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Hi, my blossoms

Shancy here with a new one-shot.

Smileshipping - YuyaxShancy


It all began with my brother shouting through the corridors and walked toward his room, closing the door with a loud bang. Through the walls, I could listen to his protest, Yugo holding such a dark feeling like anger inside him.

"I hate him. That bastard didn't need to embarrass me in front of EVERYONE!"

More bad vibes and curses filled the house. I was trying to write a new story as his loud screams annoyed me.
At first, I would ignore until he calmed down but it must be really serious because my twin was really pissed off. In a large extensive.

So I put my pencil down and went to his room. Well, not before bringing his favourite food to cold his rage.

"Yugo. What's wrong?" I asked calmly and his response wasn't a surprise at all but I didn't enjoy it neither.

"WHAT'S WRONG? I will tell you. That JERK defeated me in a duel and HE said my NAME WRONG!"

I stayed there in silence, posture straight and blank expression. I was used to my older sister yelling at me. So Yugo wasn't a big difference.
I waited for him to finish the ranting.

Violence wouldn't work with him since he responds back with more intensity. I will use my mom's technique.

"Yugo. First of all, don't raise your voice like that on me" I said sternly glaring at his soul. He sweatdropped. It's working "I know you get all pump up when others mess with you, but, I am your sister"

The last words were like stabs in his heart and his chest felt heavy. At least, he was feeling bad about it.
"I am sorry" Yugo said looking at the concrete.

"Will you tell me what happened?" I asked, my gaze changed to a more soft one and my voice sounded sweet and caring. So he would know that he could trust me anything.

In one word, I understood everything.

"Yuri won in a match against me and said my name wrong again. You know I hate when people say my name wrong. It's Yugo. Not FUSION" Yugo ranted.

I was laughing at him inside while in the outside I was serious.

I wished to do something to stop Yuri from messing Yugo. Then an idea popped in my mind.

"I will avenge you" I said and Yugo looked at me like I was crazy.


"I will duel him"

"Pfft" Yugo laughed.

"Don't laugh. I am serious" I told him while he continued to do the same and I slapped his arm.

"You can't beat Yuri" Yugo said bringing a sandwich to his mouth. I stole it and took a bite.

"Hey. That is mine" He shouted angrily

"Correction: It was yours" I stood in the door frame and confessed before I closed the door "I will duel Usagi and win. Just watch and see"

I heard Yugo laugh at the name I usually call Yuri. Yet I was focused in one problem.
How will I beat Yuri?

End of flashback

"That's when you show up" I said finishing telling my situation.

"Good story but why me? You could ask Yuto to teach you XYZ Summon. He is an expert in it" Yuya reasoned.

''Well, you were the first person to defeat Yuri and the only one that can do it. I know Yuto won't mind teach me but I think the classes will be awrkard and boring. Yet with you I am sure they will be full of laughs. Lastly...''

Yuya looked at me waiting to finish the speech. I wrapped my arms around his left arm and begged ''Please, teach me how to XYZ Summon''

My brown eyes bored in his ruby ones pleadingly, soon it changed into something more, love. Due to the short space between us, his cheeks became pink and so mine. Our faces were inching closer and his hot breath was fanning my face. In instint I bit my inferior lip. ''S-Shancy, I-I l-''


My phone beeped letting me know that I got a new message. The noise stopped Yuya from saying whateaver it was about and we backed away awrkardly in embarrassment. I picked up my phone from my purse to check who was the sender. It was Yugo.

Can I copy ya hw? - bananahair

I WILL KILL YOU IDIOT - shancylove

I didn't really mean to say it or maybe I did. Well I had reasons for sending that text. My idiotic brother ruined the moment. Yuya and I were about to kiss.

Nevermind. I will copy Yuto's. Bye - bananahair

After I replied to my brother, I shifted my gaze to the dueltainer and my crush.

''Yuya, please. Teach me. I need you'' I implored with all my might. My eyes evidenced determination to proof my sibling, or the world, that I could do anything. That I am not fragile like everyone thinks.

''I'll teach you'' Yuya accepted. I guess my feelings reached Yuya because he accepted. Immerse by relieve and happiness, I hugged him.

''Thank you. Thank you. I should go now. Bye''

Before I left Yuya alone in his bedroom, I quickly kissed his cheek like the first time we met.

Yuya's pov

Making sure that Shancy wasn't more in my house, I touched the spot where she kissed me. It was still warm after she left. Those lips were warm and soft.

''She doesn't know the effect she has on me'' I mumbled as red dust crept to my face. With that statement, I lay in the floor and thought about the girl I love. Yup, I fell in love with Shancy.

When I chose her to help me do the Pendulum Scale as my assistant, I thought she was shy but it was proofed the otherwise as I passed more time with her.

There is times she is quiet, others full of energy.

Makes you laugh in a second and will help you in every way she can.

Under the cover of a quiet and introvert girl, there is a cheerful, friendly and intelligent side.

I wanted to know her better, find out more personalities that she hides.

The part I love more about Shancy is her smile. Oddly, I have the desire of making her smile and laugh. She has many types of them and I wanted to see all of them.

Shancy. What did you do to me?

I got up , I took my deck that was inside of my duel disk and examining them I started to think of a method to teach Shancy XYZ Summon.


I hope you like it. I dedicate this story to The-Psycho-Girl

This is part 1. Soon I will write the second part

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