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Hot Swim

Sweat beads rolled down from her cheeks, evaded her eyes, down to her temples and dived to the ground from her bangs. Yoona slept with her head hung over the bed upside down, her sweat glands were so active that she felt like a human sprinkler. The heat outside was horrible, her room felt like a sauna and her air conditioner broke down just in time for the great drought.

"Yuri unnie!!! Where on Earth are you when I need you!!!" Yoona cried out from frustration, she rolled over belly side down with her eyes fixed on the opened door. She imagined Yuri running into her room with a wrench on one hand and a spanner on the other, repairing the air conditioner with light speed. But it was all in her head, nothing but hot air blew through the opened door.

Yoona left the room with sweat all over her forehead and body, she could literally stick to you if she wanted to. She fumbled out to the living room putting on a show for Seohyun, but to her disappointment Seohyun was not there to pity her. She looked around still tottering from left to right with her head full of sweat and a ball of disappointment in her gut.

"Yoona unnie what are you doing there?" Seohyun asked, confused, she questioned what Yoona thought to be cute. The tipsy girl turned around to where the voice came, she was taken aback by what her eyes laid on. Seohyun came out with only her undergarments on after a quick shower, she was still dripping wet from it. Droplets of water hung on the tips of her hair, water rolling down her back and some sticking on her belly. She was not even sure if it’s water from the shower or fresh sweat that her skin excreted after being exposed to the heat again.

"Are you not going to put on some clothes?" Yoona asked, though she hoped that Seohyun would not. "I'm going to, soon. Why ask?" Seohyun replied innocently tilting her head, the older girl grinned while she took a quick snap of half-naked Seohyun in her mind. "I know that smile unnie, and I don't like it" Seohyun said in a dull tone, she figured out that Yoona had impure thoughts over her body again and it won't be the last time she will have it.

Seohyun covered her body with the towel she used to dry her hair, a blow of depression slapped Yoona in the face. Her picture perfect scene was destroyed by a thick piece of fabric that she gave her. She cursed the day that they went shopping for bathroom items, she could have just bought a towel that covers only a quarter of Seohyun's body instead of one that covered full and more.

"Come on I'm not that pervert you think I am" She cried with her arms anchored on Seohyun's ankle, she dragged the pitiful girl all the way to her doorstep. "Explain the day where you and Taeyeon unnie went over to Yuri's place to peek on Jessica unnie changing" Seohyun looked down at the girl with a hateful gaze, the reply she received was only an awkward smile. "Thought so" Seohyun said with a sigh at the end, she kicked Yoona away then slammed the door in front of her face.

Seohyun changed grabbed her clothes on her bed, but then before she removed the towel that covered her angelic body she saw Yoona's phone sitting upright on her bed. "Im Yoona..." Seohyun cursed under her breath. "UNNIE!! I'm not going to fall for your I-accidently-left-my-phone-recording trick again!" Seohyun shouted before she shoved the sly girl's cellphone up her face. "Come on I really did forgot it this time... Anyway... Did you by any chance..." Yoona asked hesitantly, "FOR GODSAKES NO" Seohyun screamed again, a loud slam came after. "Damn it, so close"

"Why is she being like that?" Seohyun asked herself, "It's not like we have not made out before" she continued to complain to herself. She checked for more hidden cameras before she dropped her towel, "What’s so fun in doing something so dirty" she said while pulling down her top. "Though.. I have to admit it was nice" she said deep in her thoughts, her left hand involuntarily moved towards her lips and her right went down to where she was pleasured. "Aish what am I thinking.." She threw her head from left to right, those hard to forget moments were one of her many guilty pleasures. "Maybe... No" she said before pulling up her pants.

"Unnie what are you doing?" She asked after changing, "I right now is thinking back of all the fun we had last time, all the joy and laughs" she answered with a bag full of nonsense just to receive a slap on her thigh. "I'm serious, sitting here is not going to help the heat" Seohyun said, "Me to, let’s take it to the bed" Yoona answered with a grin and her face placed in front of Seohyun's leaving only a space enough for her hand to slide in-between.

"You need to calm down unnie" She said while she pushed her face away, Yoona fell on the couch in disappointment. It was the 3rd time she got rejected that day and the 4th was ready to smack her in the face. "I mean lets go out to have some fun" She said with a smile and full of anticipation, "By fun you mean get roasted under the sun and look like Yuri unnie?" Yoona replied sarcastically. "I was thinking of a nice dip in the swimming pool, but since you put it that way.. Never mind then" Seohyun said double faced, Yoona jumped up almost instantly after she heard the term swimming pool. "You mean you are going to wear the bikini I bought for you?" She asked with a smile, "No, I'm going to wear my diving gear" replied Seohyun. Strike 4 on Yoona's face and she just fell down with a poker face. "You win..."

After 10minutes of changing, both girls came out with a towel on each hand, swimming attire on the inside and a comfortable loose tee over it. They did not bother to pack skin care necessities like sun screen lotion, because they planned to just have a quick swim in the pool downstairs in their condominium. Both of them made haste to the pool, the feeling of having water rushing through their bodies, splashing each other’s face was all a dream when they found out the pool was packed with their neighbors. People of all ages, all size and both gender crowded the pool filled with glee. The 2 girls stood by the staircase with a straight face.

"So what now?" Yoona asked the one who came up with the bright idea, "I don't know" Seohyun sighed then sat at the staircase opposite of the pool. Yoona didn't like to see her girlfriend down in the dumps, even though it was cute, still she wanted her to be happy. "Come I know a place we can go" Yoona said with a confident tone, Seohyun who lost all hope lazily dragged herself towards where Yoona lead her to. She did not expect much from her to cheer her dying soul but it’s better than sitting in front of paradise only for it to tease you.

"I don't really know if this is a good idea" Yoona said hesitantly but still guided Seohyun in front, "We are not going to do something illegal are we unnie?" She replied worriedly. "Does everything I do become illegal?" She shot back in a frustrated tone, Seohyun forced up a smile to calm the girl down. "Actually I found this a long time ago, it’s a pool the landlord owns and he never locks it up" Yoona said with a smile, "The lock is just for show, he doesn't really lock it up" she continued with a fanning motion at the padlock.

She led Seohyun into the huge indoor swimming pool, not fancy but it will do. Three tables sat beside the pool with chairs surrounding it, a little changing room and the main attraction, a 100 meter long pool ready for your swimming pleasure. "I don't think this is a good idea" Seohyun hesitated but her feet said otherwise, the other girl closed the door before she ran towards Seohyun.

"I heard that the landlord is out for a month, to Italy" Yoona said confidently with a smile. Both of them shared eye contact for a mere second before dropping the towels on the ground and dropping themselves in the pool. They dived deep then came up flipping their hair like mermaids or at lease models in a shampoo commercial, "This is the best!!" Seohyun shouted, well Yoona on the other hand of course felt proud since she found it.

"So I think I did good didn't I?" Yoona asked proudly raking for compliments, "Oh yes you did good unnie, very good" Seohyun swam towards the girl who drifted around the pool like a raft, she caught the girl and gave her a kiss on her lips. "Woah there" Yoona exclaimed in surprise, she sank a little before pulling herself up together with her conscious. By the time Yoona pulled herself together Seohyun was already at the other end of the pool, width-wise.

"Come back here you lips stealer" Yoona said before she did butterflies towards Seohyun, they chased each other around the pool, from corner to corner until one of them stopped from exhaustion. "Unnie you can't beat me" Seohyun teased the older girl who gradually slowed down her pace, "I exercise more than you" she continued to tease the girl. "I do too!! On the bed that is" Yoona shot back in a softer tone, "What? Have you been cheating on me?" Seohyun shouted, she hit the brakes and glared at Yoona.

"Do you really think I would do that?" Yoona asked with a sly smile, with Seohyun stunned in the center of the pool it gave her enough time to swim towards the pouting girl. "Calm down baby, do you really think I will cheat on these pretty lips?" Yoona said with her arms circled around Seohyun's waist, the younger girl blushed at the comment. She pushed Yoona away and swam towards the edge of the pool.

"Are you going back?" Yoona asked as she inched herself towards Seohyun, the embarrassed girl stopped at the edge as if she was waiting for Yoona. "What’s wrong now?" The older girl asked, finally reaching Seohyun's side. At the end of the pool was made shallower for kids to play in but these big kids had other ideas. Seohyun stood with only her lower body immersed in water, Yoona also slowly came out of the pool. "Hyun?" Yoona asked worriedly, she was afraid that she might had made her cry unintentionally. 

"Are you..." Yoona was cut off, she was cut off by another kiss from Seohyun while she tried to reach for her shoulders. This time it was more aggressive and passionate compared to the shy peck. "What’s the occasion?" Yoona broke the kiss with a question, "To be honest.." Seohyun said with her head down "This was my true intention in bringing you to the pool" she finished with her face flushed. Without another word said by Yoona she was forced into the third kiss of the day.

Yoona didn't even want to think of what was going on at the time, she just wanted to treasure every second that passed by. Times like this for Seohyun to initiate a make out session comes once only on a blue moon, and the moon would more likely to be green than blue. "Shall we kick it up a notch?" Yoona broke the kiss once more with a suggestion, the opposite girl timidly nodded. Yoona undid her top then her partners top, 2 bikini tops drifted away from the girls.

She handled the girl with care, Seohyun doesn't like to be treated rough. She likes the pleasure to come slow and steady, Yoona on the other hand was opposite but she had to go with Seohyun's flow otherwise there won't even be a lip for her to kiss. In the end of the day it will still be worth it, you can't get a body like Seohyun anywhere around the world. Perfect curves with a perfect face to match it, long hair that covers her pretty chest, long legs with a nice butt to go with it, she was made to be perfect with a hard to get attitude to protect her astonishing body from being abused.

Yoona massaged the hard dot that stood out on Seohyun's chest, pinched it like a pimple and sucked on it like a baby bottle. "Unnie.." Seohyun moaned defenseless, she was bounded by the pleasure Yoona gave her. Silenced by a pair of lips over her own, she can only grab the edge of the pool to contain the pleasure she received. To get Seohyun even more excited and wet Yoona rubbed the area between her thighs with her knee, she got wet but it was not noticeable under water.

"I see you are enjoying it" Yoona whispered into the girl's ear, Seohyun could not utter a reply but only moan. Yoona removed her knee to fit one hand inside the only piece of clothing on Seohyun's body, rubbing her baby skin tissues as if she had a bruise. "Stop..." Seohyun managed to moan, "Are you sure?" the girl replied with a finger moving inside. The young girl's tight hole contracted as it was invaded by her finger, she pushed her body against the concrete behind her, slowly sliding down as Yoona drilled her fingers deeper.

"You like how my finger is deep inside your little hole don't you?" Yoona spoke dirty next to her ears, "My long middle finger grinding against your soft walls" she continued. Seohyun never lasted long in these games, her body can't take the tension what more coming it from a pro. She descended every time Yoona thrust her finger a few millimeters deeper, she had herself squatting down and her legs spread out when she reached the peak. Her body was tensed with her labor breathing pattern, only her legs were rock solid to keep her posture still for Yoona to pleasure her.

"Are you going to come all over this pool?" The ringmaster whispered, "All over my finger like a dirty little girl you are?" she continued, "Ye-yes.." Seohyun cried with her head cocked back, "Then do it" Yoona said with a last thrust. Seohyun indeed released it, all her tension was gone in a second. She shuddered, moaned then sat down breathless. "I see we are all cool off now, let’s go back" Yoona said climbing out of the pool, she grabbed her towel from the ground and made her way to the table.

"Are you not coming out?" She called out to the girl who sat still in the pool, still releasing some of her young nectar.  "Unnie, I think it’s your turn now" Seohyun appeared behind Yoona almost as if she teleported. She pulled down the only swimming attire on Yoona's body with one hand and injected a finger with the other into where Yoona previously violated her moments ago.

Her long wet legs betrayed her, she knelt down with Seohyun following suit. "Relax unnie, I won't bite" Seohyun whispered behind her, "Much" she continued then had taste of Yoona's earlobes. Yoona sat on her wrist but her finger was still deep inside, not unless Yoona stands up or she will have to deal with it. "Moan for me unnie" She said with her arm hugging her from behind, she picked one of the little grapes the stood out on her chest. Pinched it, twisted it and even rubbed it to force a moan out of the girl.

"Baby make me come already" Yoona whined working her hips, riding Seohyun's finger like a cowgirl. "Unnie lie down for me" Seohyun requested, Yoona stood up and turned around without a second thought. She lied down with her legs bent upwards and spread apart, she also spread her lips revealing the tiny hole that Seohyun visited. "Do me" she said boldly, Seohyun lied on top of her body and ram her fingers inside of the tiny hole. Her index and middle finger took turns to grind against Yoona's walls, while their tongues were busy licking each other clean.

"I won't come that easy baby" Yoona taunted the girl to do better, this time Seohyun inserted both fingers and finally drew out the moan she was dying to hear. "Now this is better" Yoona commented with her body pushed up against Seohyun's, her hands found the way to her sexy back, gently caressing it as Seohyun dug deep inside of her. "Don't stop baby, make me wet your fingers" Yoona whispered, she grabbed Seohyun's bubbly bottom as she contracted her muscles underneath.

"You know you can't resist me unnie" Seohyun replied, "Just do it" she continued as she pumped her fingers harder and deeper. "I'm not that easy" she replied forcefully, she barely had enough air in her lungs to keep her alive. "I wonder if this will make you come" Seohyun said, she found the legendary g-spot inside Yoona's body. She rubbed it violently, Yoona came violently. Her limbs sprawled out as if she had cramps all over, her body arched upwards like a bridge, her legs wide apart with a pool of sticky liquid in front of her. "Let’s go back unnie" Seohyun smiled licking her fingers, she got up and picked up her towel then abandoned her like what she did.

There was no need of drying her hair, it dried in the process of making Yoona came. She left the weak girl and made herself out of the indoor pool. "Is it our turn yet?" Yuri said with an arm around Jessica's waist.

A moan was let out softly the moment she was pushed down against the bed and pinned by the dominant man with his lips attached to hers. This moment was pure bliss to her. The man of her dreams was kissing her senselessly. What more could she want? She had everything. 

Jessica wrapped her arms around Donghae’s neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. Their tongues entwined in each other’s mouth with the latter’s hands roaming about. Donghae’s hands were tracing every inch of Jessica’s curves. Each touch placed on her body made her shiver with delight. His touch was so delicate.

Within minutes into the kiss, they finally broke free. Panting harshly, Donghae distanced himself from Jessica and held onto the hem of her blouse. He played with it for a bit, signaling the younger girl that he wanted to remove the obstacle of her assets. Jessica lied there while trying to catch her breath whereas Donghae slowly pulled her blouse up. Slowly revealing her milky, white stomach, her blouse was pushed past her breasts before eventually completely removed from her body.

He leaned down and kissed the girl’s stomach, making the latter flinch and bite on her lower lip to prevent the small gasps from escaping. Jessica clutched onto the bed sheets tightly while Donghae placed butterfly kisses on her stomach on the way up to her neck. He stayed there for a bit, softly licking the side of her neck before sucking on it ever so lightly, leaving a love mark. Jessica moaned when he gave her a hickey and encouraged him even more by stroking his hair. 

Before Donghae could continue his adventure on Jessica’s body, the door was suddenly bursted open. “Oh jeez! I’m so sorry!” a strong yet charming voice echoed into the room.

Donghae and Jessica jumped up at the sound of the door and the voice. By instinct, Jessica grabbed the closet thing next to her, which was the pillow, and covered her half-naked body. Donghae jumped off of Jessica with a deep shade of red on his cheeks.

“Look who’s getting it on,” another voice said and snickered. 

“Umm… Yuri… what are you doing here?” Jessica asked timidly.

“Same question goes for you, Siwon….” Donghae said.

“We were just passing by and I was wondering if you guys were sleeping because you left the lights on and I didn’t hear anything coming from your room,” explained Siwon.

During the time he was explaining for himself and Yuri, the latter was observing the brunette covering herself on the bed. Smirking to herself, she glanced towards Donghae. “How long have you guys been at it?” she asked.

“Huh?” Donghae and Jessica both said simultaneously. “T-thirty minutes I suppose?” the older of the two answered.

“Thirty minutes?!” Yuri boasted and laughed loudly which gain weird looks from the three. “Damn Donghae, what’s taking you so long? Thirty minutes and you only got her shirt off? Even I could do better than that.”

“What?!” Jessica was obviously shocked whereas Donghae’s eyes only widened more.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“Instead of explaining myself, I’ll just show you,” Yuri replied.

Leaving her rooted spot, she lightly shoved Donghae aside and crawled onto the bed towards Jessica. Jessica was sweating bullets when the tanned girl inched closer. She crawled backwards, but then she felt herself come to a stop by the headboard. Yuri smirked at Jessica’s uneasiness. It was such a sight to see the ice princess acting this way. Tugging on the pillow, Jessica only clutched onto it tighter, but since Yuri had more muscle, she ripped the pillow off of the older girl’s hands within seconds.

“Yuri, please stop whatever you’re doing. You don’t need to demonstrate,” Jessica pleaded before the latter could even start her actions.

“Too late.”

With much force, Yuri pulled Jessica’s legs and fully laid her on the bed. She pinned her arms slightly above her head and before she could protest more, Yuri kissed her hard on the mouth. Jessica screamed, but it was muffled by how Yuri was practically devouring her. Her legs flailed about, trying to wiggle away from the tanned girl and even though she tried to move her arms with all her strength, it did not budge. 

Siwon and Donghae stood frozen to their spot wide eyed. They did not move an inch to prevent their girlfriends from proceeding any further or rather Yuri, that is. 

Jessica was so relieved when Yuri broke off the kiss. She shook her head and panted harshly, still desperately trying to break free from Yuri’s grip. “Gosh, darn it! Stop it, Yuri!”

Yuri only smirked in return and dove down towards Jessica’s unguarded neck. The American girl helplessly moaned when Yuri sucked on it ever so lightly on the right side of her neck. She hated to admit it, but Yuri was much more experienced in love marking than Donghae. 

It was useless to protest and so Jessica did not do it anymore. She let herself be pleasured by her own member and she had to admit, it felt so darn good. Yuri reached towards her back and unhooked her bra. Her straps slowly fell and eventually her breasts were exposed to the three of them and the cool, chilly air. 

Yuri began placing feather kisses on her collarbone. She slowly made her way down, leaving a trail of wet kisses, before stopping at one of her breasts. She played with the hardened nub before sucking it, making the older girl moan loudly. 

Donghae clenched his jaw at the sight of Yuri pleasuring Jessica. He could not bring herself to stop the tanned girl from proceeding any further because his girlfriend looks too pleased to be stopped. However, on the other hand, Siwon had his jaw dropped at the sight of his own girlfriend pleasuring Jessica. Never has he thought that Yuri would have a side like this in her.

Yuri made it to the final stage. With Jessica panting and sweating from the pleasure, Yuri was unbuttoning and unzipping her shorts before completely removing it from her body. She leaned down towards the brunette’s hips and played with the elastic of her panties with her teeth. Jessica shivered at the touch of her teeth scraping against her skin. She watched as Yuri slowly; painfully slowly pull down her underwear with her teeth. When it was finally removed, Jessica was all in her naked glory. 

It has been ten minutes so far and Yuri managed to strip Jessica naked with her letting out moans a couple of times. Donghae felt so ashamed of himself that Yuri, a girl, beat him to the punch. Turning to his left, he saw Siwon standing next to him.

“I have to admit, this is turning me on,” he said.

One hand of Yuri’s was caressing Jessica’s thighs while the other lied carelessly under her belly button. Jessica’s core was throbbing for Yuri’s touch. She wanted it, no, she needed it. Fulfilling her sexual desires and ignoring the presence of her and Yuri’s boyfriend in this very room, she reached down, grabbed Yuri’s free hand, and shoved it inside of her. 

Yuri looked up and saw Jessica throw her head back against the pillow while letting out a loud scream. Since her fingers were already inside of her, she began to slowly pump them. With each pump, Jessica continuously moaned.

“Oh god, Yuri!”

Donghae could not take it anymore. He could not take it that Yuri pleasures Jessica better than him, but he did not want to stop it. Jessica’s moans were like a melody to him. Walking over to the side of the bed, he crawled on top of it and hovered over Jessica. He crushed his lips onto hers and eventually the girl kissed him back (with moans escaping every now and then) and held onto him for support. 

Siwon entered the scene. He stood on his knees behind Yuri and moved her thick, highlighted hair to the side and kissed her on the back of her neck. The tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up at the contact and she let out a slight moan while fucking Jessica. Letting Siwon unbutton her shirt, she pushed her fingers deeper and harder inside of the brunette causing her to scream inside of Donghae’s mouth. When Yuri curled her fingers, Jessica was done for. Breaking free from Donghae, her back arched and she let out the rawest orgasm of her life while her juices flowed down onto Yuri’s fingers.

Yuri withdrew her fingers and sucked them dry as Jessica twitched under her. The latter rolled over to her side and crossed her legs, feeling the dampness in her vagina. When Yuri suddenly felt cold, she realized she was stripped off of her shirt. Turning around, she smiled naughtily at Siwon before kissing him hard on the mouth just like she did to Jessica. Siwon kissed back just as equally and placed his hands gently on her hips before laying her next to the fragile-looking girl. Knowing how much her energy has been absorbed out of her body, Donghae has resorted himself to only kiss Jessica gently and passionately. 

Yuri always loved being the dominant one. Before Siwon knew it, Yuri managed to use all her strength to flip their positions. Now he was on the bottom, speechless. She straddled his hips after removing his shirt and ran her hands over his chocolate abs. 

“I always loved looking at this,” she seductively said.

Removing his belt, she threw it to the side where all the other discarded clothing were and began to quickly strip him off of his jeans. She grinned from ear to ear at the sight of the bulge in his boxers. Siwon was getting hard at the sight of a naked Jessica and a shirtless Yuri.

Before Yuri managed to get the boxers off of her lover, Siwon shot up from the bed and pushed Yuri down onto the foot of the bed which made her yelp from the force. He kissed her roughly and worked his hands on the clasp of her bra. It came loose and as soon as he removed it, he kneaded the two fully developed breasts. Yuri let out a loud moan and desperately tried to reach to remove Siwon’s boxers, but the man’s lower body was too far of reach. 

With a naughty smile of his own, he placed a soft kiss on Yuri’s stomach before removing her jeans. When Yuri was only in her lacey underwear, Siwon hastily pulled it off and threw it aside, staring down at her sexy, naked body. He bit down on his lower lip as he took his time to take every inch of her body until he felt a force rushed past him and ended up next to Jessica once again.

Yuri smirked once she had the dominant hand again. Finally, she got her hands on the man’s boxers and pulled them off swiftly. His package was exposed, showing off his hardened penis. She leaned down next to Siwon’s ears and brushed her lips on the outer shell of his ear ever so lightly. 

“You know what would be so hot?” she whispered sexily. “Me riding you.”

Siwon swallowed an unusual dry lump in his throat when Yuri positioned herself. He let out a loud groan whereas Yuri let out a moan with mixture of pain and pleasure. Yuri slowly felt Siwon inside of her and she shamelessly moaned as she began to ride him. With her hands on his hips for support, the thrusting was getting faster and faster that their moans were becoming more frequent. Yuri threw her head back and closed her eyes with her mouth open, moaning to her heart’s content. 

“Oh God! Uhh.…” she screamed when she pushed herself deeper and harder, wanting to feel more of Siwon.

Siwon loudly groaned when Yuri continued to ride him. When her thrusts became harder, deeper, and even faster, he quickly withdrew his penis from within Yuri and released with his juices all over the bed and Yuri’s thighs. 

Though, Yuri was disappointed that Siwon has released before her. Panting and collapsing on top of Siwon, it was not long before she was suddenly flipped over and placed on the other side of Jessica with Donghae on top of her. 

Now suddenly the king of smirks, he gave one of his own towards Yuri. He knew Yuri has yet to release and so has he. Removing his own clothing with his abs and hardened member revealed, he gave a brief kiss on her lips before positioning himself inside of Yuri. This time, she did not feel any pain, yet the rush of pleasure came once again. 

They both moaned and to pleasure Yuri even more, Donghae began sucking onto her breasts. She moaned even louder and wrapped her arms around him for support. With her eyes closed and mouth wide open, she felt a soft pair of lips onto hers, muffling her gasps and moans. She did not need to open her eyes to know who it is. Getting late into the action ever since she released, Jessica began to kiss Yuri senselessly with her hand caressing the side of her face.

Jessica’s kisses were getting her even more hyped up. A warm feeling started to build in her stomach and when Donghae began to pump even more faster in Yuri, the warm feeling started to spread all over her body.

Donghae withdrew from Yuri and came onto the sheets and her thighs with his raw orgasm echoing the room whereas Yuri’s back arched, screaming into Jessica’s mouth. Her body dropped back down onto the bed with short, little gasps escaping from her mouth while Jessica continued kissing her and caressing her. 

Like exhaustion has hit the four of them, they all collapsed onto the bed and let out a sigh of relief. They did not care if their liquids were spread all over the sheets, but they were darn pleasured and this moment definitely felt like pure bliss

Cheap Labour

"Hey Sica lets do a fun raiser" Yuri suggested with an air punch while standing, Jessica was napping on the nice comfy chair until Yuri woke her up with her stupid attempt to get Jessica to do something that is not worth her time.

"Why?" Jessica was obviously mad at Yuri for waking her up from her nap, she coldly asked the annoying girl who nudged her shoulder, she crossed her arms and gave Yuri a glare while waiting for an explination.

"Cause we have nothing else better to do and I need a new phone" Yuri held up her 5 year old hand phone at Jessica's face and she was not amuzed by it, Jessica grabbed the phone from her hand, inspected it for awhile then tossed it behind her.

"How much" Jessica asked bluntly as if she was going to buy her a new phone, but nothing is free in this world which means a new phone for Yuri is equivalent to her dignity as a human for Jessica.

"Uhh I don't know...Are you buying one for me?" Yuri asked with full of doubts, but when Jessica was counting the prices for an average phone her grin got wider.

"Ok fine screw the price, I'll just buy you any phone you want" Jessica impatiently said dropping back to the comfy chair she napped on a few minutes ago, she rested her arms on the arm rest and head on the head rest comfortably with her eyes closed, enjoying the peace from a dumbfounded  Yuri.

"Really? No scams, no conditions, abselutely free?" Yuri waved her hands in the air, paced around the room with doubts emerging in doubts. Jessica on the other hand was in peace, she loved a trouble Yuri expecially the one that is both excited and troubled.

"You wish, in one condition" Jessica leaned back and kicked out the leg rest from her 'chair' that was known as a reclainer, she let out a loud sigh debating over herself on buying a new phone for the troubled girl.

"Oh poopy...What condition?" From a happy, excited and high Yuri dropped into a hunched back, slumped shoulder and dull one in 0.38seconds when Jessica said 'condition'. Jessica had a brainstorm, she opened her eyes like a waking vampire and shot out of the raclainer, the reclainer bounced back to it's original form when Jessica landed infront of Yuri with their faces inches apart.

"You.Be.My.Servant.For.The.Day" Jessica clearly stated word by word in Yuri's face, every word that came out of Jessica's mouth pushed Yuri back by an inch towards the wall, when she was done Yuri was practically up the wall. Jessica didn't stop there, she slowly walked up to Yuri and trailed her chin down to her chest before whispering "No negotiation", after that she walked back to her reclainer and got inposition for another nap.

"S.E.R.V.A.N.T....but, but..FINE!! FOR THE PHONE I SHALL BE A SLAVE OF JESSICA!!" Yuri dramatically shouted upwards at the ceiling and dropped down to her knees. Jessica opened one of her eyes to take a peek at the over reacting girl, she let out a sigh and shook her head before trying to take a nap.

"Shut up Yuri, go do my laundry" Jessica commanded, Yuri picked herself up and moved towards Jessica's room that was filled with dirty clothes over the week. She picked up every article of clothing with a pair of thongs other than her undergarments, for those precious things she picked it up with her hands and sniffed some of those that looked particularly nice. In the midst of picking up Jessica's undergarments her dorky side showed it's ugly face, she wore a bra over her eyes and a panty out side like superman.

"Super cleaner is here!!" Yuri dashed around the room picking up all the dirty laundry in record speed, she dumped the pile of clothing into the basket and heard somebody clearing her throat behind her. Yuri nervously turned her head around and saw an angry Jessica with her arms crossed on her chest, Yuri didn't know which was worse, she wearing Jessica's undergarments externally or staring at a sexy angry Jessica infront of her.

"Why are you playing with my undies Yuri?" Jessica asked with a disgusted tone, Yuri quickly took off what she was wearing and threw all Jessica's laundry into the washing machine. She turned around facing Jessica with a smile on her face hoping that she would forgive her dorkiness.

"SICA IM SORRY!!!" With her failed attempt to soften Jessica up by smiling Yuri did the next best thing, begging and crying. Jessica looked down at Yuri who is hugging her leg with her face buried in her thigh. SHe had doubts over Yuri hugging her leg seemingly begging for forgiveness, either that she is really sorry or she is actually taking an opportunity to hug her sexy legs.

"Move it Yuri, after doing my laundry you can go get me lunch" Being the ice princess that she is Jessica kicked Yuri away from her leg and walked back to her reclainer, Yuri on the other hand let out a breath of relief before finishing up the laundry.

"What do you want for lunch ol' mighty one" Yuri stood beside Jessica with her hands together inbetween her hip waiting for a reponse from the girl with slow reaction, Jessica pondered over a few type of foods which include spagetthi, dobokki and spicy pancake. Yuri stood beside Jessica the whole time waiting for her to make up her mind

"Who are you calling old..." Jessica retorted before going back into her thoughts, she stared into space while Yuri stood there fustrated tapping her foot on the ground repetitively

"Ok I'm sorry your royal icyness, what do you want for lunch?" Yuri rephrased and continued to wait for an answer from Jessica, she sat on the reclainer pushing out the foot rest in and out while thinking.

"I want a....dobokki" Jessica said happily, Yuri bounced back at the sudden reponse from Jessica.

"Are you sure?" Yuri asked for a comfirmation and Jessica amazingly answered by continuesly nodding with a bright expression still on her face, after that Yuri left the place to get Jessica her dobokki. After 20mins of waiting Yuri came back with a bag in her hand that soon fell on the floor, she saw Jessica in her lingerie on the reclainer.

"Uhh Yuri I change my mind, I want spagetthi instead" Jessica said with a finger going down from her lip to her chest, Yuri's brain was too stuck to argue with the girl in her undies so she obediently walked out of the apartment with an awed expression. After another 20mins Yuri came back with another bag in her hands, this time Jessica rested her head and legs on the arm rest, she fiddled around with her fingers like an the arrogant girl she is and rejected Yuri's food again.

"Yuri, my stomach is telling me to eat spicy pancakes" Jessica rubbed her stomach and sent Yuri out the door again, this time Yuri showed a less awed expression but more of an irritated one. She came back 21mins later and Jessica was sitting up straight waiting for the latter to arrive.

"Yuri-ah..." Jessica called out to Yuri but got cut before she could even say a thing

"What now!! You don't want the pancakes? Fine I will eat them myself and all the other food that I brought back." Yuri erupted after slamming the door shut, she walked towards the kitchen and saw all the bags of food gone. Jessica sneakily walked up to Yuri and hugged her from behind.

"Calm down Yuri, I ate all the food you brought back just now and I'm still hungry" Jessica crept her hands up Yuri's shirt from behind, gently caressing her sweaty body after all the trips she made to the shops.

"What do you want now?" Yuri turned around sharing eye contact with Jessica, she gave Yuri a smirk before snaking her hands down Yuri's pants from behind and played with her thong.

"I want pizza" Jessica pulled the thong up and released it letting the elastic fabric hit her back, she walked away assuming that Yuri will go buy pizza for her which she did. Yuri walked towards the door after placing the spicy pancake on the table with a dissapointed expression on her face.

"Wait on second thought" Jessica changed her mind and walked towards Yuri, she stood still waiting for Jessica to give her orders before leaving the apartment one last time she hoped.

"What do you want now Sica" Yuri hung her head low due to the annoying trips she had to make, Jessica slowly moved her way towards Yuri and whispered her order into Yuri's ear.

"I want you" Jessica snaked her arms around Yuri's waist and slid her hands into Yuri's pants, after passing through her pants and thong Jessica caressed her gently. Yuri held back her moans not wanting to let Jessica know her sudden mood swing and she still had her head low.

"Moan for me and you are done for the day" Jessica whispered into her ear while gently rubbing her sweaty skin, Yuri moaned to Jessica's heart content. With the overwhelming reponse Jessica's finger went up Yuri getting the girl more and more excited on this order, she slammed the door shut behind her and Jessica pushed her up against the wall.

"I love sweaty bodies Yuri-ah" Jessica threw Yuri's top away before gently moving her lips across her tanned skin, Yuri slammed her hands on the door with her leg stiffening up, her breathing got unstable and her heartbeat was like a engin. When Yuri couldn't hold it in anymore she held Jessica in place, she looked into her eyes but got rejected by one of Jessica's fingers swinging left to right on her face.

"No Yuri, I don't like to be pleased standing up, come here" Jessica guided Yuri to her reclainer, she sat on the reclainer with her legs spread wide open and Yuri started to lick the thin fabric hanging on Jessica. Her saliva made the thong go translucent, when that happened Yuri's mind was on fire she quickly ripped the article of clothing apart and dug into Jessica with her mouth.

"If you make me happy I will give you the phone right now" Jessica held up a new phone supposedly to be Yuri's birthday present, she laid back with the phone in her hand while Yuri was ever more determind to please Jessica.

"You haven't seen anything yet Sica" Yuri rammed 2 fingers into Jessica causing her to moan louder but she got slienced by Yuri's tongue invading into her mouth.

"At this rate I might buy you a car Yuri" Jessica arched her back, moaned louder and hugged Yuri while moving herself closer towards Yuri, pushing her fingers deeper into herself.

"At this rate I might want you more than the phone" Yuri teased the girl back, she looked into Jessica's eyes and landed another kiss. After the kiss and after she removed her finger from Jessica with a strand of liquid following it Yuri moved away as Jessica twitched on the reclainer.

"It's not over Yuri, now it's my turn" Jessica pushed the girl on the futon beside her reclainer, she ran her hands under and behind Yuri's top.

"Now lets have some fun"

A Wet Experience

"Ok 1...2...3 good now one more time" The instructor said, he was a good teacher and a good friend but I wasn't paying attention like the others. I just kept staring at a girl, Yoona unnie...

"Ok wrap it up girls thats the end for today's lesson, and you Seohyun keep your mind straight, stop dozing off" The teacher left the room and the other girls followed behind leaving me and Yoona unnie alone in the practice room.

"Unnie arn't you going to shower?" I asked her, she seemed so determind to learn the new dance move that the teacher taught us. While Yoona unnie was practicing hard I was sitting on the ground panting hard not from practice but from the sight of Yoona, her serious look, her sexy waves, her body was just too much for me to handle.

"No Hyunnie, everyone is in it which means it's packed I don't like bumping into others while trying to shower and plus I need to master this move before I head home" Yoona told me while dancing, I could see the fire in her eyes that she really wants to learn this move. But something caught my eyes, her staring back at me through the practice mirror we have in front of us? I caught her looking at me for quite some time now and she hadn't noticed yet.

"Unnie are you ok?" I asked her when she was really staring at me doing all the wrong dance moves and thats when she tripped over her own leg, I quickly ran over to Yoona unnie and held her up, we shared eye contact for a second or two before her lips closed in on mine. After sharing a passionate kiss for what was a couple of hours in dreamland, but seconds in reality she parted her lips and I blushed, actually both of us blushed and turned around.

"I'm sorry Seohyun..." She said in an embarrassed tone, it acutally felt nice to have a little physical contact for a change after staring at her for such a long time.

"No it's ok unnie, I liked it" I mentaly slapped myself for saying that out loud, I buried my face into my lap with my arms around it hoping that Yoona unnie didn't hear what I had just said. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms circle around my waist from behind, then something warm, a body, a wet one leaning against my back, next was a head resting upon my shoulders. suddenly, words were whispered into my ears.

"Seohyun, can I have some fun with you?" Yoona unnie, I don't know...as the words ran through my brain Yoona unnie's hands got lower and lower until it was at my lap, she moved her hands down my lap and rubbed the center part of it causing soft moans to escape my mouth. My tense body relaxed when Yoona unnie touched me, her touches were calming and yet pleasurable at the same time, I relaxed my muscles and stared at myself through the huge mirror infront of us, I could see me enjoying the pleasures that Yoona unnie was giving me, the desperate expression stuck on my face and also my automaticaly parting legs asking for more from Yoona unnie.

"Yoona unnie please...don't stop" My mind is going crazy, she pushed me down and slowly moved her body up, rubbing against mine. Our bodies rubbed against each other sending sparks flying all over the place until they got locked togehter in a position, I didn't know our bodies fit each other so well. As Yoona kissed me down one of her hands ran up my wet tank top, I could feel Yoona's hand struggling up my body due to the sweat in the shirt and the dried up sweat on my body. It was all good cause it increased the friction which I wanted most, Yoona gently fiddled with my chest while her tongue played with mine.

"Maknae's it's your turn to shower!!" Yuri shouted from the showers which startled Yoona and I, she quickly got off me and luckly she did, because the other girls came out one by one.

"Go shower stinky" Sooyoung said before all of them went down to the canteen in the building, Yoona quickly picked up her stuff and went into the locker room. As for me I lied down on the ground wanting to feel more of Yoona's gentle touches, I started to get wet below which is a sign which tells me I want her. I quickly picked up my stuff and ran to the lockers, I saw Yoona unnie standing there. She tiredly took her top off, revealing her beautifully proportioned chest which bounced a little when the tank top released it's grip from her body. She then unclasped her bra, it poped out a releasing her tense chest from the constricting bra, other pieces of clothing soon followed, they peeled off her body like leaves in autumn showing what I wanted to see for such a long time. When she got hold of her hot pants I gulped down a mouth full of saliva, her pants slowly slided down her smooth and glossy honey thighs, her beautiful legs with a thin fabric covered her beauty spot but it was translucent due to the sweat she produced or did she released some of her tensed muscles a little too early. After her pants, the last article of clothing stuck on her was the pantie, she slowly moved it down bending her body, her chest fell down in a very sexy way as she pulled her pantie all the way to her feet. After she was stripped down naked she threw everything in the bag and rubbed herself checking for any left over residue stuck on her.

"Yoona unnie, please let me play with you" I placed my hands ontop of Yoona unnies, I moved one of my fingers inside pushing hers aside, she gave me a good moan in response. She didn't mind my company, she even placed her hands on my butt, squeezing it a little before turning around.

"It's not fun when you are the only one with clothes on" Yoona pulled my top off with such ease that I didn't even feel it, after that she removed my bra likewise. My finger got away from her body when she removed my top but it quickly went back in like a magnet, she moved down on my chest gently licking my salty skin before moving lower which caused my finger to go deeper inside of her. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled everything down with one move, after I was stripped down like her she tasted me a little.

"You are not wet enough, but you are sweet" She whispered into my ears before moving into the showers leaving me behind, her butt bounced as she made her way into the showers. She closed the door but didn't lock it signaling me to join her, I quickly moved towards the door and locked it, she turned on the shower letting cold water hit our bodies, cooling our hot and tensed muscles.

"Yoona unnie, let me feel you" I whispered the words into her ears, I pushed her towards the door crushing her inbetween it and my body. while our wet bodies caressed each other, my finger went in and out like soap causing the Yoona unnie to moan like no tomorrow, she spread her legs a little to feel more of it, her legs went in between my thighs then she started to move up and down as if I was galloping which caused me to moan as well. We continued to little make out session as our bodies got drenched in cold water, with the water there our movements were more smooth, I took out my fingers and moved downwards working my tongue like a machine, tasting her more and letting her moan louder as my pace got faster.

"Hyunnie..." When I gave her a suck, more came out of her than the shower head did. The sweetness flowed into my mouth as Yoona slapped onto the door, pushing herself towards it, her legs got stiff as well as her body. The water slid down Yoona's body mixing with the liquid that came out of her making a good blend. After finishing I stood up and kissed her on the lip letting her taste what ever was left in my mouth.

"Thank you Yoona unnie" I whispered into her ears before moving her aside, I opened the door and moved out but got stopped with a pair of arms circling my waist, a pair of hands on my thighs and a pair of fingers inside of me. My legs went numb when I felt the sensation that she gave me at that time, I automatically lay down on the ground with Yoona ontop of me moving her fingers rhythmically in and out with my heart beat.

"We are not done yet Hyunnie" She moved her head up my body leaving a trail of saliva on me, she stopped at my chest and nibbled me awhile causing me to moan in pain and pleasure, her fingers didn't leave me the whole time I was on the ground in fact they was getting faster as time went by. When she was done nibbling on me she moved back down, just before she could have a taste of me I released everything stored inside for the whole time, the movement of her fingers was too good for me, one went in and the other went out in sync. She lapped up all the fluid that flowed out of me before rubbing the wet and sensitive spot of me, she moved up to my mouth and transfered some of it in with a kiss, it tasted just like hers but a little dull.

"Yah maknae's!! What is taking you so long up there" Hyoyeon shouted I guess the manager is here to pick us up, we made our way back to the lockers and wiped our bodies dry, I put on my shirt and before I could put my pants on Yoona's hands came by me again.

"I will miss this little thing, lets hope we meet again" She rubbed it, it felt nicer with out the water removing all the friction that was there, after she moved her hands away I discovered that i couldn't find my panties that were in front of me a minute ago. Yoona on the other hand was already all dressed up and ready to go, when Yoona was about to step out of the lockers I saw my panty hanging out from Yoona's bag, I let out a soft chuckle before putting my pants on even though I was wearing nothing underneath.

"We will meet again alright, we will tonight" I whispered to myself before grabbing my duffel bag and leaving this place.

"What were you guys doing anyway?" Jessica asked in an unfriendly manner, I guess she was sleepy again.

"We were getting to know each other better unnie, you can call it bonding if you want to" Yoona answered cooley with out hesitating, she turned around and gave me a wink, I swore that wink meant more than 'we are safe' cause I felt her hands on me again....


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