YulSic 999th/1000th Page One-Shot Festival

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Okay this will be My VERY FIRST time writing a fantasy themed story! So bear with me alright!

My little contribution to the page fest!

Hope you will enjoy reading!

Present = Yuri's POV

Flashback = italics, No One's POV

Just a quick reminder that this is a gender bender two-shot! Yesh two-shot~ one in Yuri's pov and the other in Jessica's pov Posted Image) 

My Immortal

by himeko03


I have lived for so many years now, i have seen people live and die, i have seen the world change, seen how people can disguise themselves, i have lived long enough to know what people thinks and feel just by looking at them and not try to invade their minds.

The world had become the hiding place of evil. And yet I'm still here witnessing all of it wishing that someday i will just go and fade peacefully but i still need to do one thing; Just one thing before i go, i am old enough and tired but still i keep searching patiently, that someday i will find you, where you are.

"Father..." a familiar voice brought me out of my trance.

"Yoona...we are in Korea please adopt the language already" I said to her as i turn to face her

"But Fa...yes Appa" my daughter yoona said to me

"What is it that you seek me for?"

"I was wondering if..." she hesitated to tell me but by the looks of it, it must the girl that she had befriended for a while that she wanted to talk about

"Is this because of the girl? That's why you wanted a word with me?" i ask her as i look at her shock expression

"Don't be too shock my daughter as you know by now i already know everything but either ways i still want to hear it from you" i told her as i reassure her to not be afraid.

I don't want to forbid my only child to choose who to love, i don't care whether it is girl or a boy, a human or like ourselves just as long as i see her happy. I don't want her to be like us. I don't want her to feel the pain that both of us had felt at least i know you don't want that, you were so very open when in comes to things like this, you always told me this things. Now thinking about it i remembered our very first encounter, the very first time i had ever laid my eyes on a human like you. You that i never would have imagined that i will devote myself, you who have made me do all the impossible things, you who had made me counter the things that i first believed in, and you who made me felt alive and warm when it contrast my entire appearance which is cold and dead.


"HELP!!Please i beg you...." a girl was pleading as she was being held harshly by a drunken man

"Come on, my lady we will just have a little...." the drunken man didn't even finish what he was about to say when he was knocked out cold by a stranger

"Are you alright?" a young man ask as he slowly approaches the lady that had been harassed

"Ye...Yes thank you for saving me" the lady said but still the fear in her eyes didn't disappear

"it's alright I'm not going to hurt you" the young man said as he slowly retracted his hands and put it into his jacket pocket and back a few steps away

"I'm sorry for my rudeness it's just...." the lady tried to reason as she was guilty to be scared of the young man that had helped her

"It's alright i do understand... but please don't be scared" the young man said as he shows his warm smile to the lady that he had saved

"I owe you my life, my greatest thanks to you" the lady said as she bowed as she expresses her gratefulness

"please don't bow to me like that i just did what i had to, it's not polite for a man to beset a woman who is already refusing" the young man said as he told the young lady.

"I..." the lady said but she was cut

"I told you it's alright" the young man firmly stated

"I hope you do take care of yourself young lady in walking in the night, specially this certain alley since there are so many rumors spreading already" the young man told the lady

"I should make my leave now, i hope you will arrive safe in your destination young lady" the young man continued as he bowed to her and started to walk away from her

"Wait" the young lady called before the young man could disappear from her sight

"What is it young lady?" the young man stopped and looked back at her

"I hope to know the name of my savior?" the young lady asks shyly but expectantly

"Yuri...my name is Yuri" the young man said as he tried to walk away from her again as he was stopped from the second time by her call

"Wait, my name is Jessica and can i seek your help again? You see I'm...I'm lost" the young lady named Jessica said in a whispering voice as she doesn't want anybody to know her problem but which fortunately Yuri caught easily

"no wonder i have never seen you here before, you, whose such a exquisite young lady to roam around at night is really intriguing too, may i wonder where is your destination will be?" the young man whose name is Yuri, ask

"I'm new here i was in a tailor shop but when i roamed around a little i didn't saw the sun had set already when I'm trying to find my way back i can't seem to find it, can you help me?" Jessica said as it was her last hope on finding her way back to her parents who are probably waiting worriedly for her

"ah~ there is only one tailor shop in the city, sure i can take you there but it will be scandalizing if a young fine lady such as you will be seen with a young man. I can accompany you but you have to be a few steps ahead of me if you don't mind Miss Jessica" Yuri said

"It will be fine i just really need to find my way back" Jessica said in relief

"Then please do step out on that corner and right this way" Yuri said as he pointed the way to the tailor shop

"My sincere thank you again Yuri" Jessica told him as she made her way out of the dark corner and followed Yuri's instruction

Jessica had found her way back to the tailor shop where her parents was pacing back and forth worried for their only daughter. Finally when Jessica caught the glimpse of them she turned around to thank her savior but in her disappointment Yuri wasn't behind her when she made sure the young man is really following her

"how strange he was behind me a second ago, i didn't even introduced my savior to my parents" Jessica told herself then hearing her parents shouting for her name she look in front again and made her way back to her parents but still wondering the stranger whom saved her by the name of Yuri.

But what Jessica doesn't know Yuri was still and have been following her, he just hid himself from many human beings for he was forbidden to make contact with them. And saving Jessica is not really Yuri's intention but he felt something pulling her to the girl's scent which made him blank and just trust his instinct and save the very fine and exquisite lady whose name is Jessica. He had been wondering how he can disobey his father's rules just to save this human. But he cannot disobeyed him any further so when he saw that Jessica had arrived at her destination he quickly fled away and will try to clear his thoughts of this young lady who had captured his attention


"Appa...Appa is there something wrong?" yoona called my attention

"Ah~ no, it's nothing i just remembered something... what's her name again yoona?" i have ask my daughter to quickly change the topic

"Her name is seohyun, Appa, Seo JuHyun...but are you thinking of umma again" yoona said as i know i will not quickly change the topic she is quick like her mother

"Yes i just remembered how we first met yoona....and what a lovely name she has" i answered her truthfully

"I see, you had told me your story a lot of times now but still i want to hear it but right now my concerns are you father" yoona said her words being careful

"I know you do yoona and why are you concern for me? May i ask? I'm not against you with seohyun, you know that yoona but can she accept what we are?" i have ask my daughter

"I know you will approve of her Appa, I'm concern on the well being of your emotions" yoona says

"I'll be fine yoona don't worry about me, I'm alright" i smile to her to make her not worry and seriously everything thing that she says makes me think of her mother.

"I know I'm just..."

"You are just like her..." i cut what she was about to say


"Don't be worried alright, just worry about on how you will cope when seohyun finds out who we are" i told her

"Appa...i...she...she already knows" yoona said slowly

"Really?! And how did she find it?"

"Well just like how umma had reacted when you told her" yoona answers me

"Really...interesting..." i say as i smile at the thought of another memory of me and her

"Yes Appa really interesting" yoona said as she slowly made her way closer to me

"it's still fresh here in my memory on how i saw your mother's reaction when i told her what am i...like it was still yesterday" i had told her


"Jessica~ tell me anything please?" Yuri said as he was very nervous that Jessica hadn't been speaking since Yuri had told her what he is

"Yuri, I...seriously, are you saying that you are? Is this some kind of a joke, you? A vampire?" Jessica said as she smiled widely at the young lad in front of her

"Yes Jessica I'm not kidding" Yuri said sternly

"Then show me?" Jessica had challenged her lover

"Alright, if you don't like me anymore after this you can run away as fast as you can alright" Yuri said as he was really nervous like hell

"My love just show me already" Jessica said with her reassuring smile

And after Yuri had heard the approving signal he had showed his fangs, his eyes had changed colors from brown to bloody red and he use his fast speed to move behind Jessica and prove to his lover that everything he is saying is true

"Wow~" was all Jessica said as she quickly turned around when Yuri moved behind her in a fast speed. She slowly lifted her hands and touched her lovers face

"You're really telling the truth" Jessica continued

"Aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you going to run?" Yuri said sadly as he looks at Jessica

"Silly~ why would i? I am shock but not afraid for the fact i am quite happy that you told me this big secret of yours to me. And running? Why would i abandon you my love? I don't care what you are i love you and that's what matters right?" Jessica said as she smiled lovingly to Yuri

"But i could hurt you unintentionally Jessica" Yuri said worriedly

"Is that why you don't want to kiss me, Afraid that you might hurt me? I told you i don't care at least you hurt me out of love" Jessica said once more assuring Yuri

"But..." Yuri had been cut off by Jessica

"Now can you keep quiet already, do you really love me? It seems like you're the one afraid not me?" Jessica had ask

"My love no, i love you and I'm just..." Yuri was once again cut by not by words but by soft lips that had kissed him gently. 

Without second thoughts Yuri had kissed Jessica back. Long had they had both been waiting for this. Long had they had both been imagining, dreaming of what both lips tasted like. And Yuri being so excited didn't have the control and had bitten Jessica's lips.

"I'm sorry my love did i hurt you" Yuri said nervously as he saw the bleeding lips of Jessica

"It's alright my love, it's a small bite" Jessica assured him again as Jessica was disappointed when Yuri had pulled away

"But you see what i mean! I can lose control...you, you just don't know how i am becoming addicted to you, and I don't know when I will lose my control my love" Yuri said as her eyes are once again red as he had smelled Jessica's blood

"So, I'm addicting now? And it is normal for you to change eye color my love?" Jessica had teased Yuri

"Yes it's normal when i smell blood, but not just any blood just yours" Yuri stated

"Ah~ so that's what happened like that ti...." Jessica was halted when Yuri had crushed his lips onto Jessica which Jessica had been happy to welcome


"Yeah Appa but the difference is we didn't attack each other" yoona says as she chuckled after

"aigoo~ seriously my child, what can i do i told you..." i tried to explain to her

"Yeah, yeah umma is just addictive, i know but Appa at least i can control myself" yoona said to me with a sly smile on her face

"Anyways when will you introduce me to her? The faster the better right?" i changed the topic again because i don't want to remember you any further

"Oh~ you see Appa i had been convincing her already but she is somewhat afraid of you" yoona said to me as she laughed awkwardly

"Tell her don't be afraid of me if your umma is here then she must be afraid of her you just don't know how scary she is, I'm a immortal already but still she scares me" i told my child as i remembered something again

"Yeah i told her that...Appa give her sometime alright" yoona told me

"Yoona i can give her all the time that she wants but can time give her what she wants?" i have told yoona

"And about that Appa...." yoona told me as if she knows what i am talking about...and which i got easily on what she's going to tell me

"Your really planning on turning her, aren't you?" i told her

"Appa i don't want it but what can i do i can totally hear what she thinks" Yoona said worriedly as she seeks for her father's advice

"now i really want to meet this seohyun, the way you speak of her is like we have a clone of your umma and if anything i learned in those years i have lived i have learned that if i found your mother i will just obey every single thing she thinks nor says because we don't know what the future holds yoong~ so do what you and her wants i will not interfere in what you both are going to do" yuri said beamingly to his daughter who had returned the his smile with a cheerful one

"I'm really happy that you are my Appa, and don't worry Appa we will find her, i can feel we are getting nearer to her" yoona encouragingly say to me which i am so proud of.

"Of course i can feel her too and i know your umma is missing you too very much and she wants to see you soon" i have told my daughter this

"So all we have to do is to find her fast Appa because i really want to see her too and so that i can introduce her to seohyun" yoona says to me beamingly

"So my picture of her doesn't satisfy you already? At least for me it makes me make it through the day" i said to her with a longing smile on my face

"Appa at least you had seen umma's face a thousand times already! I want to see her face personally! It's not that the pictures not satisfies me, it's not, Appa the picture is too old" yoona replies to me with her pout

"aigoo...don't pout like that you really look like your umma when you do" i tell her as i slowly pinch her cheeks that reminds me of you

"Appa don't do that I'm not a kid anymore" yoona whines to me

"Still, you're our baby, me and your umma's so you're still a kid to us" i told her as i know Jessica will be saying the same things i said to her

"I need to find umma fast for you then Appa"

"Yes, let us find her soon alright" i told her

"Appa I'll be going now, thank you for accepting my relationship with seohyun" my child had told me

"Don't thank me my child i will give every support you need, i don't want to lose you too" i told her

"Appa you will never lose me and never did you lose umma" she says to me in an assuring way

"Just like your mother" i say to her as i pat her on her shoulder

"You should go now if you and seohyun have plans for today" i told her

"Alright Appa just call me if anything happens okay" she say worriedly

"I will, so off you go now" i tell her and she disappears just like that

Now i am free again, i am free of thinking of you again; thinking of us again. Now remembering how I'm so free to support yoona on everything she does, not like her grandparents, my parents who are against us. I don't want my daughter to feel what we both had felt and you told me that you won't interfere if ever we had a child, now that we do have, i know you will be happy for her, to her every decision she will make. I know you really want to see our daughter as badly as she wants to see you. We will wait for our next meeting to arrive for i know that the time will come that both of us will find home again, home; which our embrace was.


"so your family doesn't like me?" Jessica said to Yuri

"My love let us not worry about that okay...it's not that they don't like you "you"" Yuri had told Jessica

"Oh so they will hate me because I'm not like you?" Jessica made sure she uses the right words

"...." Yuri didn't say anything and Jessica knew the answer already

"Then make me like you" Jessica told Yuri firmly

"NO! Never! I don't want you to be a monster like me!" Yuri shock at what had Jessica told her

"Yuri it's the only way!" Jessica said

"my love please don't say that....anything but that, we will find a way, if the only way is to disobey them just to make sure you won't turn like me then i will make sure you will be just the same...i love you and i don't want to do something irrational" Yuri said to Jessica as he kissed the latter softly on her forehead

"Please Yuri, if it's the only way to be with you i am willing to do it, just to be with you" Jessica said as she gaze lovingly to the lad that had captured her entire being

"My love even if I'm dying i won't do that, i won't take your freedom from you" Yuri said

"Yuri what if i said my freedom is to be with you! I want to be with you! I don't want to die alone! I don't want you to see me..." Jessica had cried now

"hush my love, please don't say those things, it kills my already dead body to see you cry like that...and no i won't allow you to die before me, if ever i want to die beside you...don't say such things, please my love...Jessica" Yuri said as he slowly leans in and kiss Jessica deeply. Letting his love know that he meant everything he had said.

Both of them had explored each others being, making them both know that nothing can separate them, not Yuri's parents, not what both of them are, and not even death.

"i love you Jessica, and no one else...please do remember that" Yuri had said as he had laid comfortably in the bed of their secret meeting place, slowly hugging Jessica's naked body, pulling the blankets up to cover the both of them.

"I love you too and we will be together what ever happens" Jessica said as she placed her head on Yuri's cold hard chest cuddling him tight

They had stayed into that position until both of them had fallen asleep and their argument quickly forgotten as the made sure they both showed each other that nothing can ever come between them.


I still remember how you told me you're having our little yoona. How both of us are happy and nervous at the same time. I'm so nervous because i didn't know that we can still have a child even though I'm like this but still I'm thankful for it. What will my parents say if they found out? I won't let them find out about our baby, i don't want you and our baby to be in danger back then. I did what i had to do, i had sought help to tiffany, and she's so kind to help us move out of sight to where my parents can't follow us. But what i did, i regretted it, talking to my parents that is. How i wish i just stayed by your side, how i wish i wasn't foolish enough to try to convince them again to accept us. I just want their approval how can they not give it to me?


"Jessica~ are you there?" Yuri called as he woke up one morning not finding his love beside him 

"I'm her..e" Jessica tried to said

"My love?! What happened?" Yuri bolted up when he had sensed that Jessica isn't feeling alright

"I don't know lately every morning i had not been feeling well...every morning i do this" Jessica whispered 

"My love do i need to call a doctor? I think i will call one right now" Yuri worriedly said

"NO! Yuri don't!" Jessica shouted afraid that what if Yuri's parents find them she doesn't want Yuri to be taken away from her

"My love don't worry i know a doctor that my parents don't have access at...so please can i call one right now? I'm really worried" Yuri reassured her

"As long as i know they won't take you away from me" Jessica said

"They won't my love...i trust these people" Yuri said as he escorted Jessica on getting up and making their way to the bed.

"Wait for me alright, I'll be back before you know it" Yuri had said as he tucked Jessica to bed

"Be fast my love i don't want you out of my sight for even just a second" Jessica said as she smiled weakly

"hush i know, i don't want to be away from you too but i will leave for just a few minutes and fetch the doctor so that they we will know what is happening to you, i can't afford to lose you" Yuri said as he kisses his lovers forehead and rushed his way out of the house and finds the doctor that he had said

After a few minutes of waiting Yuri had brought the doctor that he promised along with another person. As the doctor is checking Jessica, Yuri was out in the living room unsettled, worriedness shows on his face.

"Yuri can you stop walking around taengoo will do everything alright" tiffany said to him as she tries to calm the nervous man

"I hope it's not some kind of incurable disease tiffany i just...i just don't know what to do right now, it's Jessica we are talking about" Yuri said as he looks at the room where Jessica and taeyeon, tiffany's husband is where at.

"Well there is a way if that what will happen Yuri" tiffany said as she was still trying to calm her best friend

"No! Tiffany i won't do it!" Yuri said firmly as he looks at tiffany

"But you don't want anything happen to her...and you know for a vampire you are the very nervous one" tiffany said as she lightly smile at him

"i just..." before Yuri can say any further the door opened revealing taeyeon, also as fair handsome as Yuri but has a much paler face than Yuri's despite the shortness on his height it wasn't a bother because his looks can take away any flaw in him.

"Yuri" taeyeon said as he made his way to his friend smiling

"Is she alright taengoo" Yuri said quickly as soon as he saw taeyeon smiled

"Yes she is very well fine, she likes to see you and tell you herself" taeyeon said as he patted yuri's shoulder and made his way to his wife and hug her tight

"Alright it's not bad right?" Yuri turns to look at taeyeon

"No, it isn't bad" taeyeon said as he smiled again

"Alright thank you for coming on a quick notice taeyeon, tiffany...I'm really happy to have you as my friends" Yuri said as he made his way to their bedroom where Jessica is lying comfortably

"Taengoo what is Jessica's illness if you can tell me?" tiffany said curiously as she eyed her husband still in each others embrace

"You know it's not like i am not happy with just the two of us but i somehow envy yul now" taeyeon said as he slowly caresses his wife's face

"What it is that you envy of yul now?" tiffany asks

"A baby" taeyeon said as he pecks his wife's lips and smiled at her lovingly

"You mean Yuri will have a baby??" tiffany asks with eyes wide from the news

"Yes...i think if both of them are like us they will never had a baby but since Jessica is still human it is still capable i think" taeyeon said

"Now i envy them too" tiffany said as she pouted at her husband

"Now, now mushroom we talked about this right"

As taeyeon and tiffany is having their own conversation about babies Yuri was waiting anxiously on what had Jessica will tell him, serious illness names had been entering his mind, so many possibilities of Jessica dying with this and that illness but before he can get any further deeper in his thoughts Jessica called him.

"My love" Jessica had calls his attention

"yes my love" Yuri said as she holds Jessica's hand and slowly lifts it up and kiss the back of Jessica's hands

"I've got something to tell you" Jessica started as she smiled at Yuri

"O...okay...go on" Yuri was nervous his grip on Jessica's hands got tighter

"Im..." Jessica seeing Yuri so anxious can't help but to smile more and feeling that his lovers grip on her hands get's tighter means he was really worried on what news Jessica will bring to him

Yuri had gulped hard anticipating Jessica's news. She saw Jessica smiled again and thus he returned it but still his worried face is still shown

"I'm...pregnant my love" Jessica said as she smiled brightly at Yuri

"......." hearing this Yuri had been shocked.

Never would Jessica thought that vampires like her lover can be shock. Yuri's eyes became wide; he became mute all of a sudden.

"My love" Jessica had called his attention again

"Ye...yes" Yuri startled answered but still holding on to Jessica's hands

"You heard me right" Jessica had said

"Yes my love i did, i just. I can't believe it" Yuri said finally sinking the fact that they are having a baby

"You can't. Can i ask if that is good news for you?" Jessica worriedly said

"Of course my love it is a good news for me. I had lived for so long I've had envy humans who had families but now i can say i no longer envy them as i have my own" Yuri said smiling to Jessica


After remembering it, I regretted not listening to you but still i think if i did obey you would we have yoona? I don't know but i think it was destined that we are in a position like this. I'm still grateful that they didn't totally take you away from me, all i have to do is to find you or for you to find us and we will once again be complete. I think my best friend tiffany is really the smart one between the two of us. I am so grateful of her, and to her husband also, without tiffany i don't know what will happen to us. Tiffany turning you like one of us is the best way i could only imagine when i was away from you. Tiffany had told me how you pleaded to her, to her to turn you before you give birth to our child, yoona.


"Father...." Yuri had come back to the main family house and had him summoned by his father

"And what finally brings you to come back Yuri" his father coldly said

"I will not come back father but maybe if i tell you good news you will finally accept us" Yuri said as he was expecting that his father would right now understand

"Good news? The only good news i would like you to say is that you killed that human and you coming back to us. What is this news that you brought me" his father said as he is still not looking at Yuri

"Father! I would never do as you said but maybe after hearing this news i hope you will change your mind. Father Jessica is pregnant with my baby" Yuri said

"WHAT!! What nonsense did you bring this time! Pregnant! Yuri! Are you insane! You! You called this good news! When all its contents are just so unfit to be good news! Yuri you came just to humiliate me with this!" Her father spat coldly at him. The very first time he saw his father so very worked up. Right at that moment he had sensed that something bad will happen. He wanted to flee from the scene he was worried for Jessica.

"No! Father! If you won't still accept Jessica and my child, i will not, not ever again step into this house! How could you say that!" Yuri was mad but still he's uneasiness is still there. He started to walk away

"Oh my child who said you can go? I cannot let you out now, now that you are here" his father said that made him stop on his tracks

"What did you just said?" Yuri said turning around to face his father

"After what you just revealed to me, this nightmare you created. I will make sure you won't bring harm to our race again. You ungrateful child, you will not leave this house ever again" his father said as his slaves appeared circling Yuri

"Father, nothing is going to stop me from loving her not even death" Yuri said

"Who said I'm going to kill you, you are going to be the next leader of our family why would i even kill my own son?" 

As Yuri's father made a signal to his men's to attack Yuri pinning him down.

"Father! This is insane! If you think making me not leave this place will make me forget my love for Jessica you are wrong!" Yuri had been struggling in the holds on the men that had captured him

"Bring him to the dungeon locked him up properly. As for your dear Jessica don't worry Yuri you will see how she dies and this little unborn child that she has" is the last words his father had told him as he was really mad and struggling for him to escape.


How really fortunate of us to have survived for so long; we lived but yet not complete, it would be the perfect happy ending for us if you didn't fled away to where you were sleeping soundly. Is the pure blood too strong for you? That even tiffany's hypnotism didn't work on you. How i still wonder where you are, how you have been all these years. And did you know that i have been looking for you all this time? How far i travelled to search for you, where are you Jessica, my love?


A loud foot steps was heard nearing to Yuri's locked room. It wasn't heavy; it was just light but still loud footsteps. Yuri didn't look up nor get up and tried to escape when he heard the door unlock. It was futile he had tried so many times at first he did succeeded but thinking that his father might follow him he got himself caught and dare did not try to escape as he was protecting Jessica and their still unborn child. He was sure that his father won't know where Jessica is. He was sure that no one did ever suspect that his best friend tiffany was behind the hiding of his beloved Jessica. His door closed again, his bed shifted weight when another one sat just beside him.

"Yuri" the person who entered called his name. Hearing the very familiar voice he finally looks up. Finally he saw some hope on seeing them again.

"Tiffany" he whispers

"Yuri, are you alright?" tiffany had asked as she checks the condition of her friend

"Im alright...." Yuri said pausing and looking at the door to see if anyone was eavesdropping

"Don't worry i told the guards that you won't escape thus they let me talk to you alone. If your wondering how is Jessica, she is fine physically Yuri, I've always check on her from time to time every since the news from the main house arrived that you had been locked up here" tiffany assured Yuri

"Physically?" Yuri had ask

"Yes the baby and her are in perfect condition Yuri, you can relax and not worry of thinking Jessica and the baby...but Yuri she knows what you did, I've assured her that i will do everything that i can to take you away from here" tiffany told Yuri

"tiffany i don't want to get out, what if father's planning onto something what if he will let me escape but will follow me and hunt us down? I don't want my baby and Jessica to be in danger" Yuri had told tiffany what his mind had been thinking this past few months that he had been locked up

It was already 6 months after he had been locked up, this is the first time that tiffany had visited him. The first time he had heard news of his family. He was glad that his baby and Jessica are fine but something was still amiss, he was still worried, worried for his baby and Jessica. Somewhere in his mind tells him that something is wrong but he had shrug that away, he was thankful, just very thankful of tiffany to take care of them

"Alright Yuri but don't worry i will find a way to let you out and at the same time never would your father know where Jessica and the baby is at" tiffany had assured him

"Thank you tiffany i really don't know what I will do without you" Yuri had said joy slowly creeping into his being, a smile had shown after months of being locked up.

"Don't worry Yuri. Everything will be fine, i promise" tiffany had said but still why doesn't he believe her, he should since tiffany is the only person he could trust but something tells him that right now no words can make him calm and not worry about his family.


The doors of his room had been opened. Some men had come in his room.

"What do you want now?" Yuri coldly stated

"Follow us" one of the men had said and after that all left the room waiting for him to come out

"Is this some kind of a plan again? I'm not biting into your little trap" Yuri spat

"Master Yuri, your father wants to see you" one of the guards finally said

Master, when did they start to call Yuri master again? This was really intriguing. Right there and then, the uneasiness that he had felt months before had come out again. He had gulped hard, his body stiffened, he was thinking of something worse already.

"Master Yuri please" one of the guard says again and this time Yuri had stepped out of the confined room he was at.

They had walk out of the dungeon and had climbed back up to the main house where his father is waiting for him.

"My child, Yuri, my son" his father greeted him

"What is it that you want now?" Yuri stated coldly

"Speak up i don't want you to play around" Yuri continued

"Is this how you speak to your father you had done a good deed for you?" his father replied

"Never did once you've done a good deed father, all you care about is how pure blood vampires should not mingle in the low lives and to humans. What good deed is there?" Yuri had stated matter of fact-ly

"Why can't you just appreciate the things i do for you? These things! All of it! These are for you! Why can't you see it! Someday you will own this Yuri. All i did was protect you from them! Those evil leeches" his said

"Appreciate what? That never you did gave me my freedom! Never would you accept everything that i did!"

"Everything you did is a disgrace to our family!"

"No! Everything that you did is a disgrace to me!" Yuri answered back

"No matter, I will not argue anymore for the worst enemy had been destroyed" his father stated


"Yes Yuri the one that had you hypnotized the one that had you become like this. After a year i have finally got to her" his father stated

By that time Yuri had known who was his father was talking about. His vision had darkened, everything had darkened. Only a certain smile had he had seen before everything turned dark. In a approximately a minute every being that had been living in the main house had been slaughtered, every being that tried to come near him had been headless. Everything that he crossed paths with him left them lifeless.

"Yuri what are you doing?!" his father angry

But before his father can continue a hand had already struck to his chest taking out his already dead heart, pulling it out into his body. Yuri with no control over himself had slaughtered everyone. Even the ones that he thought were his loving parents. All had died, paying for the death of a certain girl. For he thought she was really dead.


Now i wonder what it is that triggered the killing. I guess it was the time when i thought Jessica was dead when i thought my baby was too. Just when i had completely erased the people who are against us, time won't let us be together. Why is fate so cruel? Is this what they call destiny? Is this what they call my punishment for slaughtering that many vampires in just one night? I really don't know at all.


Years after the major slaughter of the main family happened a lot of lower clans of vampires broke loose. Without the main family nothing can stop these hungry creatures to rule at night. Yuri one of the only survivors of the main family had began his journey. He went to the place where he had left Jessica. He searched the place to find any hope that his love is still alive but that disappointed him, only ashes from the burnt house is the only thing he saw when he had arrived. Even at the house of his best friend tiffany is abandoned already. Now many vampire hunters had surfaced many vampires had been killed, many humans too. Yuri who was still searching didn't careless if he lives or dies, the reason for his existence is not on this world anymore what more does his existence means.

Walking aimlessly at the dark alley in the city of London, he found many feeding creatures but he didn't even bother to take another look. Nobody really know him, nobody knows that there is still one pure blood walking in this world. Without him noticing a sudden grab on his shoulder startled him, the hungry vampire pinned him on the wall. But before the lowlife vampire could stuck its fangs on his neck it's head rolled down on the pavement, a sudden gasp had made him out of his deep thinking. He had looked around and he had found this little girl shock and stunned at what she saw. Yuri without thinking twice went to the little girl.

"Why good evening little girl" Yuri greeted


"i know you had seen such an awful thing just now, i really don't want to hurt a little girl like you because if ever my child was born it could just as the same age as you. So i hope you would forgive me for doing this" Yuri stated he look at the little girls eyes but before he could hypnotize the little girl he was suddenly had been grabbed again for the second time of the night

"Don't you dare...." the person who had grabbed Yuri spoke but had stop midway

"Yuri?" the person continued

Yuri hearing the very familiar voice raised his head to look at the person who had called him

"Tiffany?" Yuri had said

"Oh my Yuri!" without hearing Yuri's reply tiffany hugged her best friend tightly

"Tiffany" Yuri said as he patted his best friends back

As tiffany lead the way back to her new home with her carrying the little girl in her arms, Yuri can't seem to get her attention off of the little girl; His eyes never leaving the little girl.

"We are here! Taeyeon we are back!" tiffany shouted as she placed the little girl down

"Uncle! We are home!!" the little girl shouted running to where taeyeon might probably be

"What a nice place tiffany" Yuri commented

"Yeah right after the news that the main family had been slaughtered we had to flee because it's too dangerous for us to stay near the place" tiffany replied

"Oh that is why when i went to your house it is already abandoned" Yuri stated

They have walked to where the living room is. Yuri saw taeyeon playing with the little girl. Upon hearing the foot steps taeyeon look up his shock expression clearly written on his face.

"Taengoo did you have not seen to many dead people before that you can be so shock like that" Yuri commented upon seeing taeyeon face

"yul! My friend!" taeyeon shouted as he jumped up and rush to his friend and hugged him

"Wow and there i thought tiffany is the only one who missed me" Yuri stated

"yul! I thought you were..." taeyeon said careful to what he says

"Dead? Im already dead taengoo" Yuri said as he chuckled

"You punk head~ I thought you were in that slaughter! Did you know how worried we were!" taeyeon said

"Well, i am in the slaughter" Yuri had said

"What?" tiffany ask

"I'm the reason why they are all dead" Yuri coldly said

"You? Killed them all?" taeyeon said stunned

"Yes, for killing my family" Yuri spat

"uhmm... Yuri about that" tiffany commented

"Well why won't we all sit down, right? Yoona can you go to your room and play there?" tiffany told the little girl whose name was yoona

"Alright auntie, but promise me you will tell me another story tonight" yoona said as she stood up kissed tiffany and taeyeon's cheeks

As she turned to Yuri finally, Yuri had her brows rise

"You are not afraid of me little girl?" Yuri had questioned her

"No" is her only answer to Yuri as she went and also kissed Yuri's cheeks and smiled to him. The smile Yuri had seen before, a very familiar smile.

"I see you had a beautiful name, yoona" Yuri had said

"Really! Thank you! Auntie had told me that my mom was the one who named me!" the enthusiastic yoona said

"Yes, then your mom must be very beautiful as you are beautiful also" Yuri complimented yoona more

"No. Auntie had said that i resembled my dad so much but you know auntie tiffany told me that i had my mom's personality!" Yoona stated

"I see...who is..." Yuri was stopped by another voice

"Yoona hurry and go to your room. You can talk about anything later alright" taeyeon said as he had stopped Yuri from asking further

"Alright, you will stay here right?" yoona asked Yuri

"If you like" Yuri replied

"Okay! Then i will talk to you later" yoona said and made a run to her room

After little yoona had disappeared from the living room, the atmosphere on the room quickly became cold. Tiffany was the first one to talk and break the cold atmosphere. Tiffany without beating around the bush told Yuri what had exactly had happened. Yuri was all ears when listening to tiffany, him not jumping into any sudden conclusion as to why had tiffany done something so horrible but learning that she did this things because of him and Jessica made him very guilty of himself for burdening his friend. Learning that Jessica is alive made Yuri so very happy and also learning that little yoona was indeed her child was the best news that he had heard this past few years. But the thing that he feared his love, his wife Jessica is one of them now tiffany had explained to him on how Jessica pleaded how she threatened to kill herself if tiffany didn't grant her wish. Tiffany having no choice had complied with Jessica's request. But after giving birth to yoona tiffany had to do something just to let Jessica and Yuri to be together again or she hopes. She had put Jessica to sleep for the time being, putting her to very far place where the main family would not find her body. She had taken yoona and rose her telling her stories of how her mother and father had met. Tiffany finally telling where Jessica lays, Yuri had no second thought , all he wants now was to see his love.

"Yuri where are you going?" taeyeon had asked

"Going to see Jessica of course" Yuri had said

"Can we wait until tomorrow? Look at you! You don't look like a noble man now!" tiffany said as he calms the very excited man

"But..." Yuri was cut off before he can argue

"No! I want you to look presentable when you see Jessica and what about yoona!" tiffany had scolded him

"Alright..." Yuri having no counter to what had tiffany had said because she had mentioned the name of his daughter

"But tiffany how will i tell yoona that I'm her father?" Yuri nervously asked

"I think she already had an idea already" taeyeon was the one who replied

"How?" yuri had asked confusedly

"Because tiffany had been telling her stories about you and Jessica" taeyeon said

"She even had a picture of Jessica in her room" taeyeon had added

"Really?!" Yuri hearing his daughter had a picture of his wife

"Yeah~ i took the one in your bedroom" tiffany said

"I see. Can i see my daughter?" Yuri ask scratching his head

"Of course you can! You are the father after all" tiffany said beaming

"That's why her smile was very familiar to me, she has Jessica's smile" Yuri mumbled to himself


It is really a very nostalgic memory. Finding out you were after all alive, well alive but changed. But i couldn't complain more. You made that decision to yourself. You had change because of me, for us to be together. I had no more complain to that. All i am hoping now is to find you.

All this memory had given me a little headache. What i did was gone out of the house in the middle of the night and walk around the nearest park. Well my favorite park around Seoul that is. I'm walking around aimlessly admiring the full moon up above shining brightly giving others chances to see the still beautiful sceneries even though it was already in the middle of the night. Something had caught my attention, not just my attention but also my wary consciousness. This feeling, this presence i had felt it before. Looking around the park i saw a glimpse of a lady, with her light brown hair. I followed it not because I'm just curious but because something inside me said so, this instinct again; after so many years of not feeling it, why now? I moved fast but this lady is no ordinary. Is she one of us? I followed her faster. I'm at least one of the oldest vampire ever had lived no one can surpass me. But this lady, she's quick. And with a blink of an eye i was already pinned against the wall. The baseball cap that she had been wearing was taken off of her when she had moved fast and pinned me. Her hair flowing elegantly, this scent, i know this scent. Could it be? 


I woke up at a very unfamiliar sound, a sound of very loud footsteps closing on where i lay. After a few minutes, it was quiet again. I sighed in relieved that i can sleep again. Who would ever go and destroy my precious nap? But wait a minute; I'm just alone in my house. I didn't even tried to open my eyes, i don't know i just don't feel like it and the bed where i lay right now is very comfortable but hard, wait why it is hard? This time i was really curious as now i open my eyes to see something that i had been missing for so long. So long that when i found it, i don't want to let it go, not it, more like him.

There he is sleeping soundly below me. His face didn't change at all, well it won't because his face doesn't change at all, he is not human, and we are not human. I caress his face which earned me a little smile from him.

"You're awake~" i said as i pouted at him

"Of course i am~ i didn't even sleep at all" he had told me then he opens his eyes and looks at me, now smiling widely. He held my hand that was caressing his face.

"Why didn't you sleep?" i ask him

"It's because i don't want you out of my sight ever again" he replied me and kissed my hand

"you're getting cheesier and cheesier you know that" i tell him as i smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on his lips which turned into one of those passionate kisses that we are having these past few days

A loud intentional cough made us stop to getting any passionate as we already had. Yoona my daughter was standing there holding a tray which from what i think was a tray of food.

"Good morning! Breakfast in bed umma!" yoona shouted happily as her place the tray at the table beside the bed

"Good morning my lovely child, it seems like you're getting used to this kind of scene already" Yuri my husband told her

This sight in front of me really makes me happy, who wouldn't have thought that after so many years i can finally have the family that i have been longing for. That finally all of us will be reunited again. Never once it crossed my mind that these, this scene in front of me would happen. Who would have thought that they were searching for me all those years that i had been away. Never would i have thought that i will see his face again, not a few days back.


"you...." Jessica's words were stuck when she saw who had been following her. The very familiar face that she had longed to see ever seen she had woken up from her nightmares long years back

"Jessica?" the young man called her, the voice that Jessica had missed, and the smile that Jessica had been longing to see

"Yu...Yuri?" finally Jessica's voice had been returned, tears pilling up at the corner of her eyes, ready to fall anytime soon, as she was overwhelmed at what she had been seeing right now. Her dreams, every night, she dreams of his face calling to her, reaching for her, finding her. But every time she wakes up all she saw was darkness and she was alone. But not right now, her almost impossible wish had been granted. This is all she ever wanted; to see him again.

"Yes my love" Yuri had answered her still with that longing smile plastered on his face

"You...you're alive?" now finally the tears that are threatening to fall, fell. It fell like the rain, fell the same time her tears did; her tears, being one with the rain.

"yes i am, i am alive, searching for you" Yuri said to her as he slowly lifts his hands and gently cups Jessica's face and slowly caress her face, trying to get rid of the tears even though the tears are becoming nothing because of the rain. Now Yuri had wondered if the sky was one for Jessica because the sky felt the sadness that Jessica is feeling.

"Ho...How..." Jessica chocked stuttering not because it's cold but because of the overwhelming joy she was experiencing

"hush now my love...I'll explain it to you ,right now i don't want you to get soaked in the rain and please stop crying you know how it breaks me to see you cry, specially right now" Yuri said as he gently kissed Jessica's forehead and smiled lovingly

"Yuri" is what Jessica had to say and just hugged him tight, longingly, lovingly as Yuri did the same

"I guess you really don't mind getting soaked like me" Yuri said as he cherished this moment, finally the moment that both of them are waiting, them reuniting again, and them being complete again.


I remember that moment like it was just hours ago. I smiled brightly as i look at Yuri and yoona, talking very casually like they really aren't father and daughter.

"My love" Yuri had called me

"Yes?" i replied as i look at him and smiles

"as much as i really want us to be just like this, yoona is still our daughter we need to be a model to her so i would like you to get dressed now before you eat" he said to me as now i finally realized that I'm in my all naked glory just thin blankets covering me and Yuri's bare naked body.

"Okay" i told him as i saw yoona went out of our room for the both of us to get dress

After the breakfast in bed that yoona made we went outside just to have that moments where humans calls family bonding but seriously if people sees us we really don't look like one. It will look like a date between lovers with a chaperone, seriously. Because all three of us doesn't really age anymore so yeah me and Yuri is stuck at being 25 years old but yoona was so young, she was stuck at being 21.

I have questioned Yuri about this, how in the hell yoona's age stopped so young. I had asked Yuri about that. But he only said he will tell me later but how later is that. I know he doesn't want me to worry and be sad, he told me a very long time ago how vampire's age stops, if ever they were born as a pure blood vampire. The thing is yoona isn't a pure blood or so i thought. How could yoona be a pure blood when I'm not even a vampire to begin with when i was carrying her half way through?


"Yuri~ "Jessica had called him

"Yes what it is?" Yuri had come once he heard her wife called him

"Come quickly" Jessica had said to him

"What is it...Jessica I'm quite..." before Yuri can continue Jessica had grabbed his hands and gently placed it on top of her tummy. Then Yuri felt it, the moving.

"Did you feel it?" Jessica asks happily

"Yes i did" Yuri replied with a smile on his face gently caressing her wife's stomach forgetting what he was about to do.

"Yuri, will the baby be like me or..." Jessica had paused; she had this questioning gaze when Yuri looked at her

"Well, honestly i want to the baby to be a girl and to be human just like you my love" Yuri told his wife honestly

"Sica why not you go to sleep now? It is already so late" Yuri had told Jessica

"Hmm...Okay, just be fast on what you are doing then join me okay" Jessica said as she gently lay down on their bed with Yuri helping him.

"Okay I'll be fast...good night my love" Yuri said as he tucked Jessica in bed and kissed his wife's forehead

And that's the last time Jessica saw him.

"Tiffany why are you here? Where is Yuri? He isn't here when i woke up" Jessica had asked tiffany when tiffany suddenly arrived preparing things for Jessica

"He won't be home for a few days Jessica but don't worry I'll be here and take care of you" tiffany said

"And why is he not coming back for a few days not even telling me where he went?" Jessica this time had that demanding voice in her

"I..." tiffany paused now turning around looking at Jessica

"You what?" Jessica with her brow raised questioned her again

"Jessica please don't be mad at him" tiffany said finally Jessica understanding where he went.it is not really hard to understand, whenever Yuri's parents are involved they really changes topic immediately

"I knew it... that's why he's been acting strange these days" Jessica said worriedly

"Don't be mad alright, i know he's doing this for you and the baby" tiffany said sadly

"i know i just hope nothing bad will happen" Jessica said as she sat worriedly while tiffany was busy preparing food for her.

It has been a month and still Yuri isn't back tiffany had told Jessica what had happened in the main house when Yuri arrived. She had made sure to Jessica that this place is safe that even the main family won't find them but at that moment Jessica doesn't care about those things, all she cares about was the well being of her husband who was locked up somewhere in the main house.

"Tiffany" Jessica had called

"Yes what is it? Are you okay?" tiffany had come immediately when she heard Jessica called her

"Tiffany i have a favor to ask of you and please don't be like Yuri" Jessica told her; Tiffany who had a hint on what Jessica will be asking kept mum and just wait for Jessica to ask it.

"make me" at that simple words that Jessica had uttered she understood it immediately, tiffany saw how the girl was in pain, in loneliness, in despair not because of the pregnancy but because of the things she can't do when she is just a mere human.

Tiffany can see it clearly, how Jessica looks. She was physically fine but wasn't emotionally.

"But Jessica i had promised..." tiffany was cut off

"i beg you please... if this is the only way for Yuri to be accepted again then i will do everything, i don't want to see Yuri suffer because of me, i don't want to see Yuri taken away from me please tiffany" Jessica this time with tears falling from her face can't do anything but plead. And this time tiffany can only sigh.

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise Yuri but this is for the both of you" tiffany thought to herself before she came close to Jessica and sat beside her

"Okay, I'm not doing this because you ask me to, I'm doing this because i can see in your eyes everything, so please stop crying" tiffany said as she gently wipes the tears that was falling from Jessica's face

"Thank you tiffany" Jessica for the first time in a month smiled but still not the bright smile that they often see, it was a grateful smile, but still a smile nonetheless.

Tiffany smiled back. She had cut herself a little bit on the wrist just enough for blood to spill. She had made Jessica drink her blood since she was a pure blood it will be a quick transformation if the human can bear the pain of it but sometimes human can't take the blood and eventually dies. And tiffany is hoping not the last one would be it.

"It will be painful for a while as the blood is making it's way to your heart and to your entire system but after that it will be all good" tiffany said or she had hoped.

Tiffany can only watched as Jessica was clutching her heart in pain, Jessica was getting paler and paler, she can only watch how the pain took Jessica over by a near minute or two and after that Jessica blacked out.

When Jessica woke up she felt different, she felt very different. She opened her eyes to make sure she was still breathing and alive which is now apparently an irony for she was dead the minute she blacked out. Once her vision had become clearer the first person she saw was tiffany staring at her, then she saw tiffany smile and so she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Finally you had woken up" tiffany said and helps her sit down

"What happened?" Jessica had asked but the second she had asked that the moment she remembered what happened

"So i think you know what had happened now" Tiffany commented as she saw Jessica suddenly paused and her eyes widen at the memory she remembered

"So it worked?" Jessica had asked her hands on tiffany's shoulder grabbing it tightly which made tiffany flinched in pain

"Yes it worked as you can see" tiffany said taking Jessica's hands off of her shoulder. Tiffany had found it abnormal since new born doesn't have that strength not until they had their first kill. This made tiffany really curious.


I've been told by lies ever since i was born; i never thought it was something this big. When did i found out, when i was searching for my family when i woke up after tiffany had put me on sleep? I still remember that night, the same night when i have visited my parents. Everything crashed that night but somehow i feel thankful for finding out what i am truly am. I thought i am just a mere human but honestly i was never a human to begin with. That was the biggest lie about me, who could have thought that somewhere in the blood that was flowing in me was an immortal one; just kept from being resurfaced. Why? I still don't know why. But if ever i had the chance to find out what really happened i would like to know.


"It's a girl" taeyeon had said as soon as the baby was in born. He gave the baby to tiffany and tiffany had taken the baby near where Jessica in lying.

"Look baby your mom is right here" tiffany had said as she gave the baby for Jessica to hold

"She's beautiful" Jessica's first comment when she saw her child

"Yes she is... what will be her name then?" taeyeon commented as he went near the two ladies and the baby

"Yeah i wonder what will be her name?" tiffany had asked this time looking at Jessica

"yoona...i want to name her yoona" Jessica said her sight not leaving her new born daughter, now there they saw the smile that Jessica hadn't had since Yuri was locked up, the smile that says she was happy. The very bright smile that had long been missing ever since her husband had been.

"You see yoona, soon your dad will see you" Jessica said but upon her making that statement the two froze, realizing what Jessica will do.

Taeyeon and tiffany had been conversing with their eyes, making sure that Jessica won't endanger herself and the baby. Soon the couple had a silent agreement. Tiffany had put Jessica to sleep for awhile, while taeyeon took the baby home with them. Tiffany had made sure that the main family will believe her when she told them that she had killed Jessica and the baby. She had hid Jessica where the main family won't reach her; there she was laying there asleep waiting to be awoken.

But what tiffany doesn't know that Jessica is different or rather same as them. She had awoken far way too early than she had expected. There Jessica had been in despair, she had woken up to an unfamiliar place, no one in sight, not even her baby. She is weak, she needed to feed but right at that moment she wasn't thinking about that she was thinking of her daughter, her child, her husband. There she went where she thought she will see them but the house that made a lot of memories for them had been burnt down; Just ashes in sight. There Jessica cried, cried until there is no more tears fell. Finally once her mind was back again, she went on a journey to where her husband might possibly be but that was no use at all. She arrived there but only to find the house empty, bodies that turned to ashes, the house was vacant no signs of living person or rather immortal persons lived there. She had searched every corner of the house but nothing, not even a trace of anything that will lead her to him. 

Her last hope is her family. The family that she grew up to, the family that she really thought was her family. She knocks on the door hoping that somebody will answer it. After a minute or two a maid had opened it shock to see her but nevertheless let her in. She was asked to wait in the living room for the maid will inform her arrival. Once the maid was out of sight she went to a trip for a little, killing her bore. She had arrived at her father's study room, not once did she enter that room for she was forbidden too but now that no one was in sight she walked inside because the door was unlocked. There she had scanned the room. When she arrived at her father's work desk she had seen a journal on the table opened, it seems like her father was reading it. She had scanned the contents on those three pages, her eyes went wide, her throat tightened, and her grip from the journal loosens. There she saw the truth, there she saw what her father wrote, what they did, what they had hidden her all this time. A sudden opening of the door had brought Jessica back to her senses. She had looked up, her face stained with tears for she knew everything reading three pages from the journal. Her father or so she thought was her father stood there panic in his eyes, her mother whom she thought were was standing behind him, panic and shock visible in her face.

"Jessica dear, why are you here so sudden?" Jessica's father had asked hoping that what Jessica read was the one he was hiding from her.

"Is this true father?" Jessica this time composed herself and has questioned her father

"Jessica honey, we can explain everything" her mother this time was the one who spoke confirming what she was dreading to not be true

"No...nothing is to be explained about, this everything here says it all" Jessica had said taking steps back and finally when she had bumped on the window sill, she had a chance to grab the journal again and flee before her parents have even utter a word.


Now how i wonder if ever that didn't happen will i meet Yuri? Will i be in this state? Will i not suffer from anything? But one thing is for sure i know i will never regretted, having a family, meeting and loving Yuri, giving birth to our daughter, us reuniting, that i will not regret at all.

"Umma!" yoona calls me breaking my deep thoughts

"Yes?" i answered her, she was running to me with something on her hands she gave me one of it and kept one for herself

"Ice cream?" i told her as she was happily eating hers

"Yes ice cream! I love ice cream" she had said enthusiastically, wow she really is like her father and speaking of father, i look at Yuri and there i saw him eating my ice cream

"Why are you eating mine?" i ask him

"Because your daughter didn't even bought anything for me" he told me with his sly smile

"Appa you hate ice cream" yoona had told him

"I love it as long as i can share it with your umma" he had told yoona with that knowing grin of him

"What a byuntae you are Appa" yoona had retorted while i was just listening to their conversation, smiling happily

"Okay~ stop it you two and you stop eating it all give me at least" i told Yuri as i took it away from him and ate the remaining of the ice cream

Well nothing much had happened since all we did was walk around, shop if ever something catches our eyes well mostly me, when something catches my eyes, Yuri will buy it, that is how spoiled i am to him. Well that is how spoiled we two are to him. He just loves to do it and i don't know when he became like this.

"Sica~ are you tired already? We can go home if you want to" Yuri had told me when he saw me staring blankly

"No I'm fine...I'm just thinking of something" i told him as i look at his worried face.

"Which is?" it was yoona this time asking me

"Well...."i started as i told them what had been my experience when i was away from them.

They were attentively listening, i can see them both furrowed their eyebrows once in a while. How cute this two were, seriously they are so much alike in many ways. After i finished my story i can see that the both of them are really sad about it but i can also see Yuri furrow his eyebrows more, he must be in deep thinking.

"There that's what really happens" i said as i eyed my daughter and husband

"Umma~" yoona had said as she suddenly hugged me

"There, there my child, don't be sad at what i told you" i hug her to comfort her

"But umma...you were" i hushed yoona before she could speak more

"Now don't think of anything about it already, I'm here right?" i told her which she nodded eagerly and earned me a small smile 

"I think I'm kinda tired for today why not let's go home and rest now?" I suggested which just the two agreed immediately

After arriving, i went straight to the bedroom for i feel so exhausted for today, who would have thought vampires get exhausted in such things as that? Well i am you know.

"Hey~ are you okay?" i heard Yuri ask me as he enter our bedroom

"Yeah i am just tired?" i answered him which earned me a laugh from him

"I never thought vampire would be tired in just that" he said as he joined me and hug me close to him

"Well I'm a special case alright...and why are you here? Where is yoona?" i ask him

"Yoona went to fetch her girlfriend since she had promised they will have dinner together" Yuri told me which made me remember what yoona had told me yesterday about her having a girlfriend and ask me how I feel about it. Actually, i told her the truth for which i don't care who she loves as long as she was happy on everything; i just want my daughter to be happy okay. Well my child had surprised me with the hug after i told her that, she is such a sweet child.

"I see...you are not hungry?" i ask him

"Nope I'm not I'm already full just seeing your face" there one of his cheesy lines again

"Seriously when did you get this cheesy?" i had been curious about his behavior

"since you left at where you lay years long ago... I've become so cheesy because i miss you so much" he told me as he made his way on top of me and had peck me on my lips

The little peck became a passionate kiss that lasted very long i tell you. Well what can i do we miss each other that much, i can't blame anyone right? Well it's not that we really want to part but we needed oxygen so yeah.

"Yuri~ seobang~" i called him

"Seobang? Is that my new nickname now?" Yuri told me which i nodded in response

"I see i like that" he continued but before he can reach my lips once again i had stopped him which to his dismay

"Yuri can i ask you something?" i said

"Okay go ahead" Yuri said as he move to my side and hug me again waiting for my question

"Can you hide your vampire blood? I mean can someone do that? Hide your vampire blood and be human?" i ask him and he look at me curiously

"Well...you can but sica~ it has a price and it was a just a legend to vampires i never heard someone use it" Yuri told me which had gotten me really curious

"Really? What will be the price?" i ask him again this time i will tell him that it wasn't a legend after all

"Well i don't know I'm really not that interested sica" Yuri had told me with his boring tone

"What if i tell you i know someone who did?" i told him which now earned me a attentive husband waiting for me to continue

I got out from his embrace and reach for the cabinet table that is beside our bed and took out the worn out journal that i took in my father's table years ago. I gave it to him and eyed him to read it which he took and started reading. I went back to his side and cuddle him while he was still reading

"That is my late father's journal that i told you i took when i visited my parent's house the last time" i told him while he just nodded and continued reading

I'm getting sleepy while waiting for him to finish everything, I've woken up by his sudden hug, and I looked at him in question.

"so if you're going to say that everything is true in that journal then you are a pure blood vampire in the very beginning?" Yuri had ask me which earned him my nod

"So you're curious as to whom your real parents are?" he ask me again which i nodded again

"Okay, we will find that out alright" he told me that made me smile

"Seobang?" i called him

"Yes" he answered as he nestled his head on the crook of my neck, smelling me or rather sniffing me which is becoming his hobby

"So that's why we had yoona right? Because we are both the same?" i ask him

"Yes, i guess and i think since the very beginning yoona is pure blood as to what we are" he answered me

"I see now..." i told him as my mind was too tired to think and my eyes slowly closed taking me into my sweet dreamland

"Sica...sica...sica..." i heard someone was calling me, i didn't open my eyes but instead i pulled the blanket above my head so that i won't hear the noise

"Sica...sica...wake up" this time the noise was inside the blanket, there that's time i open my eyes to see who was it, of course it was my husband, he was smiling brightly at me and i can't help but to smile too even though I'm still half awake. And from there i remembered something again


"there all set" Jessica's father had said as he made sure that the things that they had bought in the store had been tightly tied on the back of the carriage.

Jessica was sitting comfortably inside while waiting for her father to load all of the things they had bought in the city; she was looking at the window while her mom was reading something. Bored because of nothing to do she sighed but something had caught her eye. There the young man that saved her the other night had been hiding behind a tree looking to her direction; she smiled because it was very obvious of the guy to hide. Without second thought she had come down and went out of the carriage.

"Jessica. honey? Where are you going? Hey!" her father shouted as she runs to where Yuri, the young man that had saved her is. 

Upon seeing that Jessica had caught her, Yuri run, he was spotted, it wasn't to be like that, and now he had thought why is he even here in the first place. He had run deep within the forest.

"Her scent is just addictive, that woman" he said to himself as he escaped but when he looked behind him he was surprised that Jessica was trailing behind him.

"Oh shoot!" he said as he can't really put his speed up as he wasn't allowed to

"Hey! Yuri! Stop!" the young Jessica had called to him but still he wasn't stopping

"How can she run so fast with that dress??" Yuri had asked himself because Jessica had been wearing a very heavy dress that isn't really fit to running.

"I said stttoooo.....aaaaaaaakkkkkkkk!!!!" then Jessica had tripped on a root and her face fell flat on the muddy ground

Upon hearing the sudden scream Yuri turned around he stopped and look to where he last saw Jessica. There he saw how muddy Jessica's face is, her beautiful and elegant dress dirtied by the mud as she sat on the ground but still Yuri finds her gorgeous and stunning even in that state.

"Still heavenly pretty" he had thought but like as if Jessica had heard him, she looked up to him and flashed a silly smile which caught Yuri off guard.

"Finally you had stopped" Jessica had commented and tried to stand up but instead she fell back again, her ankles injured.

"Are you alright?!" Yuri had a panic voice in him when he saw Jessica's painful reaction

"Yes I'm fine" Jessica had lied which Yuri had picked up almost immediately

"You are not fine" Yuri had said and helped Jessica to stand up

"Thank you" Jessica had said as Yuri had guided her and assists her on walking

They had walked a little deeper into the forest; there Jessica saw a little house that was built in the forest. They had walked inside and seeing that the house is not just any ordinary because from the outside it looks so shabby but when talking about the inside it wasn't at all like any abandoned house. It has a lot of furniture, from the fire place, to the kitchen, everything about your daily needs are inside of it. They made their way to the bedroom; he had placed her to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Wait here" Yuri had told Jessica as Jessica only nods at him

After a few minutes Yuri had returned with a big box he had placed it beside Jessica and left the room

"Wait what is...this??" before Jessica had completely finish her sentence yul was out of sight. She had looked at the box and decided to open it. There was a very beautiful dress inside it. She was amazed on how intricate its design is. She had looked at the dress that she had wearing, it was really dirty

"Oh~ is this for me to change?" Jessica had question no one in particular

"I guess it is" she had answered herself

She slowly gets the dirty dress out of her body, she had looked if there is any bathroom available and right at the corner of the bedroom she had sighted it. She went there limping. After another couple of minutes she had finish cleaning and put on the elegant dress. She had slowly walked out of the bedroom and looked for the man that she wanted to thank.

Upon hearing the footsteps nearing him, Yuri straightens himself, waiting for a certain limping girl. There when he had sighted Jessica, the one that he started stalking, his eyes widen at the sight; there she was even though Jessica's hair isn't tidied still her appearance is marvelous, her honey skin complimented the dress, this made Yuri smiled in which Jessica had seen, a smile that can quickly reads as your really beautiful, how did Jessica managed to decipher it, no one knew, even herself.


"Sica? What are you thinking again?" his voiced had managed to make me comeback to my reminiscing i smiled at him

"Nothing i just remembered something" i told him as i took a quick peck on his lips and rises up and went straight to the bathroom.

After a quick breakfast, Yuri had informed me that yoona will be gone for she was once again going to spend the whole day with her girlfriend, seriously? Aren't her girlfriend busy or something? Well i can't protest since yoona was not insight anymore, so Yuri had decided that he and I are going for a walk. So i took a bath and changed my clothes. I went downstairs and saw Yuri waiting for me in the living room.

"I'm ready" i told him as he turned to me with his ever charming smile that makes me complete just by seeing it.

"Let's go then?" he asks as he entwines our hands together and went out of the house.

Wondering how we can walk like this in broad daylight? Well i started like just a few days ago; i didn't even know that things like this exist, seriously. Yuri just gave me this this ring which is very fancy and useful i tell you, this can make us walk on broad daylight and I'm not joking about that. Yuri has one too and yoona. Mine is really elegant Yuri had been keeping it ever since.

We had walked around the city, just window shopping, looking around, and enjoying the day. This is what i have been missing these past hundredths of years, the happiness of being with the one you love, the never ending love. And for us it is never ending. And never will i leave again for i know Yuri won't too, the day that we had said our vows, the day that made me really happy, that will never be broken, for i know nothing can stop us for loving each other. Not even distance, time and death.

"Hey little girl are you alright?" i ask as i saw this black hair girl shivering, i look at Yuri and he just smiled at me

"What is your name?" this time Yuri knelt down and patted the girls head, she had looked up to him and the shocking thing was she somehow resembles him, the face it is.

She looked at me and i just smiled at her

"Don't be afraid we are not going to hurt you, what is your name child?" Yuri with his ever soft tone ask her again

"Krys...Krystal" this time the little girl answered

"What a beautiful name you have Krystal, can i ask why are you here all alone?" Yuri questioned her again

"I ran away..." her answer was short

"From?" this time it was my time to question the little girl

"From the orphanage" she replied

I look at Yuri and he just smiled at me, a smile that is asking me what we will do, i just nodded at him and smiled also, i knelt down beside my husband and caressed her little red tinted cheeks

"Would you like to come with us? But don't worry we are not going to bring you back to the orphanage" i tell her as i can see that she was really scared.

"Really?" she had ask me

"Yes, really...i would really like another daughter of my own again" i told her as i look at Yuri and he just smiled at me

"Yes like what she is telling you" Yuri commented

"Promise?" she had said, what a cute little child

"We promise" i told her as i held out my left pinky and entwined it with her. Upon seeing what i did, it brought her a little smile to her face

"Now you're really pretty with that smile" Yuri complimented as he slowly lifted the child and carried her

"So Krystal how old are you?" i ask as i eyed her little embarrass face when she was held by Yuri

"Five..." she answered with those blushing face, i think she is crushing on her future Appa.

"okay, so are you ready to go to your new home?" i ask her as she just nodded and hugged Yuri, i think i will have a competition now i thought and smiled at her

"Let's go then!" Yuri said as he held Krystal in his left arm and entwine her right hand to mine. 


Broken Wings

by hecate_aristocrat 

This is a story in a world different from ours. It is divided into three regions; Sanctuary, Earth and Purgatory. The 

Sanctuary where people with white wings live in harmony is hidden in the highest clouds in the sky. It is separated 

from the Earth by a huge Golden Gate which opens once in a year, and when that time comes, the Sanctuary residence, 

those who has reached a certain age, could fly down to Earth to play from sun rise and return at sun set because the 

gate closes when the world turns dark.

The Earth is just under the Sanctuary. It is a beautiful place with green mountains, vast forests and clear rivers. 

The Earth has no residence other than animals and plants.

Under the hard soil of Earth, lies Purgatory; a place where fire burns for eternity with lava instead of water and 

thorns instead of grass; separated by solid rocks and giant chains. Purgatory's residents are people with black wings, 

stained with hatred and vengeance.

Today, in Sanctuary, a lot of people gathered in front of the Golden Gate very early in the morning. Today is the day 

the gate would open from sun rise until sun down. Everyone is excited. They're jumping, flying around and laugh, 

anxious for the sun rise.

A girl lands a bit far from the Golden Gate, a bit far from the crowd and then she smiles. Taeyeon is her name and she 

came to watch the opening of the Golden Gate.

"Taeyeon!" a voice calls out to her.

Taeyeon turns around and sees her friend, Miyoung, is flying to her side.

"Hey," Taeyeon smiles.

"Have you seen Sooyeon yet?"Miyoung asks Taeyeon.

"Not yet. I just got here. But she won't be hard to find," Taeyeon says.

True, Jung Sooyeon is not like the rest of the people in Sanctuary. She only has one wing, her right one.

After a few minutes waiting, Miyoung smiles when she sees Sooyeon is walking with her sister toward the Golden Gate.

"Ah, there they are," Miyoung points out the two girls.

Sooyeon is sending her sister off to Earth. She touches the side of her sister's face and says, "Be back before sun 

down. Remember that. And don't do what you are forbidden to do."

Her sister, Soojung, nods and gives her sister a big smile, "Don't worry, Unnie," she hugs Sooyeon.

Taeyeon and Miyoung watch the sisters talking from a far when a girl lands at their side. She lands with a heavy sound 

from her backpack.

"Hey!" the girl chirps.

"Hey, Sooyoung," Taeyeon nods while Miyoung waves at the girl.

"So," the girl sits on the soft cloud, "I don't know her story."

"What story?"

"Sooyeon's story. Her wings," the girl unpacked her backpack and takes out a sandwich.

"Oh, well," Taeyeon looks at Miyoung and both of them smile, "It's just another day in Sanctuary, a day like this, a 

day when the Golden Gate opened for us to fly down to Earth. You want me to tell the story?"

"Tell me, tell me," Sooyoung starts to munch on her sandwich.

The Golden Gate shakes a little, sending soft tremors around the Sanctuary when the sun finally rises from the 

horizon. The gate clicked open and with a loud sound, it spread open. Bright white light burst out from behind it.

"It was two years ago...," Taeyeon begins the story.


Sooyeon had waited for the time when she can finally go through the Golden Gate and fly down to the Earth and that 

day was the day. Finally she was old enough to venture the Earth along with her three friends, Yoona, Soonkyu and 

Hyoyeon. The four girls were flapping their wings in excitement and when the Golden Gate finally opened up, they were 

the first to fly through it.

They glided in the air, flying inside out the silver clouds, feeling the wind on the tip of their wings, heading to 

the Earth.

"Woo!" Yoona landed on the soft grass and rolled around in it, "So this is grass!"

Soonkyu and Hyoyeon landed in the river, splashing water at each other faces.

"Ah! It's cold!" Soonkyu yelped.

"It's fun!"

But Sooyeon, she hovered a few meters from the ground. The Earth was not as beautiful as she imagined it in her mind.

"What's wrong?" Yoona asked Sooyeon.

"Look," Sooyeon pointed at Yoona's landing spot. The grasses were bended and broken.

"Um... what about it?"

"It breaks," Sooyoung landed and kicked the ground, sending grass to the air. "This place is fragile."

"Well, it is different than Sanctuary," Yoona shrugged, "But... oh hey! A deer!" the girl pointed her finger to the 

forest a bit far from their location. A deer was peeking out from between trees. Yoona flew straight to it. A few 

other people followed her.

Sooyeon sighed. "I don't like fragile things. This world is not perfect."

She walked around the Earth, watching people played with trees, leaves and animals. But Sooyeon was not in a good 

mood. People in Sanctuary always boast about how beautiful Earth was but now that Sooyeon had seen it with her own 

eyes, she was disappointed.

Just by a gush of wind, a leave on a tree would fall out. Such a breakable place.

When she entered the forest, she saw a lot of broken branches and dried up leaves. She hated the place even more. So 

she spread her wings under a cliff and flew, she wanted to go home.

"Watch out!"

A voice jolted Sooyeon. She turned her head to the cliff. A girl was coming at her in midair, flying. She bumped into 

Sooyeon and both of them fell down to the forest, hitting on top of trees, broke branches until finally they touched 

the soft grass on the ground.

Sooyeon stood up in anger, "Who is that!?" she shouted furiously, "Fly properly!"

A girl was grunting in front of her, her wings were folded under her body. No, she only had one wing. Sooyeon gasped 

in disgust.

The girl pushed herself up and looked at Sooyeon. She smiled, "Ah, sorry."

Yoona, Soonkyu and Hyoyeon heard Sooyeon's scream and ran to her.

"Sooyeon!" Hyoyeon called her, "Hey, what happened?"

"Ha!" Yoona put her hands on her mouth when she sees the one winged girl. "What are you?"

Sooyeon walked to her friends, "She's... disgusting."

The one winged girl flapped her wing, "I was trying to fly, sorry," she said, "I hope you're okay."

Soonkyu coughed, "What happened to your right wing? How come you only have your left wing?"

"Don't!" Sooyeon scolded Soonkyu, "Don't talk to her. She's... she's not one of us."

The girl shook her head, "Oh, no. I am one of you. My name is Kwon Yuri. I came from the Sanctuary but alas, last year 

I lost my right wing. So I had to stay here for a year. And I can't fly anymore," Yuri smiled, "I climbed this hill 

and jumped off of it. I thought it could help me fly but I'm wrong."

"You stayed here for a year!?" Yoona took a step back.

"Yes. And I would like to go back," Yuri smiled again, "Can you guys help me?"

"No," Sooyeon coldly answered, "We shouldn't even be talking to you. Let's go," she pushed her friends away from Yuri.

"But - wait! I'm one of you," Yuri caught up to Sooyeon.

"Stay away!" Sooyeon glared at Yuri, "You are an imperfect being, you have no place in Sanctuary! Imperfect being 

belongs in an imperfect place like this!" Sooyeon kicked the dirt on her foot to Yuri's face, "Now get out of my 


Yuri watched Sooyeon and her three friends walked away. She sighed. No one could blame those girls. But Yuri still 

wanted to go home, no matter what.


Sooyeon rubbed her body with her hands, "Oh, she bumped into me," she said, "Ah, I don't like it."

"What could have happened to her, I wonder?" Yoona touched her chin, "She lost her right wing."

"Don't talk about that being anymore," Sooyeon said.

"I kind of feel bad for her though. I mean she only wanted to go home, right? Do you think we should help her?" said 


"Oh, no, no, no. I don't want to see that kind of imperfection in Sanctuary," Sooyeon shook her head.


Sooyeon, Yoona and Hyoyeon turned around. Soonkyu was standing behind them, looking at a direction. They followed 

Soonkyu's line of sight and they found a huge apple tree in the middle of the forest. The apples were dangling down 

like jewels, ripe and delicious. A lot of people gathered under it, plucking the fruit and eating it with joy.

"Is that...," Yoona walked forward a few steps, "Is that the forbidden tree?"

"I guess... so," Hyoyeon nodded.

"But why are they eating the apple?" Soonkyu asked.

Sooyeon shook her head, "I don't know."

"Maybe...," Hyoyeon thought, "Maybe it is no longer forbidden."

"What do you mean no longer forbidden. Once it is forbidden, it will always be forbidden," Sooyeon said.

"But nothing happens to them. Maybe the taboo has been lifted," Hyoyeon smiled, "Maybe we can eat it now!"

Yoona and Soonkyu exchanged glances for a moment and then they nodded to each other. Hyoyeon spread her wings and flew 

fast to the tree, Yoona and Soonkyu followed her.

"No! Wait! That's the forbidden tree!" Sooyeon flew after her friends.

Yoona grabbed an apple and bit it, Soonkyu plucked on and threw it to Hyoyeon before she got one for herself. The 

three ate the apples along with a few other people around the tree happily. Sooyeon however, was still reluctant. 

Although everyone around her was eating it, something in her heart stopped her from doing the same.

"It's so good! It's sweet!" Hyoyeon yelped, "Try it!"

Sooyeon shook her head. She will not give in.

"This, this you can't find in Sanctuary," Yoona smiled as she grabbed another apple.

Sooyeon shook her head again.

"I wish I could take this tree back home!" Soonkyu shouted.

Sooyeon caved in. She took a few steps around the tree, away from her friends and then she plucked an apple. She 

looked around her to see the rest of the Sanctuary's residents, they were still eating happily. So, Sooyeon took a 

deep breath and bit the fruit. It was juicy and sweet, she felt rehydrated at once and the taste of the apple was 

making her wanting for more.

However, one thing Sooyeon didn't know that in every bite on the fruit, one chain that barred the entrance of the 

Purgatory under the Earth was breaking. The more fruits they ate, the more chain the broke. Until finally, the chains 

were no longer able to hold the hard rock below the Earth together, Purgatory blew up open.

The black winged people, with their sharp fangs and claws, made their way out of the gorge, flying up to Earth, 

screaming in high pitched sounds, some were roaring like lions. They swept the forest with their tainted wings, flying 

low and swarmed the forbidden tree.

Sooyeon dropped her fruit when black wings, claws and fangs clouded the sky above her. She screamed along with the 

rest of the people around the tree. They tried to run, fly but the Purgatory's residents grabbed them, one by one, 

clawed them, bit them until they bleed.

Soonkyu struggled from the black winged people's grasp but she was outnumbered. Soonkyu was dragged along the ground, 

pulled down to the Purgatory. She screamed and shouted for help but the rest were just as vulnerable as her. They 

couldn't do anything as their helpless bodies being dragged away to the Purgatory.

Hyoyeon fell on her knees, bleeding and wounded. The black winged people had torn her body. She gave in when they 

dragged her away from the tree, down to the Purgatory.

Sooyeon was hiding behind the tree, scared when she saw Yoona was able to break free and flew to the sky. Sooyeon 

stood up, spread her wings and reached out her hand, "Yoona! Help!"

But Yoona flew away to the clouds.

"No!" Sooyeon shouted.

The black winged people heard her and turned their attention to Sooyeon. Sooyeon panicked and tried to fly but she was 

quickly pushed down by the claws. She fought hard to get away, flapping her wings around but there were too many of 

them. A sharp claw struck her back, sending a massive pain to her body and Sooyeon screamed in agony. Her left wing 

was torn off. She lost her strength and fell on the ground.

Half conscious, Sooyeon could hear someone was shouting from the distant and she heard the black winged people 

screeched and roared in pain. They scattered around her before finally disappeared back into the hard rock of 


A hand touched Sooyeon's back. The girl flinched. "Go away."

"I'm here to help," a voice said.

Sooyeon raised her head a bit to see Kwon Yuri was sitting beside her. "You...."

Yuri's hands were bleeding but the girl showed no pain in her face.

"What did you do?" asked Sooyeon.

"I... I made a hole in the tree... with my fist...," Yuri said, "Are you okay?"

"Are you... helping me?"

"Yes. Can you stand up?"

"Why are you helping me after what I've said to you?"

"It doesn't matter, come on," Yuri said, "Let's get some help."

Sooyeon was still not moving.

"Come on, the sun is setting. We need to get you home. You can't stay here."

Tears fell down Sooyeon's cheeks. "This world is imperfect."

"I know. Let's go home."

"Imperfect beings belong here," Sooyeon sobbed, "I am now the same as you. Laugh at me."

Yuri didn't react.

"Laugh at me! Mock me! Hate me like I did to you!" Sooyeon cried.

The sun was low on the west side of the Earth, sending orange light to the forest. The Golden Gate is closing.

"We can go home," Yuri said, "Look."

Yuri spread her left wing and smiled, "We still have a pair of good wings."

Sooyeon cried harder.

When the sun was nearly gone, Sooyeon had agreed to take on Yuri's offer. They held each other close in an embrace and 

spread their wings. Slowly, both of them floated in the air before finally flying to the clouds.


Sooyeon woke up in front of the Golden Gate. Her friends ran to her, picked her up, asking of what happened. But 

Sooyeon was too weak, she couldn't even speak. The Sanctuary's residents had brought her away from the gate when 

Sooyeon finally remembered Yuri. She pushed her friends away, letting her body dropped to the soft cloud. She 

supported her weak body on her hands and looked at the gate, looking for Yuri. But no one was there.

"Where is she?" Sooyeon said, almost with no voice left.


"Kwon Yuri," Sooyeon tried to speak louder, "She has one wing just like me. Where?"

A man crouched down beside her, "You were alone when we found you."

Sooyeon shook her head, "No. She was with me. She flew with me. Find her...."

"There's no one there."

"No! Find her!" Sooyeon cried, "Find her! Kwon Yuri! She's here! Find here!"

But Yuri was nowhere to find.


Sooyoung swallows the last bite of her sandwich and let her jaw hangs open. "Whoa."

Taeyeon tilts her head, "That's the story."

Miyoung wipes a fallen tear on her cheek, "I always cry when I remember her story."

"Do you think she was hallucinating? I mean, she broke the taboo. Maybe the forbidden fruit did something to her," 

Sooyoung says.

"I don't know," Taeyeon shrugs, "I don't want to know. I believe her."

"Why? She could be making this up."

"I believe her because for the past two years, Sooyeon always wait for Yuri to come home," Taeyeon smiles.

Sooyoung falls silent. From afar, she sees Sooyeon walks closer to the gate as her sister flies away through it. She 

sits in front of the gate in silent.

"She's... she's still waiting?" Sooyoung's voice trembled.

"Yes," Taeyeon takes a look at Tiffany, "And like always, for the past two years, me and Miyoung will sit beside her."

Sooyoung stands up, "I'll sit with you. Let's wait for her together."

So the three girls walk to Sooyeon's side and sit for the entire day. Kwon Yuri never comes back though, even after 

years of waiting. Sooyeon is hanging on a fragile thread of hope and she hates fragile things. But that thread of hope 

was given by Kwon Yuri, a thread of second chance, so even though Sooyeon knows that Kwon Yuri might never comes back, 

she would still hang on to it. Forever.

And since that day, everyone in the world is born with one wing so they can travel through life to find their other 





by Clarity~ 

Because I've been blind for my entire life . She showed me the light and the meaning of happiness . It's a little too late but I (think) I pointed towards the brightest star that night and wished, " Let me see her for once" ...

My usual pitch black vision is what I fear till I hear a voice

"Do you really want to know how she looks like?"

I nodded ..



and I opened my eyes..

The sight before me ...wasn't what I expected . I was in a room of four white walls .

"Where am I?"

There was no answer in return but images of what I assumed to be my past started flashing through the four walls in a remarkable speed and everything went black, dated - 5th December 1989 . I felt a gravity pull beneath me and as if I was being sucked through a black hole ..

[5th December 1989]

"Kwon Yuri it is!", the man seated beside a beautiful woman said.

She's beautiful 

She's your mother - the voice said 



"She's blind ! We're giving her away"

"But she's our child , Jiyong" Yuri's mother said , caressing the cheeks of the little one .

[January 1996]

"Yuri,stop crying"

"Mom..why does nobody wants to be friends with me? Is it because all I see is black?"

"Silly, of course not..You're unique in your own ways . People are just jealous of you, you've got to stay strong.."

[April 2003]

Yuri was walking through the hallway where the usual whispers could be heard from the other students. Indeed she was different from the others , she goes to school with her shades on accompanied by her faithful walking stick.

Today was no different, the whole school makes a joke out of her and it's always the same. She'll go home with extra bruises by her knees. Playful high school boys that always trip her on her way to classes.. but she still keeps her smile . She's an idiot for having such a kind heart.

"We'll be having a transfer student from California today"

Cheers and woos erupted the classroom as the girl entered .

"You can take the seat beside Kwon Yuri, the sleepyhead over there"

Yuri missed out the whole introduction by the new girl and mathematics was never her favorite subject. Therefore, she simply sleeps throughout the lesson.

Is she Sica? 

You'll find out soon enough - once again the voice answered


"Name's Jessica"

"I'm Tiffany! Just call me Fany . I'm a transfer student here too and she's Taeyeon . Welcome to the school", the girl flashed Jessica her eye smile.

"Is she blind?"

"Oh you mean Yuri?"

And Jessica nodded.


It was finally lunch time and Yuri made her way to the music room ,skipping lunch as always. Her fingers find its way and played the same notes she learned from her late mother. After repeating the song for thrice, the bell rung indicating it's time for classes.

Yuri heaved a sigh as she expected the door to be locked - like the usual.


Yuri furrowed her eyebrows..It's open

Odd enough, it's been a week since Yuri last tripped and fall . Maybe luck is finally on her side,she thought.

[October 2003]

Yuri once again entered the familiar music room . She gently lifted the covers and played the same old notes but hastily halted before it's ending . Being blind has its perks, Yuri owns a really sensitive sense of hearing and even the slightest noise would be amplified twice in her ears.

"Who's there?"

No answer.

"I can hear you"

And Jessica refused to answer, holding her breath hoping Yuri would just give up.

"No point in holding your breath, I can hear your heart beat"



"If you're intending to make fun of me , go ahead"

Jessica didn't know why but her heart ache hearing that..

"I've been through the unimaginable. I've been locked in here for hours .. I've been pushed and toyed around.. I've eaten what I thought was rice but it turns up to be rubber dusts.. so do whatever you want and leave me alone", Yuri said.

"I'm Jessica.."

"Jeshika or whatever, do you think I care? Please just leave me alone so I can complete my piece"

"Mind if we be friends?", Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand for a handshake.

"And that was a nice piece, who taught you that?"

"My mother.."

And that marks the birth of a new friendship.

[January 2005]

"Sica, can you stop crying?"

Her tears went on flowing as she choked with emotion , she went on applying the ointment on Yuri's knee.

"Sica, I'm fine . It's not the first time I've tripped and fall"

"I shouldn't have called in sick . If not you'll be fine"

Yuri chuckled lightly

"I kind of miss falling. It's the first time I fell ever since you transferred to our school"

"Yah! Don't be stupid"

"That's what I'm trying to say..Don't be stupid, you can't possibly be by my side 24 hours"



"Does it hurt?", Jessica whispered ,just loud enough for Yuri's ears.

"Not when I'm with you.."

Jessica blushed. In a way, Jessica thank god Yuri couldn't see if not she'll have lots of explaining to do.



"How do you look like?"




She lied..she's beautiful

"Mind if I ...-"

"Go ahead", Jessica interrupted Yuri as she took the seat beside Yuri , guiding Yuri's hands towards her face.

"Your heart's beating twice the normal rate..are you fine?"

"Um..y-y-ea..of course..", Jessica stuttered , fanning herself trying to hide her very flushed cheeks.

She liked me back then..? 

Yuri, she loves you..- the voice answered

[5th December 2008]

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YURI-YAH!", Jessica said as she entered Yuri's bedroom.

"hmm..thanks..sica", Yuri groggily answered and resumed her sleeping.

"Yuri! It's your birthday! There's no time to waste! Wake up, wake up!!"

Yuri's hand reached out for her watch and clicked the button , - 5.00am - it announces.

"Omg Sica, it's 5 in the morning . What's there to do?"

"Just wake up lazy head"

Jessica then dragged Yuri out of bed ,pushing her into the bathroom. Placing on her normal A&F hoodie, Jessica held Yuri's hand as she lead Yuri to the garden.

"Here" Jessica said passing Yuri a pen and a paper .

"What's this for? And are we at the garden? I smell dog poo!" Yuri said as she scrunched her nose.

"Yuri..way to ruin the mood..Anyway, write down your wish onto the paper"

"What for?"

"We're putting it to a time capsule"


"What you wrote,Sica?"

"Will show you the paper when it comes true"

What was Sica's wish? 

Go ahead and get closer,take a look for yourself - the voice spoke

Jessica's Wish 

I hope we'll be together. 

Ps: I love you,Kwon Yuri. Will you ever see this?


[18th April 2010]

It's the day..Sica's birthday..

"I can do it", Yuri whispered to herself as she was seen nervously fidgeting with her fingers by the dining table.

"Sorry I'm late"



"Yuri..you alright? You look nervous..Is it because we're outside? You're uncomfortable with the people?"

"No no..I'm fine"

I was about to confess...

"Give me a second , Sica"

Yuri then left the restaurant and was seen conversing with a women. Jessica find Yuri's fidgeting cute as she subconsciously smiled thinking what events Yuri might have prepared for her birthday . Can't be a time capsule again, right? Minutes later, the women returned with a bouquet of roses. Jessica's smile grew wider as she saw Yuri paid the women and became the owner of that bouquet of roses .

Is Yuri confessing? ..Nah..

Jessica shrugged off the thought. Maybe it's just a simple dine out with roses and all. Yuri can't possibly be in love with her . Yuri never ever showed any signs of being in love, her heart never beats as fast as Jessica's ..or so she thought. Quickly glancing over to the table next to her , she found a man on his knees probably proposing to the girl before him.

Jessica smiled and she silently prayed for their happiness . They seem like a perfect couple , just like how she pictured Yuri and her to be.



"Somebody call 911", the waiter shouted breaking Jessica's trance .



" YURI!!", Jessica shouted before dashing out .

The sight of...


blood everywhere..

"What just happened?", a few passerby stopped ,surrounding the scene.

Apparently a drunk driver drove into the passenger's pathway and Yuri's luck ends here . Jessica Jung, her lucky charm for 7 years..ended. The last petal from the rose fell to the ground .

"Yuri..listen to me..don't sleep", Jessica pleaded with Yuri by her arms.

Yuri on the other hand had her hand pointed up to the sky ..

" Let me see her ..-"

Wish again,Yuri. I'm that star.


I don't know what was happening but my whole body was trembling . A wave of emotion took over my body and I felt an excruciating pain, as if my soul snapped back to it's body.






"Let me see her.... Rewind time. Back to when I was born" , I wished and I saw images of Jessica and I flashing across my mind as if it's on rewind . Images of me, walking backwards in to the restaurant ..fidgeting with my fingers to Jessica walking backwards out of the restaurant.

From my teenage days back to when I was a child ..

to a baby ...



Everything went pitch-black. What happened?


I woke up and my eyes met a pair of warm eyes. Those pair of eyes ...

I scanned my surroundings and I realized I was in the arms of someone and then I heard footsteps approaching,

"Congratulation Mr & Mrs.Kwon . Have you give your baby girl a name yet?"

"Yes we did . It's Kwon Yuri"

I smiled.




So, today's 5th December 1989.

[April 2003]

"We'll be having a transfer student from California today"

Cheers and woos erupted the classroom as the girl entered the classroom.

"You can take the seat beside Kwon Yuri, the sleepyhead over there"

"Hi Jessica, I'm Yuri"

"How did you know my name?", Jessica asked, dumbfounded

"Uh..n-nametag", I nervously pointed at Jessica's nametag .

[December 2008]

"What you wrote,Sica?"

"Will show you the paper when it comes true"

I smiled.

"I love you too"


"I said I love you too"

"You peek at my paper?!How sly of you Kwon Yuri!"

"Noooo, I didn't. I just..knew"

"Don't lie.. What you wrote in yours? Let me see!", Jessica said as she reached for my paper while I managed to dodge her , running with that piece of paper in my hands . This is pure bliss.

Then ,I looked up onto the sky , pointing towards the brightest star ,

"I wish Jessica Jung to be mine"

And this time round ,my wish was sealed with a kiss.

Jessica's cheeks flushed when her lips accidentally touched mine. Quickly getting up from me , Jessica said " I-it-it's your fault for running away , so I tripped and yeah..th-that kiss is..accidental"

Well.. my wish was sealed with an accidental kiss.




by Clarity~ 

Because I've been blind for my entire life . She showed me the light and the meaning of happiness . It's a little too late but I (think) I pointed towards the brightest star that night and wished, " Let me see her for once" ...

My usual pitch black vision is what I fear till I hear a voice

"Do you really want to know how she looks like?"

I nodded ..



and I opened my eyes..

The sight before me ...wasn't what I expected . I was in a room of four white walls .

"Where am I?"

There was no answer in return but images of what I assumed to be my past started flashing through the four walls in a remarkable speed and everything went black, dated - 5th December 1989 . I felt a gravity pull beneath me and as if I was being sucked through a black hole ..

[5th December 1989]

"Kwon Yuri it is!", the man seated beside a beautiful woman said.

She's beautiful 

She's your mother - the voice said 



"She's blind ! We're giving her away"

"But she's our child , Jiyong" Yuri's mother said , caressing the cheeks of the little one .

[January 1996]

"Yuri,stop crying"

"Mom..why does nobody wants to be friends with me? Is it because all I see is black?"

"Silly, of course not..You're unique in your own ways . People are just jealous of you, you've got to stay strong.."

[April 2003]

Yuri was walking through the hallway where the usual whispers could be heard from the other students. Indeed she was different from the others , she goes to school with her shades on accompanied by her faithful walking stick.

Today was no different, the whole school makes a joke out of her and it's always the same. She'll go home with extra bruises by her knees. Playful high school boys that always trip her on her way to classes.. but she still keeps her smile . She's an idiot for having such a kind heart.

"We'll be having a transfer student from California today"

Cheers and woos erupted the classroom as the girl entered .

"You can take the seat beside Kwon Yuri, the sleepyhead over there"

Yuri missed out the whole introduction by the new girl and mathematics was never her favorite subject. Therefore, she simply sleeps throughout the lesson.

Is she Sica? 

You'll find out soon enough - once again the voice answered


"Name's Jessica"

"I'm Tiffany! Just call me Fany . I'm a transfer student here too and she's Taeyeon . Welcome to the school", the girl flashed Jessica her eye smile.

"Is she blind?"

"Oh you mean Yuri?"

And Jessica nodded.


It was finally lunch time and Yuri made her way to the music room ,skipping lunch as always. Her fingers find its way and played the same notes she learned from her late mother. After repeating the song for thrice, the bell rung indicating it's time for classes.

Yuri heaved a sigh as she expected the door to be locked - like the usual.


Yuri furrowed her eyebrows..It's open

Odd enough, it's been a week since Yuri last tripped and fall . Maybe luck is finally on her side,she thought.

[October 2003]

Yuri once again entered the familiar music room . She gently lifted the covers and played the same old notes but hastily halted before it's ending . Being blind has its perks, Yuri owns a really sensitive sense of hearing and even the slightest noise would be amplified twice in her ears.

"Who's there?"

No answer.

"I can hear you"

And Jessica refused to answer, holding her breath hoping Yuri would just give up.

"No point in holding your breath, I can hear your heart beat"



"If you're intending to make fun of me , go ahead"

Jessica didn't know why but her heart ache hearing that..

"I've been through the unimaginable. I've been locked in here for hours .. I've been pushed and toyed around.. I've eaten what I thought was rice but it turns up to be rubber dusts.. so do whatever you want and leave me alone", Yuri said.

"I'm Jessica.."

"Jeshika or whatever, do you think I care? Please just leave me alone so I can complete my piece"

"Mind if we be friends?", Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand for a handshake.

"And that was a nice piece, who taught you that?"

"My mother.."

And that marks the birth of a new friendship.

[January 2005]

"Sica, can you stop crying?"

Her tears went on flowing as she choked with emotion , she went on applying the ointment on Yuri's knee.

"Sica, I'm fine . It's not the first time I've tripped and fall"

"I shouldn't have called in sick . If not you'll be fine"

Yuri chuckled lightly

"I kind of miss falling. It's the first time I fell ever since you transferred to our school"

"Yah! Don't be stupid"

"That's what I'm trying to say..Don't be stupid, you can't possibly be by my side 24 hours"



"Does it hurt?", Jessica whispered ,just loud enough for Yuri's ears.

"Not when I'm with you.."

Jessica blushed. In a way, Jessica thank god Yuri couldn't see if not she'll have lots of explaining to do.



"How do you look like?"




She lied..she's beautiful

"Mind if I ...-"

"Go ahead", Jessica interrupted Yuri as she took the seat beside Yuri , guiding Yuri's hands towards her face.

"Your heart's beating twice the normal rate..are you fine?"

"Um..y-y-ea..of course..", Jessica stuttered , fanning herself trying to hide her very flushed cheeks.

She liked me back then..? 

Yuri, she loves you..- the voice answered

[5th December 2008]

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YURI-YAH!", Jessica said as she entered Yuri's bedroom.

"hmm..thanks..sica", Yuri groggily answered and resumed her sleeping.

"Yuri! It's your birthday! There's no time to waste! Wake up, wake up!!"

Yuri's hand reached out for her watch and clicked the button , - 5.00am - it announces.

"Omg Sica, it's 5 in the morning . What's there to do?"

"Just wake up lazy head"

Jessica then dragged Yuri out of bed ,pushing her into the bathroom. Placing on her normal A&F hoodie, Jessica held Yuri's hand as she lead Yuri to the garden.

"Here" Jessica said passing Yuri a pen and a paper .

"What's this for? And are we at the garden? I smell dog poo!" Yuri said as she scrunched her nose.

"Yuri..way to ruin the mood..Anyway, write down your wish onto the paper"

"What for?"

"We're putting it to a time capsule"


"What you wrote,Sica?"

"Will show you the paper when it comes true"

What was Sica's wish? 

Go ahead and get closer,take a look for yourself - the voice spoke

Jessica's Wish 

I hope we'll be together. 

Ps: I love you,Kwon Yuri. Will you ever see this?


[18th April 2010]

It's the day..Sica's birthday..

"I can do it", Yuri whispered to herself as she was seen nervously fidgeting with her fingers by the dining table.

"Sorry I'm late"



"Yuri..you alright? You look nervous..Is it because we're outside? You're uncomfortable with the people?"

"No no..I'm fine"

I was about to confess...

"Give me a second , Sica"

Yuri then left the restaurant and was seen conversing with a women. Jessica find Yuri's fidgeting cute as she subconsciously smiled thinking what events Yuri might have prepared for her birthday . Can't be a time capsule again, right? Minutes later, the women returned with a bouquet of roses. Jessica's smile grew wider as she saw Yuri paid the women and became the owner of that bouquet of roses .

Is Yuri confessing? ..Nah..

Jessica shrugged off the thought. Maybe it's just a simple dine out with roses and all. Yuri can't possibly be in love with her . Yuri never ever showed any signs of being in love, her heart never beats as fast as Jessica's ..or so she thought. Quickly glancing over to the table next to her , she found a man on his knees probably proposing to the girl before him.

Jessica smiled and she silently prayed for their happiness . They seem like a perfect couple , just like how she pictured Yuri and her to be.



"Somebody call 911", the waiter shouted breaking Jessica's trance .



" YURI!!", Jessica shouted before dashing out .

The sight of...


blood everywhere..

"What just happened?", a few passerby stopped ,surrounding the scene.

Apparently a drunk driver drove into the passenger's pathway and Yuri's luck ends here . Jessica Jung, her lucky charm for 7 years..ended. The last petal from the rose fell to the ground .

"Yuri..listen to me..don't sleep", Jessica pleaded with Yuri by her arms.

Yuri on the other hand had her hand pointed up to the sky ..

" Let me see her ..-"

Wish again,Yuri. I'm that star.


I don't know what was happening but my whole body was trembling . A wave of emotion took over my body and I felt an excruciating pain, as if my soul snapped back to it's body.






"Let me see her.... Rewind time. Back to when I was born" , I wished and I saw images of Jessica and I flashing across my mind as if it's on rewind . Images of me, walking backwards in to the restaurant ..fidgeting with my fingers to Jessica walking backwards out of the restaurant.

From my teenage days back to when I was a child ..

to a baby ...



Everything went pitch-black. What happened?


I woke up and my eyes met a pair of warm eyes. Those pair of eyes ...

I scanned my surroundings and I realized I was in the arms of someone and then I heard footsteps approaching,

"Congratulation Mr & Mrs.Kwon . Have you give your baby girl a name yet?"

"Yes we did . It's Kwon Yuri"

I smiled.




So, today's 5th December 1989.

[April 2003]

"We'll be having a transfer student from California today"

Cheers and woos erupted the classroom as the girl entered the classroom.

"You can take the seat beside Kwon Yuri, the sleepyhead over there"

"Hi Jessica, I'm Yuri"

"How did you know my name?", Jessica asked, dumbfounded

"Uh..n-nametag", I nervously pointed at Jessica's nametag .

[December 2008]

"What you wrote,Sica?"

"Will show you the paper when it comes true"

I smiled.

"I love you too"


"I said I love you too"

"You peek at my paper?!How sly of you Kwon Yuri!"

"Noooo, I didn't. I just..knew"

"Don't lie.. What you wrote in yours? Let me see!", Jessica said as she reached for my paper while I managed to dodge her , running with that piece of paper in my hands . This is pure bliss.

Then ,I looked up onto the sky , pointing towards the brightest star ,

"I wish Jessica Jung to be mine"

And this time round ,my wish was sealed with a kiss.

Jessica's cheeks flushed when her lips accidentally touched mine. Quickly getting up from me , Jessica said " I-it-it's your fault for running away , so I tripped and yeah..th-that kiss is..accidental"

Well.. my wish was sealed with an accidental kiss.


My Seobang is an Alien

by wildcats1204 

It was already evening when Mr. and Mrs. Kwon drove back home to their farm from the city that night when they saw meteor shower.

"Look honey, meteor shower" Mrs. Kwon said excitedly to her husband

"Yeah...it's beautiful" Mr. Kwon said admiring the meteor shower from the sky

Suddenly, they felt the ground shake and Mr. Kwon immediately stopped his pick-up truck. They looked around for the source of what felt like a short earthquake. Mr. Kwon got out of his truck and saw a pathway of fire towards a big hole on the ground.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Kwon asked, still in the truck

"I'm going to see what it is"

"Be careful"

Not far away from where he stopped his truck, he saw a big hole on the ground and what seems like a small capsule in the middle of it. He was surprised when the capsule suddenly opened and a baby came into the view.


He went down and looked at the baby.

"What is a baby doing in a capsule?" he mumbled

The baby was sleeping soundly and seems to not be affected by the impact when capsule hit the ground. After thinking it through, he bent down and took the baby with him wrapping it with a cloth that was inside the capsule before he went back to his truck.

"What is that?" Mrs. Kwon asked when she saw her husband holding something in his arm

"It's a baby" Mr. Kwon said

"A...what? A baby? What is it doing there?" Mrs. Kwon was surprised

"I don't know"

Mr. Kwon gave the baby to his wife before he went back down to the big hole and took the capsule and put it in the back of his truck.

They were driving back home with the baby in Mrs. Kwon's arms.

It was a quiet travel back to their house, still thinking about what the baby doing inside a capsule. Once they were inside the house, Mr. Kwon broke the silence.

"Let's keep the baby" he said

"Huh? But...we don't know if she has a family or not. We can't just take it"

Mr. and Mrs. Kwon have been married for five years but they don't have any children yet. Mr. Kwon always wanted to have a daughter and it seems like the baby was brought to him by God.

"Let's keep her"

Mrs. Kwon looked at the baby, contemplating on what to do.


The baby opened her eyes before she was able to say anything

"Her eyes are glowing red" Mrs. Kwon said in surprised when the baby looked at her

Mr. Kwon walked towards his wife and looked at the baby.

"It's beautiful. I've never seen someone who had glowing red eyes before" Mr. Kwon admired the baby's eyes

"Do you think she's from another planet? What if she's an alien?" Mrs. Kwon asked worriedly

"She doesn't seem harmful, look at her"

"Then...is it okay to just take her?"

"We saw her first, what if no one finds her? She will probably die there. We'll take care of her and see whether she's harmful or not"


It didn't take long before they fell in love to the baby. They were affectionate towards the baby and didn't regret taking her into their care. They gladly accepted the baby as their own and name her Yuri, Kwon Yuri.


When Yuri was only two years old, Mrs. Kwon gave birth to a baby girl. They were happy that they finally got a baby of their own. They named their baby Yoona, Kwon Yoona. They were granted two children and they were really happy about it.

They love their children equally.

As Yuri was growing up, Mr. and Mrs. Kwon realized the difference in Yuri compared to Yoona or any human being. They knew that she was not an ordinary human being but an alien from another planet. Although knowing that Yuri was not human, that didn't change the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Kwon loved Yuri.

Yuri loved her parents just as much as they love her.

Yuri has an incredible strength and despite her soft skin, her body was like a metal that can't be harm easily. Her wounds also healed fast and leave no trace of scar anywhere. She can run faster than a bullet train and can jump over tall trees. She can also hear and see from afar when she concentrates on it.

She became aware of her powers when she was seven years old. Mr. and Mrs. Kwon didn't enroll her in a public school at early age because she couldn't control her powers yet so they decided to have her home school until she was old enough to know what's wrong and right and when she can finally control her powers. Yoona though was enrolled in a public school in the city for her to have a normal life and Yuri doesn't mind it because she's knew that she's different.

"Yuri ah, you are special. You are gifted with a strength that not any human has" Mrs. Kwon said "You have to make sure not to let other people notice that strength of yours and only use them when necessary. Protect yourself and Yoona to any danger okay?" Yuri nodded

Mrs. Kwon hugged her daughter

"I'm happy to have you as my daughter Yuri ah"

"Me too mom" Yuri hugged her mother tightly

Mr. and Mrs. Kwon decided to finally let Yuri enroll in a public school now that she's old enough. Yuri already turned 18 while Yoona was 16. They also told Yuri the truth about her and Yuri accepted it because her parents still loves her despite not being their true daughter.


Yuri was enrolled as a senior in SoShi High School while Yoona as a freshmen.

She was alone in her few weeks in her school. It was all new to her. She wasn't used to seeing too many people around her. She doesn't know how to make friends because she only had Yoona and her parents since young. She sometimes envy Yoona for having a lot of friends.

The way she dressed up also made her unapproachable. Her parents gave her brown contacts to hide the real color of her eyes and also put glasses in case her contacts fall off. Her appearance made her look like an ugly nerd but she doesn't care what she looks like in front of others as long as she doesn't attract too much people.

While Yuri was nobody in school, her sister Yoona on the other hand was popular.

She has many suitors who give her different gifts and love letters although she was not interested in any of them because she already has her eyes on one person.

Seo Juhyun, or Seohyun as what her friends call her.

The first person who talked to her on the first day of school when she was a kindergarten.

They had been friends for almost ten years now and she developed a feeling for her over time but she hasn't confess yet as she was afraid to tarnish their friendship.

She also has a sister complex.

She always likes to be with her sister and be pampered by her. She loves her sister more than her parents, they just seems to bond like they're really sisters.

She was happy when their parents finally let Yuri enroll in the same school as her. She wanted to hang out with her at school but Yuri told her to stay with her friends and not to worry about her. She frowned at not being able to be with her sister but she knew that Yuri doesn't want to be a burden to her.


Yuri mostly eat in the school's garden but sometimes go on the school rooftop because she felt peaceful every time she was there and no one to bother her.

It's been a few weeks since she started going to school but she was still not used to it. She hasn't made any friends yet but it's not like she was interested in making one although her parents told her to at least learn how to associate to other people since she will have to interact with them when she gets older.

That was the reason why her parents enroll her in a public school. Her knowledge already surpassed those of college students because of her high IQ but her parents told her to learn how to adapt to new environment so she accepted it. Although it was not working since she hasn't make any friends at school yet as she's always alone and people just doesn't want to talk to her.

She told Yoona to hang out with her friends instead of her because she doesn't want Yoona to be made fun of for having a sister like her. No one in school knew that they're sisters, except Seohyun.

After eating her lunch, she took a nap on the grass as she wait for the bell to ring. She took her glasses off and untie her hair before she settled down on the grass to make her comfortable.

She was already dozing off when she felt something hit her leg. She opened her eyes and saw someone on her knees.

"Ouch..." the girl said

"Who..." Yuri was about to say but was cut off

"Shhhh!!!" the girl put her finger on her mouth telling Yuri to keep quiet. "Don't tell anyone I'm here" She then hid behind the bushes that were behind Yuri.

A few moments later, a couple of guys in a suit ran towards her.

"Hey, you! Did you see Miss. Jessica passed by here?" one of they guy said


"Jessica Jung" Yuri looked at them in confused "You don't know who Jessica Jung is?" another guy asked in disbelief

"Let's not bother her and just go find Miss. Jessica"


The guys then left her to look for Jessica Jung

She guessed that the person who was hiding behind her was Jessica Jung.

"You can come out now. They left already" Yuri said

"Thanks" the girl said as she came out from the bushes

"So...you're Jessica Jung?"

"Hmmm..." Jessica nodded "You don't know who I am?"

Yuri shook her head.

Jessica looked straight at her to know if she was telling the truth

"I see"

Jessica stood up and brushed off the dirt on her uniform.

"What's your name?"

"Yuri, Kwon Yuri"

"Kwon Yuri" Jessica repeated and smiled "Thanks Yuri. Bye" she then left Yuri by herself again.

"Jessica Jung...Her name sounds familiar but I don't remember where I heard it. Who is she?" Yuri thought

She asked her sister Yoona who Jessica Jung is and immediately found out her background.

Her father, Mr. Jung, was the city mayor of Soshi and his daughter Jessica Jung was a rising actress and was nickname the Ice Princess.

"So those were her bodyguards. She was probably trying to get away from them"

Mr. Jung put bodyguards on his daughter to protect her because of death threats he has been receiving and also because of the career his daughter chose. Jessica wanted to be like her mother who died early in a car accident.

Yuri finally realized why her name sounds familiar. She heard the name Jessica Jung when her parents were watching t.v. but she wasn't really interested so she didn't put much attention about it.


Yuri and Yoona's parents left the two of them in the house as they went to the city that Saturday night.

"I'm hungry~~~" Yoona whined

Her parents forgot to leave them food and the fridge was almost empty.

"Unnie, can you by us some food. I'm starving here!!" Yoona told her sister Yuri who was taking a nap on the couch "Unnie!!" she shook Yuri's body

"Yoona, I'm taking a nap here" Yuri said, eyes still closed

"But...I'm hungry~~" Yoona showed her aegyo knowing her sister couldn't say no to it.

Yuri sighed

"What do you want to eat?"

Yoona immediately smiled widely


"Fine!" Yuri sighed and stood up to go to her room and changed

"Yes!" she heard her sister yelled

She came back wearing a big Mickey Mouse hoodie to hide her face and wore her running shoes.

She was about to go out when her sister stopped her

"Unnie, you forgot your contacts. Your eyes are glowing red"


She came back and put her contacts on and then her glasses.

"Be careful unnie and comeback quickly! I'm really hungry"

"You're always hungry" Yuri teased


"Okay okay" Yuri said before she disappeared

By car, the ride from her house to the city usually takes 30 minutes but with her running speed she can get there in a matter of few minutes.

She stopped in a dark alley so that no one will see her as she walk to the streets. She looked around her to see if anyone noticed her and saw that they continued to do what they're doing. She sighed in relief but she didn't notice the person behind her.

"W-who are you?" the girl asked

Yuri was surprised and her heart started beating faster than normal. She was nervous. Someone saw her used her ability.

She slowly turned around and found a familiar face

Jessica Jung

"Jessica?" Yuri muttered

"Who are you?! What did you just do? And how did you do that?" Jessica was surprised and scared at the same time but curiosity took over her as she asked the stranger in front of her questions.

She was hiding in the dark alley from her bodyguards and her parents after ditching them at the restaurant. She pretended that she was going to the restroom but she went to the back exit to escape. She gets suffocated when they're around her, she was never comfortable of someone always watching every step and actions she takes.

"I...uhhmmm..." Yuri doesn't know what to say

Yuri was about to say something when she heard voices of two drunk men behind Jessica.

"Hey lady...would..you like to...play with us?" One of the guys said as he touched Jessica's shoulder

Jessica shrieked and immediately hid behind Yuri.

"Is this...your boyfriend?" Another guy said, not recognizing that Yuri was a girl because her hoodie was covering her whole face "Leave him and...come with us" he grinned

"You wish" Jessica thought as she grabbed onto Yuri's jacket unconsciously

"Please leave us alone. I don't want to hurt anyone" Yuri said in her husky voice

The two drunken men laughed

"You think...you can take us down?" the first guy said as he pushed Yuri's shoulder that didn't budge at all "Then try" they laughed once again

Yuri took a deep breath, she really didn't want to do this but they're asking for it so she didn't have any choice.

"Don't blame me for this" Yuri mumbled

She took a step forward and quickly punched the two men lightly. They were immediately knocked out and laid down on the floor

"I told you so" Yuri said

" Miss Jessica!!"

"Miss Jessica, where are you?!"

"Miss Jessica, your father will get mad at us if you don't come out right now"

Yuri and Jessica heard the voices calling Jessica's name coming closer to the alley they were standing.

"Come here" Yuri took Jessica's hand and ran to the other side of the alley. They were away from the men who were looking for Jessica but Yuri hasn't stop running.

"Wait...stop!" Jessica said as she tried to catch her breath

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright?!" Yuri asked worriedly


No one was saying anything and the two just stared at each other.

"So...what did you do back there? How did you get in front of me so fast?" Jessica said as she broke the silence between them

Yuri scratched her head

How can she explain it to the person in front of her?

"Who are you?" Jessica asked

Yuri sighed

She doesn't know if she will regret showing her identity to Jessica but somewhere in her heart, it was telling her that she's not harmful.

Yuri took off her hoodie and fixed her hair

"Kwon Yuri"


Jessica was surprised when the person in front of her showed her true self.

In truth, she has been watching her from afar since they met that one time at the garden. She first didn't recognized Yuri at school because of her glasses and braided hair but she realized it was her when she saw her went to the garden during lunch. She was intrigued by her. Almost anyone in school knows about her so she was wondering why Yuri didn't know about her. She realized that Yuri never once looked at her direction and was usually alone.


"You won't believe it anyway" Yuri cut her off

"Try me"

"Didn't you ever realize that you might die in my hand if you find out who I really am?"

Jessica wasn't scared because she knew that Yuri was a nice person. From the way she helped her earlier and the first time they met, she knew...she knew that Yuri was different from the rest but harmless.

"I'm not from this planet"


"See. I knew you won't believe me"

"I believe you" Jessica immediately said


"Yes. Is that why you're always alone in school?"

"How did you know?" Yuri raised her eyebrows

"I..." Jessica didn't know what to say. She just can't say that she has been watching Yuri since the day they met and she has been thinking about her. That will make her look like a stalker or something.

"You were checking me out?" Yuri joked

"No!" Jessica blushed

"I was kidding. How can someone like you check out a person like me? That's impossible" Yuri shook her head

Jessica lowered her head. She just doesn't know what to say.

"Miss Jessica!"

The voices were getting closer to them and there's not enough time to run unless Yuri use her ability.

"What the heck! They're fast" Yuri said

She put her hoodie back on before she pushed Jessica lightly on the wall.

"Sorry..." Yuri said

"Wha-" Jessica wasn't able to finish what she was going to say as Yuri's lips came in contact with her.

She stood frozen in her spot when she felt Yuri's lips on her. She has been kissed on the cheeks and lips before because of her drama but never has her heart beats faster than normal until now.

"Miss Jessica!!" The voices were now close to where they were at

One guy was about to asked Yuri if she saw their boss when he saw another figure. Yuri was using her whole body to cover Jessica so the bodyguards didn't notice her.

"Tsk..tsk...tsk. People these days are not afraid to make out in this dark alley" one of Jessica's bodyguards said

"Don't pay attention to them and let's go find Miss Jessica before boss get histerical!"

They left Yuri and Jessica alone in the dark alley and ran the other way.

Yuri was the first one to let go of the kiss and then blushed

"I'm...sorry...I thought...I should try...what they do...on t.v" Yuri stuttered

Jessica looked straight at Yuri and found her cute as she stuttered to explain her actions. She leaned closer and gave Yuri a pecked on the lips which surprised the latter.

"Don't need to explain yourself, I understand" Jessica smiled, a genuine smile.

Yuri was surprised by the sudden kissed by Jessica but she didn't hate it of course. Then a sudden urged to kiss Jessica came to her mind. She looked stared at Jessica for a couple of seconds before she put her left hand on Jessica's cheek. She pulled Jessica closer to her, who didn't seem to mind it at all, and kissed her once again.

Both of them closed their eyes as their lips touch each other.

The kiss was gentle but passionate.

They let go of the kiss and smiled shyly at each other

"I think I like you" Yuri blurted out

"I like you too" Jessica replied shyly

"But...are you alright with me not being a human?"

"I don't care about that. I like you for who you are. Let's get to know each other more"

"Sure" Yuri smiled

The truth was, Yuri has been looking at Jessica from afar whenever she sees her at school since she first met her. She can tell that she was giving a fake smile to the students who were greeting her. She wondered how Jessica would look if she shows her real smile. She thought she would look more beautiful than she was now and she was right, Jessica does look more beautiful when she show her real smile.

The two then went on a date that night around the city, window shopping. Yuri gave Jessica her jacket to hide her from her bodyguards as the walked around. They got to know a lot about each other in a spam of 2 hours.

"Jessica...Sica...can I call you Sica?"

"Of course"

"You can call me Yul"

"Okay, Yul"

"I should bring you home now, I'm sure your parents and bodyguards are worried about you"

"Will I see you again?"

"You know where I am when you want to see me so just find me" Yuri smiled


They went to another dark alley so that no one will see Yuri using her ability.

"Hold onto me tight and don't let go"

Jessica did as she was told. Yuri easily lifted her up easily before she ran towards Jessica's house. It only took a few minutes before they reached Jessica's house.

"We're here" Yuri said as she stopped in front of the Jung Mansion

Jessica opened her eyes and saw her house in front of her

"Wow, that was fast"

"Where is your room?"

Jessica pointed at the right balcony on the second floor. Yuri then jumped up to the balcony and opened the glass door.

"You should never leave your door unlocked"

"I never bother locking it. No one ever dared to enter my room before, well except you"

Yuri put Jessica down. Jessica took off the jacket she was wearing and gave it back to Yuri.

"You should tell your parents that you're here already. They might still be looking for you"

"Alright. Bye"

"Bye" Yuri didn't forget to kiss Jessica's cheeks before leaving.

Yuri went home and found an angry Yoona who had been waiting for her for hours. She totally forgot about Yoona and why she went to the city all because her mind was filled with Jessica.

"Unnie! How could you forget about my food?!!" Yoona was now crying as she was still hungry

Yuri immediately went back to the city and bought Yoona three bowls of naengmyun. Yoona immediately smiled when her sister came back with food and finished it in a matter of minutes. Yuri was glad that Yoona calm down and was not angry at her anymore for making her wait for hours in hunger.


Since the day they kissed, they have been frequently meeting each other without other people knowing. During lunch, the two would go to the school roof top to eat together. Jessica will tell her bodyguards to just wait outside and don't bother her. They comply since Jessica won't be able to run away from the rooftop except if she jumps off, but that was impossible unless she wants to commit suicide.

At night, Yuri will go to Jessica's house secretly so they can talk all night. Sometimes on Saturdays, Jessica will tell her bodyguards that she will sleep the whole day and never to bother her. In truth, Yuri will come to her room and take her out to the city. They found happiness in each other's company, those moments of them together were they happiest in their entire life.

It was lunch time and the two were at the roof top again.

"You know, we've been hanging out for 3 months now" Yuri said

"I know right, I can't believe it's been that long since we met each other"

"We've been doing what couples do but...we are not officially together. You are not my girlfriend yet..."

"Oh..." Jessica looked down on the floor

Jessica totally forgot about that. She has been so happy that Yuri likes her that she forgot that Yuri hasn't asked her out to be her girlfriend. She thought that since they said they liked each other that they were official already but Yuri seems to think otherwise.

Yuri saw Jessica frowned so she took Jessica's hands and made her looked her way.

"Sica..." Yuri called Jessica

Jessica looked up at Yuri. She was waiting for what Yuri has to say to her.

Yuri smiled

"So...would you like to be my girlfriend?" Yuri asked

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" Jessica said excitedly

Of course she wants to be Yuri's girlfriend. She already thought she was Yuri's girlfriend so Yuri making it official for the two of them made her really happy.

"I knew you would say that" Yuri chuckled

"Yah! Then why asked?" Jessica crossed her arms on her chest pretending to be upset at Yuri

Yuri knew that her girlfriend was not really upset. She took out something from her pocket and held it in her hand.

"I have something for you"

"What is it?" Jessica asked excitedly

Yuri opened her hand and showed two rings on her palm.

"Is that-"

"Yes, it's a couple ring. For us"

Jessica took one of the rings and examined it. She saw something engraved on the ring that made her smiled widely.

YulSic is Real <3

"Yul, this is...so sweet of you"

"I'm glad you like it"

"Like? I love it!" Jessica suddenly hugged Yuri before she gave her a pecked on the lips

Yuri grinned

"Then I'm glad you love it. I worked hard for that. I worked part time after school so I can buy that for you. I want to use my own effort to get you something instead of asking my parents although it's not ask expensive as the one you own"

"I don't care if it's not expensive because I will love it no matter what since it's from you"

Yuri took Jessica's hand and put the ring on her finger.

Jessica did the same thing.

"Always keep this ring with you. This shows that you are mine and that I'm yours. I love you" Yuri kissed the back of Jessica's hand

"I love you too"


After becoming official couple, they became more intimate with each other.

Yoona noticed the changed in Yuri's behavior as she always seen her smiling and laughing by herself which sometimes creep her out.

"Unnie, are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah"

That's what Yuri always tells her but she knew there's something else. And before she knew it, Yuri was gone once again to a place she doesn't know.

"Hey, miss me?" Yuri asked once she got in Jessica's room

"Of course not, we just saw each other five hours ago" Jessica joked

"But I missed you already that's why I'm here"

"Sorry I don't. Now go home" Jessica tried to push Yuri out although she knew that she can't knowing the strength of her girlfriend.

She saw Yuri pouted and couldn't help but smile

"So, you don't miss me? That hurt me right here" Yuri pointed at her heart dramatically

"You're a bad actress, stop it"

Yuri then grinned at her girlfriend "So are you. I knew you miss me too, don't have to deny it" Yuri gave Jessica a pecked on the lips.

"Alright, alright. I give up. I will never win against you anyway"

"I'm glad you know"

Jessica took Yuri's hand and pulled her towards the bed as they lay down. They spend a lot of their time talking about all the things that comes to their mind until it was time for Yuri to go home.

But that night was different

Yuri looked at the time and saw that it was already 11:00 PM. She got up as it was time for her to go home before her parents looked for her and asked her where she went.

Yuri kissed Jessica's forehead


"Wait...can you stay?" Jessica asked

"Eh?" Yuri was surprised at the question

"Please~~~" Jessica used her aegyo as her weapon

"Are you sure?"

Jessica nodded

"Okay" Yuri said before she went back to the bed with Jessica


Yuri was strolling back to her house grinning widely, thinking about her adorable Sica.

A sudden brightness came towards her and she immediately covered her eyes. The light disappeared and she looked in front of her and saw a girl floating in the air, with the same glowing red eyes as her.

"I finally found you, Princess Leia" the stranger said

"Who are you?"

"I'm Toria. The right hand of your father, King Leo, and he wants you back to our planet to take his throne"

"What are you talking about?"

Yuri was confused at what the girl was saying.

The girl dropped her feet to the floor and walked towards Yuri.

"As I was saying, you are the eldest daughter of King Leo from planet SOne. 20 years ago, there was a war between planet Elf and planet SOne. They wanted to take over our planet but we were more advanced than they do. Then news about killing the next successor reached planet SOne and King Leo decided to send you far away to Earth to hide you from the evil elves who tried to invade our planet. No one knew where he sent you away except him. They failed to kill you as they don't know where he sent you away. No one thought that King Leo will send you away to this poor planet. This place is not fit for a royal SOne such as yourself princess Leia."

"I happen to love this planet, mind you!" Yuri said

Toria pretended not to hear what the princess just said and continued her story.

"The battle between planet Elf and planet SOne continued for over 18 years but it's now over. We defeated them and now our King, your father, wanted you back so you can take over his throne. He's now really weak so he wanted to you take over his throne and become the next King. He's been occupying the throne until you come back."

"I'm sorry but I'm not going anywhere" Yuri stubbornly said

"Do you know what you're saying? Why would you want to stay in this filthy planet?!"

"Because I grew up here and the people I love our here! Now go back to your planet and tell your King that I'm not going back"

"Are you sure you want to stay in this planet?"


"The King told me to bring you home no matter what. If you refuse to come with me, I will destroy this planet!"

"You..." Yuri gritted her teeth before she charged at Toria

She might be strong but she wasn't trained like Toria so her attack was weak against her. Her attacks were easily dodged and deflected by Toria, not getting any hit to her.

"It's your choice. Either you come back home with me or I destroy this planet"

Yuri never wanted to leave this place because of her family, and most of all....Jessica.

"I'm going with you but let me say goodbye to my love ones" Yuri said in defeat

"Alright. Good choice princess Leia, your father can't wait to see you and so is your mother. I'll be waiting for you. You have 24 hours to say goodbye and I'll be waiting for you at that mountain " Toria pointed at the tall mountain behind her.

"I got it"

"See you" Toria then flew away to the mountain

Yuri gave a big sighed

She never wanted to leave Jessica and her family but she doesn't want Earth to be destroy so she decided to leave instead than kill the people she loves.


When she went home, she told her parents about her departure.

She saw her parents and Yoona crying after hearing her story. They don't want to let her go too but they can't stop her especially if it's for their safety.

"Will you be alright?" Mrs. Kwon said

"I guess. I don't know" Yuri answered

"You know we'll always be here so come home if you want to. You're always welcome here" Mr. Kwon said

"I will"

"Unnie, do you really have to go?"

"I have too"

"Don't forget us unnie!" Yoona said as she hugged Yuri and cried in her arms

Yuri stroked Yoona's hair

"I will never forget all of you, I promise"

Yuri then kissed the top of Yoona's head.

After their parents said their last goodbye, Yuri went to talk to Yoona alone.

"Yoona, I want you to do something for me" Yuri said once her parents left

"What is it unnie?"

"I want you to give this to Jessica" Yuri handed a letter to Yoona

"Jessica? Why?"

"I'm sorry that I kept it a secret from you but...Jessica is my girlfriend"


"Shhh!!! Mom and dad are going to hear you"

"Sorry. Is she the reason why you always smile like an idiot?"


"It's true anyway"

"I guess you're right. Yes, she's the reason"

"What do you want me to say to her?"

"Just tell her that the letter is from me. All I want to say is in that letter. I can't say goodbye to her in person because I don't want to see her cry so please do me a favor"

"Okay unnie. I'll give it to her"

"Thank you"

Yoona hugged Yuri suddenly

"I'll miss you unnie"

I'll miss you too, my beautiful dongsaeng. Please take care of Mom and Dad"

"I will"



Yoona didn't reply. She doesn't want to say goodbye. She was hoping that this is not a goodbye for them and that her sister will come back.

Yuri knew what Yoona was feeling so she didn't wait for her to reply and left. She went to Jessica's house to see Jessica one last time. Jessica was sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face.

Yuri kissed Jessica's forehead

"Goodbye Sica. Take care of yourself, know that I'll always love you" Yuri whispered not to wake up Jessica. "Live happily. Find someone who can make you smile because I knew I won't be able to do it. Even though it hurts to know that you're in someone else's arms, knowing you're happy is enough for me. Let go of your love for me and be happy, goodbye" Yuri then gave Sica a pecked on the lips before she left.


It has been five years since Yuri left Earth and went back to her own planet. Jessica has missed her dearly although she knew that she might not come back but at least she gave her the most precious gift in the world.

She was once again sitting at her balcony looking at the sky, hoping that Yuri was doing the same thing watching her from afar.


Jessica looked at the source of the voice and saw her four year old daughter rubbing her eyes as she walked towards her. She just woke up from her slumber, she was just like how she used to be. A sleepy head.

She has been married for almost five years now to the son of her parents' friend. They set up the marriage after they found out she was pregnant and not telling who the father was.

How can she tell when she's gone far away from Earth and might not come back?

Although she's married, their marriage is only in paper. Her husband knew that she was keeping someone in her heart and he understand it because he too has someone he left behind. He became close friends and he took the responsibility of taking care of her daughter even though she's not his.

"Where's daddy?" her daughter said after she lift her up

"He's still at work. He'll be home later to give you your give okay"

"Yay!!" her daughter said happily

She saw her daughter's eyes glowed red in a split second

"Krystal, don't ask you daddy for gifts all the time her goes off to work. I don't want you to get spoiled"

"Okay, mommy" Krystal kissed Jessica on the lips

Jessica hugged her daughter as she continued to look at the sky.

Unknown to her, someone was watching her from afar.

"So she already has a family of her own. I'm glad that you found happiness Sica" Yuri smiled sadly before she flew away to her home.

She learned how to fly when she stayed at planet SOne as they taught her many abilities she didn't know before.

She surprised her parents when she came home.

They all welcomed her with tears in their eyes. They couldn't believe that Yuri came back to them and that she was here to stay.

She stayed at planet SOne for five years because she waited until her younger brother Leonard was old enough to take over her throne. She trained him while she got her own training to become the next king. She told her father that she doesn't want to be a King and saw the sadness in his eyes. But she knew that she doesn't deserve the title so she decided to give it to her brother and her father later approved of it after her brother showed him that he was capable of becoming the next King.

Since she came back to planet SOne, all she wanted to do was going back to planet Earth. She missed her family and Jessica. There's not a single day that she didn't think about them so when she finally got the permission to go back by her father, she happily left.


She decided to live on top of the mountain by herself. She built her own house that she can live in and has been staying there for three months.

She has been trying to take her mind off Jessica knowing that she was not hers anymore although she wasn't successful.

It was already dark outside and she was about to go to bed when she heard a knock on the door

"What is Yoona doing her this late?" Yuri said to herself

Yoona usually visit her when she was free and sometimes stayed over during the weekend.

"Yoona wha---" Yuri said as she opened the door but surprised when she saw Jessica in front of her


"Hi, Yul" Jessica smiled sweetly

"How did--"

"Yoona told me that you're back and that you've been living here"

"What are you doing here? Your husband might be looking for you already. It's already late"

"I miss you" Jessica said before she hugged Yuri

Yuri wanted to hug her back but she knew that they can't be together, she has her own family now and she doesn't want to destroy it.

"Go home Sica" Yuri said coldly

Jessica frowned

"Are you not happy to see me? Do you not love me anymore?"

"Sica, you have a family already. We can't be together anymore" Yuri tried to reason

Jessica walked back to her car and carried her sleeping daughter out of the car. She then went back to where Yuri was standing.

"Sica, why did you bring your daughter here? It's cold and she might get sick!"

"Don't worry she won't get sick. She's your daughter"

"She's my what?!"

"Your daughter Krystal"

Yuri stared at the child in Jessica's arm

"She's mine?"

"Yes" Jessica smiled

Yuri took the baby from Jessica and examined her.

"She's mine" Yuri smiled at the thought

"What about your husband?"

"We decided to divorce now that you're back. We don't love each other, we don't even share a bed. So..."

"What is it?"

"Can we live here from now on?"


"Can we?"

"Of course. This is now your home"

Jessican leaned closer until their lips touched. She has been missing Yuri's lips for so long now and she was happy to know that she was back. She was glad that she waited, she waited for Yuri to come back although it wasn't guaranteed that she will actually come back.


7 Years Later

Yuri and Jessica were sitting at the balcony when they heard their daughter yelled.

"Mom and Dad!! Look!!" Krystal flew towards her parents "I can fly now!!"

"Come here" Jessica gesture her to come to her

Krystal complied

"Krystal, be careful on how you use your ability okay. We don't want other people to know what you're capable of"

"Don't worry Mom, I know what to do" Krystal said before she kissed her mother on the cheek

"Dad, let's race!" Krystal said excitedly, her eyes now glowing red.

Yuri smiled before she stood up from her chair

"Yuriah~ what are you doing?" Jessica asked

"Your daughter wants to race"

"You don't have to do it. It's dangerous to fly in public"

"Don't worry honey, I got this" Yuri gave Jessica a pecked on the lips before she flew together with her daughter

"Aisshh...they're such kids. I don't know if I'm raising one or two kids here" Jessica said although there was a smile on her face.


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