Top 5 Yugioh crush

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Hi, my blossoms
Shancy here

My little and adorable sister Sah-chan - SaharFujiki2004 - tagged me to do my top 5 yugioh crush.

Top 1
Jesse Anderson
Jesse was the first yugioh character I fell in love and I still love him.
LunaLuminoso ships me and Jesse together - catshipping

Top 2
Yuya Sakaki
Yuya is adorable and makes me smile. The type of guy I like. Cheerful and outgoing
But I love more Yuya manga version

Top 3
Yusei Fudo
I always like mature and serious guys. The time I fell in love with Yusei, my type of guy were like him. However my type of guy changed and it's now guys like Yuya or Jesse.

Top 4
Okay, I know Ignis isn't human but I love his sassy comeback. If he was human and real, I would certainly date him.

Top 5
Yusaku Fujiki

Like I mentioned in Yusei, I always like serious and mature guys. Through my type of guy changed, I still have a thing for those serious guys.
There are some parts of Yusaku that I have in common with him. Like I am quiet, observant and I don't always like to stand up but I can socialise and sometimes stand up when I am in my fangirl mode or when the matter is eat food.


ag: whoever wants to do it.

Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflowers out*

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