Catching Up With Skye

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Jack Shadow's Personal Observation:

As I arrived back at my place, I switched out of my school clothes into some more...casual clothing. I checked everything to make sure I, or I should say Shadow Breaker, didn't need to make an appearance. Fortunately, it seemed like the Vrains was quiet for the time being. One less thing to worry about for now.

Then I ended up getting a text on my phone, which to my surprise was from Skye. She was asking if she could come over and catch up. I don't know why, but I ended up smiling a bit as I read that. 

'Of course. I was going to order something to eat anyway.' I responded, which was half true: I was planning on ordering a takeaway, because I didn't feel like cooking today, but I normally wait for a little while. 9:30 at the latest if need be. 

'Okay. I'll...see you soon.' she responded. I smiled at that a bit before getting up and started sorting out the place to make it seem a little less...dull, if that's the best word to describe it, ordering some food whilst I did so. I hope her taste buds haven't changed much since I last saw her...

"You really want to impress her, don't you?" I heard, causing me to glance over my shoulders. Now, I don't know if you believe in duel monster spirits, not that it matters either way, but since...well, since a really bad patch in my life, I've been able to hear and see certain Duel Monster Spirits. Like how Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki supposedly could in their time.

Right before me was 2 of my cards Duel Spirits: "Yubel" and "Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos". They, outside of Emma, were pretty much my protectors. They looked out for me on the rare occasion I needed it. Though it seemed that today they wanted to annoy me.

"What are you babbling on about?" I asked, clearly not getting what they were on about. Yubel, despite having a smirk on her face, just scoffed at my question. "Jack, do you honestly think that we don't know how you are regarding Skye? It's obvious to us, your sister, and anyone with a brain that you like her."

I simply tried to ignore that comment, but I'm not going to lie: she did have a point. I did like Skye, but I always assumed I kept it well hidden. Perhaps to some extent I have, because at times I was hard to read to certain people, which was a blessing and a curse I suppose. Regardless, it was a secret that I choose neither to share nor reveal until I am ready.

I soon sorted out everything, and decided to just kill time by searching through my cards whilst I waited. A good duelist always checks his or her cards for strategies to use against the enemy, and for potential flaws that the enemy could exploit. 

If people knew about me enough, or just my deck in the Vrains itself, they'd sooner learn that one of my main focuses in my main deck is that they are mostly DARK Dragon monsters, or that in general I mostly focus on the DARK cards. Which is one of the reasons, among many, that I have "Black Luster Soldier - Soldier of Chaos" in my deck...apart from sentimental reasons...

Soon, I heard the door knock, and I immediately went to answer it. 

Skye's Personal Observation:

I can't believe I'm doing this, or that my brother let me do this either. I was going to meet up with Jack for the first time in years! If this was a dream, then I certainly did not want to wake up from it. 

I found his place fairly easily, mainly because Emma had given me a lift on her motor bike there. She was going to visit Jack herself, though I'm guessing he didn't know that at the time. I didn't really have a problem with that. I liked Emma, she was interesting to be around, and she was Jack's sister, so I assume that he wouldn't kick her out.

"Worried how he'll be?" I heard Emma asking me, in a surprisingly non-jokey way too, which surprised me considering she normally jokes a lot when she's not flirting with people or dueling. I felt myself nodding my head to her question though, and her answer after nodding surprised me.

"Trust me, Jack's probably a lot more worried about how he'll be. He pretty much never talks to people besides me. He's been like that for years." What Emma told me was surprising. When I knew Jack years ago, he was a bundle of joy wrapped inside a confident person, maybe a little shy true, but he never isolated himself. What could have caused him to change that much? Unless...

"Emma...? Can you tell me why he's different? Even his dueling's different to how it was years ago." Surprisingly, despite asking with respect, Emma went silent for quite a while after I asked that question, which was uncharacteristically not like Emma. When she did respond, she didn't sound as cheery as she normally is.

"You...should probably ask him that yourself. He asked me not to tell anyone." Before I could even respond, we arrived at Jack's apartment. It was surprisingly simple in locks from outside appearances alone, yet as far out of the way from the main city as possible at the same time, like he intentionally choose to move away from people.

We began to enter, and Emma led the way to Jack's place. The silence in the building was a little unnerving. Jack was the only resident, yet it looked like it could house a few people. I'm surprised he is allowed to own a place on his own...unless Emma is a reason for it. 

We soon reached the door that lead to where he was, and she knocked on the door, and almost immediately it was opened up, revealing Jack in what must pass for casual clothing for him, his long hair still covering half of his face as well, for what for I'm not sure yet still. I kind of liked the style he went for, it suited him.

[Authors Note: These are what he is wearing]

I smiled a bit as I saw him, and, for a brief moment, he had a small smile on his face as well. It was honestly comforting to see, especially with how...chaotic, things are lately. "Glad you could make it...though I'm surprised you're here sis." he soon said, looking to Emma when he said that last part. Emma just laughed at first before responding.

"Should I take that personally, Jack?" she teased, and he rolled his eyes at that...well, I assume he did, I could only see one eye after all. "No...and you know that all too well, sis..." he soon moved out the way and stretched an arm out to invite us in. "Come on in..." 

End of pov.

As time went by, and as they ate the food that arrived not too long after Emma and Skye did, both Jack and Skye learnt more about what happened to one another in a short amount of time. 

Occasionally Jack would crack a smile, or briefly chuckle at something Emma brought up, but most of the time he would listen intently to whatever was being said. They even looked through some old pictures that Jack had in an old photo album that he had. Is it weird that he has a photo album?

Even Emma didn't know that he had a photo album, or at least hadn't believed that he had one in his possession, even know Jack had apparently mentioned that he had one more than a dozen times in the past. 

Skye found the banter between the two rather amusing, even if it was mostly one-sided. 

There was one thing puzzled Skye though...well, a couple of things, but one of them more than the other thing. She knew that Emma wasn't Jack's really sister, not by blood anyway, they were as different to each other by blood as day and night. But then again, they were sister non-the-less.

They acted like siblings, they cared for each other like most siblings would do, but it was more clear that he never once mentioned his family. 

She had known that he had parents, as she had seen them once when they were kids, but not once since she had arrived did he ever mention them, nor were there any pictures of his parents as well, save one that had a crack in the glass of the frame that only had his younger self and his mum in it, not his dad.

Eventually, it was just the two old friends that were conscious, as Emma had fallen asleep somehow during their conversation, not out of boredom but from fatigue. Skye soon slowly looked to Jack, and he to her, before Jack scooted up a bit on the sofa and patted next to him gently.

"You can sit with me, Skye...I don't mind..." Jack soon said, to which she nodded with a small and shy smile as she moved to sit next to Jack. Neither was sure how long they just...sat there, in silence...but it was peaceful, and pleasant, and it felt right as well. Neither knew which one would break the silence, but break it eventually did.

"I...missed you, Skye..." Jack soon spoke, and Skye ended up blushing a bit as she shyly tried to look anywhere but at her childhood crush...but look at him she did, and she saw that he too was struggling with the same thing. 

"You knew...didn't you? About who I was?" Skye eventually broke the silence, referring to her being Blue Angel, which Jack nodded. "Don't worry...the only reason I knew was because I knew you better than most...Though, how you figured out my identity is...beyond me..."

She smiled a bit at that. "Trust wasn't as easy to figure it out. The only thing that gave it away was your duel disk. The only other person I know that has a duel disk nowadays that wasn't made by Sol Tech was Playmaker. And it wasn't the same as Shadow Breakers, unlike your duel disk."

Jack simply shrugged a bit at that. "Not many people seem to notice that. Then again...the only ones besides you that I've encountered are those Knights of Hanoi..." The spite of venom laced within his voice at the mention of the Knights did not go unnoticed. 

"What did they do, Jack?" Skye asked, to which Jack looked at her rather quickly...briefly revealing something that looked like the beginning of a scar VERY briefly, surprising Skye a bit, even though she only caught a tiny fraction of what his hair was hiding on the unexposed parts of his face.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem to take her question well, as he seemed to clench the arm of the sofa rather tightly, and Skye could see his teeth grinding together a bit as well. He did calm down a bit enough to respond.

"I'd...rather not talk about that..." was all he said, and then the mood, for a time at least, went down.

As the evening came to an end, the mood thankfully got back up a bit, and the two promised to keep in contact with each other. Skye also promised to help Jack whenever she could, if she could, and keep his secret. 

As her brother, Akira, arrived in his car: Jack led Skye out, waving his hand briefly to Akira when he saw the elder Zaizen...and to the surprise of both Akira and Jack, Skye hugged her long-time crush tightly for a brief time, and planted a brief soft kiss on his exposed cheek before parting from the hug, a small smile present on her face as well as a blush.

"Thank you Jack...I hope we can catch up again soon." she said to him, before running to her brothers car and getting in, leaving a speechless and jaw dropped Jack alone as the car eventually left.

Akira noticed the blushing and smiling face of his little sister, and he briefly smiled as well to see his sister smiling after what felt like forever. If only the three of them knew what this would mean for Shadow Breaker and Blue Angel in the battles to come....

Author's Side-Note: I apologise for the long wait with the chapter update. I've been busy a lot lately with my other stories, and I was struggling to come up with some ideas for this chapter at the time. 

I can't promise how long it will take for the next chapter to come out, and I can't give any insights on the next chapter, but hopefully you'll still like the chapter. Anyway, apart from that, I hope you all have an amazing day!

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