find a bottle of milk. "Here's your milk!" Y/n sadly walked back to the room and faced her brothers as they saw her eyes watering.

"Was I a bad girl?" Asked a tearful Y/n which caused the boys to freak out as they immediately ran to her before she started crying. "N-No! You've been a really good girl, Y/n!" Replies Yugi. "It's just that the kitty cat-bus is a little busy!" "Yeah! The kitty cat-bus is in its mating season right now, so-" Yuma replies until he received a punch from a blushing Yusei and Yami which luckily, one of the boys covered Y/n's eyes as they yelled, "No!" "That's not true!"

The boys just stood silently as they blushed in embarrassment, "Why would you say that, Yuma?" "Trying to ruin her cute, sweet and innocent mind?" Asked Jaden until Yuya grab their attention, "In that case..." Yuya pulls out a cat ears headband and places it in his head, "The kitty cat-bus asked me to give you a ride! Come ride the Yuya-bus!" This made everyone confused when Yuya announced it. "The what now?" "She's not even gonna buy that.." Replies Yusaku. "Oh, yeah? Look at her" Replies Yusei as he points at Y/n, who's already riding on Yuya.

Y/n squealed happily as her eyes twinkled, "Wait, she loves it?!" Asked a shocked Yami as they watched Y/n and Yuya having fun, "The Yuya-bus is coming through!" "This is amazing, Yuya!" They watched until they heard one of the boys calling Y/n's name, "Hey, Y/n!" "Huh?" Y/n looked and sees Jaden with cat ears and announces, "Come and ride the Jaden-bus!" Y/n exclaimed happily as she goes and ride on Jaden while Yuya yells out, "Jaden, you thief!"

Y/n happily rides on Jaden until Yugi and Yami wore cat ears and grabbed Y/n's attention, "Y/n!" "Yugi-Yami-bus!" Y/n happily ran to them and ride on them as they run around the room, "This is fun!" "We're taking the U-turn now!" They watched until Yusaku turned away, "That's stupid" He whispers until he hears Yusei's voice, "Yusei-bus!" "Damn you, Yusei!"

Yusaku takes a peek sees Y/n riding on Yusei while Yami chases him, "Come back with our passenger!" "Try to catch me, then!" Yusaku looks away and thought, "This is really stupid.." "Hey, Y/n! Ride on the Yuma-bus!" Y/n squealed as she ride on Yuma until Yusaku shuts his eyes tightly and started to shiver until he places cat ears on him.

"Yusaku-bus!" Y/n happily squealed as she jumps off from Yuma and rides on Yusaku. "Hold up!" Yells out Yuya as he grabs Y/n from Yusaku and holds her tightly. "This was my idea! So stop copying!" "We're not copying! Now, give her back!"

Y/n watched as the boys argue on who gets to carry her.

"I'll carry her on my back!"

"Nuh-uh! I can hold her longer than you guys!"

"Yeah, right! Yugi and I deserve to carry her! Plus, we smell nice!"

"What does that had to do with this?!"

"What are you implying?! Y/n already reserved!"

"Then that's cancelled!"

"Who's gonna pay for the cancellation fee?"

Y/n watched as they continued to argue until her eyes started to watered.

"Guys... I don't want you to fight. Don't fight!" Y/n pleaded as she started to cry which the boys immeadiately stopped arguing and went towards her. "Oh no! Don't cry, Y/n!" "We're sorry!" They immediately come up with a plan as they announced it together, "How about this? The brothers-bus!"

Y/n immediately stopped as she squeals and runs to them as they each took turns carrying her.

~Minutes later~

Y/n fell asleep but then again, the boys were fighting on who's room she would sleep tonight. "She's sleeping in my room" "No, she's not!" Protests Jaden, "She's sleeping with me!" "Have you seen your room? It's a mess" Replies Yuya. "How about all of us sleep with her?!" Everyone agreed with it as they set up a futon and place a blanket on Y/n as they fell asleep and said, "Good night, Y/n" But as they sleep, Y/n tiredly said, "Good night... big bros"

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