Chapter one

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( when you see this❕that means I made the cards but could not find an image for it )

Your POV

I lay in my bed sleeping I when I hear my mom voice from behind my door.

Mom: y/n time to get up.

I groaned and sat up.

Y/n: okay mom I'll be ready in a minute.

I got out of bed and changed into my clothes

(What you are wearing )

I grappled my duel disk and my deck.

(Your duel disk at the moment)

I took a card out of my deck and smiled at it.

Y/n: you ready partner

I look at the card that was in my hand. I then hear a voice

????: I am always ready for battle.

Y/n: then let's go elemental villain chaotic.

I walk out of my room and head down stairs I see my mom waiting for me.

Mom: you ready to go y/n??

Y/n: yes mom.

We left the house and got in the car.
Then head to the kiba dome.

We park the car when I got out I saw my uncle at the sign in desk

Y/n: uncle Atticus!!!!

I run up to him.

Atticus: hey y/n how's my favorite nephew.

Y/n: am your only nephew.

Atticus: well that's why your my favorite.

Uncle Atticus looks at mom and smiles.

Atticus: hey Lexi how are you??

Alexis: am good atty.

Uncle Atticus looks at me again.

Atticus: okay let's mark you here and there we are. Go in your all set y/n.

Y/n: okay bye mom love you.

Alexis: bye y/n make sure to make lots of friends.

I walk in and head to the arena. I watch one duel. I saw a man in an obelisk blue jacket was dueling a black haired girl. He had 2100 lp with a force raider in atk mode. The girl had a cyber dragon in 2700 lp.

(Obelisk teacher- Obelisk t )
Obelisk t: you may have 600 more life points but I will win this duel.

Girl: no you're not I activate my face downRing of destruction and I Equip to cyber dragon.

Cyber dragon explodes.

Obelisk t: 2100-0000

Girl: 2700-600

Obelisk t:Welcome to duel Academy.

Chaotic: that was a Logical move we must watch out for that one.

Y/n: your right.

Then two girls two the seats in front of me One had dark blue hair the other had light blue hair.

Dark blue haired girl: are you sure you're ready for Academy Sara?

Light blue haired girl: I am if uncle Zane and dad can do it so can I Zoey .

Y/n: strong willed I like that.

Both girls turned Towards me and had small blush's on there cheeks.

The dark blue haired girl gave me a mischievous smile.

Dark blue haired girl: well who are you tall and handsome.

Y/n: y/n............y/n yuki

They stare at me in shock.

Sara: when you say yuki do......

Zoey: do you mean as in jaden yuki.

Y/n: yes he's my father.

Speaker: would y/n yuki report to arena 1 please.

I got up and headed to the arena. Along the way I hear people say stuff like. "Yuki as in the famous Slifer red duelist Jaden yuki".

Once I get to the arena I see a man with dreadlocks and had a dinosaur headband wearing a sleeveless ta yellow jacket.
I recognize him in some photos with my parents.

????: hello there private I am......

Y/n: tyranno hassleberry yes I know you I recognize you in pictures with my parents.

He looks at me then smiles.

Hassleberry: hey y/n didn't recognize you. So how are you??

Y/n: I am fine can we just start the duel please.

Hassleberry: oh....right.

Hassleberry activates his academy issue duel disk.

( The blade is orange instead of blue )

I activate my own duel disk.

Your s looks like this for now.

Hassleberry&y/n: LETS DUEL!!!!!

Hassleberry lp: 8000

Y/n lp: 8000

No ones POV

In the stands

Two girls one with sliver hair and one with light blonde hair watch you.

Blonde: he does not stand a chance in the duel.

Sliver: who you talking about Gloria??

The blonde known as Gloria looked at the silver haired girl.

Gloria: seriously grace I mean professor hassleberry. that kid he's dueling is y/n yuki he's the son of the famous jaden yuki I mean come on sis pay attention.

The sliver haired girl known as grace smiled.

Grace: the duels starting.

Back to you.

Hassleberry: I'll go first I summon my double head Rex(❕)!!!!

Name double head Rex
Lv 4

Atk 1457

Def 200



Affect: this card can be used as a tribute of two of only a Dinosaur monster.

Hassleberry: next I activate the spell double summon.

I give up my double Rex to summon my ultimate tyranno!!!!!

Hassleberry: Then I'll end with a face down.

Your POV

Y/n: my turn I draw!!!!

I look at my hand and smile.

Y/n: I'll start by activating illegal fusion!!!( ❕)

Hassleberry: illegal fusion what's that do!!!

Y/n: so glad you asked I can fusion monsters that are in my deck together.

Hassleberry: what!!!!

Y/n: so I'll fuse my elemental villain whirlwind, elemental villain dark Angel elemental villain thunderman, elemental villain steel, elemental villain cloak with elemental villain Dark Neos.

Said monsters appear in a ghost like image and fly into the sky. Then there was a blinding purple light.

Y/n: come together gather all evil into one being let their power spread like fire and show them all there is no where to....,,,HIDE!!!!!

Suddenly the light died down and when everyone saw your monster they were in shock. It was huge it stood tall it's head almost touched the domes ceiling. It wore purple armor.

( picture the white areas are black )

In the stands

Grace: wow that thing is huge and it looks so so intimidating.

Gloria: yes and it has a attack and defense to go with it.

Back to the duel.

Hassleberry: woah that thing is gigantic!!!! Wait a second elemental villains never heard of them.

Y/n: these cards are just like the crystal beasts their one of a kind.

Hassleberry: well they may be one of a kind but I'll still pull through.

Y/n: no you won't.

In the stands different area

Two girls watch the duel one had black hair the other had ocean blue hair

Black hair: he seems to have an amazing fusion ability Serena.

The ocean blue hair known as Serena looked at her friend.

Serena: yes he does Julia I think he may be able to get in obelisk blue.

Ghe black haired girl now known as Julia looked at her friend.

Julia: really???

Back to you

Y/n: am still not done with my turn.

Hassleberry: seriously!!!

Y/n: next I banish five monsters from my graveyard besides dark Neos to summon my partner rise up.....ELEMENTAL VILLAIN CHAOTIC!!!!!!

( he's human sized )

A dark portal opened up in front of you and your monster jumped out when he land he crosses his arms.

Hassleberry mind: heh as long as I have my face down tyranno smackdown() you can't touch my life points.

Tyranno smackdown

Quick play spell

When a dinosaur monster you control is targeted for an attack send all cards on your opponents field back to there hand.

Y/n: I now activate the quick play spell surprise attack!!!(❕) from my hand.

Hassleberry: what's that card do!!???

Y/n: this card can allow all monsters I control to attack you directly.

Hassleberry: say.....what that means.

Y/n: go chaos Neos you take the first strike. Bring his life points down with raging chaos crusher!!!!

Grand chaos Neos brought his fist back and it started to get surrounded by purple energy and purple lighting. Then he punched the ground in front of hassleberry.

hassleberry: aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!

Hassleberry lp: 8000-3000

Y/n: now go chaotic finish him with chaotic storm.

No one POV

Your monster jumped over the ultimate tyranno and landed in front of hassleberry. He gulped as your monster stood in front of him hassleberry had to look up because your monster was taller then he was. Chaotic to a stance ready to hit him.

Hassleberry: please be gentle.

Then the hits came

( like this)

Hassleberry fell to his knees when the hits stoped

Hassleberry lp: 3000-0000

In the stands

Sara: no way

Zoey: a

Grace: one

Gloria: turn

Julia: kill that's

Serena: impossible!!!!

Y/n: and that's game.

( a/n: sorry I had to do it ).

Gloria: he's so strong.

A/n: there it is chapter one.

1464 words

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