House on the Beach

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He kept me awake the whole night.

I couldn't close my eyes, nor could I keep them open.

He was always on my mind.


I sat up in my bed and looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was 2:46 AM.

I noticed that it wasn't my usual nightstand. Then I knew that I wasn't at home: the gang and I were spending the weekend on the beach, in a luxury house that we hired.

I moaned. The fact that Yugi was here too confused me. He had been my best friend for years, but somehow I felt different since we went to the beach together a year ago.

He had smiled at me with the smile only Yugi could give you. So sweet and pure. At sunset we sat together in the sand. He told me everything he had to tell so exited, so happy. I saw the light of the setting sun in his eyes. His eyes sparkled. I realized how beautiful he was, from the inside and the outside.

From that moment, I knew I loved him.

I wanted to lean in and silence him by kissing him full on the lips, but I was too afraid.

I had thought about him ever since: every night, when I got into bed, I thought about him, and when I fell asleep I dreamt about him.

And here I am again, on the same beach, thinking about him.

I got out of my bed and decided to go outside, maybe to go for a walk, and to clear my mind.

I quickly got dressed into my usual clothes. Then I carefully opened my door and I sneaked through the long corridors of the house, hoping that I wouldn't disturb anyone.

I walked down the stairs and went to the front door. I left the house, and the only thing that sepparated the sand and I was the huge porch that lied in front of the house. It was decorated with colorful lanterns that lit up the porch, plants and in both corners stood a wooden bench filled with pillows.

I sat down on the bench right to the door and leant back.

Whatever I tried, the boy kept controlling my mind. I saw him smile, I saw his sparkling eyes again. I saw him...

I closed my eyes, bit my lip and moaned at the thought.

Then I heard someone opening the front door.

I froze.

The boy who stepped out of the house was a small boy. He had tri-colored, star-shaped hair, and his golden bangs framed his face. He was the definition of perfection.

The boy sighed and walked over to the the balustrade of the porch.

He seemed not to notice me.

He looked down at the sand that surrounded the porch. He looked like he was confused and sad.

I stood up from the bench and wanted to say something.

"If only you would notice me..." he then whispered.

My head was filled with words and I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

Did he have a crush on someone?

My heart broke at his words. He was in love with someone else. I was too late. If I had just kissed him that one day...

I fought against the tears, but I knew that all I wanted was him to be happy. I couldn't stand him being like this!

"Yugi..." I was able to say.

He quickly turned around. I could see the embarassement and confusion in his eyes.

"Y-Yami...? W-What are you doing h-here?" he stammered.

"I can ask you the same question," I said.

"I just couldn't sleep, that's all," he whispered.

He looked to the wooden floor of the porch and again whispered something. "Did you hear what I said?"

I gave him a fake smile. I wanted to comfort him, but still, now I knew that my chances of being together with him were practically zero, it was hard for me to smile.

"It's okay, Yugi. I'm your best friend... You can tell me everything, you know that, right? Don't be embarassed," I said.

"It's not that easy, Yami," he said as he stared at the full moon.

I walked towards him and looked at the moon also.

"You wouldn't tell me either," he finally said.

"Yugi, I'd tell you everything," I lied.

"Then who is it you have a crush on?" he asked me.

I froze. "Why do you think that I have a crush on someone?" I asked him carefully.

"Come on, Yami! You've been so over the moon the last couple of months! You're daydreaming the whole time and by the look in your eyes I can tell that you are in love! I know there's someone you have a crush on!" he exclaimed. He seemed to spit the words into my face. He looked angry.

Was there a chance that he knew? Was he angry with me because I was in love with him?

"I'm sorry that I upset you," I said. "I didn't meant to."

"So you do have a crush on someone?" he whispered.

"Yes, I do," I whispered. "And you?"

"It's not important," he whispered. Now he sounded sad.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Why all these questions, Yugi?" I asked him confused.

"If you tell me who you have a crush on and is the right answer, I'll tell you the person I have a crush on too," he said.

A puzzled look appeared on my face. "The right answer? How do you mean the right answer? What if my answer is wrong?" I said confused.

"Because I love you, Yami! I love you! And actually I don't want you to have a crush on anyone but me!" he exclaimed. Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"Yugi, I -"

"You don't have to say anything," he cut me off, "you didn't notice me anyway," he whispered.

"Yugi, please," I said. "Let me finish."

I saw the light of the moon in his eyes. His eyes sparkled.

My hands wiped away his tears. "Don't cry," I whispered.

"I noticed you more than anyone else in the world, Yugi. I was just afraid to tell you that I love you," I whispered.

His sparkling eyes looked up at me. My hand laid itself on the back of his head and pulled him closer.

"Yami," he whispered. I could feel a spark of joy in his voice.

"Yugi," I whispered back.

I carefully placed my lips on his. He wrapped his hands around my neck and pulled me closer.

I felt how he pushed his tongue hungrily into my mouth, which I answered by fighting back just as hungrily.

After a while he broke the kiss and gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I thought that you loved someone else, and I was so jealous..."

"It's okay," I said. "I don't want anyone but you."

He pulled me with him towards the bench and he made me sit. He sat down on top of me and he gave me a long, passionate kiss on the lips. 

I moaned into the kiss and his hands trailed over my chest.

When he let go of my lips he started to kiss my neck.

"Let's go to my room," his warm breath whispered into my ear.

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