Yugioh Protagonists x Child! Reader part 1

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Y/n L/n was just a little girl who was only 2 years old.

She lives with her mother who doesn't care about her but acts as if she loves her but she secretly doesn't. One day, Y/n was playing until she noticed her mother walking towards her.

"Y/n, let's go" That's all her mother said and without asking, Y/n did what she was told as she put her shoes on, carries her teddy bear that her father gave her before he passed away and holds her mother's hand.

They walked until they went to an alley which made Y/n scared and confused at the same. "Mom, where are we going?" Y/n asked but her mother didn't respond so she asked again, "Mom?" Her mother still didn't respond and asked again, "Mommy...?" Suddenly, her mother let go of her hand and pushed her.

Y/n didn't know why her mother pushed her until she saw her smile and said, "Goodbye, Y/n" But before her mother left, Y/n went running after her, "Mommy! No! Don't leave me! Please! Mommy!" Her mother turns around to face her, she points at her and coldly says, "I don't need you anymore..."

"I should have done this earlier" Y/n stood frozen as she watched her mother walk away... her own mother abandoned her. Tears began to form in her eyes. After her mother vanished, Y/n left the alley as she looked and walked around.

~Minutes later~

She walked everywhere but was shivering from the cold as she holds her teddy bear very tightly. She walked and walked until she saw the playground.

She walked to the playground, sit under the slide and started to cry. She wondered why her mother abandoned her? She continued to cried not aware someone heard her cries until she heard a male's voice, "Are you okay?" Y/n lift her head up to see who it was and saw a young man in front of her.

His hair color resemble the color of a tomato and he looked worried about her. Y/n quietly respond, "No..." "Are you lost? Do you know where your mom is?" He asked but Y/n remain silent when he asked her that question as she remembers the words her 'mother' said to her...

           'I don't need you anymore...'

"She doesn't... need me anymore..." The young man stood shocked when Y/n repeated them but also noticed how she's shivering so he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her little body. "Do you have any other relatives?" He asked and Y/n moves her head as a way to say 'no'. He thought for a moment until he offered his hand to her, "Come with me... you can stay at our place for the night" He said.

Y/n hesitate at first since she's not supposed to go with strangers but he seemed like a nice guy. She grabbed his hand with her tiny hand as he helped her up. "By the way, I'm Yuya Sakaki. What's your name, little one?" He asked as she responded back, "Y/n..." "That's a cute name, Y/n" He said with a smile as they walked to the house. After minutes of walking, they arrived as Yuya announced, "Well, here we are!" When Y/n looked up, she was amazed.

"My friends and I live here so that's why it's big. Don't worry, my friends are nice, trust me" Yuya said with a smile as they entered the house until Y/n saw two boys on the wall and the other standing in front of them with a black marker.

"See? I'm almost there!" Replied the boy who was tiptoeing while the other boy with a trio color hair is trying to calm him down, "Uh, Jaden... I don't think that's necessary for you to do that" "Besides, you grown a bit" Replied another boy who had dark hair with gold highlights that resemble to a crab and from the looks of it, he seemed a bit taller than those two.

"Again with that?" Replied Yuya as those three turned to his direction, "Oh, hey Yuya and yes, we're doing this again since Jaden is still upset that Yusei is taller than us" "But isn't Yusaku the second tallest guy as well?" Asked Jaden as he still tiptoeing. "But I don't do tippy toes like you" Replied another male who Y/n believes to be Yusaku that Jaden had mentioned. She looked at the direction where the voice was heard.

When she saw him, she noticed his hair resemble the color of cotton candy but when he saw her, he pulled out phone and made a call, "Hello? Is this the police?" "Wait, why are you calling the police for, Yusaku?!?" "Before I do anything else, I want you to give me an explanation" Replied Yusaku as Yuya gave him an angry pouty look.

"If you're going to ask me was I trying to cheat on the test by copying yours, I wasn't trying to copy yours nor was I trying to cheat" "I'm not referring to that but now that you mentioned it, we'll deal with it later" "Then?" "Tell me where did you get that child" He replied which the trio also looked as Yuya looked at Y/n and understood what he meant, "Oh, her. Well, I found her at the playground" "Isn't that kidnapping?!?" "No. Besides Yugi, no one was there anyway... just her" Yuya explained until another male came into the room.

"Hey Yugi, Yami said he needs your help in the kitchen" "I'm on my way right now, Yuma" Replied Yugi as he went to help someone who's named Yami. As Yugi left, Yuma, who called for Yugi noticed Y/n and instead of calling the police, he just ends up approaching to her and pinching her cheeks.

"She's so cute!" He yelled, "Her cheeks are really squishy! Even though her clothes are dirty and her hair is messy, she's still cute!" "Hey, I wanna pinch her cheeks too!" Yelled out Jaden.

But as he was about to pinching her cheeks, he and Yuma were pulled back by the same guy who was doing the measures. "Ow! Yusei!" "You're scarring the child away" Replied the male named Yusei as he drags them away from Y/n who still seemed a bit confused, "Say Yusei, you think you can give her a bath?" "Sure. Come, little one" Replied Yusei as he took her by the hand and leads her to the bathroom. "Her name is Y/n, in case you're wondering!"

With Y/n and Yusei, Yusei prepared the warm water, removed her clothes and started giving her a bath.

Yusei noticed how Y/n was really quiet so he decide to have a conversation."Yuya found you, right?" Yusei asked as Y/n nodded her head, "Do you know where your parents are?" But when he asked her, her 'mother's' words came back to her head...

'I don't need you anymore...'

Y/n remain silent not knowing tears were falling until Yusei wiped them off, "It's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, okay?" "Okay..." After taking a bath, Yusei fixed her hair and gave her one of their oversized shirts as they met up with the others in the kitchen. "Hello, there" When Y/n heard the deep voice, she looked up and saw a male who looked like Yugi but he looked... different.

"You must be the child Yugi told me about, right?" Y/n just nodded, "It's nice to meet you, little one. I'm Yami, what's yours?" "Y/n.." She replied. "What an adorable name" He smiled which made her feel better until he asked, "Are you hungry?" Y/n shook her head until her stomach growled for her and she stayed quiet.

Yami chuckled as he patted her, "Don't worry, little one. Come and take a seat" Y/n did as she was told and took a seat while a bowl of food was placed in front of her.

Y/n grabbed the spoon as she took a bite. "What do you think?" "It's yummy..." Y/n as they smiled at her, "It is, right?" They said which made her feel... something she never felt around her 'mother'.

Later at night, Yugi placed a blanket on Y/n while she's asleep then quietly left the room as he went with the others. "She's asleep" "That's good but you guys do know we can't keep her forever..." Replied Yusaku as an ignis came out of his duel disk.

"Aw, why not?" "This is basically kidnapping, Ai..." "But Yusaku... her mother abandoned her!" Said Yuya as they all turned to face him, "How do you know that?" Asked Jaden. "She repeated what her mother said to her" "Now that you mentioned it, she was quiet when I asked about her parents and started crying" Replied Yusei.

"So that's why she was so... quiet..." Said Yami as the room became silent until Yusaku spoke, "How about this? We'll keep her until she's about 5" "But what are we going to do after she turns 5?" Asked Yugi which Yusaku answered, "I... I don't know" "We'll continue discussing about this but for now, we should all get some rest" Replies Yusei as they each went to their separate rooms while wondering... should they keep the child... or not...?

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