Yugioh Protagonists x Singer! Reader

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In a crowded area, there is a live performing concert going as everyone waited for the concert to start. Everyone was so excited to see the famous singer in person, her name was Y/n L/n but as a singer and for her fans, she's mostly know as S/n.

Y/n was a indeed a beautiful girl with such an amazing voice but she's more than just a singer, she helps out the people in need. Y/n started her career after her ex-boyfriend dumped her for an attractive girl but she didn't bothered to shed tears for someone like him, she'll find somebody better than him.

Anyways, everyone was deeply excited to see her until the commotion dyed down as the stage lights stated to bright up and fog started to appear on the stage.

Then, a shadow female figuring appears in the fog but once the fog started to fade away, the crowd started to scream with excitement once they fully see Y/n's full appearance.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Greetings to you all! Is everyone having fun tonight?!" The crowds responded with loud cheerful screams as they were so ready for her perfomance to begin. During the crowd, a few boys tried to reach to the front row by squeezing thru the cheering crowds... which it wasn't that easy but managed to make it through.

'Excuse me'

'Coming thru'


'Oops, my bad'

'Watch your step'

'Pardon me'

After a few more squeeze, they successfully reached the front row and glanced a good view of Y/n. She was very beautiful, she had a sweet, sincered smiled on her face, her e/c eyes shine brighter than the stage lights that were shining on this night. "I am so thrilled to see all of you in this very exciting night! Now, for the moment you all been waiting for... let the show begin!!" Y/n announced as everyone cheers in excitement before going silence as the music began to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As she performed, the boys watched her in awed as they listen to her voice following the rhythm. Once she sang the last note of the song, there was silent for a moment until it was responded by loud cheers and applause as she bows to the crowds before waving at them with a smile.

The concert went on as the night was filled with music and cheers until the time came for the concert to end. But at least, Y/n was willing to take selfie with her fans and give them her autograph, she wants to see her fans happy.. she likes seeing her fans smile.

Hours later, Y/n was about to leave until the boys from the front row approached her. "Ms. S/n, wait!" "Oh, hello" Y/n politely greeted them with a smile. "Who might you all be?" Y/n asked before the boys introduced themselves to her, "W-Well, I'm Yugi. This is Yami, Jaden, Yusei, Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku. W-We're huge fan of yours and we just want to say that you were amazing out there" Replies Yugi with a small smile.

"It's nice to see you all too. I hope you boys enjoyed the performance" Y/n replied with a smile. "We sure did! It was amazing!" Answers Jaden. "You were wonderful, as always, S/n!" Comments Yuya. "Thank you and I'm pleased that-" But Y/n was interrupted by a ringing tone, she pulls out her phone and sees who sent her a notification.

Y/n's smile faded away when she saw the name of the person who sent her the texts... "What's wrong?" "Hm? Oh, don't worry. It's nothing, I just need to go and check what's my next move for the day, see you boys" Y/n smiles at them before heading to her place as she responds to the texts..

???: Y/n, long time no see. Were you live on TV just now?

Y/n: Did you see me?

???: I did. Was surprised! Your career is going well too, right? I knew you'd be a professional star one day

Y/n wasn't very happy with the last response as she responded back.

Y/n: Yeah, right. So, what do you want, e/b/n?

Ex: Don't be so cold. It's you and I~

This made Y/n even more upset as her ex sent her more messages about asking to get back together or could they probably do better now after breaking up or the fact her ex says he wasn't thinking right back then.

'That's what they all say' Y/n thought as she read the last message from him, asking her to meet once but Y/n responded with never wanting to see nor get back with him and to never text her again. After that, she decided to give herself a long rest after performing so much for the night.

~Two days later~

Y/n decided to explore the town but in order not to get attention, she wore a disguise to hide her identity.

(You guys decided which one to wear)

Luckily, no one didn't recognize her when she passed by them but an hour later, at the mall, her wig fell off and it caused a huge catastrophe. A stampede of people came running towards her, wanting to take a selfie with her and poor Y/n didn't know what to do but to run, which that wasn't such a good idea after all.

Y/n continued to run and looked at different directions to see where to run until a hand grabbed her and pulled her in the shadows while the crowd ran forward. "Got exposed, huh?" Y/n recognized the person's voice as she turns around and sees the boys from last night. "Oh, it's you guys! Thank goodness!" Y/n sigh in relief. They peek for a bit and see everyone scattering around, seaching for Y/n which gave them the chance to blend in and run pass through them.

After getting away and recovering her wig, Y/n bows to them and thanks them for helping her out. For them, it wasn't a big deal, they were just glad to help her out. Y/n decided to return the favor by inviting them for drinks and they accepted her offer as she leads them to her favorite drink shop. They talked and hang out for a bit until her phone rang... it was her ex-boyfriend again, asking if she changed her mind but not only that, he's already in front of the house and asking to meet a little.

The last message gave her the chills which the boys started to notice it and asked in concerned, "Are you okay, Y/n?" "I.. don't think I am.." Y/n respond as she continued to shivered more but completely forgot that she changed the lock after the break up. Yusaku took her phone and check with the others to see what caused to her shiver until they saw the text messages, "Your ex or something?" Yami asked which Y/n nodded and started to explain everything about her ex but as she did that, more messages came from her ex saying how he decided to support her and always be beside her but she texted back, saying it's too late for him to support her and how she doesn't need him anymore since she's already better off without him but he kept sending her more messages.

"This guy just doesn't know went to stop, doesn't he?" Jaden asked which Y/n responded with a nod, "I don't even know how he got my phone number since I changed it after he dumped me" The boys huddle up for a bit and discussed what to do to help their friend, after discussing for a bit, they turned to Y/n. "If you want, we can let you stay in our place for a bit until we figure out what to do" "You.. you're really gonna help me?" "Sure" They replied which Y/n smiled widely as she thanked them.

Ever since, Y/n had stayed with the boys for a day or two, hopefully, he would leave so she could go back to her home but unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend's actions escalated after sending her multiple texts. He would come to her job every day and demand to see her or wait for her in front of the house, this made the boys worried that they suggested to let Y/n stay with them for a little longer. Fortunately, her ex doesn't know that she's staying at their place and during her stay, they were having fun but at the same time, trying to figure out how to get her ex out of her life for good.

Anyways, it's the same thing and a few days later, someone called the police after seeing him bang on her door for hours. The police called Y/n and the boys in and they told them the whole story. They told Y/n that his actions were considered as stalking and now, he can't come close to her anymore, but was also told that the woman he dated stole all his money and was in debt. When he saw her career as a successful singer on TV, he was emotionally down and regretted for dumping her but for Y/n, she was glad that this was over.

Ever since the incident, the rumor about it spread like wild and her fans showed concern and relief for Y/n that she's safe and unharmed from her ex. Y/n was indeed lucky, if it weren't for the help of her biggest fans, it wouldn't ended bad for her but even so, she still hangs out with the boys and this time, they made sure she didn't get involve in another chase with her fans, again.

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