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Nearly 1000 reads! Wow I never thought this story would get this many reads! Also thanks for all the comments I smile when ever I read them. This was inspired by the song: Never gonna leave this bed by Maroon 5

Your eyes crack open as you here the sound of Seto's alarm signaling that it's 4:00 AM. Seto groans and removes the arm he head wrapped around your waist. He starts sitting up but it stopped by you.
"You should sleep...." You mumble tiredly tugging on his arm. Seto wiped his eyes with his remaining arm and gently removed your arm.
"I have work to do. You sleep." He says but your already dozing off. Your heavy eyes close and your breathing becomes deep. Seto smiles softly, kisses your forehead, and covers you before leaving to get ready for the day.
*i would make this all sweet and cute but I also want to be honest.

Yami's eyes open slowly, trying to adjust to the light. He feels something warm against him and sees Y/N. He smiles softly at your sleeping figure. You looked so relaxed and beautiful even if you had bed head. He gently strokes your cheek before kissing your nose.
"My queen it's time to wake up." He says as your quietly groan and wipe yours eyes.
"Can the queen sleep for 5 more minutes?" Yami chuckles and nods.
"Of course." He says before pulling you closer to his chest.

Yugi groans and snuggles into your hair as his alarm clock rings. You groan as well and your eyes crack open.
"Turn it off." You whisper to him. Yugi turns and turns off the alarm. Then he pulls you closer to him and closes his eyes. You kiss his nose causing him to smile with his eyes still closed. You sit up and attempt to get out of bed but Yugi keeps his arm tightly around your waist. "Yugi..." You say trying to tug it off. "We got school." You remind him. Yugi groans and rolls over. You smile at the sight. Knowing that you had to make him get up, you lie next to him and gently kiss him. As soon as he starts kissing back you pull away. "Get up." You say before once again sitting up and getting out of bed. Before you leave his room, you look behind you and see him rolling out of bed.

You walked to his apartment all ready for school but he still wasn't out of bed. You drop your backpack on the couch and open his bedroom door to see him still sleeping. His sheets were falling off the side of the bed and his hair was a mess. Not only that but he also was drooling.
"Joey....." You say as you shake him. He only groans and rolls over. You sigh again but then smile when an idea comes to you. You push him off the bed.
"NYEHWNKSNABYBYDBD!" A loud voice yells. You laugh hysterically as Joey stands up rubbing his head. "Y/N?! That wasn't nice!!" You ignored him and continued laughing. Joey crosses his arms over his chest and pouts. "Meanie...." He mumbles. When you finally stopped laughing you smile at his pouting face and kiss his cheek while wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Aww are you mad at me?" You ask cutely. Joey nods still pouting. "How about I make you breakfast while you get ready?" Joey grins and nods.

Duke smiles at the sleeping figure in his arms. He really enjoyed the way his kennings were. Waking up to see you, lying next to him, peaceful and relaxed was perfect. Duke looks at the time and realizes that it's getting late. He gently nudges you with his nose.
"Y/N...." He whispers. You move around in his arms but doesn't wake up. Duke kisses your forehead and makes his way down before planting a final kiss on your lips. By then you were awake and kisses back when he got to your lips. "Time to get up"

You stared at Bakuras sleeping figure. It's the same routine. You would wake up, slip out of his grasp, and get ready for school. By the time you were ready, he still was sleeping. Knowing that he becomes grumpy when he's disturbed you would usually poke him with a stick or something. You poked his cheek cautiously with a wooden stick. Bakura groans and swats it away. You sigh and put your hands in your hips.
"Get up Bakura." You command. He rolls over. You poke him again multiple times. He reaches out and snaps it in half before throwing it across the room. You scowl at his actions. "We're running out of those." You comment but he doesn't answer. You walk closer to him and drag his body out of the bed and let it fall onto the floor. He sits up cursing.
"Bloody hell you could've just shook me." He groans and gets up.
"Well you weren't waking up." You say. Bakura smirks and picks you up bridal style and throws you onto the bed before crawling next to you. You blushed intensely and scoot away from him. "I-I have school." You say. Bakura only smirks and pulls you closer.
"School can wait."

You groan and roll over in your bed.
"I SHALL BE THE ONE TO TAKE DOWN THE PHAROAH!!" A loud voice yells out. You sigh.
"SHUT UP!IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!" You yell back.
"....fine..." And people wonder why your tired in the morning.

Yami Marik:
Your eyes crack open ur immediately shut when light hits it. After your eyes get used to the light, you sit up and get out of bed. It didn't surprise you that Yami Marik wasn't there. He didn't sleep often. After getting ready, you go into the living room where as expected, Yami Marik was asleep. His wild hair covered his eyes and his arms were wrapped around his millennium rod. You smile at the sight. When he's asleep he looks less insane and more...same. He looks peaceful. He must've stayed up trying to jot down evil schemes. You leave to the kitchen to make him so breakfast.
After cooking you bring of plate of -insert whatever food- to Yami Marik. Seeing that he's still sleeping, you poke him repeatedly.
"Marik. Marik. Marik." Yami Marik glares at you intensely when you wake him up but it softens when he sees your smiling face. "Here I made you breakfast." You say before leaving to get some food for yourself. Yami Mark was grateful for having you. Even though he would never admit it.

What at first became once in a while became sometimes which became weekly which quickly became daily. Jaden would sneak into your room at night and cuddle next to you. Since Jaden loves his sleep you would wake up before him. The adorable sight of him sleeping always brought a smile to your face. He looks like an adorable child. So innocent. Of course soon it was time for classes and you had to wake him up.
"Jaden." You say shaking him lightly. You poke his cheek. "Jaden wake up tie time for class." Jaden just groans quietly and nuzzles your neck before falling back to sleep. When you try to get up he just tightens his grip on you. "Jaden...." You say running your fingers through his soft brown hair. "I gotta get up." Jaden just shakes his head and pulls you closer.
"5 more minutes..." He mumbles. You sigh and snuggle into him.
"Only 5." You declare before falling asleep.
~30 minutes later~
"Jaden get up were late!"
"Crowler's not gonna care Y/N. Let's just sleep."
"Y/N why did you push me off the bed?!"

You snuggle in deeper into Jesses chest. Jesses arms were around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your eyes opened but quickly closed due to the drastic change in light. After your eyes got used to the light, you tried to turn so you could see the time, but Jesses arms were wrapped tightly and securely around you so you had to squirm in his arms a little in order to actually get a glimpse of the time. You sigh knowing that it was time to get up and get ready for school. You gently stroke Jesses cheek and murmur his name.
"Jesse....Jesse..." Jesses eyes crack open and he smiles at the sight of you. You kiss his forehead before moving out of his arms. "We have classes." You say before standing up.

"Y/N we have to get to class." Zane says in a monotonously. You roll over and groan.
"Nooooo...." You moan before closing your eyes again. Zane lend your curtains causing the light to blind you. You hiss and hide under your covers.
"Y/N you gotta get up or we'll be late for class." Zane says standing over you.
"But we have class everyday." You complain still curled up under your covers.
"Your point exactly?"
"Can I just have a little more time to sleep?" You plead. Zane sighs knowing your not going to budge and nods.
"You got 5 minutes." Which turned into 15.

Yusei opened his eyes and rolled over. He looked at the time and mentally sighed knowing that it was time to get up. He looks to his side and smiles when he sees you. Your hair was tangled and messy and to Yusei you looked beautiful. You breathing was quiet and soft. Your arms were by your side, near your face. You looked released and peaceful. Yusei reached out and gently stroked your cheek while whispering your name. You slowly opened your eyes and smiled a little seeing Yusei. He kissed your nose and smiled.
"Good morning Y/N"

Kite opens his eyes and groans softly. He wipes his eyes before sitting up and running a hand through his hair. He looks to his side and sees you sleeping. He smiles softly before getting out of bed. He goes to the kitchen and prepares breakfast. Then he comes back into his room where you were still sleeping. He strokes your soft hair.
"Y/N..." He says causing you to open your eyes and smile at him.

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