Yugioh Protagonist x Depressed! Duelist! Tomboy! Reader

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A request from Crystalpistol2388

Again... another lonely day for Y/n as always. Just like any person, her life was filled with depression, no smile, no brightness in her eyes and of course.. no purpose to live. Ever since her parents passed away years ago, she was teased for not having any parents until she fought back by dueling which made everyone fear her once they saw how powerful she was.

Anyways, Y/n was eating a snack until she decided to get some fresh air for once as she changes from her pajamas to her tomboy clothes.

(You guys decide which outfit you like)

Once she was done changing, she left the house and goes out for a walk without making eye contacts with anyone. She walked down the street and passed by people until she bumped into a group of boys as she apologize without looking at them, "Sorry..." They didn't respond to her, of course.

"Face it, Y/n. They won't accept your apology and why? Because they hate you... just like everyone else." Answers the voice in her head as she listen to it. 'It's true... they're just like everyone else'

"You should just die... go kill yourself" 'Yeah... maybe I should die...' Y/n thought as she walked to one place where it's lonely... like her... a place she found whenever she's ready to do it... and she was ready for it.

Y/n walked to an empty cliff and as she walked to it, she looks down to see how deep is the fall.

'I'm definitely going to die...' Y/n thought as she was about to take a step forward until a voice called out to her, "Wait!" Y/n turns around and sees them. The boys from earlier... she turned around to face them.

"What do you need..?" She asked in a monotone and emotionless voice as she stared at them with her dull eyes. "Whatever you're going to do, don't do it!" "Why...? It's not like I have a reason to live... when I feel empty.." She responds as she takes a step back.

"Don't do it! Death isn't the answer!" "Whatever you're going through, we can help you!" Replies one of the boys which shocked Y/n... in fact, this is the first time... someone... no, more than one person cared about her as her lips formed a fake smile.

"Thanks for caring.." And with that, she took one last step as she fell but suddenly, her hand was grabbed by one of the boys as they pulled her back up which shocked her. "We told you, death isn't the answer!" "If we didn't catch you in time, we would have been too late to save you!"

This shocked Y/n but she also felt her face wet as she placed her hand on her cheek as she felt more tears falling.

'Why an I crying..?' She thought as she lowers her head down and whispers, "Why...? Why would you save someone... who's useless and pathetic like me...?!?" "You're not pathetic or useless" Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing from them as one of them placed a hand on her head and they smiled at her

"What's your name?" "Y/n..." "Where do you live?"

~Few days later~

It's only been six days since she last saw them, she even got their names after that. But still, she was laying in the sofa while being wrapped up in a blanket until she heard knocking on the door. She lazily got up and went to open the door until... she saw them.

"Hi, Y/n. Can we come in?" Y/n only nodded her head as she let them walked inside and  went to the living room. Everything was quiet until one of them asked, "Do you... live here alone?" Y/n slowly nodded her head as she spoke while putting a false smile.

"Yeah.. but it's great to be lonely... I guess" Y/n lowered her head down until she felt arms wrapping around her which made her feel... something... it was warm and caring... she never felt this feeling before... what was this feeling called again? Love?

"We can help you, Y/n" Answers Yuya until Y/n removed his arms away from her as she sat on the ground, "I don't need help... I'll be alright, I guess..." Y/n responds until she felt a hand on her head as she looked up and sees Yugi with a small smile on his face.

"Even if you don't need help, we're still gonna help you!" Y/n's eyes widen as she turned to face the others who had smiles on their faces before lowering her head down as a tear fell from her eyes.

She started to tremble a bit until she starts to cry as the boys give her a hug to comfort her. She slowly warps her arms around them and sobbingly whispers, "Thank you..."

~Months later~

"Y/n-San!" Yells out a cheerful Jaden as he gives Y/n one of his bear hugs as she lets out a small smile. "Hi.." For the pass few months, Y/n look up to them as brothers and friends. They gave her the help that she needed, defended her from her bullies and of course, they duel with her every single day; sometimes she wins and sometimes one of the boys will win.

They went to her place as they watched movies and played games until night came. Everyone fell asleep except for Y/n as she looks up at the ceiling as tears formed in her eyes before closing her eyes and falls asleep.

'Maybe... I do have a purpose... to live, do I? A purpose to be with them... if it is, we'll see what the future has for us' She thought as she looks at her guy friends and smiles a little, "Goodnight... and thank you.. for everything"

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