Vampire! Yugioh Protagonists x Reader

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In a dark mansion, there lived a teen girl named Y/n (M/n) L/n.

Y/n watched from her window to stare at the dark gray sky. At least, she doesn't live in a mansion alone... she lives with a group of people except... they're boys but they have a little secret, only she knows about... they're vampires.

Y/n still remembers the day she met them... they mysteriously saved her from her ex-boyfriend and she still remembers how it happen.


In the dark of the night, Y/n ran for her life after breaking up with her boyfriend once she found out he was cheating on her. But her ex chased her so she ran as fast as she could until she ran into the gates. Luckily, the gates were unlock which made it easy for her to enter but once she entered, her eyes widen as soon as she saw the huge mansion.

But Y/n didn't had time to stop and look, she had to hide but she wasn't aware of one thing... multiple pairs of glowing eyes were watching her between the shadows.

Y/n continued to run until she tripped. Suddenly, she heard something... she listens carefully until she immediately turns around and sees a shadow figure, then two... then four more appeared. The shadow figures circled around Y/n until she noticed her ex catching up but stopped when he saw them surrounding her.

She watched the figures stood in front of her as if they were protecting her when the fact is... they mysteriously were... but why? Y/n didn't had time to think, this was her chance to run while hearing her ex yelling and cursing at them to move out of his way until she heard screams but didn't stop for a bit.

She hid quietly until she heard footsteps coming to her direction, she stayed silent until she looks up and sees them, staring at her while the wind blew through her hair as they stared for who knows how long.

~End of Flashback~

And here she is now, in her new home. Ever since she started to live here, at first, Y/n thought they were going to be rude and scary but it turns out, they were really nice to her.

Anyways, it's was very quiet until... she's been tackled to the ground by one of the vampires but showed no fear. "Hello, Jaden" "Hi, little Y/n" Jaden replies before he happily sank his fangs in the back of her neck.

Y/n shut her eyes tightly and wince a bit as Jaden drink some of her blood before licking the blood stains off of her. "Had enough..?" "Yeah. Thanks, Y/n, you're too kind." Answers Jaden. Y/n still remembers the first bites she received from every single one of them.

Y/n received her first bite from Yami when he sank his fangs on her chest. Then, Yugi gave her a second bite in her wrist. Then, Jaden gave her the third bite in her hand. Then, Yusei placed the fourth bite on her neck. Then, Yuma gave her the fifth bite on her shoulder. Then, Yuya gave her the sixth bite on her arm and lastly, Yusaku placed the seventh bite on her leg. And yet, she still has their bite marks.

Y/n continued to walk until she arrived at the garden. She smiled as she watched the fireflies appear to give some light to the garden.

'It's beautiful... as always' Y/n thought as she continued to walk to her favorite spot until she had finally arrived.

Y/n sits next to the water fountain while looking at her reflection in the water until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turns around and sees Yusei. "Yusei... what are you doing here?" "Looking out for you, we don't want anything bad happening to you. Cause if anything happens to you, we might as well follow you everywhere you go"

Y/n giggles at the last part before Yusei grabs her by the wrist and brings it close to him before sinking his fangs in.

Just like before, Y/n wince a bit and shuts her eyes tightly as she let Yusei drink her blood until he had enough. "I hope I haven't cause you any pain" "Don't worry, I fine. It hurts a little but I'm still fine."

After visiting the garden and receiving a visit from Yusei, Y/n enters the living room and takes a seat. "You look wonderful as always, Y/n" Y/n startled a bit when she saw Yami next to her. Before she could say anything, she felt the back of her ear being licked as she shivered a bit.

"Hi, Y/n" Replies an innocent little voice which Y/n knew who it was, Yugi. "You scared me, Yugi. Hehe, actually, both of you scared me" Y/n replies. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to scared you~" "It's just that you look so cute when you're scared. Would you forgive us if you let us drink some of your blood?" Y/n couldn't help but giggle at them as she told them her response.

"Of course, I forgive you both" Without hesitating, Yugi and Yami immediately jump on Y/n and drink her blood as well. After receiving another bite mark from them, Y/n goes to the kitchen and prepares a nice cake for the vampire boys as a way to thank them for saving her.

After adding the finishing touches, Yuya shows up behind Y/n and hugs her from behind, "Hi, Y/n! Did you miss me~?" "Of course, Yuya. I really missed you as well" Happily responds Y/n as Yuya snuggles her before he sank his fangs in at Y/n's shoulder.

Just like before, Y/n wince as Yuya started to drink her blood. After Yuya had his drink and once Y/n was done decorating the cake, she goes to the living room to find all the vampires here. "Hello, boys" "Hi, Y/n" They replied back to her as she surprised them with a cake she made.

"I made it for you guys... I just wanted to say thank you... the day you guys saved me from my ex, I don't know what'll happen if you guys didn't showed up to my aid..." Y/n confessed as they quietly listen to her. "I'm glad to have met all you..." The boys stood silence until they smiled at her, "And so are we, Y/n". Y/n smiled at them as she heard those lines.

~Hours passed~

Y/n walked to a room, which is her own bedroom. She change from her clothes to her warm silk nightgown, a gift she received from the vampires.

But as she head to bed, she immediately turns around to see the windows open as the curtains blew with the wind.

Before she could investigate, she sees a shadow figure standing in the balcony... he was tall, his arms were cross and his eyes glow. Y/n knew who it was, "Yusaku...?" "Looks like you guessed it correct" Replies Yusaku as he approached to her. "Why are you here?" "Simple..."

Before Y/n could ask anything else, Yusaku slowly pushes Y/n as she landed on the bed while Yusaku crawled on top of her and lifts the skirt of her nightgown up, "Just to make sure we don't get it dirty." Yusaku slowly begins to nuzzle on Y/n' legs until he sinks his fangs in.

Y/n covered her mouth with her hand as Yusaku begins to drink some of her blood until he had enough. After drinking the amount of blood, he licks off the blood that's slowly dripping before licking his lips and says, "It's sweet... as always"

Y/n watched Yusaku walk to the balcony... but before he did anything else, he turns to her and tells her, "Have a sweet dream." And with that, he jumps off the balcony and transforms into a bat. Y/n smiled as she looked at her new bite mark. But yet, she felt tired as she softly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep... waiting for a another day to start.

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