Chapter 4

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Nobody's POV:
While the Sakamakis are cleaning up the mess that the girls caused, Reiji guides the girls and Yui to their new rooms only for Yui to informed him that she wants to stay with the three girls which he begrudgingly complies and left.

Once Reiji is done showing the girls to their rooms, they decided to spend their time at Tsurara's room which is a gorgeous blue bedroom with white flower trees on the wall, a pure white comfy bed, two light tan drawers with lamps with fluffy white lamp shades, two white mirrors behind the two lamps, three windows with light blue curtains, a golden metallic chair that is next to the three windows, and a white soft carpet.

***Tsurara's bedroom^***

"Aaaahhh your bed feels nice Tsu-chan!" Kurohime sighed in glee while lying in bed with a cute grin as she buries her face with one of the white pillows.

"Yeah I'll admit, those dickheads have sense of styles in bedrooms. It's not as bad as our old rooms back in our house." Hotaru agreed with her while laying back on the left side of the bed.

"Why thank you, but I believe both of your rooms are quite fantastic than this." She assured them.

"Whaaaa no way girl, this is way too comfy!" Hotaru retorts as she cross her left leg to her right leg.

"Yeah! It's like a fluffy pillow factory in here!!" She cheered while still burying her face underneath the soft and fluffy pillows like a giddy little child. Yui giggled at Kuro's cute reaction and grins at the girl.

"It's good that you're enjoying the rooms and I appreciate that you guys protected me from the guys, but you don't have to stay here with me. My father did told me that I was going to stay here while he's out of town and I don't want to cause trouble for all of you...." She told us as she stares down at the floor guiltily while sadly smiles, but Tsurara shook her head and smiled warmly.

"There's nothing for you to worry about Yui, we insist. We'll protect you from those vampires while we're here." She reassured her.

"Heh yeah girl, we got your back! After all, we are your guardians and we've been together since we were kids." The rebellious redhead pointed that out.

"Exactly, so let's turn that frown upside down and spend the night with us!" Kuro cheered with a large childish smile as Yui smiled back and giggled.

"You're right, thank you." She grinned softly.

"Hey it's no sweat girl, we're your besties after all!" Hotaru nonchalantly said as she lightly pats her back with a huge grin with Yui giggling at her outspokenness.

"I'm aware of that, thank you Hotaru." Yui said as she stands up from the bed and sweep her skirt.

"Anyways, I better get back to my room. I gotta prepare for school." She told them which had the girls baffled for a second.

"School? At night?" The light blue haired ice woman asked.

"Mhm, Reiji told me that I have school during the night before you guys came." She informed me.

"Huh, makes sense since they're vampires." Hotaru understood clearly what Yui said.

"Especially when you're living with six vampire meat-heads." Kurohime chimed in while cringing at the thought of living with the Sakamakis. Yui blink her eyes at her remark.

"Meat-heads?" She asked confusingly.

"I can't cuss." Kurohime told her.

"Girl what chu talking about? You cuss a lot more than I do." Hotaru retorts raising her eyebrows at the dark haired banshee while her arms are fold.

"I only cuss when I'm in my evil form Hotaru-chan which I really hate." She assured her as Tsurara sighed and grin at them.

"Alright you two, that's enough. However, you better head back to your room and get changed quickly. Kay?" She remind her as Yui nods her head with a grin.

"I understand, thanks Tsurara and thank you guys for coming over here." She thanked them.

"No prob man, just give us a heads up if those f*ckhead vampires ever bother you again." She advised her as she giggled and nods at her.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind. I'll see you downstairs."

"See you." The three guardians said as Yui opens the door and left the room. However what Yui didn't know is Kurohime got up from the bed and shapeshifts into a small mouse.

"Going after Yui?" Hotaru asked.

"Yup, just in case if one of those meanie-heads hurt Yui-chan again." She told them.

"Good luck." Tsurara encouraged her.

"Heehee, thanks Tsu-chan! Later!" She then crawls under the door and went after Yui. With only Tsurara and Hotaru in the room, the redhead dragon lets out a sigh and turns to her icy friend.

"So we're literally going to live here huh?" She asked with a blunt tone.

"Pretty much so." She replied as Hotaru lifts her head and groans throughout the entire room.

"Ughhhh this is gonna be a pain!" She whined as she fell backwards on the ice woman's bed.

"It is, but it's the only way for us to protect Yui from the Sakamakis." Tsurara reassured her.

"Ughhhhh!!!!" She groaned again while lying on her bed with Tsurara rolling her eyes at her complaint.

"Groaning is not going to help the situation Hotaru." She assured the redhead dragon.

"I don't care!!" She rebuffed as the redhead tomboyish dragon groans once more with the calm ice woman sighed at her whining.

"What's with the commotion, hurry up or you'll be late." Suddenly Reiji appeared in Tsurara's room.

Oh boy, this is going to hurt.

Tsurara thought with a blank look as Hotaru rise up from her bed and glares at the bespectacled vampire.

"Oh great it's douchemonger himself." The red haired dragon sarcastically remarked.

"Watch your mouth, I still haven't forgotten about the rooftop damage you cause." He informed, but Hotaru didn't care and clicked her tongue.

"Tch whatever, you deserved it cuz you're a f-"

"Let me guess, you came to informed us about night school isn't it? We already aware of that since Yui informed us about it, so thank you Reiji. Anything else?" Tsurara asked politely with a stoic look while covering Hotaru's mouth. Reiji has nothing to say as he stood there silently where it's like she just read his mind.

"...That's actually pretty much it, but I also brought your school uniforms for tonight." He told them as he revealed their school uniforms much Hotaru's dismay because it contains a skirt.

"No f**king way." She flat out objects with a frown.

"My apologies, but this what female students wear during school hours so you might as well get use to it." He sternly suggested.

"Ugh fine, but I'm ain't wearing a skirt cuz I don't wear sh*t like that." She bluntly said as she got off from the bed to approach Reiji and swipe the uniform without saying a word.

"I'll meet you up alright?" Tsurara remind her.

"Yeah, yeah." She nonchalantly replied as she left the room leaving her and Reiji alone in the room. Reiji then clears his throat and hands her the uniform.

"I believe this is yours Tsurara, so please be on time for school." He informed her as she grabs the uniform with a stoic look.

"Yes, I understand, but before you go...." The ice woman summons her ice sword and points it at the bespectacled vampire.

"I must warn you that I'm her guardian along with Hotaru and Kurohime since we were children. If you and your brothers did anything to harm her, I will not hesitate to freeze you until you can no longer breath or walk. Do I made myself clear?" She coldly warned him as Reiji remained unfazed and calm where he close his eyes.

"You have my word Tsurara." He complied calmly as Tsurara stood for a few seconds until she puts her ice sword away and turns away from him.

"Very well then, you may now leave." She command him as he took a few steps back and nods.

"Please be downstairs when your finished." He informed her once last time before he left the room. Right after he left, Tsurara gently lays her uniform on her bed where she looks at her left hand as a frosty mist emit from her hand with icy butterflies fluttering around while staring at them with stoic eyes. She then clench her hand as the mist vanished.

Seiji...what were you thinking sending Yui here?...Even though I respect you, you're a fool for making that doltish decision.

She thought as Tsurara glance up at the window where the dark clouds are covering up the moon.

But...when will you ever tell Yui about the truth?...

She thought while gazing at the window as she and the girls prepare for the night to come.

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