Annoying him

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You were in his office bored because you had nothing to do. Then you got a great idea. You stood next to Seto and poked his cheek.

"Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto

Hey Seto." He finally turned away from his computer sighing.

"Yes y/n."



You were bored so you decided to try something with Yami. He was reading a book so you sat down next to him.

"Hey Yami?"


"Okay your gay." You say as you get up and walk away.

"WAIT COME BACK HERE Y/N!!!" Btw you did this everyday.


You loved to annoy Yugi. Since Yugi talks to Yami a lot through the millennium puzzle, you liked to say that he had an imaginary friend. Tonight you guys were going on a date.

"How many people ma'am?" You sighed.

"Two but my boyfriend has an imaginary friend so please put us at a table with 3 chairs otherwise he will be very discouraged." The waiter nodded solemnly.

"I see."



Every time Joey was dueling you loved to narrate been though it gets on his nerves.

"As Joey draws a card from his deck using the heart of the it the one he needs? No it isn't the heart of the cards just had a heart attack."


To be honest you thought that Duel Monsters and Dungeon Dice Monsters were the same thing so you would annoy him about it.

"Hey Duke?"


"Are you sure Dungeon Dice Monsters aren't the same thing as Duel Monsters?"

"No they went because blah blah blah..." You started to space out.

-5 minutes later-

"And that's why it isn't like it." You look at him.

"I'm sorry what I wasn't paying attention." Duke Facepalms.


You didn't have to do much to annoy him all what you had to do was call him fluffy


Just to annoy him you liked to call him Princess which was a nickname that you and Bakura came up with.

Yami Marik:

Hey y/n?" Yami Marik called.

"Yeah?" You said.

"Where's my rod?" You smirked. You hid his rod but there's no way you were going to tell him that.

"I don't know but I think that Yugi or someone like that came by and took it."



It's impossible to annoy Jaden. You've tried everything until one day it came to you. You asked the lunch lady to not fry shrimp until you tell her.


You loved to annoy him using Jaden knowing that Yusei doesn't like him.

"Hey Yusei?" He looked up from the duel runner.

"Someone named Jaden. Yuki texted me saying that he wants to talk to you." His eyes widen.

"Don't answer it."

-5 minutes later-

"Someone is face timing me it says that it's Jaden."

"don't answer it!!"

-4minutes later-

You phone started ringing.

"It's someone named Jaden Yuki."


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