Chapter 8

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Nobody's POV:
While everyone is sitting in their seats, there's an air of awkwardness when the Sakamakis are just sitting there doing nothing like they don't even get along with one another or bother talking to each other.

Meanwhile Kanato leans to Ayato to whisper something into his ear.

"Can I have fifty dollars now?" Kanato whispered.

"Not now, cuz I got a bad feeling that Laito is planning on something stupid." He muttered as both triplets glance Laito who is smirking seductively at the dark haired banshee, but Kurohime ignores him and kept on eating a small pack of strawberry pocky as she pretends that he didn't exist.

Hotaru leans to Yui's ear and whisper to her.

"Jeez is this depressing or what?" The redhead dragon girl muttered.

"Hmmm well it is awfully quiet in here..." Yui agreed with her.

Do they not get along?

Yui thought curiously as she wonders why they're so distant with each other until Ayato cuts the tension and scoots next to Yui.

"Hey pancake, what's with the long face? Did you finally realize that you belong to me?" He asked as he gets into the blonde maiden's face scaring her. Hotaru pulls Yui close to her and glares at him.

"Bruh does it look like she wants you?" She asked bluntly while glaring at him.

"Tch I don't have to answer you dragon bitch." He harshly spat, but she wasn't fazed by his insult.

"I have a f*cking name dumbass and don't call Yui a pancake." She bluntly retorts, but Ayato refuses to listen to her and kept ridiculing the dragon girl.

"Shut your mouth. I can call you whatever I want, so deal with it dragon bitch." He hissed and Hotaru felt her anger boiling through her veins as she is ready to punch the arrogant redhead in the face, but Reiji close his book cutting her off and sternly glares at the rude redhead jerk.

"Ayato, you will cease this behavior at once especially you Hotaru." He strictly instructed both of them as Ayato clicks his tongue and turns away with an annoyed look and Hotaru doesn't really give a damn and rolled her eyes at him.

Whatever douchemonger.

Hotaru bluntly thought not really giving a single fuck about Reiji's lecture. Hotaru felt a gaze from across her seat when she shift her glance to see Subaru flinching and quickly turns his head away with a large blush on his face. The female redhead blinks her eyes twice and furrowed her brows.

Was he staring at me just now?...

She thought curiously with a puzzled look.

Subaru's POV:
Damnit why would you stare at her?! She already hates my guts since The incident back at home!

I thought scolding at myself for being so stupid, but I shook my head and pinch my forehead.

Haha what am I thinking? Of course she's gonna hate a hideous monster like me, it's probably going to think I'm a spineless weakling...

I thought reminding myself where I reminisced at my mother told me.

You're filthy Subaru! You're weak and filthy! Don't you ever go near me!!

I grimace at the thought of my mother telling me I'm weak and filthy where I lower my head and cup my face with both of my hands.

What am I to you mother?...what am I to you?....

I thought while questioning my entire existence whenever my mother would say that to me. I'm her son, but I'm a monster. I'm so confused...I don't understand...which one is it mother? Who am I to you mother?...

Hotaru's POV:
Is he okay?...

I thought where I couldn't stop gazing at the strange white haired vampire. I mean sure he wants to be alone, but...for some reason, I feel like he wants to be loved. Sure I just met the guy and all, but I kinda feel bad for the guy....

Reiji's POV:
While my brothers are silently sitting in their seats, I find myself lost in my thoughts when I intently gaze at the light blue haired ice woman who is reading a book that says "Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda" which I don't know what's it about.

That ice woman is sure a strange one...

I thought while staring at her as I reminisced about the incident that happened between me and Tsurara.

If you and your brothers did anything to harm her, I will not hesitate to freeze you until you can no longer breath or walk. Do I made myself clear?

As I look back at her warning, I stroke my chin with my finger pondering about the ominous ice woman.

I wonder what her origin was? She's cold, distant, and silent like Shu, except the one that she has ice manipulation abilities. To be honest I never seen a creature like that before. I'm quite aware that she and the girls know Yui since they were children, but here's one question that I can't ignore the back of my head. How did Tsurara and those two girls met before they met Yui?

I pondered while covering my face with my book so she won't notice me staring at her. Suddenly I heard a chuckle and I turn my head to see Laito smirking at me.

"Looks like someone has a crush on icy-chan.~" He teased, but I remain unmoved by his playful remarks and let out a sigh.

"Please do not say such nonsensical things, why would I waste my time doing something like that?" I asked sternly.

"Oh come on Reiji-san, don't be so stubborn. I notice that look you're giving to icy-chan." He assured me, but I just rolled my eyes in response.

"There's nothing unusual going on between me and Tsurara. We just met a few hours ago and that's all." I reassured him, then Shu open his eyes and let out a soft chuckle with a smirk.

"Or maybe you're just being in denial." He pointed out with a smirk.

"I can assure you that I'm not." I retorted.

"Aww don't be like that Reiji-san, I'm positive that you'll have a chance with icy chan some day despite the fact that she gave you a COLD SHOULDER." He reassured me and ended it with an awful pun that had Subaru, Hotaru, and Ayato groan in annoyance, Kanato frowning at Laito for making that pun, and Shu sighing unimpressed with the pun. Yui faked a giggle when he made a pun while Kurohime just face palm at the pun, but Tsurara ignore the pun and kept her eyes glued to the book. As for me, I adjust my glasses and glance at Laito with a stern look.

"Laito, that pun should be buried and I will never be seen again." I bluntly instruct him.

"Oh come on, it was funny!" He whined as I sighed at his childish nature and went back to my reading.

Tsurara's POV:
Right after Reiji went back to reading his book and ignore Laito, I glance at Reiji and his brothers for a minute before I let out a sigh.

What is wrong with these men?

I thought curiously as I went back to my reading until we suddenly heard loud screeching outside where I turn to the window to see abundant of girls screaming their lungs out upon our arrival.

"Ugh goddamn these girls need to shut up!" Hotaru ranted getting annoyed with the girls already.

"I hope this school won't be so bad..." Yui hoped while feeling nervous deep down.

"So this our new school?" Kurohime asked curiously, but honestly not looking forward to have a great time in this school. I glance back at the school where many women are huddling up the limo while screaming for the Sakamakis.

I sighed and glance at the window with a bothered look.

"I guess so Kurohime." I replied.

And it's going to be a painful day as well...

I thought nervously where our first day of school is going to be tiresome.

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