Yugioh Protagonists x Alien! Reader part 1

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A planet was under attack, citizens were running away in fear as soldiers fought to protect their home but each of them were being gunned down, one by one. Everyone took refuge but one didn't as she ran with a young girl to the space station.

She hold a girl's hand tightly as they ran to one of the spaceships, "Mom, what's happening? Where are we going?" Questions the teen as she watched her mother type. After typing, her mother turns to her and gives her a sad serious look on her face.

"Mom?" "You need to get out of here" Her mother answer which left her confused, "Huh? But why?" "It's not safe here anymore. You must get out of here and find a place where you'll be safe!" This shocked the teen. Her mother used the mini computer from her wrist and shows her something on the hologram, "There's a small planet where you will go... it's called earth. You will go there for your safety but never tell anyone you're an alien, understand?" "But mom... what about you? What's gonna happen to you?"

But without warning, her mother pushes her inside the spaceship and immediately closes the door as the girl runs to the window and hits the door to reach for her. "Wait, mom! What are you..? Mom, I'm not leaving you! Mom!" "Now, go! Get out of here!" Her mother yelled as she pressed the launch button with tears on her eyes as she watched her daughter become far distant while she continued to yell and cry out for her. "MOM!" Her mother watched as tears continued to fall.

"Goodbye... I'll always be there for you... be safe.. I love you, Y/n" Her mother whispered the last part as she let out a sad smile until a bright light shone.

With Y/n, she tearfully watched helplessly what was once her home being destroyed as she saw smokes and explosions coming from her home planet as she yelled out for her mother once more, "MOTHER!!!"

~On earth~

It was late at night, somewhere in the forest, a group of teens were outside as they watched the night sky. "How much longer do we have to wait, Yusei?" Asked a boy who's hair resembles to a Kuriboh as he walked to the person by the name of Yusei who was preparing the camera. "I'm not exactly sure, Jaden. Probably, not too long" "Oh, good cause I'm dying to see them right now!" Replies Jaden. "We all can wait to see them. Once the time comes, the sky will be filled with shooting stars" Replies a small teen as he sits in a picnic blanket with the other teens.

"According to the astronomers, we only get a meteor shower this humongous once every 500 years or so. We're really lucky to be here" Replies another male who looked identical to the small teen. "I'm sure I wouldn't want to wait that long to see it again, would you?" "Oh, we should all make a wish!" Replies a teen who's hair color resembles to a tomato. "Why should we do that, Yuya?" "It's simple, Yusaku. They said if you make a wish whenever you see a shooting star, it'll come true" Explains Yuya.

"Yeah, think about it. What would you wish for, Yusaku?" "Nothing." "Boring" "What about you, Yuma?" Replies Yusaku as he waited for Yuma to answer his question. "Well, for me. I would wish for something excited to happen!" "And done. We should get a good view from here" Replies Yusei as he sits down with the others as they waited until the small teen spoke, "Yami, do you see anything yet?" "Not yet, Yugi" Replies Yami until Yuma yelled out, "Hey, look!" They looked at the direction where Yuma pointed and to their surprise, a shooting star appeared.

"I saw it! I saw it! I saw it! I saw it! I saw it! I saw it!" Exclaims Yuya as he starts shaking Yusaku with excitement, "We all saw it too, you know! Now stop shaking me!" "It's finally starting!" Replies Ai as he's holding a camera to help Yusei with the recording video. They watched with amazement as they watched more meteor showers come.

"Whoa, they looked like fireworks" Replies Roboppy as they continued to watch. "Oh boy! Are we lucky that-" Jaden stopped for a bit as he caught something with the telescope, "Hey guys, do any of you notice a weird looking meteor going in a different direction?" "That's odd because in the camera shows it too" They looked at the camera first then back at the sky as they see the meteor getting closer and closer. "Why does it look like the meteor is heading towards us?" Yuya asked. "It doesn't look like it is... it's ACTUALLY heading towards us!" Yusaku yelled out as they noticed the meteor was getting even more closer to them.

"Look out!" They immeadiately dock as the meteor flew through them. They watched the light died down until a loud explosion came. "What was that?" "I don't know but we should go and check it out" Replies Yusei as he runs off ahead with the others behind until Yuma yells out, "What about the meteor shower? We're gonna miss it!" "The camera's still rolling! So we don't have to worry about it!" Replies Yami while Ai asked a question, "Do I still keep the camera rolling?"

They ran where the smoke was coming but as they arrived, the smoke was still blocking the view until Yusaku spoke, "Well, Yuma. Looks like your wish came true" "I'll be honest with you, I didn't know this was actually gonna happen" Replies Yuma while Yugi took a step forward and tries to see what it was, "Was that a shooting star?" "That's no shooting star, look!" Replies Jaden as they see the smoke clearing out to reveal a spaceship and most of all...  they noticed a girl laying on the ground unconsciousness.

They immediately ran towards her to check on her, "Is she alright?" Yami asked until Yusaku bends on his knees and slowly turns her body to face them. They waited for a response until they hear a quiet moan coming from her, "She needs help" "But we don't know who she is... or where she came from" Replies Jaden until Yusei walks to the damage spaceship and said, "She must have been inside this spaceship as soon as it crashed landed here."

But before they were going say anything else, they heard voices of adults as they quickly turned their heads and see flashlights heading towards their direction.

"Where did it go?" "It went this way!" "Over here!" "Let's go!" The boys' eyes widen in shock until Yuya started freaking out, "There's no way they saw it too!" "We need to get out of here, now!" Yells out Yami. "But, what about her? We can't leave her here" Yugi replies until Yusei approaches to the girl. "Don't worry, we're taking her with us" Yusei answers as he carries the girl in his arms.

"Let's get out of here! Now!" The boys quickly ran back to their spot as they picked up their stuffs. Once they gathered everything, they immediately ran as fast as they could to avoid from being noticed on sight and from noticing the girl they have found... who turns out to be an alien.

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